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Content Warnings: Teasing.


“Humble but firm, combative but not arrogant, respectful without letting them roll over me,” Harry parroted with a smile. It was perhaps the hundredth time Sirius had repeated the same advice for his trial. “I know, Sirius.”

“Just trying to prepare you for those vultures, kid,” Sirius said gruffly. He adjusted Harry’s light blue robes before picking up the pins from the bed and carefully attaching them to his chest. They were the sigils of the Houses Potter and Black, a reminder to those who still respected the old ways. They were vilifying one of their own, a man who would one day lead not one but two Great Houses.

Harry’s smile grew at the hint of pride in his voice. It felt good to know someone in Grimmauld Place believed in him and his abilities. Well, someone other than-

“You are NOT wearing that,” Harry muttered, staring at Tonks in shock. His eyes roved over the pink-haired girl who had walked into the bedroom once more, unable to believe what he was seeing.

“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?”

“Absolutely nothing if your lives weren’t on the line, Nymphadora,” Sirius said. He ignored Tonks’ low growl and continued, “But since they are, the fact that you’re wearing shorts and a Weird Sisters shirt does give the impression that you’re not taking the trial seriously. And if there’s one thing the old farts in that chamber love, it’s disrespectful behavior,” Sirius said sarcastically.

“Look, I’m getting fired today. At least let me give one last ‘fuck you’ to the man doing it.”

“Fudge won’t fire you at the trial. That’ll come later. Why don’t you pull some robes over what you’re wearing? Take them off when he calls you to his office,” Sirius suggested. “You want to disrespect Fudge’s authority? I understand and fully support that. But I’d suggest not pissing off the people whose support we’ll need to fight Voldemort.”

“Fine,” Tonks sighed but stayed rooted in place.


“I’ll do it… if Harry orders me to,” Tonks said with an impish smile.

“Tonks!” Harry whipped his head around to stare at his girlfriend with wide eyes. His cheeks burned with embarrassment and he kept his gaze averted away from Sirius.

Sirius for his part simply chuckled and pinned the Black family sigil onto Harry’s chest.

“Go on, Harry,” Sirius urged with a teasing grin.

“Tonks, will you please put some robes on?” Harry asked with a sigh.

“That’s not an order,” Tonks murmured, batting her eyelashes innocently when Harry growled.

“I agree. That sounded much more like a request.”

Harry whipped his head around to glare at his godfather. Sirius stared back at him with a small smile, completely unphased by his disapproval.

“Tonks, go put on proper robes over the clothes you’re wearing,” Harry ordered, taking a deep breath to calm his nerves. “Now,” he growled. He turned his head slowly to look at Tonks, keeping his gaze pinned on her as she left the room with a playful curtsy.

“She’s a menace,” Harry complained under his breath.

“She’s just trying to teach you.”

“Teach me what?” Harry frowned.

“How to be assertive.” Sirius reached out and ran his fingers through Harry’s hair but trying to tame it was futile. “I know this isn’t the life your parents would have picked for you, Harry. But this is the life you have, and as your godfather, it’s my job to prepare you for it. I know I’ve been failing-”

“You haven’t!” Harry interrupted hotly.

“I have,” Sirius murmured. “But that’s alright. My failure led you to Tonks. “I’ve never seen you as happy as you are when you’re around her,” Sirius teased.

“Yeah,” Harry mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck. “She’s… different.”

“Do you love her?”

“Maybe?” Harry answered with burning cheeks. “My head is a mess right now.”

“That’s alright. You have time to figure it out.” Sirius patted Harry’s shoulder. “Why don’t you go and see what’s taking her so long? I’ll be waiting for you downstairs.”

“You’re not coming! Not even in your animagus form.”

“Is that an order, Lord Potter?” Sirius asked with the ghost of a smile.

“Yes,” Harry growled.

“Very well.” Sirius stood and pulled Harry into a hug. He wrapped his arms tightly around his godson, holding him for well over a minute. “No matter what happens today, you have a place here. Okay? You’re going to win, but even if you don’t, you and me… we’ll figure something out.”

