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Hey everyone!

Ask, and you shall receive! A LOT of you were asking for the original plain model of this deck box, so with hubby's blessing, I'm releasing it to y'all as a Patreon Exclusive! Y'all had such a positive reaction to the deck box, I'll definitely do more designed ones later on! Let me know what other types of themes you'd like to see <3 Until then, you have these two for your dragon loving customers and those who prefer something a bit more simple and sleek!

As always, my models are NOT allowed to be remixed or re-designed in any way without permission! (This does not include scaling in your slicer or painting for multicolor)

Print recs:
2-3 walls
5-15% infill
No supports
Feel free to size up or down

Box prints in 2 main pieces with 2 separate pegs that wedge in for the hinge! The pegs should be a pretty snug fit but can also be secured with a tiny bit of glue on the outside edge of the peg.

Magnets holes are 3x6mm

Filament is eSUN tri gold/green/black

Refer to the pinned Patreon post for the download link! https://www.patreon.com/posts/3d-model-access-82725512

I hope y'all like it

Thanks so much for all your support <3

  • Kek
