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Jim gross!!


Kieran McIntire

17:22 speaking of big momma’s house- during the hotline miami series (i think) matt lost a what are the odds to jerk it to ryan’s curated clips of big momma’s house. any confirmation on this? 🤔


The SpongeBob movie and the first spy kids movie are my favorite uncle sleepover episodes so far, haven’t watched the spy kids 3 or captain Philips ones yet


I love when you switch from the bits to the authenticity it's really endearing

Austin Joiner

im like 80% sure i know what matts next movie is, if its what i think it is im stoked!

Jacob Martin

Guessing Norbit as the movie


i implore the patrons here who post exclusive things on reddit to repent and to not continue doing that anymore 🙏🏻


my guess is the social network for next sleepover

Lukas Gray

the two genders: women and bacteria


Down to watch suite life on uncle sleepover


hi boys can u do lego movie for uncle sleepover please. please. thanks. please


Matts rly going from The Sopranos to Suite Life. Duality of man ladies and gentlemen.


Ryan if you keep farting straight into the mic you're gonna fuckin get pink eye man


So excited for sticker club + can’t believe Justin’s uncensored penis made it into this cut😂


can you two pls watch the cat in the hat movie

aaliyah (edited)

Comment edits

2023-08-25 07:34:16 miss u guys (not parasocially). hope u eventually return to making content, as a new patron all this talk of future uncle sleepover episodes and other projects makes me really hope that eventually y'all will reconsider, after time to rest, recollect and reflect of course ! stay safe <3
2023-08-17 04:26:08 miss u guys (not parasocially). hope u eventually return to making content, as a new patron all this talk of future uncle sleepover episodes and other projects makes me really hope that eventually y'all will reconsider, after time to rest, recollect and reflect of course ! stay safe <3

miss u guys (not parasocially). hope u eventually return to making content, as a new patron all this talk of future uncle sleepover episodes and other projects makes me really hope that eventually y'all will reconsider, after time to rest, recollect and reflect of course ! stay safe <3