“Yeah.” Harry put on a smile for Sirius’ sake, acting braver than he felt. “I’m going to see what’s taking Tonks so long now.”

“Okay.” Sirius pulled away after patting Harry’s back one last time. “Kingsley is waiting downstairs. He’ll take you and Tonks to Madam Bones’ office.”

“Okay.” Harry rushed in and hugged Sirius briefly before pulling away and walking out of the room. He walked down the dusty, dark hallway, mentally counting off doors until he reached the fifth door. He knocked and then slipped inside what was technically Tonks’ room. But he spent most nights there as well, sneaking in once Ron was asleep and half of his stuff was strewn across the room and stored along with her things in the closet. He wondered if Mrs. Weasley would ever notice that half of his possessions had mysteriously disappeared from his room.

He found Tonks sitting on the edge of the edge, legs crossed and hands folded in her lap. She was staring unseeingly at the wall opposite the bed, a pensive expression on her face.

“Hey,” Harry whispered, shutting the door behind him.

“Hi.” Tonks didn’t fight it when Harry walked over to her and pulled her into a hug. She melted into his arms, resting her head on his firm chest and taking comfort from the warmth emanating from his skin. She shivered as he gently ran his fingers through her short, shoulder-length hair.

“What’s bothering you?”

“Nothing,” Tonks lied. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the steady thumping of Harry’s heartbeat.

“Liar,” Harry hissed. “We don’t have time for a spanking so you better tell me the truth, Nym.”

“How do you know I’m upset?” Tonks deflected.

“Your hair.” Harry bent and kissed her head. “It’s brown when something is bothering you. Now, stop trying to change the subject and tell me what’s wrong.”

“What if you get expelled today? If they snap your wand it will be easier for Voldemort to get to you and that will have been my fault,” Tonks muttered angrily. “I was supposed to prepare you for the fights ahead, not make you more vulnerable.”

There was a knock on the door before Harry could speak.

“Kingsley says you’re running late!” Sirius yelled through the closed door. “I want your asses downstairs in two minutes because they will start the trial with or without you.”

“We’re coming!” Harry yelled. “This conversation isn’t done. Pull on a cloak so we can leave.”

“Yes, sir,” Tonks said, smiling against his shirt. She waited until Harry had pulled away before hopping off the bed and walking over to the closet. She rifled through her clothes, settling for her official Auror robes in the end. “One last fuck you to the powers that be. Can’t imagine I’ll be able to wear these after today,” she said, pulling them over his head.

“I might be biased but Hogwarts robes are much better.” Harry reached out and took Tonks’ hand, pulling her out of the room. They walked down the hallway hand-in-hand and Harry smiled when Tonks laced her fingers through his.

“Especially the Hufflepuff ones,” Tonks said with a grin. Her time in Hogwarts was some of the happiest of her life and she was more than a little excited to get to relive it again with Harry.

“You think you’ll be sorted into Hufflepuff again?” Harry asked as they climbed down the rickety stairs.

“Oh, absolutely. We’re the best house, you know?” Tonks teased, bumping her shoulder against his. “Plus, we’re the only house that has weekly orgies.”

Harry chuckled. “Nice joke.” When she didn’t respond he turned to her with raised eyebrows and asked, “You’re joking right?”

“I guess you’ll find out when you come visit me,” Tonks giggled. “Why do you ask? Do you have a pretty blonde in Hufflepuff vying for your attention as well? Should I be worried, sir?”

“You aren’t worried about Daphne-” Harry stopped abruptly, all color leaving his face when he realized what he had said. “I don’t have any pretty blondes anywhere who want my attention!” Harry corrected himself hastily.

“Daphne doesn’t count because she’s not a Hufflepuff,” Tonks said as they rounded the last banister and walked down the flight of stairs that led from the first floor to the atrium of the house. “And if our favorite blonde is changing her hair color might I suggest silver? It’ll suit her.”

