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GryphonHearth Comics AKA GryphonHearth Film Festival
Written by TigerIncubus, WorldHearth Writers
Published by MrSafetyLion
Concept by MrSafetyLion, TigerIncubus
Executive Producer: MrSafetyLion

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What is GryphonHearth Comics AKA GryphonHearth Film Festival?
-After more than a year of producing here's another big project me and my team worked on! 

-Introducing the GryphonHearth Film Festival, AKA GryphonHearth Comics!

-It's called GryphonHearth Film Festival because it's to show the idea and concept of a film festival where it's multiple stories made by multiple writers, sent out in the same day, we chose to make it Comics format so that we could actually fit the new theme with different writers and styles. I oversaw the projects and the writings and produced it, so I have time to work on the other projects while delivering something big for the entire channel!

8 Stories, 8 Themes, 8 Fantasies
-The arrangement is not by which was made first. I arranged them in an order where the level of lewdness it gets, and decided which was the most vanilla one (GFF1) to the lewdest (GFF8). So if you want an escalating experience, you can read them from 1st to 8th.
-You can read them once a week for the next 8 weeks as next month may have a smaller exclusive given the size of this project

Bonus Parts + Next Month's Exclusive
-Bonus stuff like Animation Loops, Ending Posters will be sent next week alongside the poll given next month may not have an exclusive, so make sure to savor the comics till next month!

Lifetime Support Required 90$
-Codes will be available next month!

TigerIncubus and Future GryphonHearth Film Festival Comics
-I will give him the future GryphonHearth Comic projects alongside the sequels of LygerHearth Games while I work on the video projects and more other upcoming projects

Last Month's Exclusive's Code
-Lifetime Support required is 70$   

Upcoming Poll in the future
-In a poll after a week or more, I will make a huge poll about specifics like which one they like, which theme was their favorite, which story was their favorite etc
-The future of the comics will be hugely influenced by the upcoming poll next week! So stay tuned for the next poll!
-You never know, maybe in the far future, if there's one top favorite story voted by everyone, maybe I can make a video for it somewhere in far future!

-As always, with everyone's support, we get tons of fun projects and more new and innovative projects like these are produced! Thanks to everyone supporting! More support means moar projects! 🥳



Kajex Surnahm

Fun comics, very hot. I just think it'd be a little better if they weren't structured in a long image format. ^_^; Thanks all the same!


90$ LS is pretty much my dude, I mean people start supporting you now even on higher (in my opinion too expensive tiers) don't have a real chance to get that in normal time. What I really want to say is maybe you consider changing a little bit in your Patreon, regarding that LS and how/what content people get supporting you at the moment. I mean I pay you now but I would get that pack in 3 or 4 month, thats just not really fair. Sorry if that offends you, I hope not thats not my intention but I wanted to get that out.


I agree that the LS is starting to become an issue. Until this month I was able to maintain the LS required with the $3 tier but I must have been just shy of $75 this month since I did not automatically get the rewards. Patreon gives you no way to easily determine you life support amount as a patron, the only way for patrons to see that is to go through your payment history and add everything up; no clue why creators can see lifetime support but not patrons, kinda dumb on Patreon’s part. This is less than ideal as it can lead to months where you are not really getting anything for your patronage. This $15 spike will hopefully just be for this one i part project and next month will be the expected $80 LS not $95.

Velactrus Revenent

Hmm LS of $90 by next month.. but im at $84 at the moment.. is theres a way for me to bump that to $90 once but still paying my usual tier?


ah yeah, the format is a work on progress, we wanna make it kinda not just a page by page, maybe in the poll we'll put out if people want the classic notebook style comic, it's because we wanna do something like, people can full screen the picture and not have to pan the camera left and right around and stuff, thus we decided on the widescreen horizontal page layout with downwards page images that people can scroll down after zooming in but yeah! we appreciate the feedback!


hm, i would suggest waiting, because future projects will stay at 90LS, so you'd get more projects when you finally get to 90! it's like waiting but you get like this month and next month's project!


Now I can’t wait till I get paid Friday so I can bump this up to 90 and get it next month


Ok, so far. Thanks for the positive feedback to you MrSafety and all others too (I expected otherwise to admit). So to be real when I start supporting you at a 5$ tier (wich is in my opinion more than enough to "support" on patreon higher tiers are not really fair) I would need 18 month of continious support. Thats pretty long, and when you release it public before, yeah done then. Don't get me wrong I got what you said in your posts above, but to say it directly paying 90$ for an animation/comic project thats really a statement. Increasing costs of others is a reason but you should not forget that your patrons pay you every month, and when you see something is too expensive/too big to do then wait or don't do it. Just increasing some LS to a point where it is a problem for your supporters (supporters who maybe support for some time to that point) is just not how it works. So to make short supporting you every month for quiet a while to realize that you have to pay even more is defenitively not the best you can do. Though I don't want that you feel bad now but it was just something I wanted to get out. And as I said thanks for the feedback. Maybe you enable charge upfront if you don't have it already so people could update their pledge in the running month if their LS is to less and they want/can adjust it for the month and don't have to wait. My plan is now to update my pledge to 25$ for that/next month, for once so to say maybe I could get all these projects you talked about in your last post. I should have 111$ then. Another thing is to maybe change the system a little bit considering what I said, so that people who support you at, lets say the 5$ tier, get the content you want to release, the up to date content. Of course people start supporting in that month are lucky and pay less but thats how the support works. You depent on people who pledge money every month and you want a lot of these people, the system like it is now is (sorry to say that) a real turnoff. And I don't need that much to reach that LS, people who have lesser LS or start supporting now have a problem then. Don't inreasing the LS to much or often could of course help too. Maybe you consider that, and its just an idea or something no need to feel bad or change stuff immediately. See it more like ideas how you could make things a little better for all. (If my grammar is not that good, or something sounds odd tell me was maybe not my intention then).


Ah nice, feel free to take your time! It's up to November can we get rewards for 90 LS!


Ah yup it's ok, I love explaining on how things are done and decisions are made It gets the purposes out and how everything makes sense on the decisions For the LS, remember, I started releasing the Tiers last June I think, people can now have the HD versions when they reach a specific LS back then on June to reward all the first supporters New supporters who start now can get the August Tier Rewards, which are Sly HD up to getting HD versions of all past projects before it depending on which tier they support. People should not be striving to get the Lifetime Support reward/Latest post, the lifetime support reward is for the supporters who have been supporting tons before everything started I am not saying you have to pay me 90 Now, I am saying that people who have supported me gets this reward It's another post about the big jump in LS, so I did post that I will release a post next week or so about would people prefer the first 4 comics or the first 5 pages of all comics with a lower LS etc I don't want to do the latest post released on a tier because it would be unfair to the old supporters, here's the reason behind it =Person A: Supported me 5$ for 20 months, now has 100$LS ==Gets the video of 90$ LS / 25$ Tier =Person B: Just paid 25$ ==Now gets 90$LS / 25$ Tier You can see how unfair it would be on person A The LS system rewards people in terms of total support given All in all relax, just wait till next poll, let's all wait for a week then I'll give tons of update and alternatives to people who cannot access the contents


ZTP2, not sure if I meet this yet but I'll try anyways


ZTP2 can’t wait to see the code for this 🤤