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Content Warnings: Spanking, Cum Play, Nipple Play, Teasing, Semi-Clothed, Collars.

Three Days Before Their Marriage:

“A crowded muggle fair, huh?” Tonks groused, looking around anxiously “It took me two hours to sweep the entire ground.”

“Come on, it’s not that bad. You’re just mad there’s no cotton candy for sale,” Harry teased, tilting his head to look at his protector and friend. Tonks was dressed in her usual ripped jeans, white blouse, and a leather jacket. Her hair was a dark red, which Harry had come to realize meant that she was either worried or horny.

Considering the fact that Madame Bones was due to arrive with Susan at any minute it was probably a bit of both.

“How do I look?” Tonks asked, tugging on her leather jacket.

It was the first time Madame Bones would be accompanying them on one of their dates and Harry had conspired with Susan to have her spend the day with Tonks to give the young couple their ‘privacy’ while still being close enough to keep an eye on them.

It was strange how not too long ago he had been the one who was a nervous wreck. In some ways, he still was. The thought of meeting Susan caused butterflies to erupt in his stomach, but that anxiety was now tinged with excitement. She made him happy in ways he couldn’t quite explain.

Sirius had taught him a lot over the past year but it was Tonks who had truly pulled him out of his shell with her constant irreverent humor and ability to sexualize anything and everything in a conversation. She truly did feel like the cool, protective big sister he never had.

“Just snog her,” Harry said with a grin. “Or you could tell her about that good girl fantasy of yours.”

“I can’t just snog her! She’s my boss!” Tonks whispered furiously, an uncharacteristic blush on her cheeks. “And I am NEVER telling her about my good girl fantasy.”

“Hey, I’m just giving you the same advice you gave me,” Harry teased with a fond roll of his eyes. Tonks’ every suggestion to help him overcome his nervousness around Susan involved him bending her over a flat surface and dicking her down.

While he wasn’t… opposed to the notion, he was more than happy to wait as long as it took for things to naturally lead to that outcome. He hadn’t even kissed her yet, both of them instinctively holding back, waiting for the perfect moment.

He wanted it to be a moment they would remember for the rest of their lives.

“Hey, my advice is working. I’ve seen the way she looks at you.” Tonks smirked. “That girl is the human personification of a golden retriever.”

Harry smiled. “She’s adorable.”

“You like her.” Tonks’ grin grew at the sight of Harry’s pink cheeks. “You like her,” she repeated, elbowing his side. “The question is, do you like her enough to marry her?”

“Maybe. Probably. Yes?” Harry whispered, unable to meet his friend’s eyes.

“I CALLED IT!” Tonks crowed. She danced a happy jig, drawing the attention of the Muggles passing them by on their way into the fair. “Your godfather owes me fifteen galleons. He thinks Susan is a very nice girl but he’s convinced there’s something going on between you and Granger and that you won’t say yes to this marriage.”

Harry turned red. “I… what… Me and Hermione?!” he squeaked, banishing how good it had felt to hug his best friend after a summer apart to a deep corner in his mind. “We’re just friends,” he said lamely.

He was saved from Tonks grilling him further by the arrival of Madame Bones and her niece.

Harry’s heart skipped a beat when his eyes rested on Susan. Her long red hair was secured in its usual braid with just two free ringlets framing her freckled face. Her plump lips were accentuated with a coat of muted scarlet lipstick, and she wore a floaty yellow summer dress held up by two thin straps that left her creamy shoulders and neck bare. She was a summer goddess, full of beauty and kindness and innocence.

“I’m sure Susan will be flattered by the attention but you don’t want her aunt catching you staring at her boobs,” Tonks whispered, deciding to focus on Harry in an attempt to distract herself from her own nervousness.

Harry gulped and immediately raised his gaze.

“Madame Bones,” Harry murmured, nodding respectfully at the stern-faced woman. She cracked a small smile and extended her hand, which Harry grasped firmly.

“Why a Muggle fair, Harry?” Amelia asked as she shook his hand. Like most Purebloods, she and Susan had minimal knowledge about the Muggle world. Amelia found the busy fair and its attractions quite fascinating and she could see her niece was already enraptured.

“We’ve been meeting in Diagon Alley for the past three days. I thought this would make for a nice change,” Harry explained, resisting the urge to reach out and take Susan’s hand.

Susan did not hesitate. She walked over to his side and grabbed his left hand, threading their fingers together. “I’m excited!” she said brightly. “I’ve never been to a Muggle fair before.”

Harry decided not to ruin the mood by revealing that he hadn’t either. The Dursleys thought such things beneath them and even if they hadn’t there was no world in which they’d have taken him with them on a family outing.

“The security situation?” Amelia asked, turning to Tonks.

The Auror snapped to attention and her voice turned crisp. “Nothing magical in a three-mile radius. This place is strictly Muggles, ma’am.”

Susan glanced at Tonks, then at Harry, and burst out into a fit of giggles.

“Is everything alright, dear?”

“Yes, auntie!” Susan tugged on Harry’s hand, deciding to leave before her inability to keep secrets made things awkward between her Aunt and Tonks. “ Harry, I want popcorn, come on,” she said, tugging her date into the fairground.

“Ticket,” the man at the gate said in a bored voice, stopping them before they could enter.

