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I hope everyone had safe and happy holidays. Here’s a quick progress update for part 3

Episode 10 Part 3 progress,

872 still images

109 Animations/loops (12,000+ animation slides)

7,000+ lines of code and text

4 Major story events

4 side events


I wanted this episode to be the final one to end Chapter One of the story. The number of remaining events I want to do, and the time that's lapsed between updates has made me rethink that. There will be another episode after this one before ending Chapter One.

I’ve added so many side events and branches that weren't part of the original story arc it’s made it a daunting task to bring Chapter 1 to a logical and satisfying conclusion.

It would be easy to just push the scenes in to Chapter 2, but I don't want to do that. That means I’ll split the episode again to include an Episode 10 part 4.

There are several things that must happen before the end of Chapter 1. Pushing them into Chapter 2 would make the Chapter 1 feel rushed or disjointed. There is a major event that I thought I wanted in Chapter 1 but needs to be moved to Chapter 2 for the same reasons.

The major story events are complete. There are a couple of side events that remain to be completed. (Mostly writing the script and coding.)

All that being said, I plan to have the Episode 10 part 3 update released to the top tier the first or second week of February.

As always, thank you for your support.

Take care and stay safe,




Right On!! Right On!!! Keep On, Keepin' On!!!!!


I want this game include some ntr paths but I understand one man can only do so much lol