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We've turned the lights off and locked the doors for the last time at the house we've called The SuperMegaPlex for the last 4 years.

Truly the end of an era. Thanks for the love, friends.



Love ya boys 🫡

Symon Johnson

Love you guys, hope you are doing well

Atlas Downs


Adan J Gonzalez

I love you boys and I always will.


gonna cry love you guys so much my favorite

Julian Cates

best wishes ♥️




Cum back




Love you Matt and Ryan


good riddance

deathoftheendless .

Will you still have all of your videos on here??


The funny brothers will always be in my heart

Mike Ock



*shits in honor*


still hoping for a triumphant return


Ouch my heart hurt 😢 farewell funny brothers 🦧🦍


Come BACK Everyone who made these videos on you are liars. I’m bout to content cop them I swear






And the start of an era at the former game grumps office? 😢

Saint Nixon

I love you all very much, I hope to see you all again soon


my heart 💔

James Fowler

Does this mean what I think it does

Linda Leon

Heartbroken 💔


you guys please come back….


Don’t make me cry 😭


why am I crying omg


What are you guys doing next?


the anger and sadness are fighting inside me. i can't even bring myself to watch.

Andrew Billings

are y’all DONE done? i really fuckin hope not. truckiplier inc. was JUST expanding 🥺


end of THAT era, start of a NEW ERA 💙♥️


I can't watch this 😭😭😭


please give me the Brent poster


God bless you guys, hope you're well



seth eudy

So does this mean no more supermega?…


Feels like when I was 7 and my parents divorced and I had to move :// farewell to the first home


I hope to see you both one day again. I really hope it's not the true end of an era, and just a chapter closing. I can't believe how much I've missed y'all, this makes me tear up. Gahhh. Hope you've both been well and continue to do so, best of luck in the future boys. I'll be waiting if you do return.


Love you guys


Good luck team


Hope you guys keep making stuff.


I miss you funny brothers 🙏


I fucking love you guys 💙 sad to see the place empty


Hope ya’ll can land on your feet somehow. Your apology was very genuine. Been watching since cyndago. After seeing all the videos on the situation, i can honestly say that you guys did not deserve what has happened. I hope all parties in this situation heal and the people that villainized you both for being human pay their dues. Keep your selves well mentally.

Bella Marino

Missing you boys 4ever, hope 💕 goodbye to the plex and thanks for all the memories 🐐🐐🔥🔥


Gonna miss you guys, wish the best


Thank you for everything


This is so fucking sad. But the familiar goofiness in this video gives me hope on a Super Mega return


It breaks my heart—the amount of videos and passion that came from the house. I hope to see you guys soon. I will your content. Thank you for the laughs.


I miss you boys so much


I love you guys


I'm sobbing rn 😭


Farewell, sperm egger plex


I see super mega I happy no super mega I cry 😭 #likeandfollow


Love those SuperMega boys


it has truly been an honour supporting you through this, and every era. here’s to whatever comes next ❤️

Michael Stevens

Felt good to see that notification pop up on the screen. Thanks guys. Definitely missing SM.




And all it took for them to clean was ending supermega


Love you so much silly billies


This made me so emotional! Love you guys


Damn, RIP Arnold. I can still hear his beautiful voice




This video made me gay 🥲

Aly Sortwell

We’re still all here for you boys!! 🤟🏼


really ripping my HEART OUT WITH THIS ONE !!

Justin Reed

So like are y’all coming back or not my major case of sad blue balls is killing me slowly. You’re only human and everyone makes mistakes. The Funny Brothers™️ must return!!


Well isn’t this sad as shit

Zion Benitez

I won’t accept this as a final goodbye, only as the death of the megaplex

Jake Ellison

I don't blame you guys for not wanting to make content again for a fan base that turned against you so quickly. I wish you the best in your future endeavors, you've been such an inspiration over the years. Good luck boys


"It's always a slam dunk with Ryan and Matt, Love you guys"


Love you boys


Great video showing the final farewell of the supermegaplex, now show us the new SUPERMEGACOMPOUND please

Tyler Stilley

I know this is gonna sound corn af but, I really miss y’all. Supermega has brought me so many laughs and good times and I really hope to see y’all upload again and continue to make y’all’s dreams come true. From a real supermeg head


The supermegaplex may be gone but supermega will be forvever in my heart. I love you matt and ryan god bless your beautiful souls. That plex has brought soo much laughter. I hope you guys come back whenever you guys are ready.


onto the next chapter! love you boys

Noah Howard

What's the song?


I’m going to cry, farewell supermegaplex 😞❤️

diet mayo

Miss you boys.

Magikarp Karpington

Analyzing every frame of this video for clues with a comically large magnifying glass.


Just come back you goofballs, this bit has gone on long enough. I'm not even gonna watch this.


Love all of you fellas. Whether it’s a “See ya later” or “Goodbye” forever I hope all of you continue to live life to the fullest you can. I’ll undoubtedly still go back and re-run the ole vids and casts for years and years to come. Meg-head till I’m dead bois. Farewell.


Love you funny brothers, give Justin a big Sloppy kiss for me ❤️❤️


This doesn’t mean they’re done guys!! The lease was up at the old plex. Holding out for a return of the Funny Brothers ❤️

Bryce Winchode

Even in a heart breaking video like this yall still somehow make me laugh. Miss yall ❤️


The Funny Brothers will rise again!


Supermega ending is my thirteenth reason


I hope whatever y’all do y’all are happy doing it :) I’ll miss Supermega but whether you come back or not I’ll always be happy about the joy your content has been able to bring me and the community I was apart of because of it, thank you guys for everything <3

Zachary Schott

Now make a dubstep hype video for the Fantasy Factory.


oh my God this breaks my heart


Blasting “Baby Come Back” by Player rn

Venom Squid

It's good to see you guys again and even after all the bs, love to see you're smiling and still goofin around. I know you'll be back eventually, but for now, enjoy your break funny brothers <3


Hope you guys make a comeback. And cum on my back

Nathan Wunschl

even though sad seeing matthew, ryan, and justin in a new video is the best thing i could have gotten for my 19th birthday. love y’all to death <3


Love and miss you guys so very much ❤️❤️❤️ hope you’ll come back some day and hope Matt keeps making music 🫶


Why did Danny orchestrate such a Machiavellian takedown of our boys? Because Matt refused to let NSP open for him? WHY!?!

Luke Hall

Hope to see you boys back again soon, I miss your content a ton


As disappointing as it was/is to know what you guys did, I think you’ve already taken a massive step forward in bettering yourselves. I hope one day you can make a triumphant return. We’ll be waiting for ya. Till that day if it ever comes, both of you stay safe and happy. Keep working on yourselves. Love you guys


Hello come back please..


Please come back 😭❤️


I hope you guys come back when the time feels right, but if it doesn't we love you peace be with ya funny brothers


I sure do miss sleepovers with my uncles !!!