“Right here.” Harry held up two stubs of green paper which the man didn’t bother looking at. He simply grunted and opened the gate, letting them inside.

“One please,” Harry murmured as they paused in front of the vendor selling popcorn.

“You don’t want any?”

“I thought we could share it, then buy more if we want to.”

“I’d love that,” Susan whispered shyly.

Harry rummaged in his pocket for money, cursing under his breath when he pulled out two more tickets. He handed the man a five-pound note before turning to Susan.

“I have your Aunt and Tonks’ tickets with me. I’ll just give it to them and be back in a minute, okay?”

“Mhm.” Susan nodded and gently pulled her hand free from his. She accepted the carton of popcorn and the coins the man handed back to her with a smile. She pocketed the change and turned around, taking advantage of the opportunity to shamelessly admire Harry’s physique without running the risk of being caught.

A discreet cough reminded her there was a line behind her and she stepped away from the stall, her attention drawn to the quiet neighing of ponies from the makeshift stables behind the rows of tents. Not knowing how long Harry would take (her auntie had mentioned needing to talk to him about something and judging by her tone, that something sounded serious) she decided to wait for him in the stables.

She walked into the quiet, dark building and set the carton of popcorn on one of the wooden beams of a stall before slipping inside.

“Aren’t you a cutie?” she whispered, bending to kiss the foal’s forehead. The tiny brown creature neighed and leaned into Susan’s touch immediately, put at ease by her kind demeanor. “Are you all alone while your mama gives rides to children?” Susan cooed, her eyes flickering to the horse in the distance before she picked up a brush and turned her attention to the foal.

“Not anymore, okay? My name is Susan,” Susan murmured, humming happily as she began to brush the foal’s mane. “What’s your name?”

The foal neighed happily as Susan worked out the knots in its mane.

“Thumper? You look like a Thumper. Are you a good listener, Thumper?”

Thumper neighed and snorted.

“I thought you were,” Susan smiled, bending to kiss his forehead again. “You have very kind eyes. Well, Thumper, I think I’m in love. Or something like love. There’s this boy you see-” Susan dipped her free hand into the bucket of oats on a stool next to her and scooped some up for her new friend to eat. “And he’s kind and amazing and gorgeous and… sometimes he does this thing to my hair where he gently tucks it behind my ear… it takes my breath away and I can’t speak for the next ten minutes. I’m sure he thinks I’m a complete idiot,” Susan chuckled. “Maybe that’s why he hasn’t kissed me yet. Ernie once told me I’m just okay. Just okays aren’t anyone’s choice for a wife, are they Thumper? I’m not gorgeous like Daphne Greengrass or intelligent like Hermione or even in-your-face sexy like Ginny Weasley. I’m just me.” Susan shrugged.

She set the brush down and wrapped her arms around the foal, hugging him. “I stay up all night worrying that this is all a mistake. That I’m giving him pieces of my heart every day and he’ll never want me the way I want him.”

Thumper stomped his front feet and turned his head, nuzzling into Susan.

“I was right,” Susan said, slowly pulling away. The Unicorn Pen in Hogwarts was her go-to place whenever she needed to feel better and her newfound friend wasn’t any different. “You’re a really good listener.” She patted the foal’s head and fed him some more oats, turning her head at the sound of the stable door banging open.

“Harry, you need to meet Thumper-” Susan said, pausing in her tracks when she realized the man who had entered the building wasn’t Harry. “Sorry,” she said with a polite smile. “I thought you were someone I was waiting for.”

The short man grunted as he dropped the bag of hay on his shoulder onto the pile by the door before turning to look at Susan. “What’s a pretty girl like you doing in a place like this?” he murmured, scratching one of his massive sideburns.

“I… I didn’t know I wasn’t allowed to be here.” Susan shivered as the man’s watery pale blue eyes roved over her body. There was something dangerous about the man. Every instinct in her body screamed at her to run but fear paralyzed her and her feet stayed rooted in place even as the man walked closer. His gaze was fixed on her chest, the man lecherously staring at the gentle sway of her breasts as she breathed. “I’ll go now.”

“What’s the hurry, girlie?” he asked, shooting her a toothy smile. His teeth were yellow and crooked and as he got closer Susan gagged at the stench of garlic filling the air around them. “You like horses, don’t ya? Don’t be shy. I take care of them. Wanna take a look around? Do you know why they like me?”

“W-why?” Susan stammered, not missing the man’s gaze roving over her body, staring at her like she was a piece of meat.

She knew she had to run but her feet wouldn’t cooperate and so she stood, frozen in place, wide-eyed and hyperventilating.

“Cause I got a horse cock!” The man laughed and slapped his thigh, acting like he’d told the world’s funniest joke. “They think I’m one of them, see? Come on, I’ll take you for a tour.”

“I’m fine, thank you,” Susan mumbled. There was no way she could physically overcome the man. And Harry was already in trouble for using magic around Muggles. If they didn’t believe Dementors were a life-threatening situation she doubted the ghouls in the Ministry would think her current situation merited the use of magic.

“I’ll take you for a quick ride right here, your man will never-”

“She said she wasn’t interested.”

