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We’ve been hard at work lately and wanted to post a little update for you guys so you could have that insider info.

What have you guys been recording?

We’ve spent the past week recording our asses off. We’re in the process of soundproofing our new recording room in the supermegaplex, so in the meantime we’ve been hammering out tons of recording sessions. As of posting this, we have 2 podcasts, 4 one- offs, 9 episodes of Mario Maker, 9 episodes of Battle for Bikini Bottom, 3 Animal Crossing, and yes, the final 2 episodes of Sekiro!

Where are those damn Japan videos?

All we’ll say is that you’ll see them soon. Sooner than you think. And there’s a lot of them.

Any other live action?

Oh yes. More than 4 videos (non-Japan) currently in the editing process. Thanks for being patient!! We’re both busy guys with busy adult lives outside of the YouTube stuff so we appreciate your patience.

When will the SuperMegaPlex be up and running?

We didn’t realize how big of a process it was to set up an office haha. We’re making progress at a good pace, but it realistically won’t be ready for full operation until early August. We’ll keep you updated! (More pics of progress coming this week to Patreon)

Any new shows or projects in the works?

Yeah. Quite a few. We’ve got some great stuff coming in the next 6 months, as well as some cool side projects not even related to SuperMega, so keep your eyes PEELED.

Thanks so much for the support and we appreciate all the love and patience! You guys are literally making our wildest dreams come true and we couldn’t be more thankful. Got more questions? Post them below and we might answer them in a future FAQ update! More updates and Patreon exclusive tidbits coming soon!




Smh go to sleep


It’s fuckin early boys


Lol shouldn’t we be sleeping?


i’m so fucking excited for what you boys have coming, keep working hard!! ❤️❤️


good luck boys💗


take your time, stay hydrated n rested


I love you boys and I wish you the best, great job on all the hard work.


yess im so excited


love you guys i’d only read a qna from you boys at 6am


i would lay down my life for u


ok pp heads


Cash money boys

Brenden Lawrence

Love you guys! would you guys consider doing a video of the gifts you recieved on tour?


Cool story bro, tell it again 👍




I'll beta male smile to that


Take your time !! What matters most is y’alls health (go to sleep) 💙💙💙


Tight tight tight. They're right tho, go the fuck to sleep


proud of u boys


pee pee poo poo


you know i’m up at 4:45am for that July update


Thanks for the updates guys. So hyped to see how it all ends up!


keep on keeping on fellas, love ya


keep up the hard work kings <3


is there any hope for future live shows to be professionally filmed, so those of us who can't get to them (in other countries) can still enjoy them in quality?

Bishop Colores

The golden hours god bless Love these boys


Love you boys. Thank you for working so hard to keep the content coming (and finishing sekiro 😍)


epic gamer mode activated within matthew and ryanthew


Love my dads


So Minecraft let’s play. Any thoughts


how do i change from this damned cat help


I’ll have you know that I’ll support my 4 juicy boys +Justin in all their endeavors for the end of time and space. Gamer kiss😘?


Thanks bby


Bruh moment


are lego and banana getting promotions once the supermegaplex is complete?

Alexandra Good

Super excited to see what you guys do next - good luck! <3


Dear Matt and Ryan from SuperMega Pokémon Emerald? Lots of Love James


My eyes will be PEELED Love you guys

Micki Moose

Shit!! You boys have done more than I was expecting. I know we all appreciate the hard work you guys have been putting into this channel. I can’t be more excited to see what’s coming up! Watching this channel grow makes me HARD dude


thank you for all of your hard work boys we are here to love and support


Matt just woke up for his daily 2 AM sugar rush


Click on the icon in the top right corner and go to "my profile", there you can edit a bunch of shit including your profile pic. You might look as cool as me in mine

Vinicio Vazquez

Is it weird I always read anything posted on Patreon in Matt’s voice


Cmon baby you know you wanna touch these dusty Cheeto lips 👄🕹


Epic gamer moment


So now that GG is going to be reshaping their touring process, would y'all ever concider the possibility of a joint tour between y'all and the grump games?


This makes me hard


What’s your shirt size


Thanks for the update! We appreciate all of the hard work you guys do!