I hope this isn’t a goodbye, just a see you later. Godspeed boys.


i feel silly getting sad over this because i started watching you guys just a couple of weeks before the huge drama. as much as i'd love to see new content from the funny brothers, i'd rather know you guys are happy and taking care of yourselves. i wasn't along for too long, but i'll miss supermega and support whatever plans you have for the future <3


Love my super mega boys


I just subscribed to your Patreon a little while ago, I'm not sure if you'll see this but I wanted to thank you for all the laughs you've given me and countless others. This all seems very final, but I really hope it isn't. Take all the time you need to reflect on things.


Tfw you voluntarily allow a rando e-thot & a mentally ill gay guy (sorry for the redundancy) ruin your life’s work. The boy are spineless 🤦‍♂️

Finn Wahlman

hope you boys are well. we're here and waiting for you if you decide to come back or not. ❤️


The fruit flies 😔


Shaking and crying in the club right now

Eerik Elias Rähni

Let out a cartoonish gulp reading “farewell” from supermega in my notifications


Damn a true end of an era love these wholesome Christian boys Supermega forever

Beau J

Matt hair cut reveal?


Wow what an amazing house… more than a house - a plex ❤️

Scary Brandon

We’ll be waiting for you.


Fuck. RIP boys. Go on and live your life in peace and happiness. Thanks for all the laughs


Come back and finish the RE4 play through you goobers

Alan Ishmael

And hopefully our continued support will heavily influence your decision on whether or not to come back... wink wink


Love you boys


idk if you can delete comments on here but you should definitely try to delete this

Kailey Green

I will watch you boys if you want to play in a dark poorly lit basement sitting on a shit bucket. As long as you don't eat the shit.... 👀 Please come back though! Miss you guys, just like all your other fans!


thank you for everything mr. super and mr. mega. i love you. *big kissy noise*


Plz come back my life's been so sad without the funny brothers


Always sticking around love you guys for ever !! Thank you for everything !!! <3


Glad to see Justin’s still with you

Magikarp Karpington

If you guys never come back, I want y'all to know that I am the one who flooded the SuperMegaPlex with Fruit Fly Eggs and made them a problem for you guys. I also hired the leaf blower people.


No way is this the end to the greatest comedy duo and YouTube channel and everything else... Please Come Back, Supermega... What are we gonna do without Matt's stellar music and Ryan's unmatched comedy genius? 😭 come back!


Love you all thank you for all the good laughs and giggles. And I wish you luck on y’all’s next adventure! ❤️


Its so insanely good to hear you boys talking/laughing again...hoping you guys can come back even stronger if that's the decision you guys make, regardless of your choice I'm rooting for you guys in general no matter where life takes you!


i miss the funny brothers

Hoshi 127

Oh no 🥲 we miss you guys

DFawlt Uzr

Truly an end of an era. Selfishly hoping for a next era from you guys, but if this is the last one, I just want to say how much I appreciate the content you've guys have made and if this is the end, thanks for the good time guys ❤️


Thank you for all the laughs Matt and Ryan your videos truly made me happy I am currently on my 2nd run on listening to the podcast everything you guys did to make a good channel and make us laugh shouldn’t cost you the mental health troubles you went through I miss you guys wish y’all would come back

Monkeys Man

Love you boys. Best of luck to all of you in wherever you’re lives take you


can’t wait for the tour of the new office in the coming days. right guys? right? :)


Its just goodbye to the old office...this isnt a concrete goodbye to SuperMega yet...we can still hope


Wake up babe, SuperMega just made a video.


The next chapter of supermega, should you choose to keep going, will be even bigger and better!

Michael L

Peepee poopoo


I ALWAYS want you guys to do what makes you happy and makes you comfortable first. But I also really want to be selfish and ask you to come back to us to some day. You guys make me laugh when all I want to do is cry (although this video made me do both). Love you boys! I’ve been here since Supermega was only two weeks old. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Abigail Clark

Best of luck to you guys, and thank you for posting this ❤️


I'll just stay positive and assume this is a deceptive video. It's the end of the SuperMegaPlex but only because you're moving to another office. Right...?

Michael L

Re-subbed for the pods. Staying for the copium.

Joey Schaff

I hope this is just a change of scenery and not goodbye forever, i think the boys are cooking up a lil something


Love the time-warp effect, what the plex was with our boys and how .... sterile it looks without them. Very bittersweet. They brought so much character and life to an otherwise nice yet bland landscape. Hope the boys come back. We miss ya. YouTube just ain't the same without ya.


Matt said the only way he'd let NSP open is if Dan did it without his wig and dentures...


I teared up seeing the place bare after you guys made so many good memories/videos there. RIP SuperMegaPlex 🫡 If this really is the end, then words can't express my gratitude and thanks for everything. But if not, PLEASE come back, I miss ya'll and I'll still be here for a return. Take care of yourselves 🩵🩵


A Truly Epic SuperMegaPlex update from matt and ryan next mayhaps?


Love you boys. Looking forward to the cum back. You made life better.


It was always a slam dunk when i saw ryan and matt. Love you guys.

Poop Pee

Shouting from the mountain tops through a frigid wind Jesus cried "My two lovely uncles, come to us and watch Forrest Gump or my death will be in vain".

Noah Eblin

Hopefully just the end of an era and the start of a new beginning!!!


shed a little tear watching this video


c'mon man you didnt have to harass luke like that. unsubbed.


lemme cop that offical death grips poster


Am going to fuckin cry dude...




I was taking a shit and crying while watching this <3 love you boys


I was thinking about you guys today :,)


It hit different to feel the supermega editing again.. I knew I missed you guys but god that familliar feeling of supermega, no matter the context, it always heals my heart to see the boys just being themselves. And such a polished update video to boot with some mini goofs and gaffs. Take all the time you guys need, I’ll be here supporting you guys, and always looking forward to whatever yall are working on. :) ❤️


Amazing editing. This could be the sequel to Skinamarink

Houston shepherd

It's really over man I miss you guys so much I'm praying the for the comeback of the funny brothers 🙏

Ian Smith

I’m going to cry

Wes Papes

I hope for a return with the Funny Brothers. But please do take all the time you need to make a final decision on what you want to do.

