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Tony Grijalva

huehue got meme'd by the bois


Down with Ohio


Hey! Are you guys gay, perchance? Just wondering, has been on my mind for quite some time now and I would really appreciate a response. I just really want to know if you guys are homosexual so I'd love a reply. I've been thinking about it a lot and I'd just really like to know. Are you? Or no? I'm just wondering because I think it would be a good piece of information to store in my mind palace. Haha, just asking because I genuinely want to know. Are you gay? Haha please answer ASAP I really need this information for a research paper I'm writing so please tell me if you are gay or not because I need to know. Homosexual sodomy, haha, very funny concept that I think the two of you might engage in on a regular basis but of course that's just a theory of mine. Would be nice if you could confirm it, though, haha please let me know what you guys think of my hypothesis and get back to me because I really need confirmation on this information of whether you are gay or not. Anyways, just wanted to know. Thanks in advance, and looks like a fun pizza party! Love, Me (P.S. Please answer this message ASAP I am seriously writing a research paper about something very scientific and important to the field of education and I need to know whether or not you are gay and regularly engage in sodomy it is just a simple question and I need confirmation for my paper yes thank you please answer I really need to know thanks)

Ryan McCurdy

Do you guys get nightmares from Tucker Carlson like Jennifer Lawrence does?

Noah Eblin

as a resident of Ohio I’d like to say yeah that’s fair



Cristian Gamez

Did anyone else see the mouse in the background at 10:59?

liam guensche

that's weird as fuck, I also remember a put put travels through time episode but I don't remember a mail opening with the Sonichu comics at all.

Lexi (Gay)

They do have a lot of gay sex but they're not gay they only do it for onlyfans content


I can't believe you guys didn't list authors in "what you think you are!" I find it completely ridiculous that "SuperMega Saves the Troops" isn't mandatory kids summer reading now.


Episode 253 is my favorite one tho!! I am a pirate who does piracy a lot, here me is.


As someone that’s from ohio, i have to say that i am deeply, deeply proud of you guys for adding it to your list. 💚

The Wesinator

Ok so I went back and saw the Sonichu comics on the table in the uranium episode, and yeah I think y’all opening them got cut