I could hear the end screen music while reading this

Romano Mijangos

i woke up from a busride to see this, pretty epic way of waking me up if i do say so myself


my BOYS!!!!! When can I buy epic gamer Matt Watson bath water?


Are the movie reviews coming back? If so, madea review style?


epicguccisauce news! Thanks for the updates lads.

Naomi Corporan

Thanks for this early morning news report. Kinda feels like a letter from a 🐦


thank you for the update but I hope you went to sleep immediately after posting!! sounds like y’all really need that rest


Damn guys well done! Every time you update us im blown away by how much effort you put into this. Creatives feed off each other and yall put into perspective my dedication to my own craft. Much love guys!


ryan will u ever stream again

Grace Zeigler

If you guys tour can you come to Ohio please?? And maybe not do a drunk venue simply cause I ain't 18, but I'mma be 17 in a month. But seriously you guys are working so hard, I can tell. Judt work at your own pace, I'm a pretty patient person :)


You guys are the best 💕 now go get some sleep please


thank you for all the hard work you do and i hope you guys are getting enough rest <3


Can't wait for all them goodies :D You boys take all the time yall need! See you in October❤


Now that you're on your own, do you think you'll be able get a solid upload schedule?


Love you boys! Can't wait for what's in store! It's gonna be fucking epic ❤


If you guys were suddenly banned from Japan, what would your next choice be for location filming outside the US?


Is there any update on the DnD series?


Thank you boys good to know about everything that's been going on

Yuri Belislav

keep it up boys, you've got our love and support!


We appreciate you! Super excited! 💌

Logan Prokes

Can't wait to see all the progress


Very excited, but please more animal crossing! Mario maker is fun, but i find the ac commentary to be way more fun and interesting, the so called "podcasty" vibe. Also, what would you say is the best prank you ever played on christian? Keep it up, love you, Mom


Really excited for the live action! Don't forget to take breaks!


Aw love you guys! Take all the time you need with the Japan vlogs, they be worth the wait


You guys are awesome! Keep up the great work (:


Don't stress too hard boys!


When will Brent Lilly be on the podcast?


Excited to see all your upcoming stuff!!😤💕


No rush dudes, take your time!! :)))))


I love you sweet moist boys


When will the triangle guy hats be available for purchase?


DID you see that cuphead is becoming an animated series for Netflix? I would love to hear your opinions in an upcoming podcast or something. Thank you for working so hard! <3


Love you guys 💕💕


When will you be coming to the Midwest?


is the facetime convo with Finn where you did the beta smile gonna be in a video soon?


when are you sweet boys going to review Antz (1998) objectively the greatest movie ever made


All Sounds Amazing!


any updates on those triangle dudes?


Any ETA on when your P.O Box will be set up again? I'd love to finally mail you guys the Banana fursuit. Thanks! :]

Aaron Ettestad

Not to be that guy but.....any news on the movie review show?


yay content


What kind of gear are you guys gonna be using now?


Thanks for the update. Y'all are killing it


love u guys


So excited to see what you guys are making! Keep up the good work boys!


(Also, if you guys ever need another artist for merch or thumbnails, hit me up👀)


Im excited for everything you guys have coming out!


take all the time you need boys. I’ve loved seeing ya’lls journey and can’t wait to see what the future hold for supermega! tell matt’s wife’s boyfriend I said hey 😏


What kinds of mics are you guys using at the Supermegaplex? Also any new merch planned?


Are you guys doing okay? Not to be a mom but are you guys eating and sleeping?

benjamin Miller

Please bring back papers please. It's some of your best work and I wouldn't mind if you completely restarted.


Are you guys taking care of yourselves too? Work is important but your health is even more so! Make sure you guys are taking breaks and such. Don't want you to get burnt out. Emotionally or physically.


Would you guys ever consider filming your podcasts once you get the supermegaplex set up? (Instead of just recording the audio)


Talking Show 2: Vocal and Visual Boogaloo?


Love you boys, so excited to see how great all the new content is gonna be. Y'all are are some true og gamer boys


Y'all boys ever gonna stream again? Together and/or separately?