Susan had nearly fainted when she heard Harry’s voice. Except, it was completely unlike what she was used to. It was cold, hard, and sinister, and in that moment she realized her boyfriend was much more dangerous than the man in front of her could ever hope to be.

“I on the other hand would love to see your horse cock,” Harry growled, stabbing the man’s back with the penknife in his hand. The man howled with pain but could do nothing but writhe in place as Harry grabbed his shoulder to keep him in place. He twisted the knife before pulling it out and holding it against his neck. Blood gushed out of the wound and formed a large stain on the back of the man’s gray shirt within seconds. “Funny thing about this knife,” Harry whispered, his green eyes lit up with a fury even he didn’t know he possessed.

He was tired. Tired of people he cared about being hurt, tired of not doing anything about it. Not anymore.

If that made him a bad man, if that went counter to everything Dumbledore had taught him, that would be his burden to bear.

But never again would he stand by and let the people he loved get hurt.

“It’s always exactly just how sharp I need it to be,” Harry murmured, pressing the blade into the man’s throat, the pressure just enough to pierce the skin and draw a trickle of blood. “And I’m highly tempted to turn it into a butter knife and carve out your balls so I can stuff them up your nose. Then I’ll chop off your dick and see how much of it you can swallow.”

He knew it was an empty threat with the Ministry already putting him on trial for endangering a Muggle but the man didn’t know that. And he’d never find out.

“P-please,” the man begged, moaning in fear as he wet his pants.

“Fuck off. Pack your things and leave this troupe. You try this with another girl and I’ll find out. And I promise I’ll chop your disgusting cock into tiny little pieces with a rusty pair of shears.”

Harry released his hold on the man and watched as he scrambled out of the stables as fast as he could.

Harry turned to Susan, frowning when he realized she was staring at him with wide, fear-filled eyes. He dropped the bloody penknife and took a step towards her, breathing a sigh of relief when she didn’t shy away from him.

“Susie I-”

Susan ran into his arms and buried her face in his chest, bawling her eyes out.

Their first hug. Unconventional, but unforgettable.

Harry gently wrapped his arms around her curvy body and pulled her closer, gently rubbing her back as her crying slowly subsided into hiccups and the occasional sob.

“You’re safe. You’re safe,” Harry kept whispering as he hugged her tightly. “I promise to keep you safe no matter what happens. Just… next time you want to pet the ponies, Susie, wait for me to take you?” Harry murmured, pulling her head down on his shoulder.

“S-sorry. Sorry, I’m so useless,” Susan hiccuped, shivering violently in his arms.

“You’re not useless. You’re perfect,” Harry growled, pulling away slightly. He cupped her cheeks and tilted her face up to make her look at him, frowning at the self-hate evident in her eyes.

“Justin wants to grab my ass. That creepy man wants to show me his… his… his member,” Susan stammered tearfully. “But the man I like, a good man, a nice man… he won’t even kiss-”

Harry bent and pressed his lips against hers, cutting her off. Susan moaned quietly and Harry took advantage of it to slip his tongue into her mouth. Her inexperienced tongue shyly rose up to meet his, meekly submitting to him. He plundered her mouth, exploring every warm corner and dueling with her tongue until the need for air forced him to pull away.

“Susan Bones?”

“Yes, Harry?”

“I have no ring on me but will you marry me?”

Susan beamed and nodded, giggling giddily as Harry pulled her in for another kiss, her fears and worries melting away. Harry would take care of her, no matter what happened.

As far as first kisses went, theirs was messy, traumatic, and unexpectedly bloody. It was a far cry from the romantic kiss he had planned for on the Ferris Wheel.

But he was with her, and as she shyly grabbed his wrists and pulled his hands down to her chest, he realized that was all he needed for it to be perfect.


“I’m jealous.” Susan scowled, turning to glare at her husband every few seconds as she tidied their bedroom.

“You’re jealous because I had to fight a Basilisk?” Harry’s smile slowly morphed into a frown as he turned to look at his wife.

“I’m jealous I wasn’t the redhead you saved,” Susan pouted playfully, ducking to avoid the throw pillow Harry chucked at her.

“Hey! I’m cleaning our bedroom, aren’t I? Don’t increase my work by making a bigger mess,” Susan admonished, picking up the pillow and flinging it back at him.

“This is the second time you’ve done it today, Susie. Come back to bed.”

“If I do that we’ll make love for the third time today. Everybody in the house already thinks I’m sick because I limp all the bloody time so I’ll have to pass on that offer, husband dearest,” Susan murmured, leaning over to playfully tickle his nose with the feather duster in her hand.

“We need to get out. I don’t see why news of Karkaroff’s death means we have to be under house arrest. It’s been a week since we learned of it and Dumbledore and Mrs. Weasley won’t let us go anywhere,” Harry muttered, running a frustrated hand through his messy black hair. “The worst part is that your Aunt agrees with them, which must surely be a sign of the coming apocalypse.”

“We could go study with Hermione,” Susan suggested as she carefully rearranged the items on his nightstand. “She’s revising the Basic Laws of Transfiguration today.”

“Tempting,” Harry murmured. Time with Hermione was always time well spent. “But she’s not exactly revising them. She’s teaching them to Ron because he never bothered to learn them in our Third Year and he’s panicking now.”

