Comic Game Idea 1 (Poll Time!)
- Rivet the Lombax 12
- Lion Princess Kiara 15
- Lola Bunny 18
Hey There Everybody!
We want to do a comic anthology with text dialogues and posters in a game file!
But there's so many waifus to choose from! Help us decide who gets to be waifus of the comics!
Every poll will have 1 winner, and probably change polls after so every waifu gets their own time to shine when possible! We'll keep the choices for now simple and further down the line, change it up depending on our release date videos of characters so it won't be two projects per waifu on a month.
Concept, it will be kinda you as a male POV meeting the waifu, and there's a story before sex happens. The alts will only probably be where to come/finish so it won't be exponentially as long as the other big projects.
There's tons of projects being made, but the problem is those are going to take a long time to get updates, we want to release comics for other team members to work on while they wait on others part
For now here the choices for the StaLyonHearth Interactive Comics #1, it lines up with good release dates since these 3 won't be near any big project release date.
Future polls will probably decide the plot for the winner!
There can only be 1 winner for the first Interactive Comic! But there will be more of these in the future if possible with different options and waifus shuffled every poll!
Choose wisely!
Thanks to all the supports! With all the support, we get tons more fun projects like these!