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Long Road Home 0.8.0 is out to the upper tier today

0.8.0 Episode stats

721 Still images

37 Aminations (1,490 animation images)

5,500+ lines of text and code

8 Major events

GUI and game changes

Changed fonts (Hopefully better visibility in most scenes)

Added a "Hide text" button (Look for small grey "X" on far top right of the text box.)

Pardon the humble brag, but I run the game on a large monitor and don't have any problem seeing the button. It may be too small to see on smaller screens or devices though. I may need to make the button bigger based on feedback from all of you.

I added a cheat menu at the end of a couple of the date events. The date events have two possible H scene endings. The cheat menu gives you the opportunity to see the other date ending.

*Sound Effects* (Check your music and sound sliders!)

I added some music a few sound effects in the game. Honestly, I'm not happy with all of them, but it is a time sucker searching for good sound effects. I'll search for better sounds and add them little by little. I was going to hold off with sounds, but now that we have motorcycles in the game ya gotta to be able to hear them!

I'm pretty satisfied with the episode overall. As always it took longer than I hoped it would. The final debug process took over a week with all the possible interactions with the girls in the game. Hopefully I got them all...

Also, I had quite a few health events with family, pets and myself in the last few months. Not to mention the fricken world has gone crazy...


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