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Content Warnings: BJs, Cum Play, Teasing.

Tonks stared at her boss with a mixture of shock and horror, unable to believe what she was hearing.

She questions me for an hour and then she drops this bombshell?!

“What do you mean they’re putting me on trial too?”

“As soon as Fudge heard you’re going to testify in Harry’s defense he asked Amanda to initiate an investigation on you. You’re being charged with improper use of magic and breaking the statute of secrecy. Your trial will be bundled with Harry’s to conserve resources.”

“Conserve resources?” Tonks asked incredulously. Out of all the silly, flimsy excuses to do something that had never been done before…

“I get the sense that the Minister wants this matter behind him as soon as possible,” Amelia replied with a sigh. “Conducting two trials at once allows him to save time and brush the matter under the rug as fast as possible. Plus, he believes your testimony won’t be as believable if you’re on trial as well. Smart, really.”

Tonks slumped back in her chair and nodded glumly. She had to agree with her boss’ assessment of the Minister. They had underestimated him and would now pay the price.

With a single brilliant stroke, he had destroyed their entire defense.

“The hearing is this Friday. Albus Dumbledore will lead the defense and Dolores Umbridge will speak for the Ministry. It will be closed-”

“A closed hearing isn’t normal!”

Amelia ignored the outburst of the young Auror seated opposite her. She wearily removed the monocle from her left eye and studied the worn gold rim that surrounded the glass. It had once belonged to her brother and much like many other family heirlooms, had seen better days. She picked up a cloth from her desk and began to clean it without bothering to respond to Tonks.

“Wizengamot trials are open to the public. Everyone can attend, especially the press. This is completely out of order!”

“Wizengamot trials are what the Wizengamot decides them to be,” Amelia said. She replaced the monocle on her eye and leaned back into her chair, her face expressionless as she studied her protégé. “The Minister convinced enough members that restricting attendance to the trial is in the public’s interest. He did not feel that giving any more exposure to Potter’s lies and tall claims would be wise.”

“They aren’t lies,” Tonks hissed, her eyes flashing with anger. “I was there. I nearly got my soul sucked out.”

“How does it feel?”

“I’m sorry?”

“How does it feel to have your soul sucked out?”

“That’s what you called here to ask me?! All you’ve done this entire meeting is grill me on what happened that night. I don’t want to relive it. I never want to relive it!” Tonks growled, her bubblegum pink hair turning pitch black.

“You’re still my trainee, Auror Tonks. When I ask you a question you answer it!” Amelia said sharply.

“It felt like someone had dumped a bucket of cold water on me. My body froze and my mind… think of every bad memory of your life. Imagine you’re experiencing all of them at once, the fear and pain you felt amplified a million times. It feels as though someone has pushed their hand into your chest and is slowly ripping your heart out.”


“Good?!” Tonks stared at her boss in shock. Had she lost her mind? “That’s all you have to say?!”

“Yes. Because you’re telling the truth.”

“You didn’t believe me when I told you everything else.”

“That’s not what I said.”

“That’s what you implied.” Tonks glared at the woman she trusted and looked up to above all others. Everyone said Amelia Bones was incorruptible. Had Fudge somehow gotten to her as well?

“Not at all. I’ve always believed your version of events but now I know that your testimony is good enough for the rest of the members as well. Well, at least the ones who aren’t in Lucius’ pockets. I have pulled some favors and arranged for an Unspeakable who has spent her life studying dementors to testify in the trial. What she’s told me lines up perfectly with what you just said and these things are not taught anywhere outside the Department of Mysteries. Nobody can deny you were about to be administered a kiss by a Dementor.”

“Oh.” Tonks suddenly felt very foolish. “You called me here to prepare me. That’s why you’ve been grilling me for the last hour.”

“Yes, dear. I had to test you by behaving just like the prosecution will during the trial. I don’t know what Harry will say or how he will act, Tonks. But I can help him through you. You have a taste of what the courtroom will feel like now.” Amelia sighed and tucked a stray strand of silvery-red hair behind her ear. “The truth being on your side does not guarantee victory. It’s not just the prosecution, the judge in this trial will be biased against you as well.”

Tonks frowned.

“Doesn’t the Supreme Mugwump preside over all trials? Even if he’s speaking for the defense he can appoint someone in his stead to preside over our trial.”

“This isn’t public yet but Dumbledore was voted out as Supreme Mugwump. There will be a vote to select a new one in a week.”

“Just after our trial concludes,” Tonks said bitterly. Their biggest ally in the chamber had just been stripped of all his power.

“Indeed. The Minister will preside over all sessions of the Wizengamot until a new Supreme Mugwump is selected. He will be the judge in your trial.”