Susan sighed. While she loved Hermione’s company, spending time with Ron meant absolutely no kissing or cuddling Harry, a torturous ordeal for the newly married couple. “I mean, I’m innocent and you can even argue that I’m something of a prude but I pity the girl who agrees to date him,” Susan mumbled, flopping onto the bed next to him with a frustrated groan. Their honeymoon had to be the most pathetic one in the history of marriage.

“He looks like he’s going to stroke out every time I kiss you and I-” Harry wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled the squealing girl onto his lap. “Am feeling decidedly handsy.”

“Harry! Remember what I said about my suspicions limping?”

“There are other things we could do.”

“As if me trying to explain away my hoarse voice with an imaginary cold three times a week is any less suspicious,” Susan giggled and slapped his chest.

“I could always eat you out,” Harry whispered huskily.

“No!” Susan blushed wildly and squirmed in his lap. “That’s embarrassing, Harry!”


“I squirted all over your face, remember?”

“I can assure you that was a highly enjoyable experience for me, love.”

“Tonks spotted some of my cum in your hair at dinner!”

“I’ll wash my hair more carefully this time.”

“I’m going stir-crazy, Harry,” Susan whined in an attempt to distract him from his plan. “We haven’t left the house in nearly a week. Can’t we sneak out for a walk? Maybe go on a quick shopping trip to Diagon Alley?”

Her supply of steamy romance was running dangerously low.

“Too many people there who might recognize us.” Harry sighed and flopped back into the mountain of pillows propped up against the headboard of their bed. She had a point.

“Is this where the Basilisk…” Susan trailed off, her fingers gently tracing the large pale circular scar on his bare forearm.

Harry nodded, his lips curling into a grin as he got an idea.

“Come on. I know someplace we can go.”


“You know, when you said you had a place in mind, I didn’t think you meant the actual Chamber of Secrets.” Susan blinked rapidly as her eyes adjusted to the darkness of the huge cavern. They had sneaked out of Grimmauld Place under the Invisibility Cloak, hailed the Knight Bus, and used it to travel to Hogsmeade before sneaking into the empty castle through the secret passageway in Honeyduke’s cellar.

The castle devoid of students (and seemingly of teachers as well) had been a surreal experience and a part of her had wanted to ask Harry if they could just stay in his dorms until school started. It would certainly give them more freedom and room than their current living situation in Grimmauld Place.

Harry had led her to Myrtle’s bathroom and she had watched with wide eyes as he commanded the entrance hidden in the wash basins to open in Parseltongue. The flight down to the Chamber had been equal parts exhilarating and terrifying. On the way up, she vowed to herself that she’d keep her eyes open and experience what Harry surely felt during a Quidditch match.

Harry raised his wand, which was their only source of illumination. A pinpoint of light pierced the gloom surrounding them. He carefully propped up his Firebolt against the wall by the entrance, not wanting to risk damaging it by taking it further into the Chamber with them.

“Well, I thought we could do a little roleplay. This time I’ll rescue the redhead I want to save from the Chamber. Without the, you know, deadly snake or the risk of Voldemort devouring your soul.”

To her credit, his use of the name did not affect her at all. After nearly a month with him, she had become immune to its usage and used it just as often as he did, much to the shock of some members of the Order.

“Ginny isn’t that bad, you know? I mean she’s fit and she’s definitely sexier than I am,” Susan murmured, locking her arm with Harry’s. “She likes Quidditch and dueling. You two have a lot in common.” She tried her best not to let her insecurities show. She knew she’d have to share him with another woman, but a part of her hoped said woman would be someone who would look at her as a companion, not an object of ridicule. “We know you’ll have to take another wife. Why not her?”

“Because she likes a version of Harry that doesn’t exist, Susie. She likes the Boy-Who-Lived, the hero that saved Magical Britain. That’s not me,” Harry said softly as they walked down the tunnel that would lead them to the vast Chamber where he had once faced a younger version of Voldemort. “I don’t fight for glory, power, or even to save the world. I fight to keep the people I love safe. That’s my only motive.”

“It’s a good motive,” Susan whispered, gripping his hand tightly as they clambered over a small pile of rubble.

“Besides, I don’t like how she treats you or Fleur. Just because you two have interests she doesn’t like doesn’t mean it’s right to mock you for them,” Harry murmured with a frown.

He knew Ginny thought it was harmless teasing but he didn’t like her constant mockery of Fleur’s attention to her appearance or Susan’s love for cooking.

“Who’ll you marry, then?”

“No clue,” Harry answered with an unbothered shrug. “If my experience with you has taught me anything, the person we’re meant to be with will walk into our lives just when we need her.”

Susan’s heart soared at his use of ‘we’.

She had no clue if she liked women but until a month ago, she had no idea she liked getting spanked while wearing a skimpy French Maid uniform. Harry helped her learn something new about herself every single day.

Who knows, maybe we’ll end up with someone who turns me on just as much as Harry.

Susan decided to change the subject. He was right, there was no use fretting about the future.

“That pile of rubble back there, was that where Lockhart tried to obliviate you and Ron?”

Harry snorted and nodded. “Yeah. Merlin, that man was a moron. Fawkes cleared the rubble when he came to rescue me. I’d have died that day in this godforsaken chamber had he not come to my rescue.”

