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We talk about our experiences with the devil's lettuce. What are some of your best/worst experiences with that jazz grazz?



Ryan Baker

I'm a person just like you But I've got better things to do Than sit around and fuck my head Hang out with the living dead Snort white shit up my nose Pass out at the shows I don't even think about speed That's just something I don't need I've got the Straight Edge!


hell yeah, gonna listen to this while taking bong rips. also happy birthday Matt !!


Deez nutS


Happy Birthday Matt! And may you guys talk about the first impressions with everyone? Like the first impressions of the Grumps, Chris, Frank, etc. Have a great day y’all!


first time i tried shatter i was trying to make serial and i felt the intense need to lay down only i still had the milk in my hand and i laid in a pile of milk on my kitchen floor for about 2 hours


Best experiences for me are when I can jam out to tunes, even the shitty ones


i took thc pills with my friend in high school and her dads friend came into the apartment. i was frozen on my friends bed and refused to say hi cause i could NOT move for a solid 20 minutes. then when i finally stood up i thought the friend was a ghost walking in the hallway. next day i was still extremely high and ended up going to my cashier job where my dad also worked so ya know. good times.

Chlöe Macias

the very first time i smoke the devils lettuce i was going to a school bonfire thing and before we left my friends house i tucked in a bag of flaming hot cheetos into her bed. I think everyone could DEFINITELY tell i was fucked yo because my eyes were literally BRIGHT RED.


One of the best times I smoked I got high out of my mind cause I smoked 5 bowls and ate some of an edible (😭😭) and a friend of mine convinced me that Lin manuel Miranda died in a plane crash and I started crying


My worst weed story had to be me eating one too many edibles and falling on the floor passing out and giving myself a concussion😬 I’m ok now tho!


Mom my says I can’t watch anymore thanks guys :/


next could you guys talk about places in South Carolina that make you most nostalgic :o i love hearing you guys talk about the east coast, i’ve never been to the west so it’s fun hearing ur comparisons :D


one time me and my friends got super high and went to the aquarium. at like the first exhibit after the ticket check, we were looking at whale sharks when an employee came up and started talking to us about them. he said “you know that’s actually the biggest whale shark in the facility”. after like a ten second silence i just blurt out “THE BIGGEST?!”


Oop edibles were my first 😘


my worst weed experience was when i went to this random ass party a few cities away from where i live, i was drinking on an empty stomach so i was already blasted. suddenly these 14-16 year old girls (this was 2?? years ago so i was 18/19, and i still have no idea why these children were at the party lol) asked if i wanted to smoke with them and my dumbass said yes. que the worst high ive ever had. i passed out on the host's neighbors porch, everything around me started spinning, i couldnt talk and i didnt understand what any of my friends were saying to me and just trying to talk made me feel worse so i needed them to stfu cus my brain was scrambled lol. i had to call my dad to pick me up and when he finally arrived i threw up in the neighbors flowers, thankfully all i could throw up was water lmao. it felt like i was laying on that porch for 5 hours but turns out i only was there for maybe an hour, hour and a half. after that whole experience i didnt smoke/do edibles for about two years (this october) and thats also a wacky experience lmao. in short i went to my friends who live in oslo and this random guy came over to us while we were chilling and he suddenly started threatening us saying he'd shoot us if we didnt move to a different place. in retrospect i think he was gonna do a drug deal or summ. i dont really care but that was crazy lol. also he stole my bag of popcorn


amen buddy i'll smoke to that first time i had an edible my best friend gave me double the dose thinking i'd absolutely survive even tho i barely smoked at the time. it got me so fucken high that i forgot words as they were said to me. like so high i can't move anymore high. at some point i wanted to watch a link to the past randomizer videos but since i didn't have a chromecast i had to search youtube with my ps4 from the couch which honestly idk why they wanted me to search for it since i couldn't get any further than "a l" without asking what i was doing and put the controller down. i passed out on the couch after that, woke up still high


I smoked pretty frequently from 2010-2015. Over those years, I put on about 40 pounds that I really did not need. It pushed me over the line into type 2 diabetes. I know that's on me and my family history, but the ferocious munchies didn't help. My bad time was trying to drive in a blizzard. Don't weed and drive, kids. My best time...huh. The good times all blur into a blend of A Good Time. But I haven't had any for however many years now. I don't think it's good for me.


