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We talk conspiracy theories. 




ngl matt kinda small brain thinking the moon landing being fake has any credence


just in time for my car ride to work<3


Nice, now what about Russians


i would love to hear more tripping stories?


omg literally perfect timing for my break


Great cast my good chums


Do you guys believe in any type of mythical creatures ?


just go do a deep dive into transcendental/ritualistic magic and like all that stuff on hermetic orders and how they started (freemasonry, etc)


I don't know or care if the moon landing was faked but to be honest it wouldn't surprise me. If you think about it that is very on brand for America. "Doesn't matter if it's fake as long as we're number 1!"

Noah May

Matt "Probably Some Extradimesional Being" Watson over here.


please please PLEASE do a missing 411 episode!!


not gonna lie, that sweet baby rays sketch sounds like itd be hilarious, like everythings normal, eating some bbq, til one of you asks what kind of sauce it is and someone informs you its sweet baby rays


Once you're able, please go to Scotland in search of Nessie and vlog it. Also please fuck around in Glasgow and see what happens. But behave yourselves in Edinburgh.


Check out “clementine golden dragon” conspiracy. Ppl think there’s a dragon (or machine) on the dark side of the moon


Talk about Anime you nerds <3


Matthew and Ryen talk about family guy


Definitely keep talking about conspiracies, this was not enough lol


That would be cool if the top patreon member, once a month, would be able to come on the mini and talk with them. Not that I have the money to do that, but im always thinking about how I would respond to the questions that are asked.

Lee Taggart

Here boys, take Like #69. My gift to you.


It would have taken more advanced technology to fake the moon landing than to actually just go there at the time.

Chelsea Thompson

i could listen to this all day i love anything conspiracy/cryptid/ghost/true crime related


Well, they've actually placed a reflector on the moon, which shoots back lasers if you fire at it (kind of literally). So, asides from a lot of other stuff that make it tremendously unlikely for it to be faked, anyone with a laser powerful enough can check it. Heck, even Russia (THE COUNTRY which has the most to lose) admited it was true. There's also another point: do you know how hard is to keep secrets?! Fuck, this sort of shithole would be more conclusively denounced by now by people working with the launching if there were anything truly fake


please talk about how dumb q anon is


Spit it out Ryan, it's ok my dude


There's no way they could have faked the moon landing with the visual effects technology that existed in 1969. 2001: A Space Odyssey came out in 1968 and was the pinnacle of VFX for the time. It's no where close to looking like official moon landing footage


do you guys know this youtuber named “Wendigoon” ? he has a similar energy to you guys and his WHOLE channel basically a conspiracy theory iceberg / analysis content. definitely recommend you guys check him out for more conspiracy explanations (and just maybe possibly collab on one? 👉🏾👈🏾 i’d explode i admire all three of u guys sooooo much <3)

Squid Lover

Shrooms > Acid for sure

Noah May

"Pay for our friendship!" Yeah that's not going to work well

Noah May

Matt "higher-dimensional beings" Watson probably doesn't think it's too far out.