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Alejandra Pizarnik wrote the short story “La condesa sangrienta” (1968, “The Bloody Countess”) based on the historical figure of the Countess Erzsébet Bathory as compiled in the socio-historical text The Bloody Countess: Atrocities of Erzsébet Bathory by Valentine Penrose. The story contains graphic descriptions of gore and blood.

This will be public on Youtube on October 6.



I may not have done this the justice it deserves due to having been down with sinusitis for the past few days, but I had a deadline so I had to soldier through it. I hope you'll enjoy anyway <3

Mr. Pendulum

I haven't actually listened yet but I have no doubts that you absolutely hit peak justice levels. I hope you're starting to feel better, if not hopefully you can tale it easy for a few days.