Are there any plans right now for new merch going out soon after the SuperMegaPlex is done in August or is it looking like it may be a bit farther out than that?


good job boys bring it in we r proud


any merch coming out soon again? really would love some! missed out on the last few times


I'm glad my boys are working so hard on them japan videos


damn y'all are so cool! keep up the grind!!!


Help I peeled my eyes

Lone Strider

Nip slips or full on nudes when?


Your animal crossing series always makes my day 10 times better, I’m so grateful y’all are still continuing it!! I’m sure a lot of others are grateful too :*




dude you guys make me so happy thank you i love you


thank you boys


yo im so hyped for what yall are upto! any plans for merch anytime soon? it would be sick to have patreon exclusive merch too!


Any update on the triangle guys merch? The hats look really neat!


Will you ever do a live show for minors?


I’m loving this progress, keep it up boys, I know you’ll do well. One question though, will you guys ever set up a patron only Discord? I think it’d be a good idea to go alongside the subreddit Discord. Thank you boys, love you!


When is Ryan gonna smoke crack for views?


lovin what yall are doin fellas


Love you guys, good luck.


Have you guys ever listened to RAM RANCH?


can i be the official third member of supermega?


Please for the love of god can Matt call his triangle people the "tri-guys"?


Can Matt and Ryan run train on my mom?


any merch coming soon? no lie i have reserve money in case of a suprise drop


yes definitely! animal crossing is one of my favorite series theyve done to date. its just so nice it makes me so happy


midwest tour 18+ PLS


Why does Gordan Ramsay follow Justin on twitter?


What about DrunkDrawing?? Is it coming back?


Hey guys! When are we gonna see the sticker you were going to plaster on Matts car after he lost the what are the odds.


Please make a tour date in Des Moines please!!!!!!


Will you boys ever come to Montreal?


any old series you are thinking of bringing back? like drunk drawing?


when will there be new merch?


Will drunk drawing be returning for the channel or is that just a live show thing now ?


Look at the boys growin I'm so excited 😭


Bc Justin memed Gordy when the "Ramsey rate my meal" thing was going on in twitter


y'all consider doing some streams on a weekend or something? nothing fancy even, the bar to entertain us is extremely low and we'd basically watch anything. not to diminish y'all, but just sleepy commentary over 45 minutes of animal crossing, no face cam or even paying attention to the stream, maybe just playing like normal and harrituckackson reads the stream if something relevant comes up and and cut in, and we'll collectively cum if streaming is a bitch just treat is as a lets play live bonus patreon whatever, and then kind of a cool episode, when you guys do long shit that's the best ok yeah sorry for the pitch goddamn. just there's so much low-key shit if you guys did even some small shit. fuck it, advertise when the stream is in the prior ep even so a ton of us are there, could even just be a thing you just send to patrons in advance. and that platform then sets the bar for quality or 'doing a whole thing' of it way, way down intrinsically. but, the payoff to the brand/fanbase is huge and it would inspire patrons on board, even a once a month thing. maybe doesnt work with animal crossing scheduling, idk, but that's the idea. fuck it if you wanna go hard y'all could even play ac, and whenever you feel, ask the audience for a decision or answer and get a straw poll back for an answer to a 2, 3 choice question for fun, take however long you want between stuff, 10 minutes fishing, we love it just a cool thing, not a show for us live show turning it on etc, involve whatever degree. definitely doable logistically, optics on some sick new shit thats also really intimate with us fucks. christ, sorry for all that, hahaha, i'm just stoned and I Want My super_MTV_ega


yes yes yes!

Jess A

I’m really happy bc you can tell y’all are so excited! Take your time to be happy with what you put out. Proud of you dudes


I don’t have a question but just thank you for everything. This is the only Patreon I support because I really do enjoy y’all’s content and I want to see it go even further ❤️


Do you gamer MEN have any more merch comin' soon?


i am so happy for you guys wow come back to the east coast :,(


Thanks for the update boys! Go live your adult lives! The amount of content you have been putting out while managing all this is impressive!