“Is there anything Fudge wouldn’t do to destroy Harry?”

“Short of murder?”

“I mean…” Tonks pointed to herself and mimed a dementor trying to administer a kiss. Dementors were under the direct control of the Minister. Their presence in Little Whinging could only mean two things.

That the Minister had stooped to murder to get rid of a ‘problem’ or that he had lost control over the most dangerous creatures on the island.

Tonks did not know which possibility was worse.

“Point taken,” Amelia said with a humorless chuckle. “Say what you will about the man, he has impeccable survival instincts. I don’t think I’ve met a better politician in my life.”

“I don’t get it. Why does he think Harry is a threat to his survival?”

“It’s simple. He was never meant to be Minister. He’s in that chair because a scandal destroyed Crouch and Dumbledore turned down the job. Everyone knows he’s incompetent but the old families think it’s better to have a useful idiot in that office. Someone they can bribe and control.” Amelia shrugged. The Ministry was a den of corruption and incompetence and it was all one man’s fault. “But if we were to take Harry at his word… if the Dark Lord has truly returned… well, that changes the calculus, doesn’t it?”

Amelia smiled at the dumbfounded expression on Tonks’ face.

“Welcome to politics. It may seem complicated but it all comes down to simple self-interest. Survival trumps all other concerns. If the Dark Lord is back all these old families are going to kick Fudge to the curb. The ones that support You-Know-Who will want one of theirs in the post and the ones that do not will want someone competent. Someone who can protect their families and make sure the mistakes of the last war aren’t repeated. As things stand the latter will prevail in Wizengamot but that doesn’t matter to Fudge. No matter who wins, he loses in that scenario.”

“The only way for Fudge to remain Minister-”

“Is to convince the world that Potter is lying.” Amelia nodded. “If the Dark Lord hasn’t actually returned there’s no reason to remove him from power.”

“That’s some devious shit.”

“Most politicians are, if you’ll excuse my language, devious shits.”

Despite the gravity of the situation, Tonks grinned. “Thanks for prepping me, boss.”

“It was my pleasure. Even if you weren’t one of my favorite trainees, I’d never give up a chance to stick it to Cornelius Fudge,” Amelia said with a grim smile. “But I see the potential in you. You have a lot of it. Maybe one day you’ll be in my chair, advising a brash young Auror who won’t follow a thing you say.”

“Someone needs to keep you on your toes,” Tonks teased. She pushed her chair away from the desk and stood, giving Amelia a mock salute. She turned and walked across the large office, eager to return to Harry and tell him everything she had learned.

“Tonks. There’s something else,” Amelia called out softly, stopping her just as she reached the door.

“Yeah?” Tonks slowly turned and faced her boss, raising an eyebrow at the sadness etched on her face. Amelia Bones rarely showed emotion.

“There’s a decent chance you and Harry will be acquitted. But I would be remiss if I did not point out that you serve at the pleasure of the Minister…”

“No matter what happens he’s going to fire me,” Tonks said, reading between the lines.

“Yes. There’s nothing I can do to stop it. You are a wonderful Auror but I can’t spend political capital trying to prevent your firing, not when I need it for the fights that lie ahead.”

“I understand, Madame Bones.”

“You don’t have to be an Auror to do good. I’m aware of your… extracurricular activities. The door of this Department is always open. My door is always open,” Amelia said with a meaningful glance. “We don’t abandon one of our own so if you ever need any help, you just need to walk in and ask.”

“Gotcha, boss.” Her frown turned into a grin. “I gotta go. Harry’s making apple pie and if I’m not back in time I won’t get a slice.”

“Be safe, Tonks.”

Tonks nodded and slipped out of the office. She walked across the floor of the Department, past both empty and occupied cubicles. She ignored the stares from her colleagues. Some were curious, some hostile, but a vast majority of them looked at her with pity.

Which made no sense because she had every intention of going out with a bang.

Besides, I’ll be back as an Auror within a year, Tonks thought as she slipped into an empty elevator and pressed the button that would take her up to the Atrium.

Fudge wouldn’t last for more than a year. She knew it in her bones. And once they replaced him with someone competent, she’d have her old job back.

I just hope it’s Madame Bones.

Her boss might hate politics but she was also damn good at it. If there was someone who would put the fear of Merlin in ol’ Moldypants, it was Amelia Bones

Tonks shook herself free of her thoughts once the lift shuddered to a halt. She slipped out of it and into the crowded Atrium, making her way to the exit that led to Muggle London. They had protocols in place for travel to Number 12, Grimmauld Place and they were the only set of rules she followed religiously.