“How do you know what she looks… oof!” Harry was so engrossed that he didn’t notice Kingsley and slammed right into him. “Sorry Kingsley!” Harry apologized, turning to look at the solemn-faced Auror.

“Harry. Trainee Tonks,” Kingsley said in his low, musical baritone. “We are running late so we will be leaving immediately.”

Harry nodded and followed Kingsley down the hallway. He glanced back at the shut door of the kitchen, his heart squeezing in his chest at the sound of the clinking of cutlery against plates. He’d had an early breakfast and already said goodbye to Ron and Hermione. They weren’t allowed to accompany him to the Ministry, a fact which neither of them liked but had to accept after Dumbledore’s personal intervention.

“Don’t worry.” Tonks squeezed Harry’s hand. “We’ll be back before lunch.”

“With our wands?”

“With our wands,” Tonks confirmed as they walked out onto the chilly street. It was early morning but the sun was already obscured by dark gray clouds. The buildings they walked past had a melancholy feel to them. Muggles didn’t know exactly what was wrong but they could sense something wasn’t right so they hurried past them as fast as they could. Nobody lingered or gave them a second glance.

“Dementors?” Harry asked, shivering as a blast of chilly wind slammed into him.

“Yes,” Kingsley said solemnly.

Harry didn’t fail to notice his right hand was clenched and pushed into the pocket of his trousers, presumably wrapped around his wand.

“They have been acting erratically. A number of them have left their posts without explanation, only to return. The Minister has blocked Madam Bones from investigating them. He has instead decided his Undersecretary will look into the matter.”

“Umbridge?” Tonks made a face.


“Who is she?” Harry whispered to Tonks.

“Fudge’s attack dog. She does all his dirty work. Things he can’t be seen to be directly associated with,” Tonks whispered back. “I’ll be honest, that woman scares me more than Voldemort does. That bitch will murder you with a smile and while wearing a frilly pink cardigan.”

“She is still your superior, Tonks.”

“Won’t be for much longer!” Tonks said cheerfully. “I won’t be your trainee either.”

Kingsley fell silent after that. He pursed his lips and strode ahead, almost as if he could outrun Tonks’ revelation.

“He’s going to miss you,” Harry murmured.

“Ah, he’ll find a better Auror to partner up with,” Tonks said with a wave of her hand. She was unable to disguise the sadness in her voice though, and turned to Harry with a rueful smile. “I worry about him. He takes his job so seriously but he was a wife and a sweet, wonderful daughter who stays up every night, praying he comes home to them.”

Harry didn’t know what to say so he simply squeezed her hand.

“I shall take a taxi with Harry. Tonks, do you mind taking a separate one?” Kingsley asked once they had reached a taxi stand sufficiently far away from Number 12, Grimmauld Place.

Tonks took one look at his broad frame and nodded. They piled into separate taxis, with Kingsley giving the address to the telephone booth that was the secret entrance to the Ministry before closing the plastic divider and leaning back in his seat.

“Thank you for coming with us, Kingsley.”

“You are welcome. I will drop you off but then I must leave. I cannot be seen entering the Ministry with you or Tonks. I hope you understand.”

Harry nodded. It would be too suspicious for Kingsley to accompany them and the Order had no desire for his job to be at risk.

“Nymphadora Tonks is a wonderful person and would have made a great Auror,” Kingsley said, his normally musical voice choked with emotion. “Can I trust you to look out for her?”

Harry was certain Tonks was more than capable of looking after herself but he understood the meaning behind the question.

“I will always have her back,” Harry confirmed quietly.

They passed the rest of the ride in silence. Harry looked out the window at the passing buildings and pedestrians and couldn’t help but wonder how the coming war would affect the Muggle world. He just hoped that whoever came after Fudge would do a better job of protecting the Muggles than the Ministry had done at the Quidditch World Cup.

Kingsley’s gentle shaking broke him free of his thoughts and they climbed out of the taxi. Kingsley paid the driver and sent him off before doing a cursory check of their surroundings for any signs of danger.

