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The votes were almost evenly split. Here's the script for you to ignore if you don't want to read it.

A21 The Swing


Panel 1: Luz and Amity are outside in a open area. In front of them is a pond, with sparkling light-purple water, with a tiny island in the center, with a single giant bone obtruding from the ground. Moss grows around its base. Luz is practicing her bat swing while Amity approaches from off-screen.

LUZ: Thanks for meeting me here. I know it’s a bit of a walk for you.

AMITY: I understand. It’s far from Bonesborough and closer to your home. You’re just taking safety precautions in case I do something stupid.

Panel 2: Luz pulls out a fire glyph, holding it in her hand.

LUZ: Speaking of stupid… I learned a new glyph, but it singes me like half the time I use it. I remember you used fire in our squabble… any advice?

Panel 3: Amity ponders, rubbing her chin.

AMITY: Hmm… Do you need to hold the glyph in your hand like that? Why not just paste it to your bat?

Panel 4: Luz stares at her, dumbfounded.

LUZ: … …That… is so obvious, I can’t believe I didn’t think of it before.

Panel 5: Amity takes the bat from Amity.

AMITY: Here. I’ll paste it on for you.

LUZ: Ugghh, now I feel stupid.

Panel 6: Amity conjures Abomination goo from her fingertips, adhering a glyph to the bat.

LUZ: I guess that’s what happens when you’re a school dropout.

AMITY: You didn’t go to school?

Panel 7: Luz sits down on the ground while Amity looks the bat over. Luz looks back over at her.

LUZ: Well, for awhile. The teachers knew I was homeless and would try to help out. I used to sleep in the halls. But some authority creep found out and I had to run away.

AMITY: …that must’ve been difficult.

LUZ: Well, yeah… you do what you have to.



Panel 1: Amity stares out into the water.

AMITY: … …my family… we’re descended from Wild Magic users. Centuries ago, magic was untamed and nations were divided by the dominate magic type.

Panel 2: A flashback series of images. An Emperor Belos from long ago, alongside an image of the current coven system (a chart of each coven’s sigil). To the side, we see some examples of Wild Magic sigils, but they are fading away, so we can’t see them all. Examples include Blood Magic, Future Magic, Death Magic, Memory Magic, Mineral Magic…

AMITY (off-panel): But then Emperor Belos came and created the coven system to tame magic. Those who refused to adhere to the system, the Wild Magic users, revolted.

Panel 3: Luz looks up at Amity as she continues to explain.

AMITY: The Blights, and a few others, betrayed their own kind to bend the knee to Belos. We were allowed to live on the Boiling Isles, but we could not join the Emperor’s Coven.

Panel 4: Amity is holding the bat up, preparing for a swing.

AMITY: Generation after generation, my family fought to prove themselves. Even now, my parents have never been offered admission to the EC. Despite our wealth and achievements and all the weapons we provide, we’re still outcasts.

Panel 5: Amity swings the bat violently, with poor form.

AMITY: We have to work twice as hard to get half the credit. Because we’re savages.

Panel 6: Amity holds the pose of the after-swing.

AMITY: That’s why my parents are so hard on us, so obsessed with us joining the Emperor’s Coven. They want us to have what they could not.



Panel 1: Amity eyes practically bulge as Luz giggles to herself.

LUZ: Dude, your form is terrible. You’re gonna pop your shoulder out like that.

Panel 2: Amity turns to her, bewildered and blushing. Luz approaches her.

AMITY: You’re laughing at me!?

LUZ: Hey, I was listening. But if you’re gonna swing my bat, I don’t want you to pull something while you’re talking.

Panel 3: Luz wraps her arms around Amity, helping her get into proper batting position. Amity is shocked and confused that she’s getting so close. She’s not blushing, just startled.

LUZ: Your foot is too far back. Don’t straighten your leg. Grip the bat so your middle knuckles are aligned.

Panel 4: Amity has an internal flashback to when she was younger. A child Amity is in her mother, Odalia’s arms, as she guides Amity’s finger to form a magic circle.

ODALIA: Just like that, darling. Forming a perfect circle is essential for controlling magic. Wonderful! Are you ready to show father?

Panel 5: Back in the present, Amity suddenly breaks away from Luz.

AMITY: Alright, stop! I don’t actually care.

Panel 6: Amity walks away, leaving Luz behind. Luz watches Amity leave, wondering what she did wrong. Amity clearly has tears forming in her eyes.

AMITY: I-I have to go. Sorry. I’ll see you next time.

LUZ: Uh, sure… Sorry…



Hmmm, a Wild Witch rebellion would explain why the collars were invented.


Might also explain why Amity's prents have such an obvious preference for the twins. Amity is a lot more wild than they are.