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Hey guy's, sorry I haven't done a newsletter in a while but to be honest I just hate writing and find it exhausting. However, it seems people do actually read what I write. My last journal post on DA's new AI labeling policy got over 2000 reads which is twice as many people that watch me. Granted AI art is a huge discussion which is why it likely got so many reads. Now I do have an important announcement to make regarding the future.

This month I am finally moving into my first apartment after years of living with roommates! I'm also going to be getting a new job which will also be at the same apartment as an onsite maintenance technician. My current job is as a maintenance technician to a staffing agency that specializes in apartment management. Rather than working at on apartment complexes I travel around filling in wherever I'm needed. However, I've decided to stay with the property I'm currently at and will hopefully be hired on full time soon. This means I will get a discount on my rent and won't have to commute any further. This will save me around 3-4 hours every day by not commuting and being able to eat lunch at home.

By not commuting I will have more time and energy to work on all my hobbies such as Lego's, video games, 3D printing, Bionicle's, and yes art. I will also finally be able to get back into cooking my own meals instead of frozen instant crap as well as making myself a proper breakfast for the first time in ages. And finally, I can get a goodnights sleep with having to deal with shithead roommates so I'll even more energy to make art.

So that's it. This the end of the last part of my life and the beginning a new phase. This has always been the end goal of my current job, finding a forever home at the right property. I have spent the last 4 years at my job rebuilding my life after being broke with no money and now my hard work is about to pay off with this deal. I'd like to thank everyone for helping to support me. Though small your contribution on patreon have helped me with rebuilding my life back up to where I am now.


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