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To all those who celebrate, I wish you all a Merry Christmas! I know, I'm a day late but I scheduled this post. Lesson learned, do not schedule posts! So I hopped on for a quick minute and typed it up.

I do celebrate and this is actually my last Christmas with my family in a long time because I am moving a long distance away around the 1st of March! So I took some time off to spend time with them, well, the ones that I like and will miss a lot.

Regular uploads will be back from the 28th.  To make up, I'll release 2 chapters on the 28th!

As for the new year, I have some exciting things planned for the first six months. After that, well, I don't like to plan too far ahead!

Firstly, I plan to complete The Grass Is Always Greener, The Power He Knows Not, and Tonks' Fun (Mis)Education. All three of them have plots mapped out.  I also hope to conclude Fleur De Lis and Tenebrae Et Lux, but their plots are still under construction.

Short Stories and Drabbles will continue. New, exciting, and smutty stories will also be written. Have a favorite ship you want to see more of? Maybe you want to see me write a ship in a different fandom or a crossover! Comment below and let me know please! All of you are my biggest inspiration and I thank you for the gift of your support. That's all from me for today. For now, happy holidays and stay safe!



Hoping yoru Chirstmas was quite merry and enjoyable. I've done my share of long distance moves and I hope not to need to do another [fingers crossed]. I quite enjoy your work and look forward to enjoying it in the new year,