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Sorry I’m a little late on the newsletter. I’ve been busy at work and kind of just wanted to crash after I got home. Ok so heading into the holidays, while I will be doing a few holiday themed posts I’m not going to dedicate the entire month to themed posts like with Halloween. Personally, I just find Halloween to be more fun and better for TF content than Christmas. So, expect normal content with a few themed posts here and there.

For reff sheets I haven't gotten as far as I would have like last month. This is partly due to the fact that I wanted to get the couples done first and put at the same time. I felt that putting out oc’s that are in relationships with each other at the same time made sense since their backstories are intertwined with one another. However, this did slow things down a little and meant that I had to sit on the ref sheet that was finished and wait till the second one was finished before posting. Because this is dragging a little, I’m not goanna focuses on them as much and instead get back to regular content. I’m also goanna push back adding reff sheets to the commission list till next year just cause of how long it's taking.

Thank to everyone who has supported my work. I had an unexpected expense come up this month and was able to pay for it with funds earned from my artwork, so this is already helping me out. Heading into 2023 I don't know what fresh hell awaits us but having a side hustle that’s actually working dose help me feel a little more secure about the coming year. So big thanks again, I really appreciate this.


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