One of my worst weed experiences was my first edible. My mom gave a chocolate bar to me (before this I was oblivious to the fact that she regularly smoked it, even though she had ashtrays in her bathroom.) I shared the chocolate bar with two friends, and the bar had 300 mg of THC in total. I was sitting in a barnes & noble when it kicked in and i had the worst tunnel vision. We walked around town while fucked up and then went to one of my friend's houses to watch barbie movies. My other friend who didn't live there starting shaking and threw up. Very unpleasant! Would not recommend.


God, Sonic rivals T-Bell and McDonalds as the best fucking good to eat while high. At least if you're midwestern, lmao.


My family grows weed up in mendocino county. I have tons of weed stories, good and bad lol. One time, my older sister and i ate a huge edible for Christmas and we saw who could last the longest. She passed out after an hour and i stayed up all day lol


My worst weed experience was definitely when I went to a party in a friend of a friend's house. There were like 20 people crammed in this bedroom and I was on the host's bed doing bong rips, and like Ryan was saying everyone's voices sounded muffled and pounded against my head until I threw up. Right on the host's bed and everything. I didn't know what to do so I bolted out of the house and after pacing outside for a bit I ended up just driving home. I didn't talk to that guy for years and always felt so bad about just leaving. I finally saw him again at my house warming party and apologized. He was super chill about, wasn't even a little mad. I told him if he got sick at my party he was was free to use my bed.


the boys did a great job staying on topic this time, proud of you guys


The first time I got high was when I was in HS, on the porch of my old house when some friends of mine showed up with some like "smoke up, pussy". Got so high I couldn't remember how to walk so I had to sing that "one foot in front of the other" song to remember.


Tbh I'm afraid to try it since schizophrenia runs in my family and that can bring it out. I don't need my own "Jackson", if you catch my drift here fellas UPDATE: I have since tried edibles and thankfully no "Jackson" has appeared

Mulholland Overdrive

my best friend in secondary school (UK's equivalent to high school) got caught by his dad smoking. I think my friend bought an ounce in total? And his dad was this super strict hardcore christian Nigerian man, and so to punish him he made him smoke that entire ounce in one sitting, and if he even paused to cough he'd get a smack across the head. I think my first time with the jazz cabbage was in university and this girl was trying to flirt with me but I was just watching a dude restore old GBAs.


I had a friend that introduced a bunch of us to “moles”, which is what he called filling a bowl with half weed/half cigarette tobacco and smoking it all in one bong rip. It would give the most insane head rush, spins, and could knock you out for an hour or so (there was also a 1/4 chance of throwing up. It’s basically a hard drug. Major crackhead shit. It’s also addicting because of the euphoria + nicotine. It became the only way to get nicotine and high for me for about 2 years. I call those my “lost years” from 19-21 years old. Honestly fucked up a chunk of my life.


I've never heard of moles but that sounds awful. And that's as someone who smoked cigarettes for 5 years and weed for longer. I'm glad you got out of those lost years.


When the boys said don't do the jazz cabbage until 21 and I started in eighth grade lol. I turned out just fine.

Chelsea Thompson

when i was 15 i smoked a blunt that was laced with some shit and i got mad tunnel vision it wasn’t even a fun time so anyway moral of the story is don’t smoke blunts with randos


I have crohn's disease. Ryan and Matt's poop stories make me feel nice cuz they normalize taking big poopys. Thank you (,:


Boys just want to let you know that putting ice in bongs can cause bronchitis look it up plz


ive been waiting for this episode man... my parents are stoners (and make their own edibles) and so it was only a matter of time that my sister's and i become one so i have a ton of funny family weed stories :)


bro i suppose my "worst" weed story so far has been when i first did a edible, first time doing weed too, i went to sleep thinking i was gonna have some whacky dreams but i just remember waking up with a weird feeling of like numbness or something weird with my mouth and nose and i was just drinking a lot of water thinking i was dying and it was corna or some shit but was just a 10 mg gummie worm XDD


My first weed experience was edibles and it made me believe marshmallows grow on plants. No regrets. Ps happy birthday Matt!


worst experience was when I was working at a banquet hall as a chef, and my coworker gave me a chocolate chip cookie with weed butter. it was my first edible and i ate too much, i don't remember that day at all but i know i atleast got my work done lol. but afterwards i gave my leftovers to some idiot coworker (who i didnt like but i was nice anyways), and she ate all of it and projectile vomited behind the banquet hall. she blamed me for getting sick and i told her off for being a dipshit. best experience has been recently, theres some recreational edible shops around my town and i got some locally made THC infused honey for my tea! its really awesome stuff, gives you that warm and comfy high. its been rlly helping with my anxiety with college and the whole world in general, i recommend it!


