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Here's a joke idea:

P1: In a dramatic retelling of the events of 2x11, Kikimora is looking up at a leering Luz, Amity, and Terra Snapdragon, who are all smirking down at her.

TERRA: The promotion was all a ruse!

LUZ: It was all my human idea to human trick you because it's in my human nature!

AMITY: Now you're not only bad at your job, but your mommy will be so disappointed in you!

P2: Kikimora is on the ground, sprawled out like that meme comic of the kid who's being bullied and dropped their lunch tray (Apu spills his tendies).

KIKIMORA (narration): And then they laughed at me! For... an hour! I feel very hurt about this.

P3: We reveal that the past two panels were just Kikimora on the phone with her mother, retelling the events from her POV. She's sitting at her desk in her office.

KIKIMORA: They said vicious things and then they, they pushed me down the stairs and--!//N-no, mother, they wouldn't let me go. // I just told you, I couldn't come visit because they tied me up and started bonking me on the head and--// No, mother! I'm not lying!// I'm sorry I couldn't come visit! Well, I don't have time now to--//Uggh, fine, mother! I'll come over tonight!

P4: She pulls out a piece of paper and starts scribbling on it.

KIKIMORA: Just give me your address again. ...because I just want to make sure I don't get lost! Well, I'm sorry I forgot it! I'm writing the address down right now so I don't forget. Yes, in ink!! JUST TELL ME THE ADDRESS! I'M NOT YELLING!!!

P5: We cut to Kikimora passing the piece of paper to a high-ranking officer.

KIKIMORA: I want you to take an entire squad to this address.

GUARD: Yes, ma'am. And what would you like us to do at this location?

KIKIMORA: Burn EVERYTHING down. Leave no survivors.



Yeah I like that


If you wanted comedic, it could be something like Gus following Luz like a nature documentary but getting everything really wrong