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Good gravy... once again our beautiful viewers have blessed us with enlightening questions.

Also, did you know you can listen to this show-on-the-go on Spotify? Click here to learn how to connect your Spotify and Patreon accounts.

See you baboons for next month's episode!

Matt & Ryan 



The Wesinator

In hindsight, it makes perfect sense that the Sonichu comics would get edited out at that specific time. But I’m glad you boys enjoyed them so much! Also, holy crap! Finding out that they’ve been part of this new set this entire time was one of the biggest plot twists I’ve ever experienced!!


laughing with tears in my eyes at "Nebuchadnezzar Scrooge" and ryan being so genuine about it


My fav Ryan trait is the constantly breaking into song at the slightest reference. I feel that in my adhd bones