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A Q&A delivered on time?!? Wow. This is epic. 

(Edit: Not sure how the hell this exported out of sync.. guess it's a special edition! -Justin)



the out of sync is so funny haha


i guess they leave granny's tampon string along

Danny Buchanan

Have you explored each others bodies

Danny Buchanan

The chris chan story is done but I think its a time to explore the ethics of how they turned him into a lolcow in the way they did. I think if I was continuing a long series like that from this point I'd start covering guys like null and kiwifarms. Obviously though thats depending on how much danger hes willing to put himself in or if he just thinks all of it is okay.


Do you guys think you'll ever do some more live shows? I went to the super mega live show in Portland and really enjoyed it


When they answer your question about the elbows but don't say your name, THEN SUGGEST I PAY MORE FOR PATREON?!


be real. whats the plan for the second cold ones podcast?


If I ever meet you boys, can I take a ride on matt's shoulders? I'm a 195 pound, 5'8" man


Learning that Ryan wipes standing up truly traumatized me


Wowwww, thx for answering, shit be wild, I’m going to bed now good night max and levi

Chris Lin

I'm watching this months late but I have a question now that I am, Matt, do you feel any remorse for being so vocally against being painted as a pedophile after making jim out to be one mere moments ago