Once she was in Muggle London and had walked into an empty alleyway, she looked around to make sure she was alone before twisting on the spot and disapparating to the top step of her ancestral home. She grabbed the door handle the moment she materialized to stop herself from stumbling down the stairs. The brass handle glowed under her hand as the wards recognized her presence and the door unlocked with a quiet click.

She slipped into the house, eager to make a quick and quiet trek up to the room she now shared with Harry without alerting anyone to her presence. Unfortunately, she had forgotten to take her clumsiness into account and she accidentally tripped over the umbrella stand kept by the door, bringing it down to the floor with a loud crash that immediately woke up the woman sleeping in the portrait fixed on the wall right next to the entrance.


“Fuck,” Tonks swore under her breath. She hastily grabbed the umbrellas rolling on the hardwood floor and pushed them into the stand. It took her a couple of tries but she finally managed to set it upright.


“Yeah yeah, I know,” Tonks muttered as she tugged on the curtains set in the painting’s frame, trying to pull them back into place. She froze at the sound of a door banging open, only relaxing when she realized it was the door to Sirius’ study.

“Shut up you old hag,” her cousin growled as he strode down the hallway. He pulled on one curtain and Tonks on the other, and between them, they managed to cover his mother’s painting and muffle her screams.

“I can’t wait for the day I figure out how to undo the charm she used to fix the painting to the wall.”

“What’ll you do? Toss it into the fire?” Tonks asked, following him down the hallway. They passed the decapitated heads of old house elves, stuffed and mounted on the wall once they were too old to serve the Black family effectively.

“Nope.” Sirius chuckled at Tonks’ raised eyebrows. “I’ll tear it into tiny pieces with my bare hands, then toss it into a fire. That’s the least I can do after what she did to me.”

Walburga was right about one thing, Tonks mused as she glanced at the heads with a mixture of revulsion and pity. Her blood was tainted. There was something terribly wrong with the Black family and she could only hope the madness that afflicted so many members of her clan would skip her and her children.

“Come on. Let’s go into my study before the other yelly lady in our life gets here,” Sirius said, leading Tonks to his office instead of the kitchen. “Molly is upstairs getting the Twins to clean their room but the yelling is bound to attract her attention.”


“Your Romeo is in here. He awaits your return,” Sirius teased as he pushed open the door to his Study.

His study was a cozy room, much improved from the dilapidated state they had found it in when the Order had originally moved into the house. A new carpet covered the hardwood floor and the fireplace had been fixed. A fire roared behind the brass grill, flooding the room with light and warmth. The large oak desk had been repaired and the three chairs reupholstered. Sirius had moved a new couch and two armchairs into the office and arranged them around the fireplace, placing a small table in between them that housed his secret stash of booze.

Harry twisted around on the couch at the sound of the door opening and grinned at the sight of his girlfriend standing by the doorway. “I saved you a slice,” he said, holding up the plate in his hand.

“Good. I need sugary goodness after the day I had.” Tonks shuffled to the couch and flopped onto Harry’s lap, burying her face in his thighs.

“Hard day?” Harry asked as he gently ran his fingers through her pink hair. His cheeks turned a similar shade of pink when he noticed his godfather staring at them with an approving grin. “What took you so long?”

“Well, I have good news and bad news.”

“Out with the bad news first. That way you can use the good news to soften the blow of the bad news,” Sirius said. He sank into an armchair with a sigh, taking a moment to relax before he sat up and began pouring firewhiskey into a third glass.

“You know Molly will blow a gasket if she learns that your study sessions with your godson are actually conversations over a glass of firewhiskey,” Tonks said. She sat up and gratefully accepted the glass from Sirius. She leaned into Harry’s side and grabbed the plate in his hands, balancing it on her lap.

“In that case, it’s a good thing she’ll never know.”

“Maybe I should tell her.”

“Maybe I should tell her that your study sessions with your boyfriend don’t involve any clothes.”

“I thought you were trying to forget what happened.”

“I am. Kids these days, no respect at all,” Sirius pretended to grumble. “You know, back in my day, we put a tie on the door even if we were having an orgy.”

“That makes no…” Harry rolled his eyes fondly. “Nym, stop deflecting. Sirius, stop enabling her. Eat your pie while it’s warm and tell us the bad news.”

“Yes, mother.” Tonks leaned up and kissed Harry’s cheek before turning her attention to the slice of pie on her lap.

“Won’t he be daddy?” Sirius teased with a smirk.

“Don’t have daddy issues,” Tonks mumbled through a mouthful of crust. “I do have a shitton of mommy issues though. I bet Daphne will call him daddy,” Tonks teased with a sly glance at Harry.

“Daphne won’t be calling me anything,” Harry muttered, his face and neck turning red. “We’re just friends.”

“Mhm. She’s just a friend who is ‘highly concerned about your physical and mental well-being’ and who sends you a package of snacks every week.”