“This is where I leave you,” he said once Tonks had hopped out of her cab and joined them by the inconspicuous telephone booth. “Tonks knows where to go. Do as Madam Bones says and everything will be alright.”

Kingsley shook hands with Harry and pulled Tonks into a quick hug before disappearing into the London crowd.

“Let’s go,” Tonks murmured once Kingsley was out of sight.

They piled into the phone booth. Tonks picked up the receiver and dialed three three times. She leaned into Harry and watched as first the blinds lowered to cover all windows, then the phone booth shot down into the ground.

They emerged into the busy Atrium of the Ministry. Harry tightened his hold on Tonks’ hand, worried he’d lose her in the crowd.

“That’s… something,” Harry muttered as they walked past the golden fountain set in the middle of the Atrium. It had a wizard standing on a rock, surrounded by a witch, a goblin, an elf, and a few other creatures Harry did not recognize looking up at the wizard. Water shot out of the wizard’s wand. There was something unsettling about the way the others were looking at him. “Why are there coins in the fountain?”

“Donations for Mungo’s. I think an entire wing is funded from what they get from in there,” Tonks said with a glance at the fountain.

Harry ignored the stares they were attracting, no doubt the result of the latest Daily Prophet article. It detailed his ‘dangerous’ magic use and how it had put ‘several muggles’ in danger. They joined the line at the security gate and Harry copied Tonks’ actions, handing over his wand to the disinterested guard.

The guard registered it and handed it back to him, waving him forward.

“What was that for?” Harry whispered as they made their way towards the lifts.

“That makes sure that all magic use in the Ministry is traceable. It’s a security measure,” Tonks explained. They piled into a crowded lift and she leaned forward and pressed two, one of the only buttons that had not yet been pressed.

Harry felt his stomach rise into his chest as the lift shot down. It halted at every floor before arriving at the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Tonks pulled open the door and rushed outside, with Harry running to catch up with her.

“The woman next to me was snacking on frogberry root,” Tonks muttered, pulling a face.

Harry chuckled sympathetically.

They walked through rows of cubicles. Most were empty or closed, but they attracted glances from the people inside the cubicles that had their doors open.

“They’re not staring,” Harry whispered.

“That’s because most of the Aurors are on your side. The ones that aren’t corrupt anyways,” Tonks explained. She led him to the door at the very end of the hallway and reached out with her free hand, rapping her knuckles against the polished wood.

“Come in!”

Tonks pushed open the door and pulled Harry in with her.

Harry immediately recognized the woman seated behind the massive desk. She bore an uncanny resemblance to her niece but her fiery red hair was tinged with gray and a pair of finely crafted gold spectacles were carefully balanced on her nose. She wore robes of deep purple, an honor accorded only to the members of the Wizengamot.

She was not alone. Seated opposite her was a statuesque woman wearing pale green robes. Her long blonde hair was done up in a severe bun and her pouty lips were pressed into a thin line.

“Ah, Tonks. We were beginning to worry,” Madame Bones said with a relieved sigh. “I suppose introductions are in order before we leave. Harry, Tonks, this is Lady Greengrass. She is the Unspeakable who has kindly agreed to testify in your cases. And accompanying her today is-”

“Daphne!” Harry exclaimed, grinning at the sight of his friend.

“You two know each other?” Lady Greengrass asked, raising a perfectly manicured eyebrow. She turned to her daughter, the ghost of a smile playing on her lips.


“-partners,” Daphne interjected. “Professor Snape often partners me up with Mister Potter in Potions.”

“I see,” Lady Greengrass said. “It is good that you’re here to provide moral support to your… partner,” she said, her gray eyes sparkling with amusement.

She didn’t miss the smattering of pink on her daughter’s alabaster cheeks and neither did Tonks.

“Well then,” Madam Bones, who had more important things in mind, said. She got up from her chair and walked to the door, pulling it open. “Let us go. We have only ten minutes till the trial begins.”

“Can I just pop into the bathroom before we leave?” Harry asked, suddenly overcome by nerves. It all felt too real now that they were in the Ministry and he was a mere ten minutes away from possibly being expelled.

