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This tiny little thing was thrown into a rubbish bin by a restaurant and incredibly sadly his mother killed by someone who hates cats we are told.  So we couldn't say no to him coming to Can Punxes to join the other three.  He is super young.  Could be 6 weeks we think.  

Remarkably despite such a bad start to life and despite him being so incredibly young he is very friendly.  Our big concern is him getting on with Lady Pekorina our Siamese who is very territorial but so far so good.  The girls couldn't agree which room he should stay in so Ophelia took her mattress into Inaya's room.  I will post a video in a second.

ps I know I am a bit behind on replying to posts. I am sorry work has been insane and Camilla is up late editing.  But we are reading them all and will reply before too long.  Sorry and thank you for your patience!




Such a lovely thing to do, he is absolutely gorgeous🥰My two cats are rescues too, they don’t like each other but have learnt to tolerate one another for the sake of a harmonious household - I’m sure yours will too!


Poor little mite how can people be soo cruel.


Oliver! You do not have to reply to everything we say! Silly boy! I just appreciate all of your updates.


He’s a lucky black cat! Always special.


Oh how fabulous to have this black beauty in your family, I have my own beautiful black cat, rather old now, but still wonderful. Weirdly named Page after Jimmy Page, for a female cat, but I inherited her from my son's student flat, I didn't know they were aware of Led Zeppelin!


So cute! We’re there other kitties found? Everyone is finding litters of abandoned kitties these days.


An adorable addition to the family!!


My sister volunteers at animal rescue in Spain-so sad, and I'm very grateful for the RSPCA here in the UK. Cats are precious to me.


Oh wow how evil can some people be ! Thank you for giving this little one a new start in life and hope they all settle well xx

Oliver and Camilla Strong

Yes it is quite a problem here. They are the most wonderful creatures. What I find most touching is that when you are ill they sense it and come and sit with you. I find that so lovely.


Don't give thought to replying Ollie. You ave a life outside the channel and I prefer you have that as your main focus so as not to burn out! By the way, your travel flog to Venice was your best yet!! SUPERB, educational (I always like to learn something new) and great humor. If anyone reads this who hasn't subscribed and watch you are missing a really, really, well done channel and total fun!!!!