“I speak fluent Pureblood, pup. That girl wants you to do nasty, unspeakable things to her,” Sirius said, his gray eyes twinkling mischievously.

“I have no problem with that as long as you don’t stop doing nasty, unspeakable things to me,” Tonks said.

“Can we please stop talking about nasty, unspeakable things I may or may not be doing?” Harry squirmed in his seat, his blush deepening when Tonks draped her free arm across his lap and began to discreetly massage his crotch. “Why did Madame Bones want to meet you?”

“That brings me to my bad news. I’m getting fired.”


“We always knew Fudge wouldn’t take one of his Aurors testifying in your defense lying down, Harry.” Sirius sighed. “It’s horrible but it’s not surprising. You don’t have to worry about anything Tonks. I’m in talks with Griphook to have your access to the Black family vault restored and I’m sure the Order will find enough work to keep you busy until this blows over.”

“I’m not worried.” Tonks shrugged and sipped on her firewhiskey. “Thank you for your offer to support me. I’ll take you up on that but I have no intention of using this time to run errands for the Order.”

“What do you plan to do?”

“Move to Hogsmeade so we can continue our training,” Tonks answered, leaning up to kiss Harry’s jawline.

“Madame Bones has made the resources of her department available to me so I plan to use them to make sure you’re ready to face him when the time comes. I have no intention of losing you to a wanker with no nose,” Tonks muttered protectively.

“Why Hogsmeade? Why not just go back to Hogwarts with him?” Sirius asked shrewdly.

“As what, a teacher?” Tonks snorted. “You’ve been reading far too much Playwitch, Sirius.”

“Not as a teacher.” Sirius shook his head. He paused for a moment, putting the finishing touches on a plan he had been working on for a while. If Crouch Jr. could pull it off for an entire year, why couldn’t Tonks?

“You go back as a student. You’re a metamorphmagus, it’ll be easy for you to change your appearance and pretend you’re an exchange student in Harry’s year. We just need to get Dumbledore to agree to the plan and set up a plausible identity for you.”

“An entire year… together?” Tonks mused, sucking in her breath. It sounded too good to be true. Instead of hurried monthly meetings they could spend all their time together, nurturing their budding relationship. “What do you think, Harry?”

“I’d love it,” Harry croaked. “You’ve been planning this for a while, haven’t you?”

“I have,” Sirius conceded with a small smile. “I hate the fact that I won’t be around to help you this year. I want someone who will always be in your corner. It worked out even better than I had originally envisioned.”

“How so?” Harry asked with a happy smile. He wrapped an arm around Tonks’ waist and pulled her into his lap. His free hand moved to her head and gently pulled it down to his chest, letting her rest right over his heart.

“You two are my favorite people in the world,” Sirius said gruffly, choking down the emotion in his voice. “If you’re together you’ll be happy and will watch each other’s back. That’s all I ever wanted.”

“There’s just one tiny problem with your plan, Sirius.”

“If Snape makes a fuss I’ll drown him in a tub of shampoo.”

“It’s not that.” Tonks took a deep breath and continued. “There’s a small chance neither of us will be able to return to Hogwarts. Fudge is putting me on trial along with Harry for breach of the International Statute of Secrecy and improper use of magic.”


“Harry, it’s fine.” Tonks gently pushed against his chest with her palms until he relented and slumped back into the couch. “We knew there was always a risk of Fudge taking revenge on me.”

“He can’t… I’ll confess. I’ll tell them I was alone in that tunnel.”

“No!” Tonks growled. It was the first time she had raised her voice with him and it had the desired effect. Harry snapped out of his shock and looked at her with wide green eyes full of worry.

“Listen, we have Dumbledore and Madame Bones in our corner. They’re convinced we will be acquitted. We need to trust them, okay? We will be tried together and we stick to the truth. They’ll handle the rest.”

“And what if they’re wrong? What if we’re convicted? I won’t be the reason your wand is snapped, Nym,” Harry said fiercely. “Fudge wants me. You’re just in the way.”

“Not really. Now he wants her too. He’s trying to eliminate everyone who he thinks might challenge his authority,” Sirius pointed out as he refilled his glass. “It’s too late to change our plans. The trial is in three days.”

“What if we lose?” Harry asked again in a whisper.

“Then we’ll stick to our original plan and go live a peaceful life in the South of France, away from all this madness,” Tonks murmured. She leaned in and rested her forehead against Harry’s, her lips inches away from his. She stayed in place, waiting for him to initiate the kiss. “Harry, I don’t need you to protect me. And you don’t need me to protect you anymore, for that matter. We’re partners. In good times and bad, we have each other’s back, yes?”

“Yes,” