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New for 0.8.5 Added EZ-Mode switch.

Allows you to toggle on/off the in-game walkthrough, scene skipping menus, and in-game developer comments. It is enabled by default. You can disable it in the Preferences Menu

Added more sound effects and music tracks.

Fixed typos and coding errors.

Episode stats,

720 Still images

37 Animations (1,490 animation images)

6,000+ lines of text and code

232 Sound effect and music tracks.

8 Major events

GUI and game changes

Changed fonts (Hopefully better visibility in most scenes)

Added a "Hide text" button (Look for small grey "X" on far top right of the text box.) Pardon the humble brag, but I run the game on a large monitor and don't have any problem seeing the button. It may be too small to see on smaller screens or devices though. I may need to make the button bigger based on feedback from all of you.

I added a cheat menu at the end of a couple of the date events. The date events have two possible H scene endings. The cheat menu gives you the opportunity to see the other date ending.

*Sound Effects* (Check your music and sound sliders!) I added more music and sound effects in the game. I subscribed to a music and sound effects site that has good quality tracks.

I was going to hold off with sounds, but now that we have motorcycles in the game ya gotta to be able to hear them!





Let me try again guys. Not having a way to test it myself as me stabbing in the dark.