Nathan Beagle

I miss my two lovely uncles 💔


Miss y’all sm please I hope you come back


Right, and I bet that mandatory "Matt must change my dirty diapey between sets" clause in Dan's contract also probably bothered Matt


Missing you guys so much. Hope my favorite funny YouTube men are doing well 🙏


Hope you guys are doing better

Artemis Hartoon

love you both, tots and pears ❤️


SuperMega editing gave me back a piece of my soul I didn’t realize I lost. Miss you funny brothers hope you’re doing well


Wishing you guys the best, hoping to see you back someday.


love you guys, cant wait to see what y'all cook up next 🙏


I miss yal so fuckin much man


Best of luck to y’all’s next chapter, fellas. Take care of yourselves ✌️


Missing the Funny Brothers


good wishes to all your endeavors in days to come

Annie Almonde

Miss you guys, best of luck no matter what

Devin H

I miss you guys so much, and I appreciate all the great content you've given us over the years. All else aside, I really hope you guys are doing good! I wonder if there's a sense of relief in a way for you guys because while there's so many great memories and stuff attached to SuperMega and the SuperMegaPlex, you guys have also talked about in many videos about how you've never planned on doing Let's Plays and stuff forever and at some point would want to move on to bigger and better things. No matter what you guys do in the future, I wish you all the luck and hope you are mad successful, whether we get to see it or not. I certainly would love to see you guys in video form again, but ultimately I just want you guys to be happy and live life the way you want to. You are both insanely talented in filming, acting, and music. And Justin is also very talented and overall a good boy. I love you guys. I know I keep commenting gushy shit like this on every new post but I mean it and really hope you guys see how much you are appreciated. Peace!


Come on back now boys, ya hear? Your kittens miss you 😔


Thank you SuperMega


Love you guys, miss you guys, still saying seeing Matt on tour was one of the best nights of my life. Hope to see the funny brothers and crew back asap. Yall are truly legends


miss you guys every day. idk if its cause of how upsetting this is, or just how disoriented this video made me feel watching it, but i feel sick to my stomach


Goddamn I miss you guys so much. SuperMega and the boiz were like an SSRI for me; it was my comfort channel to watch. I always got so hyped for new videos. I really hope will see you all again, but I wish you the best regardless of what happens!


Love and miss you boys. Lmk if you're ever in the market for a 34 yo deadbeat dad.


Love you boys ❤️


Flaming football flag still gets me, so perfect




I miss you guys so much it’s ridiculous. All my love to whatever and wherever your lives take you


Miss you boys every day. Wishing only the best for the two of you ❤️

Corey M

how did you know ive been thinking about you


This is the future the liberals want. 😞


You boys seem to be doing ok. I'm glad. Shame you didn't show the cage you would keep Justin in when he wasn't editing or doing let's plays


Its bot gonna be the same knowing that the tims wall is no longer a thing


miss you guys :/

John Wayne Jaranson

I miss my boys. Love ya. Stay safe and stay healthy

Oh gee san

please come back, miss you guys so much...

Job Brons

Notice how these absolute superchads called it farewell supermegaplex and not farewell supermega

Lucius Rüedi

why is there water everywhere


You guys have got me through sm. 🖤 love you guys and hope to see your content again some day

Goofy Goober

Love you boys, helped me through a lot. Hopefully some of this community has been able to help y’all. Hope to see you funny brothers and co again.


I wonder what Matt did with his van


o7 all the best fellas


was just thinking this. truly a jdm classic. hope he kept it.


miss you guys :(


It never stops hurting


Miss you guys! Hoping we can see more of you guys soon


Please come back funny brothers. We said we were sorry. 😢


If y’all ain’t stopping the Patreon then I’ll keep supporting ✊🏾


It's because yall got the lawyers to break the lease so you could get the dream office, right?


fuck me man I'm gonna cry. For years you guys made me so much happier and helped me through a lot of terrible shit. Thank you both so much for making years of amazing content. You'll always be my favourite two Funny Brothers.

Stinker Stinkinson

Thanks for everything boys. Hope to see you in some sort of project in the future


Farrell to most mega-plex there was


Goodbye megaplex, hello funny bro’s complex.


I'll never forget how excited I was when I found the plex on Google Maps, now everyone gets to see what it looks like from the street


this hurts


no offense but it's kinda weird that you did that


Keep waiting for Matt's "GOTCHA" :*(

Cosmic Chaos

bts tag? whats jungkook think of all this


as long as they didn’t pull a sssniperwolf I think we good

Ian G

idk, if they were truly done and spiteful they wouldn’t be uploading vids like this, i can’t help but get hope


Supermega come back PLEASE we love and miss the iconic funny brothers ❤️


We’ll miss you guys so fucking much. We hope you guys come back soon


does this mean theyre moving into the new one?


SuperDuperMegaPlex coming soon. Fuck stopping. You really want your shit to be stopped by a bunch of lies? Keep making shit guys.


I’m gonna miss you guys it’s weird I always expected you guys to get kicked out like CowChop lmao. I’m weirdly proud of you guys! Good luck in future endeavors

Steve Loftus

Supermega fantasy factory 🏭


miss you guys so much. hope we’ll see you guys again someday!

Amanda K

God I really hope you guys come back 😭😭 I miss you and not having Spookymega this month is killing mw


I miss you guys so much already ;-; I hope you come back stronger in the future!!


Yeah it's not, it's one of 6 or 7 youtube houses I've found on there, you'd be surprised how easy it is. A few years ago someone I followed moved out into the hills near LA and I found the house in literally 10 seconds :P That's just from comparing views of the homes and landscape to their videos. Anyway I've never shared the locations or wanted to go to any of them. I've never even set foot in the US if it helps :P


Onto the next SuperMegaStructure! The Plex did it’s job admirably, and will be forever cemented in the foundation of what makes Supermega. just like in Monster House


Been here since 2018, can’t wait to see the next step ❤️


please come back.

Hayden H

cant wait you guys to rebrand as The Funny Brothers in your new FunnyBrothersPlex


please come back guys please

anna meltz

they just flexed that they know how to clean up. impressive tbh


Please return to us, we miss you


I wish you boys the best, goodbye or not 💞

Chase Millers

Please come back. I need new supermegacast. I saw Matt in Detroit on tour and wish I could’ve met him.

Briann Hager

i miss you boys a lot, and i wish you nothing but the best ❤️


The world needs you now more than ever, Funny Brothers


Love you dudes, hope to see you again soon!


miss you guys, hope you’re doing okay

Garrett Greene

You guys are great❤️please take care and keep us updated


I really hope they come back. It sucks the way it ended. I wish Matt and Ryan nothing but the best in the future. Im sad its over, but holy fuck am i over the moon happy i was there:,D


Please tell me this is a skit to announce the new SuperMegaPound or something…


miss you fellas <3 take good care


godspeed gentlemen.


I’ve never watched the boys’ Battle for Bikini Bottom playthrough before, but I’m finally about to start it, I’m excited!

Alex Tinkler

I never realised what a beautiful house it is under all the funny brothers decor, the outside is really nice actually. Godspeed boys, still holding out hope for the return of a bigger and better SuperMega ❤️


Pls say syke


Please return. The United States of America will never be the same without the funny brothers.


love you boys

Papa Woo Woo

I know it sucks you guys lost the opportunity to bring it full circle and move into the old gamegrumps office, but you still have the opportunity to kill Dan and Arin and absorb their souls


The door closes for the SuperMegaPlex, but another opens for the Funny Bros. Megachurch


I recognise this whole house like it was my own. very upsetty spaghetti.

joe guevara

You have and always will be my favorite YouTubers. Come back when you can kings


Thank you guys for everything.

Nathaniel Beech

so does this mean its rlly over :(

Lime Fanta

You two better return to us real soon. It hurts too much. On my knees begging.

Lime Fanta

I just subbed. I should have way sooner (I just had to sell my bike to become a patron) I want to support you both however I can now though... and I will be here as long as its available because you two have honestly helped me in ways I can never begin to repay. What happened is unfair and I am so sorry that it did. I didn't doubt you boys for a second. The fans that are here now are hopefully all ones that understand the intricacies of life and know that you both are swell dudes. Stay strong bros.


That mannequin part had me dying, nice lol


Gotta say, that is a REALLY nice exterior on the house, wow. I can't imagine how much rent was.


great job cleaning! proud of you.

Ronnie Lopez

Is the glory hole still there??


Love you guys and wishing you the best in whatever you decide to do - regardless of what you decide you have our support❤️


i am genuinely so distraught over this. im hoping yall come back so bad. you were amongst my all time favorite creators. i really wish we couldve gotten the dnd show :(


ahaha matt and ryan 😆 that was not funny 😐

Tyler Reitan

You guys still have thousands of fans eagerly waiting your return, please take the time you need and come back when/if you’re ready


Always a pleasure to see you three. Crossing my fingers we'll see you all together in more videos in the future, whether that's as SuperMega or not. I hope you all continue to do well.


damn, miss you guys so much 💔 take as much time as u need but we’re all patiently awaiting ur return <33

Agustin Raymond

I cant even begin to describe how unbelievably sad i am from this entire situation, i haven't even watched the video yet, i know ill cry, im tearing up now without even seeing it. Im sorry the internet is fucked up and did this to you boys. We love you Funny Brothers


I still can’t believe so many fans of the channel turned on you guys so quickly without even hearing y’all’s sides of the story, and now those same people are begging for the channel back like they aren’t the ones that caused this shit. It’s actually disgusting and I hope people like that can learn from this. Love you guys and I really hope there’s a comeback because the videos got me through a lot of shit and this was my comfort channel. SuperMega never dies. ❤️


This is allll a build up for their big release of Supermega 2: Escape from Los Angeles


Man, hearing the boys’ opinions on the Israel-Palestine conflict right now would be epic!


Fuck. This just hits me like a ton a bricks to the gut. I love you guys so much and really appreciate all the work and time you all put into makin this world a lil lighter. Stay positive boys. Every end is a new beginning.


My favorite channel and duo, always.

Ty Teele

This was hard to watch. I will be patiently awaiting the return of Matt and Ryan, and little Justin too. Whether it be together, or as individuals, I will always support these boys as creators. Thanks for all the laughs over the years. You all brought a lot of joy to a lot of people who needed it.


End of the Plex as to be expected since y’all planned to move. Even if the old Grumps space isn’t possible anymore, I hope a new Plex is on the eventual horizon. I’ve been lamenting over y’all since July; literally crying real tears multiple times over how bad I feel for you guys and this whole situation (as parasocial and cringe as that sounds) and I’m praying that it’s not truly all over.


call your representatives! tell them you demand the pardoning of supermega, pronto!


I miss the funny brothers so much. I’m so grateful for the moments of happiness and giggles that y’all provided.♥️ Really hope you guys are doing well.


love you guys <3 thinking about you extra rn and sending positive vibes


I respect and appreciate the decision to step back, as many creators sweep issues under the rug, but damn it feels like a gut punch finding out how much was on the horizon :(


Looks like you guys are doing better and back to being silly boys. Can’t wait to see you guys in the next video. We love you


It’s time for the return of the boys

Michael L

Can’t wait for what’s next. ❤️❤️


Thank you for making this a video of reminiscing and not making it a total downer. It'll be sad to not see bits of the Plex again. Hoping y'all stay well and stay safe 🙏


miss ya goons


Please come back 😭


Ryan I saw your tweets today. I want you to know I’m so proud of you for standing up for yourself and Daniel.


I love you boys soooooo much I hope all of you are still throwing goofs and or gaffs. Give little Justin and papa Ryan and Matt a big hug from all the Meg heads


sending boundless love to you boys


i miss you guys




SuperMega! SuperMega!

Cody McKay

Goon challenge! Let’s all start gooning non stop until Matt and Ryan return to YouTube.

Newell Stone

Nothing but love for you both ❤️



Luke Hickey

Please come back


I respect your decision but please return yall didn’t even do anything


I don't have a lot of friends but you guys made me feel like I do


My mom has recently been going through a tough battle with her heart at the hospital and passed away today. I just wanted to thank the supermega crew for making me still be able laugh and smile during it all and keeping my spirits up with their old podcasts. Y’all helped me through a tough time and I’ll be forever grateful for that. Comedy love and friendship triumphs over all.

Coby Gratzer

Used to listen to the podcast on my 4 hour journeys to home from college. Those drives haven’t been the same since. One of the few content creators that has my exact sense of humor. Need my road-trip buds back.

Kailey Green

I miss you boys, I hope to see you soon. Ryan a little extra love to you as I know that bringing up Daniel in such a callous and false way has caused you extra grief. That absolutely should not have ever happened to you, Matt or Daniel. Please take care of each other no matter what. Wishing you all the peace and well-being.

Damion Ash

we miss you guys. please come back soon!


Good Bye Supermegaplex hello Supermega Inc??


can't help but wonder what the future holds for the piss rock


Can I assume there won't be a spooky mega this year 😰


Miss my funny brothers


I still remember yall first moving in, miss you much love


Love you guys so much.. so sorry for the amount of awful things that have happened. Stay strong please. The internet is a bad place sometimes but you guys have always been the light for me and many others.


The pateron is growing :)


you guys deserve so much fucking better, jesus christ.


hope we'll see you soon guys, love ya boys!


Come back pleaseeeeeee


I’m crying and the tears won’t stop



Joey Davis

I have to have hope that you’ll come back one day. Y’all never deserved what happened. Love you guys, always. ❤️

Naomi Corporan

I just watched Turkey Tom's video. I hope this patreon grows enough to where we can pay you back for everything that has happened. We are so sorry for everything.

AdamBlank’s Pornhub subscription

I know this is odd, but probably not for the guys: I farted and shit a little bit the other day and it mostly made me sad cause it reminded me of the time Ryan did it on the podcast. I giggled while wearing my doodoo drawers for Ryan and Matt 🫡



Cameron Duffy

Don't let them win Matt and Ryan 💔😭


Please don’t let the recent account stuff bring it all down. Keep going you guys, don’t let the evil win🙏🏻


I miss you guys so much! I hope you're doing really well. Take care of yourselves!


I missed hearing your voices but this doesn't feel like the end more like a new beginning I love you all 🖤

Steve Loftus

When y’all feel like you’re ready we’ll be here to support you all the way

Artemis Hartoon

eating my own ass until the funny brothers return day 348.

Kailey Green

Sounds like you might have started preemptively, probably to try to prevent such an event from occuring. I salute you, and, keep up the good work brave soldier.

Cosmic Chaos

You guys get me through my work day i was audibly laughing in the cooler at work to your last podcast

Ben Collins

It honestly feels like I have lost a little bit of myself looking back at the aftermath. These guys have given me so many laughs during some really troubling times and to see it ending is like loosing someone that helped me through the shit and to my life that I am so grateful for now. For now, Maybe ever. We miss you boys. Thank you for everything, you have given us more than you think


Happy SpookyMega y’all 🎃💨

Ronnie Lopez

The Funny Brothers arc boutta be wild


Just dropping this in here but, when I started watching your guys videos, you had just gone to japan and did the vlogs, I know you once mentioned that you wish those videos did better but personally they were perfect. After watching those videos, I decided to start learning Japanese, signed up for a high school exchange. Nearly 4 years later I can confidently say I'm fluent, had an amazing exchange, and I had constantly gone back to watch those vlogs multiple times to keep me going in studying. It might sound silly but, without your guys vlogs, without those videos being the catalyst to my journey, I wouldn't have gotten far. I love your guys content and personalities, wishing for your return soon. <3 Thank you.


This is amazing! Also those vlogs are undoubtedly a fan favorite today 👍🏻


mom, im crying over supermega again


Please come back, you aint deserve this :(


Not gonna lie I don’t think I can stand you boys not coming back (but like I said you gotta do what you gotta do and we will support you 🫡)

Lime Fanta

Y'all please? Please. I am begging you please come back.

Cameron Duffy

Come home my funny funny brothers 😞🤟


the best way for y’all to return is Supermega Gets a Christmas Tree 2023. Thus sparking the new era of supermega for 2024


yall have no idea how badly we miss you. hope you're having a good holiday season, hoping to see you soon <3


I aint never subscribed to a patreon before, but I didn't know what other way to show my support for my lovely uncles ❤️ I hope to share new giggles with you again


Baby, please come back, it wasn't you, baby, it was me. Maybe our relationship isn't as crazy as it seems. Maybe that's what happens when a tornado meets a volcano. All I know is I love you too much to walk away though


its so heartbreaking to watch the boys say goodbye but its nice to see the overpouring support. We're here if and whenever you boys feel good enough to come back<3


I’ve been a fan since the beginning and it’s horrible what you guys are going through. You guys have been a big part of my life and have helped me get through some really hard times. Although I miss SuperMega greatly, I mainly just hope that you guys are able to heal and do what you have to do for yourselves. We’re all supporting you guys, until next time ❤️


New channel funny brothers?


Generational greatness miss you guys y’all helped me through my worst so as long as I can I will help support this patreon love you guys


We all love you two so much! 💙♥️ Ignore the clout chasers

Alex Keller

Seriously glad this is just a farewell to the SuperMegaplex (which shall be missed) and not an overall farewell. Like everyone says, take the time you need but I tell ya these past months make me realize how much I missed having the funny brothers in my life. Can’t wait for you l guys to come back when/if you want to.


Nick is such a fucking dumbass, he is getting scorched in his new video

Da Monke

I miss yall. Yall should come back with a book

Da Monke

Been one of the worst years of my life and all i can do is blame the super troopers that tried to cancel yall

Blaine Adamson

I just signed up for the patreon as a thanks for all the goofs and gaffs. Still haven't gotten to meet them, but I love these moist boys. They've gotten me through hundreds of hours of driving for work

Lime Fanta

They got me through really hard stuff earlier this year. So I hope our support during their rough times can do the same, at least a fraction.

Monkeys Man

To both mathew and Ryan I will always continue to support both of you beautiful boys in whatever future endeavors you may have. You’ll always have my five big greens. Rest up and recover from the Internet boys take time for yourselves so you can begin to heal love you guys ❤️


please come back fathers, it cant be that far to go buy cigarettes right?

Nicholas Ruiz

I hope you two come back more than anything. I never got to see you when you came to my city because I was too young for a SuperMega Live show then lol, I was always hoping sometime soon I might get the opportunity, and honestly I still am a bit. You all helped me through some of my darkest times in high school and entering college, and my friends and I still crack jokes you guys made on the channel. I’m tearing up now honestly writing this because I had never really thought just how much I appreciate y’all, how much I had taken for granted the status quo, but you two please just get the rest you deserve. Thank you for everything, and I will always be here to support you.


I need you guys to come back ASAP. Work is really boring without you two little worms chatting inside my ear holes

Michael L

[Intro: Holly Brook] Where'd you go? I miss you so Seems like it's been forever that you've been gone [Verse 1: Mike Shinoda] She said, "Some days, I feel like shit Some days, I wanna quit and just be normal for a bit" I don't understand why you have to always be gone I get along, but the trips always feel so long And I find myself tryin' to stay by the phone 'Cause your voice always helps me to not feel so alone But I feel like an idiot working my day around a call But when I pick up, I don't have much to say [Pre-Chorus: Mike Shinoda] So I want you to know it's a little fucked up That I'm stuck here waiting, at times debating Telling you that I've had it with you and your career Me and the rest of the family here singing, "Where'd you go?" [Chorus: Holly Brook & Jonah Matranga] Where'd you go? I miss you so Seems like it's been forever that you've been gone Where'd you go? I miss you so Seems like it's been forever that you've been gone Please come back home


Happy Halloween y’all. Spooky mega was truly missed this year 😔


happy halloween hope yall are doing good! thanks for everything :)

_Alpha_ Salmon_

❤️💙💛 RIP Poopermegaplex


I don't know why but I feel like you guys will come back in the new year at the beginning, as a new beginning a new year... if not, we will wait we'll be here ones you decide to come back I totally understand if you don't trust your fanbase anymore since most of them immideatly jumped on you guys without even waiting for a response BUT I hope you guys still come back and give us laughs and smiles ones more WE LOVE YOU


I've started rewatching old podcast & lets play episodes,, I really miss the boys idle chat so I could get some work done. feels like missing an old friend


Been enjoying some delicious cookies and milk on recent nights, thinking of podcast moments with Matt and Ryan talking about how nice some cookies and milk can be lol


We miss you boys


I was not expecting to see this video :(


Love you boys

Hannah Luns

Hope my two lovely uncles are having a good time filled with smiles and gaffaws. Truly miss y'all and hope your mental health is recovering after all the bs.


I truly do miss you guys, a phenomenal pair. Your humor really helped me through some dark times. I understand the need for the break, and I understand that we all screw up sometimes, I hope you guys understand that too. Truly appreciate everything you guys have done for us, and for helping me with a lot of laughs.


Miss you guys.. hope yall come back one day


Please come back you two. You both are truly amazing together, nobody out there like you. That whole situation was ridiculous and you don’t deserve to lose it all over nothing.


You guys can't let it end like this. You owe it to yourselves, your true fans, supermega itself and even daniel. It's times like these where we need to stand up to this toxic cancel culture and say "no, fuck you, you will not win!" ...I mean, unless you guys are a couple of little sissies? You're not a couple of babies are you, Matt and Ryan? waah


Another month, another day, I smoke a bowl of weed in honour of the Funny Brothers.




I am in tears, I miss looking forward to your podcasts every week. I genuinely wish both of you every ounce of happiness that your content has given me over the years. There are shifts at work I wouldn’t have been able to get through without supermegacast. (Also it’s kinda perfect that the last episode is Jeff The Killer)


pls come back for the podcast


Tragic. Just the deepest tragedy. Love you boys.


can I still buy the book?


I don’t think they owe anyone anything really and you including Daniel in your comment was a bit off putting tbh. They should definitely come back because they want to and if they decide not to, I will definitely be heartbroken but I’ll still support their decision. I do really hope they come back though. 🙏🙏🙏


Hope both uncle one and Nathan have been doing scrumdiddlyumptiously these past couple months


I saw Matthew Watson at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


Ryan was there too following him around talking at full volume on speaker phone the whole time

Artemis Hartoon

thinking about you boys a lot again. love you lots.


missin you boys, hope you guys are doing well! 🤍

Jake Rodriguez

still thinking of u boys <3


Come back <3


at least watch the croods with justin…. just one time…

Benjamin Miller

I miss Ryan farting into the mic so much

Lime Fanta

100 days without SuperMega and it hasn't got any less painful. Hope you sweet men are doing well.


everything is different now

Nate Beebe

Meg head eternal !!


Come back please

Katelyn Van Landingham

Rewatching the battle for bikini bottom series, missing the boys today.


We miss u boys ❤️


Love u guys I never going to miss ur laughs and gaps I had


I know this is late but I love you boys thanks for all the laughs.


Miss the boys still :( funny brothers 4 ever


Come back boys

Cody McKay

Hello gooners and goonets.


I'm not fucking cancelling my sub. diamond hands 💎 ✋ 🚀 🌙

Cody McKay

Same I wish I could send this extra $8 CAD to pokimaine but it’s currently reserved to Supermega


Just wanted to say Matt and Ryan if you read this, your content has given me so much joy over the last 6 or so years of my life. I went through periods of extreme loneliness over the years and listening to the podcast always gave me that familiar feeling of hanging out with friends and just laughing like a little fool. I remember seeing you guys live in LA 2018 for the Christmas show and having such a blast with my best friend, and then going by myself to see you again 2 months later in a city I had just moved to. I stood outside for so long in the cold by myself to meet you guys because you had that much of an impact on me. Regardless of all the negativity I'm sure you've been drowning in for the past few months, there are still a lot of people like me that will be patiently waiting to enjoy your content again. That said, what matters the most to me at least is whether or not you have fun making content because that's what was so enjoyable about consuming it in the first place. Idk where I'm going with this other than to say that I miss you guys and the fun you had together on camera and I'm rooting for you. P.S. SuperMega Plays AFRICAN ADVENTURES is the funniest lets play on the internet.


Miss you boys :( Please come back. Very cornball and embarrassing to admit, but you boys helped me through so many tough times. I started watching y’all in late 2017/early 2018 right after my best friend passed away. Idk how i would’ve processed that grief without hearing you guys talk about daniel. Wishing the best for you two, hope everything works out in the end. very high righynow so i will probably cringe very hard when i wake up tomorrow but whatever love you guys ❤️


grandmother's illustrious nipple thatch hamburgers were thespian cattle prods. that's why mile per gag reflex was a napkin holder. have you ever far fletched a pontoon koala? that's why i fart on wednesday. eighteen apes regurgitated force lightening bulbs thus was the monkey elixir a panacea for the ranch dressing as i've previously stated were robots in disguise. the thistle was in my pocket and lozenges were merely a temporary franchise. however, the room temperature salad movement rented a space in my corduroy lip stain. tepid was the brew and 2.76895 the susan lamp shade shat the bed spring. i could hear it from the gorilla sphincter array set in raid 0. now comes the hard part: my parfait smelled like harpoon syzygy, and snape killed teddy ruxpin for eighteen anchovies from francis ford coppola's nipple climate. thank you and good day.


i love seeing the number of members slowly climbing up on here. The supermega legacy lives on


ive never joined a patreon ever for any content creator, this is my first. i just wanted to come here and say that we all miss you two a lot. you guys got me thru some sleepless nights filled with studying for big exams. just want to say thank you for all the funnies and laughs. lots of love matt and ryan!

Big Mama

The do it for him bit made me smile ear to ear, TRULY!, love you boys!

Zack Fox

I need you guys back 😞


I’ll truly never forget those late night shifts where I would listen to the supermegacast while swapping out tags, you guys brought me and so many others so much joy. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t hoping for you guys to return some day but I hope you feel the same amount of joy you’ve brought all of us with whatever you do next, take care


…damn, decided to pay the 5$ since I been watching Matt and Ryan since the very first day they posted on supermega. They did a lot to help me with my mental health and I just hope this is the start of a better era for them. I guess this is goodbye Matt and Ryan sucks drama got the best of the greatest comedy duo to come from YouTube

Beau J

Took my niece and nephew to Chuck E Cheese today and half the staff was excited I had a SuperMega shirt on. A few gave us free prizes and stuff and were just super cool to talk to.


I never comment on things (damn social anxiety), but I wanted to say I miss you, Matt and Ryan! Hope you're doing well and getting plenty of rest. Since I found Cyndago back in 2013, you have been such a light in my life. I miss y'all and hope we will see you again. Happy early Thanksgiving. 💖


Bouncin on my boys dick, thinking about these two lil guys coming back. Love you boys


I'll be waiting for your guys to return next year, new year new beginning, the supermega MEGA era will start


Come back 💔❤️‍🩹


hopefully its RIP the supermega plex and not SUPERMEGA. I started off a Markiplier fan and when you guys left Mark and started Supermega i really enjoyed tf out of your content I was very lonely for a long time and you guys brought me that empty feeling i had. I completely understand the entire situation but one can only hope you guys start moving the gears once again. and if you do I will be one of the tiny little needles in the giant haystack full of many other needles supporting you.


The thought of no Nathan this christmas breaks me heart, Fly High Funny Brothers!


I’m thankful for Matt and Ryan! 💙❤️


Love you boys <3

Cody McKay



Just resubcribed to the Patreon and I just wanted to say I hope you guys do come back someday. Your videos always brought me such joy in moments where I was feeling my lowest. I miss you funny brothers and hope we can see you do some more goofs and gaffs in the near future!


Came back here yet again to say, even tho I’m always missing supermega, I’m missing them a little extra today lol, hope everyone is doing well and had a great Thanksgiving


The Funny brothers are my favorite podcast💪


this is fucked up


still seeing the membership here climbing up 🥹 happy holidays megheads and happy holidays matt and ryan 💖 enjoy the time w family and friends!!!

