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Panel 1: Luz is sitting atop a rooftop, on a narrow flat peak, her legs resting on the sloped surface. She’s got her bag next to her while she eats a sliced half of a sandwich. The wind blows her hair to the side, with bats flying in the sky behind her.

Panel 2: We get a good view of the landscape, of Bonesborough and the Titan. In the distance is the Emperor’s castle and the body of ocean further back.

Panel 3: The Golden Guard suddenly appears by Luz’s side, timidly waving at her. Luz is so startled, she practically chokes on her food.

GG: Hi there!

LUZ: !!!

Panel 4: With her mouth still stuffed with food, Luz tries to reach out for her bat. GG sees her doing this.

GG: Oh! Your club!

Panel 5: GG seemingly teleports in front of Luz, grabbing the bat himself. He holds it in both hands, observing it carefully.

GG: I thought so! These are glyphs! So curious!



Panel 1: Luz gets up, barking at GG. He recoils.

LUZ: Hey! Give that back!

Panel 2: GG offers the bat back, carefully holding it out in both palms.

GG: Oh, haha, sorry. I got too excited. Do you also like studying wild magic?

Panel 3: Luz swipes the bat.

LUZ: Wild magic? What are you talking about?

GG: Those glyphs. I’ve seen similar designs in textbooks, but only theoretical designs.

Panel 4: Luz takes a step back, guarded, keeping the bat away from him.

GG (off-panel): So… are those real?

LUZ: … …you here to arrest me or something? Because I saw you with the kid? You look kinda like those Emperor’s Coven goons. And “Golden Guard” sounds pretty high-up.

Panel 5: GG cocks his head to the side.

GG: You… don’t know me? Are you not native to the Isles?

Panel 6: Luz turns her back to him, using the bat sort of like a cane. We get a nice horizontal view of them atop the roof, with the castle between them in the distance.

LUZ: So what if I’m not?

GG: Oh, then maybe you don’t know…



Panel 1: GG, leaning against a chimney cap, holds out the part of his jacket that has the gold trim.

GG: …but here on the Boiling Isles, gold is considered unlucky and worthless. An omen, actually.

Panel 2: Luz looks back at him, curious.

GG (cont. off-panel): I was given the title as a… as a joke. It’s meant to tell people not to get close to me.

Panel 3: GG waves his hands, as if to show they’re empty and he’s not a threat.

GG: N-not that I’m a psycho or anything, haha! I just mean, uh…

Panel 4: He nervously toys with his staff.

GG (cont.): I work for the Emperor’s Coven but I’m not, hah, actually a member. I can’t officially enforce the law. So you don’t have to worry about me.

Panel 5: Luz turns back toward the sloped part of the roof.

LUZ: In that case, I’m just gonna finish my break. I got work to do after this, so if you don’t mind—

Panel 6: GG speaks an incantation and from beneath Luz, an ornate couch suddenly appears, as though it rose from the tiles beneath it. Luz doesn’t even have time to react as a cushioned surface suddenly throws her into a comfortable sitting position.

GG (Incantation): Furniture.



Panel 1: Luz looks down at the couch, surprised and confused by it.

LUZ: What the—how did—wait, is this an Abomination?

GG: Oh, good eye!

Panel 2: GG rubs his hands along the edge of the couch.

GG: It’s mostly Abomination goo, with Construction magic to weld it to the rooftop, and Illusion magic to give it the nice color and pattern. Incantation magic makes it easy to combine them together.

Panel 3: He takes a seat next to Luz, but from a respectful distance. Luz unconsciously settles into the cushion.

GG: And it’s permanent. It’ll stay even after I’m gone, so it’ll be here for you.

Panel 4: Luz smiles nervously.

LUZ: Thanks… but I don’t normally hang out here, so you don’t need to.

GG: Ah…

Panel 5: GG holds up a finger, suggesting an idea.

GG: Oh, how about a trade? I’ll teach you incantations if you teach me the glyphs you know?



Panel 1: Luz kinda sets her bag and bat beside her, on the far end of the couch, away from GG.

LUZ: Oye, loco… I’d really rather not get involved with the Emperor’s Coven, okay? In the time I’ve been here, I haven’t had a good experience with them.

Panel 2: Luz gets a little closer to GG, pointing to his mask.

LUZ: Also, a tip: if you want people to be more open to you, maybe take off the mask when you talk to them.

Panel 3: Luz eyes widen as she looks down a bit.

GG (off-panel): O-oh… haha… I don’t…

Panel 4: We get a close-up of the Noose collar around GG’s neck. The angle is from Luz’s point-of-view.

GG: …I don’t feel comfortable… doing that…

Panel 5: GG is quiet, looking away. His posture is sullen.

GG: …

Panel 6: He stands up from the couch.

GG: Sorry to have bothered you. You can keep the couch.



Panel 1: As GG is walking away, Luz calls out to him.

LUZ: Uh, hey! Wait!

Panel 2: Luz holds up a second half of her sandwich, smiling.

LUZ: You dropped your food back there, didn’t you? You want half of mine?

Panel 3: GG, fiddling with his staff, walks back towards her.

GG: …really?

LUZ: Yeah, I’ll turn around so you can eat without showing your face.

GG: That’s… thank you.

Panel 4: Luz holds out the sandwich to him.

LUZ: Y’know, there’s someone else who wanted to learn glyphs from me. Maybe the three of us can meet up and teach each other stuff.

GG: I… would very much like that, haha.

Panel 5: The two sit on the couch, staring off into the distance, the sun casting a shadow behind them.

LUZ: My name is Luz, by the way.

GG: Oh, nice to meet you, Luz. My name… my name’s Hunter.



Not what I was expecting, but I guess it's nice that you preserved his kind and inquisitive nature. Interesting lore about the gold. Almost like it's a cursed color.