“It is said Phoenixes only come to the aid of the noblest of men.”

“I’m sure in my case Fawkes only came because Dumbledore sent him,” Harry said lightly, although it was clear he was uncomfortable with any interpretation of the story where he was the hero.

Susan decided to change the subject again.

“Do you remember the time Lockhart vanished all the bones in your arm?”

“Don’t remind me. I hated that night,” Harry muttered with a loud groan that echoed eerily. The tunnel widened as they walked to the open door. It was made from charmed marble and glowed green, flooding the area around it with a ghastly glow. Everything about the place was cold, dreary, and creepy. Susan pressed closer into Harry’s side for comfort.

“I didn’t,” Susan admitted quietly. “I hated that you were in pain but I didn’t hate that night. It was the first time I got to spend some time with you, even if all I really did was feed you your medicine. I was too scared to talk to you, especially after the horrible way Hannah and Ernie treated you during the whole Heir of Slytherin nonsense.”

“I remember you wiping my forehead with a wet cloth and humming a song. I looked it up. It’s a song a woman sings for her lover who is wounded in battle, isn’t it? A song of healing.”

Susan blushed. “I thought you were asleep.”

“For the longest time, I thought I imagined it. I realized it really happened when Madame Pomfrey made an offhand comment when I was in the Hospital Wing after the Final Task last year. You should sing more often. You have a beautiful voice,” Harry whispered, helping her through the large door and into the massive room where he had confronted Voldemort.

Susan’s eyes widened to the size of pennies as she took in the massive skeleton that occupied most of the space in the room. She carefully stepped towards the Basilisk skeleton, her gaze fixed on its skull. “It’s huge,” she breathed, tracing the rim of an eye socket. It was big enough to fit her entire fist.

“Eighty feet, I think? He was locked in the room behind that door,” Harry explained, pointing to the open door exactly opposite to the one they had walked through. Unlike the first one, it was made from dull gray stone and had the face of a wizened, bearded old man carved into it. His head was surrounded by a halo of snakes.

“When I came in Ginny was lying on the floor and Voldemort was standing over her.” Harry grabbed Susan’s shoulders and turned her around, reconstructing the events of the day for her. “Except he called himself Tom Marvolo Riddle. That was his real name, I think. Before he became Voldemort. He gave me the history of this room and told me about Salazar Slytherin.” Harry pointed to the old man carved into the stone door. “Then he said I was going to die down here and unleashed the Basilisk.”

“I wish I had brought my bag. You know, the one that’s bigger on the inside?” Susan whispered, turning her attention away from Salazar Slytherin. It wasn’t the face of an evil man, which made his choice to unleash a monster on the very school he had helped create extremely odd. Basilisks were not intelligent creatures and there was just as much chance of it hurting a Slytherin as any other student.

Tracey Davis, Susan thought, remembering one of the girls petrified back in their Second Year. I think she’s in Slytherin.

Trying to work out the motives of a man who lived more than a thousand years before her time was starting to give her a headache so she abandoned that quest and turned her attention back to the Basilisk.

“Why?” Harry asked, watching her study the snake’s skull.

“Basilisk venom is known to have incredible curative and transformational properties when used correctly. Think of all the potions I can brew if we extracted some from its fangs,” Susan whispered. “Well, fang. You threw away the other one after you stabbed the diary, right?”

“Mhm. Wouldn’t the venom have dried out by now?”

“No. Obviously, the skeleton can’t make new venom but the venom already in the fang won’t dry for at least a decade.”

“Well, very few people know about the existence of this chamber and fewer still can access it. We can come back down here with the bag once school starts and grab the fang.”

“That’s a good idea. We’ll need more than just the bag to extract the venom safely,” Susan murmured as she straightened and turned to face Harry. “What’s in the room behind you?”

Harry turned to look at the open door. “I have no clue. Maybe just space for the Basilisk to live in? I didn’t get an opportunity to explore that part of this cavern. Come on.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her into the adjoining room before she could say anything.

It wasn’t large enough for the Basilisk to live in. The three remaining walls of the room were dotted with tunnel openings but the room itself contained an astonished number of tables and desks. Scattered haphazardly on each desk were books and artifacts.

“This looks like some kind of shrine.”

“Or a place to store things you don’t want anyone else to find,” Harry murmured, picking up a black notebook. He opened it, reading the hasty scribble on the front page out loud. “This Diary belongs to Merope Gaunt.”

“Do you know who that is?” Susan asked, shifting through a pile of dusty books.

“Nope. Maybe one of the heirs before Voldemort? There had to have been some before him, right?”

Just as he was about to open the diary and start reading, Susan interrupted him.

“Look what I found. This book was once in our library.”

Harry leaned forward to read the title. “The Quest for Immortality?”

“Yep. And guess who was the last person to check it out?” Susan passed him the library card she had found tucked inside the book.

Tom Riddle.

“Given the fact that he came back to life, we can safely surmise he was somewhat successful in his quest. This doesn’t bode well for our chances of defeating him,” Harry muttered, tossing the library card onto the desk. A scrap of parchment on the floor caught his attention and he bent to pick it up. He immediately recognized the handwriting as Voldemort’s but he had no idea what the words he had scrawled on the paper meant.

