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Hey, Everyone!

My husband/co-designer (Kyyrbes on the Discord) and I were talking last night about some new ideas for the Patreon and discord server! We're excited to see how fast this community has already grown. We're so thankful for all of your help and support so far and we can't wait to create more stuff for you!

In that vein, we've been talking about a couple of new ideas that we'd love to get your feedback on:

Idea #1 Community Model + Kekreations 3D voted model!

Right now we are do a vote each month for a model that the community wants to see from OUR ideas, but you guys have awesome ideas too! We are looking at maybe doing TWO (yeah, you read that right  ) voted models per month. The first would be the "normal" format of something we've been thinking of (for April, it was the cat). The second model would be the top voted model for the month in our community-ideas Discord channel + a poll on Patreon (Y'all can always comment or DM me your ideas to be added to the polling for those not active on the Discord!)

As usual you'll continue to get other models we're working on during the month but wanted to give you the opportunity to give more input and get more models!

Idea #2 Giveaways!

We know that we couldn't do this without our amazing patrons and we want to find ways to a) give you more reasons to be here and b) give back to the people who are supporting us! With those goals in mind we've been thinking about doing giveaways for our patrons based on reaching our Patron goals/milestones, holidays, and other events we think are worth celebrating. We are still trying to decide how we would do this but it could be something along the lines of a raffle where you can get additional tickets for being a patron for a longer period of time, testing models, sharing on socials, and recruiting other patrons. We don't want these to become a list of things you have to do so we'll keep that in mind as we continue to think through this idea...

So far we're thinking we'll do a first shot at a giveaway of a 3D printer when we reach 50 patrons! Let us know what you think

Thanks for reading this wall of text and don't hesitate to let us know any feedback you might have or ideas for the community you would like to see!

Don't forget to join the Discord server for more updates on new designs in the works, get help with prints, etc!

- Kekreations & Kyyrbes


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