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Ah Hey There!

With lots of projects on going with lots of themes, there's always free time to make the underrepresented or unused themes in small series! These themes don't get a lot of love, but with this poll, we can get them made via bonus extra themes.

An example of an unpopular theme that was used as a bonus would be "Instant Loss" theme that are used in the latest free posts
(Once complete, these will be bonus rewards to big lifetime supporters!)

The popular ones are already being made and will be prominent in the big series and projects that are already in production

With that in mind, which of these overlooked themes would you like as a bonus reward or bonus content in the future?

Top voted ones will be combined in some of the bonus content! Some will be separate depending on the theme! Thus vote all the ones you like!



Choose all the themes you like! They may all be made depending on how popular they get voted!