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Hey Megheads. It’s been a while, huh?

We've missed you guys, and we know that y'all (understandably) have a lot of questions about the future of SuperMega. We wanna take a moment to give y’all an official update on the state of things.

So, first and foremost, what is the future of SuperMega?

Well, to rip off the band-aid, the truth is that we do not have any definitive plans, one way or another, about the future of SuperMega. We've been asking ourselves many of the same questions that you've been asking us over the last few weeks. In our eyes, it would not be right for us to continue to put new content on the channel without genuinely reflecting on our past and contemplating what we want for the future. This could mean resuming the channel in the future, taking a lengthy hiatus, or deciding to say goodbye for good. We simply haven't had enough time to process everything and come to a decision that feels right for our fans, our loved ones, and our mental health. We know that the lack of a concrete decision will be disappointing to some, and we really do apologize for this.

Well... now what?

We've seen lots of requests for us to make our completed, but unreleased content, available on our Patreon. We felt it was only right to show the people still supporting us on this page what we had been up to. Over the next day or so, we will be posting the final pieces of content that remain in our reserves. This will include some of the projects that we had been working on, our finished videos that we never got to release, and some updates about what our plans were. We hope that by releasing this behind-the-scenes look at stuff, y’all can see that we were truly more excited about SuperMega than ever, and we couldn’t wait to show everyone what we were cooking up in this new chapter ahead. We are so grateful for all of you who continue to support us through your Patreon subscriptions, and we please ask that you do not share this content on other platforms.

Bottom line, we wanted to provide some additional content for those who are supporting us through a Patreon subscription. We understand that you might choose not to maintain your Patreon subscription, but for those who choose to stick around after the curtain call, whether for access to all the content or simply to just show support, we appreciate it beyond belief. Regardless of your choice, thank you to those who are currently, or ever were in the past, a subscriber, a patron, or just a fan of the dumb shit we made. We appreciate you more than you'll ever know.

Without you guys, we wouldn’t have been able to spend so many years creating and having fun. It’s been a hell of a ride up to this point, and you’ve given two dumbasses from South Carolina the ultimate gift of allowing us to share our lives, content, and friendship with you while getting to do our favorite thing in the world - create. For this, we will always be immensely grateful. Should any decisions be made moving forward, we'll make sure to share them openly. However, for now, we're signing off.

Thank you again to everyone who has supported us on this journey. Your uncles Matthew and Ryan will always love ya. 

Farewell freaks. Take it easy and don't forget to bathe.

        - Matt & Ryan (The Funny Brothers™)


shamut ferraz

I want you guys back but I moreso want to know where Justin is. This seem to put a real toll on him that id like to make sure hes okay.

Bryan Friberg

The real Megheads are happy with any scenario that involves mental health. It's rare on Earth to find people who have creative ideas and see them to fruit. When you feel the time is right to come back we'll be there. Thank you for the free education! Editing, music, social, movies, etc. I'm not joking you've offered classes in editing alone through experience. I listened.


Been a supporter since y’all left game grumps and I’m going to still support you guys through this. I understand if you decide to end supermega but I truly think with enough time this can come back better than ever. Sad to see it I’m going to miss the posts but at least I have content for now. Godspeed Matt and Ryan


Please take ALL of the time you can possibly take. Please forgive me if this sounds corny or god forbid negative, but your guy's story is in a way motivating. Everyone goes through struggles, and those who persevere grow and build character. You guys are shining examples of rising from the ashes. I've witness these two small time youtubers go through heartbreaks and turmoil time and time again, and through it all came out as better and stronger people. You may speak humbly of yourselves and possess many regrets I'm sure, but I'm hard pressed to say I don't know many other youtubers (or many people for that matter) that are genuine and show humility. Acknowledge your mistakes, but realize you're not lesser people by any means. I feel there's still a future where SuperMega can endure and move past this chapter in their life and even possess motivation stronger than ever before. You all are an inspiration to me, not just creatively but in a funny way, maturely as well. I beg, don't let your influential legacy end here, not after all you have achieved, and certainly not before all you have yet achieve.


You guys have been so special, since the beginning i've carried you with me and it felt like I was growing alongside you in many ways. I of course think it's good to take time to grow and reflect, and sequentially even I feel the urge to do the same in my own way. I'll take it as a mutual opportunity to fulfil the things that matter and feel ready to take on the future. But don't forget! You matter very much too. I hope to see you again out there, bright as ever!


I’m sorry Supermegan


love you funny brothers


Love you guys, can't wait to see what's next! All the support and love. 🍻

Monkeys Man

This is a good bit after all has settled in the situation as far as bystanders are able to see, and at the end of the day Matt and Ryan are still only human. I’ve seen a portion of the fan base asking for your return and while we all love your content we have to understand that you two are actively experiencing some level of mental trauma as a result of all of this. Without a doubt some responsibility falls on you two but from where I’m standing you’ve taken accountability for your actions. And so as a message from all of the Meg heads that love you two so much please take care of yourselves ❤


love you matt and ryan, please take care of yourselves. i’ve listened to the podcast 4 times all the way through over the years. you guys made me laugh so many times. no matter the medium you’ve always been funny as hell. i hope to see you guys again some day.


The funny brothers will live on, whether they’re here or not. Hope you guys do decide to return and show us even more funny and entertaining stuff, but if not, that’s okay, as long as you’re okay

ari estis

the funny brothers could make a return....just a suggestion 0-0


Fellas, I respect your decision but I think people understand now that you had the best of intentions. I’m recovering from surgery rn and your vids are the best part of having to lie around and do nothing all day long. I hate to think you’re feeling like you’ve been forced into a hiatus. We really miss you guys <3


At this point the truth is clear. Like most big creators at some point during their run, SM got hit with a smear campaign. That campaign lost all fuel relatively quickly as people started putting two and two together and contradictions were highlighted. It's a damn shame it hit SM like it has. You boys are sorely missed. Hope wherever you're at now, you're happy and well. If you're ever in Dallas, I'd gladly buy you a beer.


Miss ya boys


Hope yall (SM and the fans) are all doing well! Take care of yourselves

Lime Fanta