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We've been watched in prison.


Julie (HiDeeHoGal)

Back in my party days in the 90s, if you bummed a smoke off a rando, you'd have to ask if it was wet or not. Cos being wet meant the cigarette had been dipped in PCP. And there's nothing worse than a surprise hit of PCP, especially if you're already drunk, high, rolling, spinning, tripping, or any combination of the above.

Hugh Phardid

Yo I'm watching this in heaven rn so wild wifi up here is crazy

Hugh Phardid

I think you both might like the game Okami, being as you both are fans of Japan and chimps, you gotta bear through the beginning though, there's a lot of text to read and a bit of a tutorial but it's not so bad after that once it lets you explore

Kayla Rose Arbogast

Uncle Sleepover Epic Movie, PLEASE, Matt and Ryan, PLEASE all of the Setlzer and Friedburg movies for Uncle Sleepover episodes, PLEEEASSEE!!!!!


Bro what the fuck is welching the grape

Hugh Phardid

Yeah fuck Jim, hate that guy. He rated my bedroom a 4 /j


Cars 2 is fucking heat. The writers were having fun with it. Cars 3 is just rocky 3 backwards


SuperMega Saves the Inmates

Bill Lee



love those beatles!




Damn boys looking beautiful


Hey Matthew, just for the record I don't see any resemblance between you and Randy Stair, other than the fact that you are both skinny white guys.


i also want to get high off dmt and get shot in the back of the head, that sounds like the best possible way to die


Aldous Huxley, author of the novel Brave New World, asked his wife to inject him with LSD on his deathbed and died tripping

Squid Lover

I can't stop dying at Ryan's wig, shit looks fabulous


supermega saves the prison


14:52 No wonder my dogs lost all their charm!...


There's a company, in Australia(I think) that will sell you a can of nitrogen and a plastic bag "for home-brewing beer" it's actually for people to commit sewer slides and to put down their dogs at home instead of over paying a vet to kill them in a scary sterile room. I could be wrong, but I think there is a service that will come and remove the bag also. Just so the family don't walk in and see granny dead with a can of nos and think she died from whippets gone wrong


Didn’t expect this episode to touch on such grim topics😂