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Hello friends!

It is Futa Friday, and therefore, a perfect time for another character special! This time, it's the redhead engineer, Lise! You can read up on the previous teaser (Tessa) here! 

The story:

Lise, finally gaining access to Despina's Long-Term Cargo area, will take you to hunt parasites. Armed with homemade flamethrowers, it sounds like an easy job for both of you. But the LTC's vast tunnels are dark, sneaking under the entire length of the colossal cargo ship, and one can easily get lost there. And that is not the only danger you can find down there!

For the occasion, Lise will be wearing her bug-hunter outfit. 

Just like with Tessa, because of my soft body method, even a fit technician's top will get some workout!

As you can see, I have also tried improving how bulges look in the game. While this is an ongoing effort, I am personally pretty happy about the result.

And, of course, there are some tiny details for you to find!

After the hunt is finished, you'll get a chance to see Lise's personal cabin for the first time. While the emerald-eye technician is mostly a creature of habit who mostly lives in her workshop on the Engineering Deck, she does own a particularly cozy room of her own. If Lise liked how you fared during your first serious assignment, she will gladly take you in!

The spice:

Just like with Tess, Release 5 will contain two full sex scenes with Lise. Regular sex and a unique sex scene in case our MC is a virgin. Naturally, this is Lise we are talking about, so "regular sex" can easily mean "going at it for the entire night without stopping!"

Lise is generally spending most of her time working. But when she is not, she spends her time either exercising (respectable fitness & endurance will be expected from our MC as well!)...

...or slipping into something comfortable and slacking the entire day (note the scruffy bedroom hair!):

You'll witness both modes and during both, she will gladly show you a lot of her well-toned, sun-kissed body (and maybe expect a bit of worship!).

Lise is not one for luxurious lingerie like (mistress) Iris or Tessa. For the redhead, it is all about comfort. But that doesn't mean there is nothing to look at! My new soft-bodies work quite well even with firmer things, like here:

And, of course, let's not forget bulges. Here, with Lise's new flaccid cock model!

And in its full glory:

Of course, getting Lise hard is, due to her sex drive, the least of the worries!

Finally, ladies' Day 3 will be an opportunity to pursue a relationship with them. This will be the first big decision in the main story, and while you'll be able to change it later (once!), it shouldn't be taken lightly.

That's it for today. Hope you liked this little insight into Release 5!

And as always, if you have any questions, suggestions, or ideas, please let me know!




my favorite muscle mommy. do you plan to do more "conditional" scenes like the one if OP is a virgin?


There will be some along the way, but generally speaking, I usually try to steer away from the pure conditional scenes. I try to give variations and/or different scenes rather than just lock content behind some condition(s)!

Jesper Rasmussen

R5 is looking like it's gonna be quite the beefy update. Looking forward to it!


Suggestion: It might be interesting to have the ability to pursue a relationship with more than one of the ladies, and to be dishonest about that interest with others. That decision path might lead toward further pressure to lie to the crew in later encounters, slowly building the size of a potential disfavor malus that might hit suddenly if/when MCs lies are revealed. The size of that disfavor hit, and the relationships it impacts, could jeopardize MCs job aspirations, change how he's treated during training, and impact the role he's offered onboard when/if he does pass training.


I'm generally not planning any kind of negative aspects like this to the main cast relationships. One, I am not interested; writing these paths would produce a subpar result and feel a bit dishonest, too. Two, I want SP to be a game that is comfy to play, devoid of things like cheating, lying, and/or emotional drama between lovers etc. And three, creating all these (and all other related variations) would be a significant addition to the workload. Sorry! SP will be taking a different approach; as said in the game, "spacers share everything," and it means precisely that. While you will have to pick one main love interest (which will give you special scenes and an ending), you will still be able to have fun with others, maybe even unlocking threesomes and such. Or not; if you wish to dedicate to just one fully, you'll be able to!