LMAO i did the same thing in high school after the first time using a bong! that song really helps!


one of the first times i had any form was by accident, i walked back into my mates flat and went the toilet, came back and just saw what i were candy gummies on the island and started eating them, after about 5 they were like 'uhh lucas how many of those have you had' and yeah they were edibles so the next few hours after that felt awful lmao. also happy birthday matt !! :)


Did an edible and I was laying in bed when it hit and I felt like I was melting into the mattress and thought that I was going to die 😝


One of my worst experience was when I got some thc pills or gel pills, can't remember, but I was with friends and we just had a huge greasy meal, took the pills after and waited. It was the first time for some of them and I was not very experienced. So since we just ate a shit ton of food I guess the pills took longer to hit and nothing happened the entire time I was there. Got back home and went to bed and it hit while I was sleeping and it felt horrible, my sleep was all fucked


I greened out once, started projectile vomiting outside and then ended up in a foursome. So I mean, kinda alright?


jus bought this Patreon right after I got my calender in the mail :) I’m very excited to be able to support my boys

Rene the Red

do think y’all will ever do an ad free version of the podcast for Patreon?

Brayden K

No joke here, what’s your guys back up plan when super mega goes belly up


my first weed experience was with edibles. i thought i was dying


My first and worst time was when I smoked a ton of the strongest shit ive had to this day out in a forest behind my house at like damn near midnight. I had my first panic attack and out of body experience, and tried to keep cool but failed horribly, had to have help walking back to my house. I tried eating oreos and it tasted like fuckin sand cuz i had cotton mouth so bad, and I ended up just sitting on my couch eating ham and cheese pizza rolls for like 2 hours before i passed out. Ham and cheese pizza rolls aint even good when you're high, do not recommend.


worst weed experience- i was buying cigarettes at the gas station and this girl was there and she looked cool so we started talking and she asked me to go back to her place and chill and i was lonely so i was like “okay :)” and she asked if i wanted a dab and i was like “sure” but then i learned that it was heroin.


smoking a bowl rn. love u boys

Liam G

first time i had edibles i was with my gf at the time, tried to seem cool by eating waaay too much which was the worst mistake. literally felt like reality was falling apart in front of me for a bit, and eventually it led to my gf patting me on the back while i projectile vomited into the toilet. that first experience made me nervous to have edibles for a while, but i got over it pretty quickly lmaoo


i have ashtma so I thought that the best way for me to get high would be to take an edible, I was 18 and made out with this guy so he would give me one for free at his party. I thought it wasn't going to hit so I had a few drinks, and when it did hit boyyyy was that an experience. I was so high that I literally could not move for the next few hours and I was so paranoid that I thought the cops came that I was crying and couldn't get up. now I'm 21 and a huge stoner and like to look back at that and laugh. thanks for sharing boys!


First time I got high I hit a sativa cart 7 times, friend went downstairs to get snacks and by the time they came back up I felt extraterrestrial. I ate frozen mango pieces then passed the fuck out

Noah May

As a rule of thumb. Sure you can start early and be fine but most wont end up like that


so. my first time smoking was with my best friend before walking 5 mins from his house to a punk show that a few of our friends were playing for. watching dudes with mohawks mosh to not very mosh-worthy songs while very high was interesting.


lsd stories when 😩


i think a minicast about yalls fave childhood snacks would be cool, like those 90s-early 2000s snacks that they don't really sell anymore, or ones you really enjoyed that are nostalgic to you


One time I went out to my car to smoke as I usually used to do and when I got finished I went to go back inside and my stepdad was literally right there letting the dog out and I freaked out and ran back to my car before he saw me. I waited like half an hour before trying to go back inside and he locked the fucking sliding lock on the door so I was fucked like I’m not gonna text him and be like “hey you locked me out” so I slept in my car and I got maybe 30 minutes of sleep max and it was the worst night of my life


The first time I did a dab I immediately coughed so hard I puked all over the table and my friends won't let me forget about it

Emma Fae

my first time doing edibles i got suuuper fuckn high i felt like i was going in and out of dimensions. i was with my best friend at the time and we just drew in my sketchbook and painted and talked it was pretty nice but i woke up the next day still high. looking back on the drawings the next day was funny tho


my first time taking a hit off a pen, I almost blinkered it and then could literally feel every organ in my body and was convinced I was going to die.