“Of course,” Madam Bones said with a kind smile. “Go out of the office and take the first left. It’s the third door on the right,” she said.

Harry rushed out of the office before Madam Bones had even finished speaking. He slipped into the empty bathroom and walked over to the sink. He stared at his appearance in the mirror, frowning when he realized that the fringe Sirius had pushed out of the way had retaken its original place, obscuring his scar. Since taming his messy hair was an exercise in futility he didn’t even try. He simply splashed his face with water and stared into the mirror, trying to bolster his courage.

He was so engrossed in the conversation he was having with himself that he didn’t hear the door of the bathroom open or notice the person who slipped inside. He turned only when he heard the click of the door’s lock but by then it was too late.

Daphne slammed into him and wrapped her arms around his broad frame, pulling him into a hug.

“You’re an idiot, Potter,” she muttered.

Her cold voice and words were a complete contrast to her actions but Harry was far too accustomed to her behavior to be confused. Daphne Greengrass had her own way of showing that she cared, and it often involved insults to his intelligence. He found it strangely charming.

“I missed this,” Harry said with a chuckle, unable to help himself.

“Don’t get used to it,” Daphne muttered. She pulled free of the hug and pushed him away, looking up at him with concern-filled gray eyes.

“Are you planning on not calling me an idiot anymore?”

“Are you planning on not being one?” Daphne challenged.

Harry chuckled. “Depends on your definition of an idiot.”

“You’ll always be an idiot to me, Potter,” Daphne said, her expression softening slightly. “I meant the hug. Don’t get used to it,” she added primly.

“Are you coming to the trial?”

“I’m not allowed. It’s a closed trial,” Daphne reminded him with a shake of her head. “I’ll be waiting outside. My mum and Madam Bones have this. I know this is asking a lot from you, but don’t do anything stupid and you’ll be fine.”

A loud knock on the door startled both of them.

“Oi! We can’t be late to our own trial, Harry!” Tonks yelled.

“Coming!” Harry shouted back, then turned to Daphne. I’ll try my best,” he said with a crooked smile.

Daphne ignored the strange heat pooling in her belly and the tightness in her chest. She leaned up and kissed his cheek before walking over to the door and opening it for him.

Harry walked out of the bathroom with pink cheeks.

“Is everything alright?” Tonks asked, looking at him suspiciously.

“Yes,” Harry said. He ran to catch up with Madam Bones and Lady Greengrass before Tonks could probe any further. They caught up with them just as the two women reached the lifts.

“Dumbledore wanted to lead the defense?” Lady Greengrass asked, eyebrows raised in surprise.

“He did. I told him what you just said. It’s not a good idea given his current position.”

“Why did they vote him out?” Harry asked, unable to help himself.

“Because nobody wants the Dark Lord to be back, Mister Potter,” Lady Greengrass answered with a sad smile. “It’s easier to remove Dumbledore than to sit in that chamber and listen to his warnings every day.”

“Voting him out was a moronic decision,” Amelia muttered.

“He could have been smart about it,” Lady Greengrass pointed out.

“On that, we are in full agreement.”

The two women strode out of the lift together the moment Harry pulled open the doors. Harry and Tonks followed them down the heavily carpeted hallway till they reached a large set of closed doors that were twice the height of an average man.

“Where is everyone?” Tonks asked, looking around the empty hallway. She had been to the first floor only a few times, but it had always been somewhat busy.

“Wizengamot. This is the trial of the century. Nobody wants to miss it,” Madam Bones answered grimly. “Half of them are here to protect the Boy-Who-Lived and the other half are here for revenge.”

“Some are here just for the spectacle. We haven’t had drama like this in nearly a year,” Lady Greengrass pointed out placidly.

“Aye.” Madam Bones grasped the door handle at the sound of a loud gong reverberating through the hallway. “That’s the warning bell. The trial starts in five minutes. We have to go in now.”

Tonks and Harry nodded. They were both pale, and Tonks was chewing her lower lip nervously.

