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The Wook Brothers dig in to existentialism.



This episode was quite enthralling and bursting with intelligence

Amber Pratt

Yeah about the envelopes I don’t know if you guys did it but my last one had a blank sticker covering the sayings LOL never mind, y’all just covered that

Nic Barb

Now I must know Luke's Lettterboxd username

Eric Van Houten

I audibly laughed in a room completely alone when Matt said his first place he drive to was church.

Judah De Leo

Matt said “Lexapro” right as I was taking my Lexapro

Drake White

Re: whales being intelligent, y’all should watch Star Trek IV. pothead icon


Thank god my state hasnt been censoring Gog Jones. Prayers to those who dont get to feel his full message


my first job was at the movie theater it was actually a lot of fun! i miss it sometimes