My parents are extremely against weed, I talked to them a few times about if I went to a place where it was legal I would consider trying it. They kept telling me that it would not mesh well with me, and it's a downward spiral into harder drugs.


A few nights ago I had a grand old plan. I didn't gave to work the next day, I had Fire Emblem Path of Radiance all ready and u was ginna have a grand old time with some edibles. Each one was 20 mg, so I had four chocolates. That was a mistake. I began to panic and I thought my heart had stopped beating. I began writing in my note book telling my family to entrust my projects to my friend Mike and my final thoughts. I eventually just walked to the kitchen and got a class of water and some lemons and sipped on lemon water until I stopped freaking out. I didn't get to play Fire Emblem


I prefer edibles, specifically this chocolate that my local dispensary has. My mom has a card so she buys it for me. A few nights ago she brought me a new bar. Little did I know, this was not the usual kind. It looked and tasted identical, but it was extra strength. I had to be carried to bed that night.


One of the first times I've ever gotten high I had just finished mowing the lawn, (literally, not figuratively) and went to put the lawnmower back in my dad's shed. My uncle had given him some weed from the west coast, so me and him smoked there sometimes. That time though, I took a couple hits too many, and at the same time, my dad texted me that my mom knew that we were smoking, while I was like 4 hits into a bowl. I didn't really know my tolerance, so I just kept hitting, I went inside, and everything was fine, it looked like my mom didn't know, but at that point I was too far gone. I've never gotten sick, but holy shit this was insane. I went up to my room, and started seeing vaguely familiar shapes, I don't know what they were or why they were so familiar, but I just laid in my bed for what felt like hours and saw these shapes, too high to move. When it was finally over, I had forgotten all of the shapes. But now I know my limit and have started to be able to enjoy weed


i have psychosis and narcolepsy so every time i smoke i feel like god is talking to me telling me he's gonna smite me at the point of my next sin


Worst experience was getting pulled over and put on 9 months of probation

Eann Burns

Jesus I was eating oatmeal when Matt was talking about the soggy dripping blunt and I almost vomited

Reece B

listened to this episode while high.. hahaha

Bunny Enderl

saving this for the sesh later <3


just smoked a doink while listening, thanks boys

Dylan aka Hand Tight

Best time I had while high was lightly stoned on an edible and talking with my buddy's mom on a pontoon boat on a sunny summer day. The worst time was that same day when I smoked a friend's mondo mutant marijuana and thought I was having an asthma attack and dying.


I can remember that the only time that I've ever "greened out" was after I hit my first gravity bong, I hit the bong, went into space and within seconds puked back into the water that i just toked out of.

Jordan Lopez

Worst weed experiences was when I got high with some friends I wasn't too comfortable with one of them had gang members in his family so had to sit on a couch with one of his cousins holding an AK while stoned. Anyway way on the way home we crashed. And me being high convinced on of the passenger we had to hike it and we hiked about 3 miles up the road to a meat market to call his sister to drop us off. Everyone was ok and no got hurt but the rest of the passengers stayed to fight everyone in the other involved vehicle soooo I dipped. In this 3 miles I kept diving into bushes cause the other guy was making me paranoid that cops were searching for us (they were not)

Jordan Lopez

Beat weed story was me and my best friend got high and stayed up all night watching a "how to catch a predator" marathon eating frozen pizzas. His mom was pissed haha


worst time i greened out was at the beach i have no idea how i got home but i did

darek gracz

oh hey it's relevant again. my best weed experience was during a trip when i got really high with a couple friends and we went to the zoo. we ended up standing there and watching gorillas for like 20 minutes. the worst one was the same night when we were walking through a really shady neighborhood in warsaw and felt like everyone there was going to kill me.


best weed experience: my friends and i hotboxed our car and got really high before going into a giant (the grocery store) to buy groceries and for some reason it was just really really fun


Matt, gin n tonics are gross 🤮


my first experience with weed or marijuana was indeed with edibles and it was an excellent time! i had a ton of fun, and they were right, edibles are like psychedelic's


I mean my fav weed experience is when my friend got so high he saw faces on trains and geometric shapes in the clouds. Then I had to carry his ass down a hill out if an abanded train station. That good old pcp filled jersey weed my friends.


my fav weed story is getting laced weed w my friend, smoking it, crying hysterically, thinking i was gonna die, and having to be held by her mom who was my 8th grade math teacher. we haven’t spoken since