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Well I've failed to keep the update down in size to get it out quicker... I'm at 681 still images, 32 animations with 960 images and 4000 and counting lines of text and coding. Day one and day three are done. I'm wrapping up the events of day two and should be ready for testing and debugging first of next week. Barring any major problems, I'll have the update ready to send out to the top tier by Friday.

I didn't post or make a big deal of it, but I was hampered a month with COVID. Some days I was able to work on the game, but some days I didn't get out of bed. Thankfully I'm over it with no lasting issues. It is so damn random. My step-daughter got it and only felt bad a few days. I get it and it kicks the crap out of me for nearly a month. Granted she is a lot younger and healthier than I am.

At least I'm still on the right side of the grass... Sadly, many people world-wide have fallen to the virus.

Take care and stay safe,






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