“Come in when you’re called. Sit in your designated seats. Only talk when you’re asked a question. Answer just what you’ve been asked, do not volunteer extra information. Do you understand?” Madam Bones asked quickly.

“Yes ma’am,” Tonks said.

“Yes ma’am,” Harry murmured, echoing Tonks’ words.

Madam Bones gave them one last smile before entering the Wizengamot chamber.

“So,” Tonks said with a cheeky grin once they were alone.

“So,” Harry repeated. He nervously tugged on his robes. He knew exactly what Tonks was going to talk about and where they were was neither the right time nor the right place to have a conversation about his friends.

“Was she upset?”

“Who?” Harry asked, deciding to play dumb.

“The girl who ran into the bathroom after you.”

“You saw that?!”

“So she did run in after you!” Tonks exclaimed with a triumphant grin. “I thought she would. Announcing that she needs to go to the bathroom seconds after you do?” Tonks snorted. “You know, a good girlfriend would have waited until the end of your trial to bring up the handholding.”

“She isn’t…” Harry frowned as his brain processed Tonks’ words. “What are you talking about? She didn’t even mention the handholding?”

Tonks whistled. “I guess I was wrong.”

They were interrupted by another loud gong. Harry steeled his nerves, knowing he and Tonks were about to be summoned inside the chamber any second.

“Harry Potter,” an unnaturally deep voice called out. The ominous call-out reverberated and echoed throughout the hallway.

“Do I come in with you?!” Tonks whispered.

Before Harry could answer, the gong rang again. The same artificially loud voice spoke out again.


“Guess I do,” Tonks muttered. She placed her hand on one of the doors while Harry took the other one and they pushed open the doors together.

The Wizengamot chamber was… unlike anything Harry had ever seen before. The doors swung shut the moment they had stepped inside and the locks engaged with a loud CLICK.

They were standing in a well, an artificial depression surrounded by a high boundary wall on three sides. The only way in or out was through the now-locked door behind them. Behind the walls were rows of seats, with each row higher than the last.

The chamber was packed, with nearly every seat occupied by a figure wearing the same deep purple robes that Madam Bones wore. They barely paid any attention to the new arrivals. Most of them were whispering furiously amongst themselves, although Harry could spot a very old woman wearing a vulture hat staring at him with sharp eyes.

It was very easy to spot Fudge as well. The Minister was sitting on a raised seat in the very center of the middle column of seats. He waved away all attempts at conversation. His beady eyes followed Harry and Tonks as they made their way to the two wooden chairs placed in the middle of the well, his face as red as a beetroot.

“This court will come to order!” Fudge barked once Harry and Tonks were seated. His voice was magically amplified and distorted and Harry realized with a start that it was him that they had been hearing in the hallway.

When the whispering did not cease Fudge stood, raised his wand, and let off a loud bang. He did it two more times in quick succession, only taking his seat once he was satisfied that the chamber was quiet enough for him to continue.

Every single witch and wizard in the chamber turned their attention towards Harry and Tonks. Harry resisted the urge to squirm uncomfortably in his chair, trying his best to follow every piece of advice imparted by Sirius and Madam Bones before the trial.

Tonks reached out and gently grasped one of his hands. She squeezed it, drawing his attention towards her.

“What are you doing?” Harry hissed. That was not part of the plan. They had been instructed not to talk about their relationship, the Order, or why Tonks was with Harry during the attack.

“Trust me. Everyone likes a good love story,” Tonks whispered, flashing Harry an impish grin. “Just follow my lead.”

“Who stands for the prosecution?” Fudge asked.

A woman who had an uncanny resemblance to a toad stood and bowed. She wore a garish hot pink sweater and had one of the most outrageous pink hats Harry had ever seen balanced on top of her head.

“Dolores Umbridge,” she said with another bow.

“Who stands for the defense?”

“Amelia Bones,” Madam Bones said. She stood but did not bow, instead fixing her steely gaze on Fudge.

“And who is that next to you?” Fudge asked with a scowl. “This is a closed meeting. All members were instructed not to bring visitors.”