“What do you make of this?” Harry asked, passing the parchment to Susan.

“Locket. Diadem. Cup. Sword. Why did he circle the locket, diadem, and cup but put a question mark next to the sword?”

“No clue. This place is a treasure trove of information and we found it by accident,” Harry chuckled, marveling at their luck. “It will take us weeks to sort through all this.”

“Once school starts you, me, and Hermione, we’ll come down here and try to make sense of all these books and artifacts. Maybe something here holds the clue to defeating him?”

“Good idea. For now, come on, let’s leave. It’s nearly dinnertime and we need to get back home before anyone realizes we’re missing.”

Susan reluctantly put the book back on the desk and reached out to take Harry’s hand. She let him lead her back out into the room and then into the tunnel they had used but kept looking around, eager to see if they had missed anything else.

Her gasp stopped Harry dead in his tracks. He turned to look at her frowning as he followed her gaze to the tunnel that branched off from the main one.

“That’s Basilisk skin, Harry,” Susan breathed, slowly walking over to the perfectly preserved pile of green and silver leathery material on the tunnel floor. The ribbon stretched as far as the light from his wand illuminated the tunnel and he had a feeling it was a lot longer than that.

“Is this something you can use in your potions?”

Susan chuckled and shook her head. “No. This is the costliest thing a Pureblood lady can wear. Boots, Jackets… Collars,” she whispered, running her fingers along the skin. “Anything that is made from leather can be made from Basilisk skin. Since it’s so rare and impossible to find… it’s priceless.” She stood and smiled at her husband. “I mean, neither of us is wanting in the money department but if you sold this skin our grandchildren’s grandchildren won’t have to work a day in their life.”

Harry knelt and pulled out his charmed penknife, carefully cutting off a strip wide enough to make a collar.

“I grew up with a child who never had to work a day in his life and was spoiled rotten,” Harry murmured as he stood and pocketed the skin he had cut off. “We aren’t selling this. Our children, grandchildren, or anyone else in our lineage will not grow up to be like my cousin.”

“Why’d you cut off a strip if you don’t want to sell the skin?” Susan asked curiously.

“Well, it’s priceless, unique, and a symbol of my commitment to protect the ones I care about. I mean, I don’t love Ginny and I faced down an eighty-foot monster for her. I thought I’d make you a collar from this skin as a reminder of the lengths I’d go to for you. I’d burn down the world to keep you safe,” Harry whispered, awkwardly rubbing the back of his head. Even in his head that line had sounded disgustingly corny. But he had said it, and there was no going back now.

Susan stared at him in stunned silence.

“I know it’s stupid and corny and more than a little morbid-”

Susan lunged forward and wrapped her arms around Harry’s neck, leaning up on her toes so she could press her lips against his for a fierce kiss.

Harry stumbled and took a step backward before stabilizing and wrapping his arms around her waist. He moaned quietly and Susan took advantage of his parted lips to dart her tongue into his mouth, playfully dueling with his tongue and drawing it out before she submitted to him.

A happy groan escaped her throat as Harry’s tongue chased hers back into the warm, wet embrace of her mouth and she meekly surrendered to her husband, her soft mewls drowned out as he plundered her mouth.

Not that it mattered. She could scream her head off and nobody would notice.

She rather liked the idea of her husband fucking her as hard as he wanted without having to worry about silencing wards and properly locked doors.

Before long she was light-headed, her thoughts clouded by a pleasant haze as she struggled to breathe.

As much as she wished for them to stay like they were for eternity, the need for air finally won out. Harry pulled away, his chest heaving as he gasped for breath.

Susan looked up at her husband through half-lidded eyes, her thick lashes quivering gently. “When we have a house of our own we need to have a sound-proofed room. Our own Chamber of Secrets,” she whispered, surprised by her newfound bravery.

Harry had always been the one to take initiative when it came to the bedroom. But he had also been the one to teach her not to hide her desires and while she was happiest when he was in control she had no intention of being an inanimate, passionless doll.

Harry took in the dark tunnel and the rough-hewn stone walls before looking back at Susan with his eyebrows raised.

“Not… I don’t mean physically,” Susan admitted. “I meant a room that’s terrifying and scary and full of toys I can’t even name-”

“You know, if I knew you were this turned on by creepy stuff I’d have brought you here a lot sooner,” Harry teased.

“It’s not the creepy stuff. It’s about the collar you’re going to make for me and-” Susan admitted before glaring playfully at Harry. “And it’s not good form to interrupt your wife when she’s talking. Potron’s Etiquette of Marriage states that the key to a successful marriage is clear communication.”

“It’s hard for me to take Mister Potron seriously. His book has no chapter about naughty wives trying to get out of spankings and how detrimental that’s to a marriage,” Harry teased, slowly backing Susan against a wall.

Susan pouted.

Harry laughed and mimed zipping up his lips before locking them and throwing away the key.

“It’s not about this place being creepy,” Susan repeated, an adorable blush on her freckled cheeks. “The first time I realized I maybe kinda sorta definitely love you was that day in the fair when you threatened to castrate the man harassing me. I was terrified on our wedding night and you made me believe everything would be okay because you’d make sure of it and that was when I knew I loved you. And here, this place is so scary… whenever I’m afraid, you promise to protect me-” Susan paused and took a deep breath, marshaling her courage. “Merlin, nothing turns me on as much as you promising to take care of me,” she admitted in a whisper.

Harry silently brushed a stray lock of hair behind her ear, peering into her wide blue eyes. “I’ll always look after you. You know that right?” he asked in a low growl.

“You have to,” Susan pointed out with a giggle. Her arms were still wrapped around his neck and she was getting tired of balancing her body on her toes but nothing in the world would have convinced her to pull away from him. “We’re married,” she murmured, groaning quietly as he pushed her back against the rough stone wall of the tunnel.

“I’m not doing it because a piece of paper says we’re legally bound.” Harry, knowing her body perhaps even more than she did herself, gently grabbed her thighs and pulled her legs up, making her wrap them around his waist.

Susan groaned in relief as the pressure on her toes vanished.

“Why are you taking care of me then?” Susan asked, her breath hitching when she heard him unzipping his pants. Her eyes didn’t waver from his face for even a second.

“I’m doing it because I had no idea what love meant before I met you. Now… now I know why my father attacked Voldemort with his bare hands that night. Now I know why my mother did what she did,” Harry whispered. He sighed in relief as he pushed his boxers down to his knees, his throbbing manhood springing free.

“Are you wearing panties?”

Susan shook her head, strands of red curls escaping her ponytail and perfectly framing her innocent face. “You ordered me not to, sir. I only wear them when you want me to,” she whispered, her plaid skirt riding up her thick thighs as she tightened her legs around his waist.

Harry carefully lined their bodies together, his fingers digging into her hips with enough force to bruise her creamy skin. He leaned closer, trapping her between the wall and his body.

Good girl,” Harry hissed, slipping into Parseltongue without even realizing it. His hot breath tickled the skin of her ear and Susan moaned quietly as his teeth trapped her sensitive earlobe between them and he gently tugged, sending a current of pain racing down her spine that lighted her core on fire.

The dark desire in his eyes wasn’t the only thing that scared and excited her. The tone of his voice had shifted, the hiss had been cold and hard. It was the voice of her dominant, her sire, her master. The man who loved her but wouldn’t hesitate to punish her for breaking a rule.

She had seen this side of him on occasion when they made love but it usually disappeared as fast as it appeared. Harry reigned it in without fail, always putting what he thought she needed before his desires.

Something about the Chamber had finally caused him to lose control and she intended to take advantage of it. She wanted and loved all of him, even the darkness within that he tried so hard to hide.

You’re mine.”

“Master!” Susan shrieked as Harry impaled her tight pussy with a firm thrust, her skirt fluttering with the force of his push. She had no idea what he was saying but his tone was possessive and filled with dark desire. Her pussy gushed, the juices leaking out of her coating his shaft and easing his way as he pushed inside her, stretching out her poor, aching walls.

The throbbing in the back of Harry’s head was reaching a fever pitch, a voice continuously whispering the same mantra in his mind.

Breed her. Claim her. Protect her.

Our child, in your belly.”

Harry pushed deeper inside her and Susan moaned wantonly, seeing stars as his tip brushed against her G-spot before coming to rest deep in her belly. She gasped for breath, her blouse uncomfortably tight. He was right against her womb and any seed he gifted her would take root easily.

“A house. Children. A FAMILY!” Susan screamed, her warm brown eyes coaxing out Harry’s hidden side. “C-claim… claim me… and all of that is yours, master,” Susan whispered, breathing heavily.

“I love you. I love you.” The Parseltongue mixed with his normal voice, forming a harmonious whole.

Harry buried his face in the crook of her neck, surrendering to the desires he had been struggling to keep at bay since their wedding night. He feverishly kissed up her creamy neck, caressing her collar with his lips even as he pistoned in and out of her with the force of a bull.

“Then why do you hold back?” Susan marshaled all her energy to keep her thoughts focused and her voice clear. He needed to hear this. Needed to know she loved him unconditionally. “I love all of you. Even the parts you try to hide from me.”

Susan groaned as Harry pulled out of her and stepped back, dropping her onto her feet. She looked at him with big blue eyes full of fear, afraid that she had overstepped.

And then he grabbed the collar of her blouse and pulled her in for a bruising kiss that made her see stars. Her resolve shattered and her mind went blank, a happy sigh escaping her swollen lips as he plundered her mouth.

“Sire!” Susan moaned as he grabbed her blouse and ripped it open, buttons flying everywhere and clattering to the floor of the tunnel.

Harry pulled away from her and before she could react he grabbed her shoulders and roughly turned her around. He bent her at the waist, bringing her face-to-face with the Basilisk skin.

His fingers dug under the straps of her bra and he tugged on them, pulling her hands behind her back as he dragged the straps down her arms. Before she could comprehend what was happening her bra was tangled around her wrists, pulling them together and securing them behind her back.

Harry grabbed her ponytail to keep her suspended, his other hand moving to her hips to help her maintain her balance. His tip split the slick, puffy lips that guarded her needy core and pushed deep inside her, effortlessly overcoming the futile resistance offered by her fluttering walls.


Susan groaned as his palm made contact with her firm butt, her cheek jiggling with the force of the impact. A pink handprint bloomed on her pale skin, something she would admire every time she was naked in front of the mirror until it faded.