Deez nuts

I will say at first with everything coming out bout these two it bummed me the fuck out. I believed it and I didn’t even wait for their response. While what happened to lex is awful and I hope shes okay or getting the help she needs. Having the apology vids come out and seeing the actual truth it seems like their was a lot of bad actors (lex was not a bad actor). I miss the both of you guys and hope that you come back but if that’s not a venture you two would like to pursue, then so be it. I miss you guys and wish I wasn’t so easily tricked into believing you guys were the bad actors. I miss you both please we need the funny brothers.


We can believe lex and still recognize she made bad moves. She’s the first that brought up daniel. Not okay.

Benjamin Miller

I miss the funny brothers more than I miss Michael Jackson


Imma be here till the end of time waiting

Magikarp Karpington

The SuperMega shaped hole in my heart grows weary. Please come back Funny Brothers! You never did an Uncle Sleepover on Jackass or Spider-Man (despite the shirt on the cover!). We need the funny brothers more now than we ever did before!


Ive watched your content since I was in 7th grade. I now have my bachelors degree. Almost 10 years of watching you guys. Please don't let this be the end of an era.

Zachary Newell

I’m still praying that the boys will make a return The boys helped the troops but will the troops help the boys 😭


I know Matt has zeph and he seems to be in good spirits, I hope you’re doing okay Ryan and staying positive. Your little man justin is really becoming something of himself over on twitch, it’s awesome to see what a nice community y’all have gathered. ✌️❤️

Newell Stone

During this trying time of seasonal depression, I’m really missing the funny brothers


I hope u boys come back. Love supermega and love u ❤️

Cody McKay

My funny bone is missing Supermega and the funny brothers. Gonna calm the sucker down by tuning into old pod episodes. Take your time M and R. I’ll always be happy with all the podcasts you have uploaded and brought joy to many others.


Please come back supermegan


funnybrudders pls return

Hayden H

so many proved how cowardly nick is so come back guys please


After having a nearly 3 month dry spell of no supermega, I can not ask for a more talented and entertaining channel to return. I have been bummed by channel going before, but not like this, I can wholeheartedly say that supermega truly made my days. Miss you boys, please return when you're ready, we miss you


The sense of change is so uneasy and real. It's sad to be that guy who followed it all for a long time now. All the cast's and so on, y'know. To see such a divorced sense of discomfort from the future and aspiring dreams of creators I hold dear. Shit will never not be understated how sad this shot by shot of it all was. Too much a real emotion of home and comfort torn away. Left in tatters on the floor to just pick up. A truly cruel duet of fate.


I love and miss you guys so much. I hope you're at least doing well mentally and have found peace and happiness in whatever you're up to. <3 always going to be my comfort channel.


Happy Holidays my 2 lovely goobers



sharon (edited)

Comment edits

2023-12-23 11:11:22 ok the bit has gone on long enough i think time to come back now
2023-12-15 21:52:37 ok the bit has gone on long enough i think it’s time to come back now

ok the bit has gone on long enough i think it’s time to come back now


What if this is just the legitimate opportunity to rebrand as The Funny Brothers? Like they can take their time, get themselves good mentally and physically, and then come back funnier and brothersier than ever. Plz. 🖤


You guys got me through high school. I'm a boeing mechanic now and I still got old supermega cast episodes playing in my earbuds <3


Wherever you guys are, I hope you're enjoying the holidays, thank you for so much, I regret that this is the first time I'm subbing to the Patreon but I'm gonna make the most of it. Thank you guys.


I miss you guys.


Hope you guys come back soon, even if things aren’t the same


Damn that Israel V.Palestine question that Palestinian American Ryan McGee likes to ask guests would be such a banger right now


Waiting, contemplating, smoking grass, but it isn't the same without our Funny Brothers.


y’all posted this on my birthday. miss u boys like crazy


Hope you boys are doing well. Miss y'all's

Michael Stevens

Missing you guys, have a good Xmas ❤️

Jacob Martin

Miss you folks refuse to watch the final podcast until Christmas which I hope your both are enjoying, miss funni brothers like a content hole in my heart not yet filled, with love, ur lover

Ty R.

I hope you guys have a good christmas, not a day goes by where i don't miss you guys


Merry Christmas funny brothers

Kailey Green

Merry Christmas Matt and Ryan 🎄❤️ I listened to Nathan's 1st&3rd Christmas albums at 6:30 this morning with my whole family. They love a good holiday album. Cheers!


merry Christmas ❤️

Steve Loftus

Merry Christmas Matt and Ryan


love you matt and ryan. merry xmas and happy new years! you two are the greatest 🫂


Miss you guys, hope all is well


Please come back funny brothers


I can’t get hard anymore unless I watch you boys kiss, please come back for my wife’s sake, the old videos are used up for me

Anti - Social

4 more days toward a new year. I really hope you both are doing alright and that you two are still the iconic funny brothers behind the scenes. Love you guys

Mike Poop

I miss you boys and I hope the new year brings y'all joy and happiness ❤️


any day now ❤️‍🩹

Nate Beebe

Meg head eternal !!


Couldn’t be more thankful for you two. Love you very much and hope you have a happy and safe new year celebration. We’ll see y’all next year 🫶


I wish a very Happy New Year to all of you! May this year bring new development and growth 📈


Happy new year!


Best wishes to everyone for a fantastic 2024! hopefully we get some positive news from the funny brothers this year

Ethan Quin

Merry Christmas everyone. Even though the boys didn’t film it, I know in my heart that they got a tree. The spirit of What up Grinches Ryan and Epic Christmas Matt lives on. Hoping for a return in the New Year. Thanks for the great content boys.


It was honestly very rough to get through a holiday without a "The Boys Get a Christmas Tree" or a new Nathan's Christmas album. Recently I've been coping by listening to old supermegacasts but since I've already heard them all before it just isn't the same. I hope matthew and ryan will come back to us soon


I will stay subscribed until you both die, content or no content. Keep on gooning SuperMega, you are my favorite funny men.


i am late to the Patreon is there still a discord server or is that gone now


official discord is gone but there’s a fan made one


damn that sucks do you think you could send the link for the fan-made one

cucumber salad

2024 seems a lot less… funny… without my funny brothers around 😢


Miss you boiz! <3 I used to only watch your podcast but starting tomorrow I'll be watching your guys' sonic let's plays!


OK guys the bit was funny. Haha supermega is over haha. But bring it back now... please

Steve Loftus

https://youtu.be/NDFehFT1VRI?si=2gQFDa9fquaBt88U This is all we want


come on guys pls, come back I miss being excited every weeks for the podcast I listned to it at work while I was milking cows or while I was driving or while I was pushing old ladys down the stairs you guys made my day no matter how sad I felt, your videos made me laugh, always, the humor was just perfect people on youtube know the truth by now it wasn't what those people made it out to be and even tho everyone jumped on you guys without even just waiting for your guys's repsonse, wich was shit and I can understand why you guys would not hate but not trust your cummunity anymore but pls you guys where one of the best and as soon as I see a video pop up again Im gona be more happy then ever WE LOVE YOU PLS COME BACK I hope you boiz are doing fine

Hayden De Long

We miss you boys, please come back, I need a dose of the funny brothers.