Ryan Bradt

You boys are my favorite YouTube channel. You stole me away from the grumps. I barely even watch them anymore. All because of the little bit that Matt did during the power hour about losing the grumps email account

Zach Ehrat

Thanks for the update guys! Keep at it and hang in there, I'm sure the setting up the office is the chore that keeps on giving. Also, PEELED being in all caps makes me uncomfortable in a way I don't fully understand. Something about peeled eyes. Bud Light Eye made with real eye peels.


Hey guys! In 2015 I found both Cyndago and kids with problems, right in about May or June. I met you both at the Philly show this year with my boyfriend who I got into you as well (we sat behind the foot sucking guy, omg) but was more interested in asking you how you were doing at the time. But to be honest, you were my vices for all these years. All three of you. Which is why I would LOVE to see a photo of Ryan's tattoo on his lower leg. The triangle one. With love, the girl with the red flannel at the Philly show who did a cheers to Daniel with the people around me. 🖤 Love you all so much!


Any plans to have Supermega Live shows locally near you guys?? Or plans for shows in Southern Florida please I just want to see you boys


Can hardly wait my sweet boys!


When are you coming to Australia for Cold Ones, and will you be touring?


Will Matt ever make a remaster of "Crank 'Dat Nerdy Boy" or "Flippy Floppies" for the channel?


Would it be possible for you boys to give us an upload schedule?


What are your staples for a gud wine n cheese night wit da homies 🤔🤪🥴???


Niiiiiiiice. .


Should post the video of Matt making the dip salad for Ryan 🥴


Can we expect more playlists/mixtapes? Will Ryan put up a mixtape?


I just realized that the thing I'm gonna miss most when you guys go to the supermegaplex is the accidental guests, people just accidentally walking in


Would you guys ever consider turning some of your podcast thumbnails into prints/posters? They’re iconic (some of my favorites are 73, 88, 94, and 109)


Nice work today boys


1st Japan vid is too much in the best way hahahahah


The Japan vid was great!




that japan vlog was epic. honestly your guys' editing goes hand in hand with your personalities. the comedic timing is on point


Is there an official supermega discord? I would love to join it


this isn’t a Q but thanks for existing


also the japan vlog was great, all the hard work you guys are doing is noticed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it’s good and funny and it worth the wait


Loved the Japan vlog #1 ! Super excited for what's yet to come. Any merch updates? Some collectables would very quickly get my money (triangle dudes? Some pins? Supermega playing card style collectables?)




Just watched the Japan vlog and I gotta say, worth the wait for sure! My favorite part was watching all the people in the background looking at you all in shock like “fucking Americans”


If your ever in Florida again you should do. SuperMega Live at The Vinyl in Pensacola

Bradley Bledsoe

Is it possible y'all will post the drunk drawings from previous tours?


You guys are doing amazing so far! Now that you're on your own, are you guys thinking about adding facecam to your let's plays? I know it's a lot of extra work, but I'd love to be able to see y'alls beautiful gamer faces

Larry Nutt

That Japan vlog is probably my favorite video on YouTube and I can't wait for the rest


I want yes yes yes daddy likes


Not a question but I wanted to say I’m so proud of you guys finding a new place! I’ve only started watching you guys for a few months but y’all give me so many laughs that it feels like years. I love the dynamic you two have and it reminds me of me and my own close friends. I really really appreciate the work you guys do and the smiles you give me and I’m excited to see what comes in the future :]

benjamin Miller

Any plans to do podcasts where there video and audio of you lovely boys?


LOVE YOU GUYS SO MUCH. I created a patreon account just to support you lovely boys. Thank you for making me laugh all the time


Boner boys


remember to take breaks boys! <3


Can you make a higher tier, I want to donate more than 5 so I made 4 accounts and now my bank flagged it as suspicious. So I'd like to do more than 5 through one account

Alexandra Good

You can edit your donation on desktop instead of making more accounts! Go to 'My Pledges' and then there should be an edit option - hope this helps! :-)


Once the supermegaplex is ready to go, how soon do you think you'll start selling merch again? Im assuming you wont want to start up the shop while you're still setting up the office.


Y’all are the best 👏🏾


Any ETA on the Kill Bill and Rav music video?


Also, are we gonna get any bonus podcast content?


Please add your most recent podcasts to Spotify I listen to them on my phone at work and I've nearly caught up 🤷‍♀️