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Ah hey there everyone!

Thanks for supporting in 2018! Let's make 2019 an even bigger one for the projects! With lots of new characters, new stories, and new sexual fantasies, we've barely cracked the surface on what we can see given the new landscape of opportunities!

We hope everyone got a happy year last time with their own stuff from families, friends and their own projects.

Update on sickness
Sorry about disappearing for a long time, In case you guys were following my twitter or FA for updates, I got one of those deadly mosquito fevers. It's that one day on tumblr I posted I was feeling down and thought I was feeling the blues, turns out it was the virus incubating already. I just got out from the hospital and am just still healing. Meaning it will still be a quite a few days before I resume normal schedules and stuff.

Schedule update
But for 2019, the schedule will be a bit delayed from the ones I posted with the schedule, I'll post a new one when I posted my next project. And the big project I mentioned is still a long way from being made, maybe around late january before I finish it, then finish all the piling commissions.

New rewards
There's a lot of things I want to add in with the new tiers and rewards, I'll post them all after the first big video of 2019. It will include updates on tiers, lifetime support, new rewards and a bit of changes on the tier rewards.

All in all, 2019 is shaping up to be a more comfortable style of what we did in 2018, there can be some changes depending given the amount of support we get. Changes that can give us more opportunities, and more projects that will make the projects much more fun and enjoyable!

Happy New Years everyone!



Just glad to hear you're healing!


So long as your healing, we can wait. Any hints to the next big video gonna be?


Thank God that you listened to those people on Furaffinity that told you to go to the hospital. I am very glad you are starting to feel better. One thing I would like to make perfectly clear, as has already been stated by those who commented before me. Is that you take the time you need to get 100% better before you do any work for this site. As excited as I am to see what you have in mind next. DO NOT compromise your health. As Darkrex said we can wait.


Glad you are alright Here’s to a speedy recovery brother 🍺


Sorry about that. I had no idea. Get well please.


Ah thanks! Yup, it's very weird, it's one of those moments I couldn't work because my body's too tired to work while I'm too cranky to just rest all day


Ah yup, don't worry, it's not too much stress, just need lots of sleep and rest


In terms of the next project, it's something new. In terms of the next exclusive, I want to do something familiar yet fresh before I start doing crazy exclusives later the months.


Ah lol, I went to the hospital after my doctor told me to go there, I was there and we just thought it's just gonna be a long fever, when my blood was tested, I had been having the mosquito fever and was admitted on the same day up to new years, I couldn't use my computer since I had those IV things and was too sick to do anything


Ah thanks! I'm doing my best, sadly it's been said that it will take weeks before I get back to normal health