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A22 The Golden Guard


Panel 1: A young child witch cowers in fear. She is nestled against the wall of an alley, covered in a ragged blanket. She is wearing torn-up, filthy clothing, holding a large stuffed toy as a pillow.

COVEN GUARD (off-guard): You can’t sleep here! What is your coven? Do you even have one?

CHILD: I-I don’t. I didn’t do anything wrong!

Panel 2: We’re now looking up to see who’s yelling at her. It’s an Emperor’s Coven Guard, a burly figure with piercing eyes peering through his mask. He is aggressively getting in the child’s space.

GUARD: Coven-Less sleeping in public areas is a criminal offense!

CHILD: B-but I’m out of everyone’s way. P-please, I don’t know where to go…

Panel 3: We pan back to see the alleyway more clearly. From the street, we can see Luz carrying a bag of Eda’s supplies for selling. She’s about to pass by the alleyway.

GUARD: Get up! I’m putting you somewhere you can’t be an eyesore!

Panel 4: Luz is passing by the alleyway and stops when she hears the screams.

CHILD (off-panel): Ow! You’re hurting me!

Panel 5: Luz, grimacing in rage, enters the alley, reaching behind to grab her bat.

GUARD (off-panel): Don’t resist arrest! You’re only making it worse!



Panel 1: The Golden Guard suddenly appears, stepping between the Coven Guard and the child. He blocks off the guard with a stern hand. He is now wearing his familiar gear, complete with the mask and mechanical staff.

GG: Enough.

GUARD: You--!

Panel 2: Luz, thrown off by this stranger’s appearance, takes a step back and hides around the corner of the building, peeking into the alley.

GUARD (off-panel): What are you doing here? Are you trying to prevent this arrest?

Panel 3: GG holds up his tattered cape to act as a sort of barrier between the girl and the guard.

GG: The child simply did not know she couldn’t sleep here.

GUARD: Ignorance of the law is not an excuse—

Panel 4: GG gets into the guard’s face.

GG: Your job was to calmly escort her out of the area. You failed. Consider yourself dismissed.

GUARD: You’re not my superior. I don’t have to follow your orders.

Panel 5: A close-up of GG’s masked face. Perhaps we can see his eyes through the slit.

GG: And yet, you’re still going to.

Panel 6: The guard stares back at him, frustrated.

GG (off-panel): Because you know you can’t stop me.

Panel 7: Grumbling, the guard stomps off in the opposite direction.

GUARD: …yes, sir.



Panel 1: The GG turns to the child, revealing hidden in his cape was a bag of food like bread.

GG: H-hi there. You look hungry. Want to share my lunch?

Panel 2: The kid smacks the food away, knocking it out his hand.

CHILD: I don’t want your help!

Panel 3: A shot of the food that’s been thrown to the ground, landing in a puddle. From this angle, the food is in the foreground as we look up to see the child screaming at GG, no longer cowering.

CHILD: Y-you’re the Golden Guard! I know who you are! I’m coven-less because of you!

Panel 4: The child screams in rage, crying.

CHILD: You killed my parents! For nothing! You’re a monster!

Panel 5: GG watches as the girl runs off down the alley, towards Luz’s direction.

CHILD: I wish you were dead!

Panel 6: As the child runs out of the alleyway, we can just make out Luz as she walks off, pretending not to notice. We can clearly see her backpack and her bat, which has her glyphs attached.

Panel 7: The Golden Guard watches in silence.



One question: Will she notice the noose around his neck?