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I cut down the game to episodes 7, 8, 9 to get below the Android 2 gig size limit.

This is untested due to me not having Android devices to run it on.

I doubt old saves will work since the earlier episodes are missing.

Please let me know if it works or not.


Option 2

The link below is the complete game package by a third party. Use at your own risk.




Can anyone verify if my chop job worked?

Herman Nijhof

Thanks for this update in Android, i had no problems to download it and install it on my tablet. Even my old saves are working afther i put them in to the save folder, and i have been playing the game from episode 7 again and there was no problem everything is working really good. Thank you again for this Android version of the game , now i can follow the story of this graete game and i cant wait to see what you will have in store for all of us in the next episode.


Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad it worked. I'm always worried about them since I can't test them myself. I threw a lot at you this episode, now the fun will start to follow it out.