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Hello, lovely friends!

We have achieved (on both platforms combined) 1100 supporters! 

I want to wholeheartedly thank you all for your continued interest and support for Star Periphery! 

As a result, next week, I will be unveiling some big news (starting to work full-time on SP, amongst other things!), so stay tuned! 

Finally, here are the promised Orc sheets! Hope you like them! 

Thank you again, and have a beautiful day! 





I'm glad, that you can develop the game full time! It's so good to see, when someone produce quality content consistently, and the fans respond to that. I'm really happy for you, you deserve it! Keep up the good work!

Samuel Reid

Hi void, a fan here and in Brazil just sending this message to say that this game is incredible and keep up the great work 💚