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A bris with Elmo and a long history of tattling.


Jeremy Murray

I feel like Ryans mic has been shorting out for the last 5 podcasts


I'd buy a shirt of the Supermega staff in The Last Supper with Jesus having pizza

Lexi (Gay)

Ryan's mike has a stroke @ 26:10 F 😔🙏


Anti semantics, pro Semitic!


Probably caked in pooticulates and/or pooticles from him tooting his hairy horn at it for years.


But for real 26:07 it's been popping/cracking like this for atleast the last 3 episodes everytime he touches or adjusts it, or puts anything like his phone or ass near it, and the volume has fluctuated pretty badly quite a few times

Brooke Prichard

Omg please watch Contact for Uncle Sleepover


Contact has been my favorite movie since I was a child, would love an uncle sleepover on that one


Ryan’s fecal matter building up throughout the years has led to the downfall of his microphone once and for all


I don't get the weirdness for kissing your loved ones on the lips. It's a quick peck to show affection. It's not like you use tongue or some shit.


LMAO again, I really don't see why people get upset by it. Hell I kiss my best friend and cousin on the lips too. It's a fucking peck on the lips, what do you think it equates to, sucking a dick?


It was actually nice to see Jester Jim wearing human clothes on SuperMega for once, rather than his normal uniform of many bells, whistles, and other trinkets.

loui s

Jim reminds me of The Hound Sandor Clegane

Drake White

I would fuck with contact uncle sleepover Also y’all should make a letterboxd account to track your movie shit and make lists of movies! Would love to see what y’all watch

Lexi (Gay)

That is the most vile fucking imagery that he's been putting his face against this shit crusted mic


Even in European countries adults will greet each other with a kiss on the cheek. kissing on the lips is more passionate, something you do with romantic partners and your parents when you are baby/child.


I'm still their baby/child no matter how old I am so we still peck each other on the lips 🤷‍♂️

Jacob Baker (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-13 23:54:25 Poopermega
2023-06-13 23:54:25 Poopermega
2023-05-21 13:55:24 Poopermega



they already have done this but fans kinda ruined it by being annoying to the boys about their movie opinions, so they stopped


Watchog is such a Matt Watson Pokemon