“Is this what you want?” Harry growled as he pistoned in and out of her slick folds. His thick shaft stretched her walls, intermixing a delicious ache with the pleasure consuming her.

“YES!” Susan screamed. Her knees buckled and she would have fallen were it not for the hand in her hair, holding her up, and for the hand on her hip, keeping her in place as Harry ravished her tight pussy.


His palm landed on her other cheek, an identical handprint blooming on its unblemished skin. “Yes, what?” Harry asked in a low growl. He tugged on her hair and pulled her flush against his chest, his gaze fixed on her heavy breasts bouncing with every thrust.

“Yes, sir!” Susan moaned, her hands moving of their own accord. A hand pushed between her slick, gleaming thighs and began to massage her clit in time with his thrusts while the other moved to her nipple. She arched her back to make sure he could see her roll the stiff nub between her fingers before she pinched it and pulled, biting back a gasp at the sudden current of pain racing down her spine.

She was close, so close. She closed her eyes and concentrated on the pleasure and pain overloading her mind. The tunnel echoed with her needy moans and the sound of skin slapping against skin as Harry’s heavy, cum-engorged balls smacked against her thighs with every thrust.

“Can I cum? Please, sir? Can I cum?!” Susan keened, her legs trembling violently as she tried to keep her orgasm at bay.


Susan didn’t need to understand Parseltongue to know she had been given permission. Still, she bravely held on for a few more seconds, desperate to finish with him. Her walls clamped down on the shaft stretching them with every thrust, massaging his throbbing length and trying to milk him for his seed.

Susan’s eyes fluttered open and her gaze rested on the skin in front of her.

She was loved. She was unique. She was precious.

Her resolve shattered and she tumbled over the edge with a loud scream, her pussy gushing around the cock plunging in and out of her.


It was part plea and part invitation for him to join her.

Her juices streamed down her thighs, drenching her plaid skirt. His gleaming cock kept going but she could guess from his ragged breathing that he was close.

“Give me your seed, sire,” Susan begged. Her walls clamped around his shaft as he pushed deep inside her, unwilling to give up their quest to claim his seed.

The words had the desired effect and Harry erupted with a roar, shooting ropes of his thick, white cum into her womb before he pulled out.

Harry ignored her disappointed whine and bent her again before resting his heavy shaft on her ass. He dumped the last few loads of his seed onto her butt and back, with a few drops ending up in her hair.

“I… sorry, I made a mess,” Harry said hoarsely as he pulled away from her. He gently set her down on the ground, knowing her legs were too weak to support her body.

“I like the messes you make. It’s fun cleaning up after them,” Susan teased once she found her voice. Her vision was still blurry and her mind was hazy.

“And to think people call you innocent,” Harry teased back as he pulled his boxers and pants back up his legs. He helped free her arms from her bra, carefully pulling it back up to cover her chest. “You’re kinkier than I am, woman,” he muttered playfully as he bent and picked her up, bridal style.

Susan giggled happily as Harry swept her off her wobbly feet and into his arms. Her clothes were a ruined mess but she was far too deep in Subspace to care. Her baby pink bra was the only part of her outfit that was still intact. Her tattered white blouse hung limply from her body, most of its buttons scattered on the tunnel floor. Her plaid skirt was bunched up at her waist, white streaks of his cum staining the soft fabric.

“What’s so funny?” Harry asked, his chest rumbling with suppressed laughter.

Susan moaned and pressed her legs together, partly to keep his cum from leaking out and partly to rub her thighs together for some friction. Despite her aching and sore pussy and the fact that she could barely feel her legs, the deep baritone of his voice almost made her ask him to bend her over and start all over again.


Susan blushed and hid her face in his chest. “I’m going to need to come up with a new excuse for why I’m limping.”


Malfoy Manor:

“My lord?!”

Voldemort slowly sat up, a hand pressed against his temple. The unexplained flash of pain had subsided but his head still throbbed for reasons he could not explain.

“I’m fine, Lucius,” he said coldly. He brushed away all attempts of the Death Eaters around him to help him to his feet. To accept their help was to show weakness, to give them the false notion that he needed them.

Friendship… love… pah! He thought, looking contemptuously at the small crowd gathered around him in the ballroom. Useless. Worse than useless. They were the refuge of the incompetent and the weak.

His thoughts drifted to Harry Potter, as they often did of late.

How easy had it been for him to snatch the protection the boy’s mother’s love had given him? To twist and bend it to his own advantage? It was weak magic, one that could even be brewed and stored in a bottle.

Love would never again aid the boy in their future fights. Once he knew what his future held, he would be unstoppable.

“I am still getting used to my new body. Growing pains are to be expected,” he declared loudly as he got to his feet. It would not do for any of them to think he was vulnerable.

Still, underneath his calm demeanor, worry lingered.


I always thought the connection between Harry and Voldemort was a two way street. If his strong emotions and desires can affect Harry, Harry's strong emotions and desires should be able to affect him too.  I wonder how this connection will affect the plot. To find you, you'll just have to keep reading! Chapters 6, 7, and 8 are already released and you can read them right away.  If you'd like to stay updated on what I'm currently working on,  use the Invite Link in my Pinned Post to join my Discord Server. We also have cool art there!


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