“Lady Greengrass is a witness for the defense, Your Excellency.”

“Objection!” Umbridge was on her feet in a flash. “We were neither advised of this nor were we given a chance to question Lady Greengrass before the trial.”

Madam Bones’ face remained impassive but there was no disguising the glee in her voice when she stood up to speak.

“Unspeakables are privileged witnesses. They cannot be questioned before or outside the trial. They cannot be forced to answer a question by either the prosecution or the defense. I’m sure my honored colleague knows all of this already but perhaps it slipped her mind given her… numerous other responsibilities,” she said, glancing at Fudge.

Fudge was turning progressively redder by the minute but there was nothing we could do, especially since it was obvious he didn’t have the support of a majority of members.

Most of the members weren’t even paying attention to what was being said. They stared at Harry and Tonks’ clasped hands with fascination and whispered amongst themselves.

Despite his nervousness, Harry couldn’t help but notice a tall, aristocratic man with gray hair and a bushy mustache looking at him with an inscrutable expression on his face.

“You may begin your questioning of the accused. As is custom, the defense will go first,” Fudge said with a resigned wave. He had lost control of the chamber and he knew it. Everyone knew it. His attempt to punish Harry Potter had failed the minute Lady Greengrass had walked into the chamber with Madam Bones. All that was left was a tiny bit of theater, where they played out events that were already determined.

Madam Bones stood and walked over to Harry and Tonks with a reassuring smile. She began to question them, leading them through the events of the day.

They answered every question truthfully, not withholding any information but not providing anything that wasn’t required.

“May I ask what you were doing with Mister Potter that day, Miss Tonks?” Madam Bones asked in the end, glancing at the clasped hands.

“Mister Potter is courting me,” Tonks said happily. “He intends to make me Lady Potter when he ascends to the Lordship of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Potter.”

“That is correct,” Harry said, clearing his throat. “We were on our weekly walk when we were ambushed,” he added, throwing in the first lie of the day.

The chamber broke out into furious whispers once more. Suddenly everyone’s attention was either on the pins fixed on Harry’s robes or the row of empty chairs in the back of the chamber.

“Objection!” Umbridge stood up and yelled. “How is this relevant?!”

“One of the Sacred Twenty-Eight returning to this chamber? A Noble House being rebuilt by a young and powerful couple? Surely some people-” Madam Bones made a point to look at Fudge “-would have felt threatened by that. Perhaps they decided to act by nipping the problem in the bud?”

“Unacceptable!” An unknown and unidentifiable member yelled from the back benches.

“Order!” Fudge barked. He wiped his forehead with a napkin and leaned forward in his chair. “Is that all from the defense?” he asked in a low hiss.

“Yes, Your Excellency.”

“The prosecution can proceed,” Fudge muttered unhappily.

Umbridge stood and approached Harry and Tonks with a simpering smile that set them both on the edge. She made them recount their stories again, trying to poke holes in their testimonies.

When she failed at that, she pivoted and tried a different approach.

“Mister Potter,” she said, turning to Harry. “Is it true that you can cast a corporeal Patronus?”


“Most impressive. That is extremely advanced magic. Where did you learn it?”

“I learned it in my third year. Professor Lupin taught me to protect myself.”

“Professor Lupin? Hmm, would you kindly refresh my memory? Isn’t he the teacher who was fired for being a werewolf?” Umbridge asked venomously.

“I don’t see how that has any relevance to his teaching ability,” Harry answered coldly.

“Of course not,” Umbridge backtracked. “Many extremely qualified witches and wizards cannot cast a corporeal Patronus, Mister Potter. Perhaps your story is one big elaborate lie to cover for something much simpler? The truth, as they say, is often the simplest explanation one can think of.”

“And what would that be?”

“You knew an advanced piece of magic and you cast it to impress your older, more accomplished girlfriend. You have a history of casting illegal magic without thinking about the consequences, do you not? You blew up your aunt some time ago. Perhaps you think you are above the law?”

