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Ah Hey There Everybody!  With the announcement of the games division, the world of ideas and projects just got a lot bigger! There's so much story and content that can be done, but which would be the one people like?

We already have a few projects and games going on, so this is a poll for future ideas that we need to know which one can be made first or have more priority! Most of these will have an assortment of characters. It's from Krystal, Carmelita and all the characters from Loona, Nala, it's the theme you're voting for etc.

Protagonist Characters in these will most likely be an anon or an original character (For Example. You are a new student in Beastars, then you meet the characters). Names of characters might be changed in the final game for porn parody game purposes.

These will more likely be efficient delicate experiences, we like games to be a around 5-20 minute experience and not blow it up to huge file size requirements. We're aiming to get a lot of gaming development experiences before we set out to huge big adventure games with big file sizes.



Let the Games Begin! The result game will probably be made after approx 2-3 games!


As always I look forward to seeing what You come up with for the winner.


Love these ideas! What programs do we need to run them?


Ah Thnx! No need for specialized programs so far. Any regular PC should be able to run it!