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Ah Hey There Everybody!

With so many themes in mind, ever wanted the stories to get rougher or are you ok with the themes so far? With this poll, we can see whether how rough do people like their stories! The numbers are for each scenario, meaning per number is a world and no numbers will mix. Some of these will be combinations of characters to be in a video together, people can choose which combinations are more their favorite!

Choose Wisely!



So many fun ideas! So many characters and fun themes!

Le Ratchet

Ooo Felicia. She brings Sexy cat fights to another level

Robert (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-03 22:25:10 I love Beastars idea & Kiara &zebra ideas.
2023-06-03 13:38:05 I love Beastars idea & Kiara &zebra ideas.

I love Beastars idea & Kiara &zebra ideas.


Ah Yup Nice! Yeah there's so many ideas that can be done and so much fun stories to tell! Beastars could use more! As well as Kiara!


My tastes are very vanilla, so the Lady Thieves offering Themselves in exchange for being permitted to escape sounds like the best story to Me.


Ah yup yup, so much themes and roughness, it's a big difference in story depending on which theme it goes for!