So many things are changing but SuperMega is the one thing I wish was a constant :,(


Please come back, Supermega... please...

Artemis Hartoon

say sike right now... you got me eating roaches off the floor just to feel something

Raven Fritz

I'll miss you guys😭😭😭

Raven Fritz

Don't forget to tell Ming I said thank you for everything too. I'll miss you boys, and I've been around for a long long time. Since cyndago, Kidz with problems, and then supermega. I'll miss you guys so much, you have no idea. 😢💔


I love you, supermega. I found you in middle school and now I’m an adult trying to live day to day. I hope you boys are safe. Wish we could have heard about your reaction to GTA6 on the Pod. Meghead for life ❤️


So many creators recently stepping down or changing their content or talking about not making content anymore, I really hope supermega breaks the trend and announces their return🙏🙏hope yall are doing well


We still love you guys and will respect whatever decisions you make. I would love more supermega content but please take care of yourselves first. Love you boys.

Beau J

I gotta pull from the pateron for now but that doesn't mean I'm not waiting on the return, I just need my money lol. See yall later

Corey M

baby please come home

Hayden H

praying for justin to let you guys out of his basement 🙏

Katelyn Van Landingham

Me sitting on my couch wondering when Matt and Ryan and coming home with the milk.


missing u guys extra hard today so if ur coming back soon DON’T post anything (this is a foolproof plan)


I first heard of Matt and Ryan from a friend showing me a funny new video on YouTube, (Blonde Boyz), then years later I hear them in the Misfits Podcast as guest stars. I thought they were really funny and decided I should listen to them. I finally decided to check them out in early August, right when the controversy was starting. It sucks to be getting into them now, knowing that there isn’t a definite future :(


Got a sudden wave of missing supermega so i finally subbed after god knows how long. hope you guys are well.


I miss you guys so much. Please come back. I'll always have your back, and that's why I still give you money every month. I'm glad that Matt is still doing music, but Ryan I miss you

Kailey Green

I come back to patreon at least once a week hoping I missed some sort of update. Really missing my FunnyBros. But I hope you're both doing well!! :)


I miss these boys so hecking bad

Saint Nixon

I hope they are doing good. I miss them very much.


I keep coming back here every so often hoping for something new. Hope they return soon


Finally built up the nerve to watch this and it was just as depressing as I expected it to be :( genuinely started tearing up at the end 💔 I miss these funny boys so much, seriously the perfect YouTube channel that was taken from us too soon


I just paid for the patreon for the first time, I miss you guys :( It feels like all your fans are back on your side, I hope you come back one day better than ever


Love you f@gs

Christian Gentry

I’ll pay 5 extra big greens just for you guys to come back. Please for the love of god and all that is holy. PLEASE!!!


i'll throw in a camel and a can of greens if you guys come back you've done nothing wrong


come back funny brothers :/ we all miss you


hope you guys are doing okay, we miss you!!🫶

Zachary Newell

I miss the boys I keep hoping I wake up to a new podcast episode or video. Come back please 🙏🏻


Hey guys, my gf just ordered me “super mega saves the troops” from supermegamart and I was wondering if they’re still processing orders? Can someone get back to me asap thank you guys!


Thank you so much! I wasn’t sure if they were still selling their book, still love the funny bros and never got to read the book.


We miss you boys!

Raccoon Paw

We’ll miss you funny brothers

Alex Tinkler

I still haven’t listened to the final podcast episode because then it’ll be over. There’s a giant hole in my week where the pod used to be! Hopefully one day it will be back bigger and better than ever. Miss you both so much ❤️


Just reupped my membership boys, cheers to another year of laughs and gaffs


Also just re-subbed for another year if you’ll have me

Jacob Martin

Miss you handsome boys

Adrian Mendez

Missing you sweet boys quite a bit. How many packs of big red will it take for you sweethearts to come back?


can someone tell ryan to follow back mitski on instagram


Currently searching LA for Ryan and Matt in my big rig as this months subscription payment made me lose my house and kids. Please leave a warm bowl of Kraft Mac on your doorstep and i’ll forgive you.


Take my money 💰 🤑


I want you boys sloppin my meat


miss you boys sm

Corey M


Adrian Mendez

It’s not fair… it just isn’t.

Will Sidwell

yo i got the patreon yesterday and just wanted to say i hope yall are having a great 2024 so far 💪 stay safe out there boys!!


2022 was the warmup, 2023 was the scrimmage, and 2024 is game time baby


it’s the 5th on the east coast so happy birthday matt, you’re easily among my top 5 favorite white boys


hbd mattypoo

Corey M

Happy Matt day!!!!!!!!


Happy birthday Matt, miss you guys everyday <3

Layne Hess

Happy birthday Matt I miss you boys


Happpppppppppyyyyyyyyyyy birfday matt

Emily M

Happy Birthday Matt!!! ❤️❤️


wondered why I had explosive diarrhea for 4 hours, but then I remembered it’s Matthew’s birthday and breathed a sigh of relief! so weird how periods sync up with youtubers sometimes haha!😂

Ruth Wilson

Happy late birthday 🎂


You boys would be so proud of little buttlag. His Comic-Con video was a thing of beauty, I know you boys are smiling up at him from hell


Where art though funny brothers 🥺

Bradley L

For $5 bucks, yeah okay I miss ya


everytime I think about not resubbing to the patreon, I come back here and read the comments and stay another month... miss yall sm i hope we see yall again in 2024


Still here still missing my favourite Uncles, cuddletime aint the same anymore...


Come back you goofy goobers

Annie Almonde

we'll be here no matter how long it takes


Eating spaghetti, thinking of you boys❤️

Mr. Mysterio

It's been 3000 years.


something came in the mail today


we miss you so much

Katelyn Van Landingham

Every time I miss the funny brothers I come read these comments to remind myself I’m not the only one suffering lol I’m still hopeful till the Patreon is gone.


RIP twomad, sad to see his spiral directly after the Supermega video came out


Missing the funny brothers a lot lately. Been relistening to the podcast in hopes that when I’m done there might be more to listen to.


miss yall a ton hope youre doing good <3

Lime Fanta

Are we there yet?

Lime Fanta

( • )( • )ԅ(‾⌣‾ԅ)

Lime Fanta

Please c'mback soon. A Need, not a want.




Lex is a freeloading leech. I watched her video and what stuck out to me was her weaponising Daniel’s suicide. No wonder she disabled her comments, she’s an absolute psychopath.

Dev Dreyer

I hope Ryan plays Dave the Diver if he hasn’t already


missing falling asleep to the pod or truck sim :(


Please come back boys 😖


Long live Supermega!


No freaking way you guys actually kept the sergeant slaughter I sent you 😂 1:33


I remember listening to the first episode of the podcast they recorded in the Supermegaplex, and now we're here. What a crazy ride this has been ❤❤❤