“I do not,” Harry said firmly, trying his best to control his temper. “I did not cast the patronus to impress Nym. I did it to drive away the dementors attacking us.”

“Besides, he doesn’t need magic to impress me,” Tonks added with a smirk. “All he has to do is take off his shirt.”

There were more than a few appreciative chuckles in the audience.

“ORDER!” Fudge yelled.

“Dementors in Little Whinging?!” Umbridge screeched, glaring at Tonks. “Surely you don’t expect us to believe that. They are the guardians of Azkaban and under the direct control of the Minister. Why would they even be there?”

Madam Bones stood and thumped her fist on her desk to draw everyone’s attention towards her. “Objection!” she yelled with a happy smile.

“On what grounds?” Fudge asked.

“As an Unspeakable, Lady Greengrass has spent her entire career studying dementors. The questions asked by the prosecution should be answered by her, not by Mister Potter or Miss Tonks.”

Fudge accepted with a resigned wave of his hand.

Lady Greengrass stood gracefully and addressed the chamber with a polite, confident smile.

“Members of Wizengamot, I believe them. Their testimony is remarkably in line with what we know about the effects of dementors on humans. I have listened to their story twice now and I haven’t found a single detail that would make me doubt its truthfulness,” Lady Greengrass said. “As for Miss Umbridge’s question, the answer is simple. Either the Minister has lost control of the dementors or… OR,” she had to raise her voice to be heard as the chamber erupted into conversation and protests. “Or,” she continued calmly. “The Minister or someone deputized by him sent the dementors to Little Whinging. Both possibilities are troubling and should be investigated.”

“Is that all?” Fudge growled. He raised his wand and released three bangs in quick succession to restore order. “Does the prosecution have any more questions?”

“No, Your Excellency,” Umbridge simpered, her eyes nervously darting around the chamber.

“I propose we’ve heard enough,” Fudge muttered, wiping his red face with a handkerchief. “We shall now vote if there are no objections?”

“None, Your Excellency,” Umbridge said immediately.

Madam Bones pondered over the question for a few seconds before getting to her feet. “None, Your Excellency,” she said with a smirk. She had him by the balls and he knew it.

Tonks and Harry could see it too. They had entered the trial as underdogs and would be leaving as undisputed victors.

“Those who vote to convict Mister Potter and Miss Tonks please raise your lit wands,” Fudge ordered.

A single section of Wizengamot, led by Theodore Nott, raised their wands immediately. Fudge waited for a few seconds before closing the vote, futilely hoping that others would join them.

“Those who wish to vote to acquit Mister Potter and Miss Tonks of all chargers…” Fudge sighed and continued, “Please raise your lit wands.”

A clear majority had raised their wands before Fudge had even finished speaking. Others joined in soon enough, including Lord Greengrass and nearly everyone in his faction.

“Very well,” Fudge muttered, trembling with rage. “The accused are acquitted of all charges,” he thundered, storming out of the room before anyone had a chance to stop him.

“Told you they like a good love story,” Tonks teased, leaning in to kiss Harry’s cheek.

“I guess Daphne was right,” Harry murmured with a dazed smile. He still couldn’t believe what had happened. Had they just beaten the Minister on his own turf?!

“Oh? What did blondie say?” Tonks asked, raising an eyebrow.

“She told me we’re guaranteed to win as long as I don’t do anything stupid.”

“You want my advice as your future consort, Lord Potter?” Tonks asked with a teasing smile.


“Marry that girl.”


Ah, this is something that I thought would both be a fun twist to the trial and a way to introduce Daphne and the Greengrasses to the story. So Daphne in this story has more of a frenemies vibe with Harry, something that I am very eager to explore. Tonks is her usual fun self, and I'll be honest, I did not think Harry and Tonks would be so great together. Also, Tonks back to Hogwarts. With the Twins! Add Harry into the mix and this promises to be a fun year, perhaps not so much for Umbridge.



Love it ☺️ It has been way too long of a Godfathers Vow break ☺️


Glad to see this again. Hope to see more soon.