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Questions and answers, and only a day late! Aren't you lucky.


Noah Lancaste

Hey I joined the Patreon last month and it’s my birthday today I turned 19 now sing me happy birthday I support you financially


and with that financial support you get access to the patreon content, not personal bday messages peace and love and happy bday tho

Noah Lancaste

Factual factual thanks brudda I just thought it’d be funny if they saw it


me and my boyfriend started a convo about dating at around 11:45 on nov 30, and it became official between the days of that and december 1st. we celebrate our anniversary on both dates, so this is like an anniversary present from you guys completely unintentionally. thanks i guess

Caden Anthony

the “fattest man on this planet” joke really got me

Cierra Howard

Omg Matt in the beginning was giving "shut the fuck up Donny" from the Big Lebowski energy


I screamed “damn” so loud it scared my sister.


How often do you guys smoke weed? I used to vape everyday with nicotine but now I just smoke the living shit out of my Luigi pipe with bud stuffed in that bih listening to your guys podcast. I smoke everyday multiple times


yo shoutout to my fellow megheads who smoke everyday multiple times


I can’t stand hearing them talk about flies on the podcast, so I bit the bullet and got this stupid fucking membership. You don't have fucking fruit flies, it's drain flies. Getting rid of them will take literally minutes (longer than matt can stand in the ring amirite). First, get a pot of boiling water and pour it down every drain. Not one, not two but every drain. Drain flies appear in still water so if you don’t use the plumbing every day they will appear. You can add vinegar OR bleach to the boiling water to help kill the flies too. Mint is a good repellant for flies too so place them around the office to help clear up the area. This old house is a good resource on this so I recommend reading their page on it. If they are still there you probably have a dead animal in the attic or crawl space. Holy fuck this has been bugging me forever. I swear to god do this it's so simple and takes no time to do it. If you wait till you get 1 million subscribers the flies might disappear but we all know that will never happen. Fuck you little pig boys for making me get this fucking membership.


Could've just said pour Hydrogen Peroxide down their drain instead of writing a novel my guy.


the ending bits always get me!!! too f***ing funny!!


You could have poured hydrogen peroxide down your throat instead replying to a short novel


we gotta get ben on the podcast and zeph toooooo


yooooo matt spittin wihh that meatloaf dinner beat

Tom MT

How does Ryan's hair grow so quick?

Josiah Vander Griend

Ryan where did you get the what up grinches hoodie, I need one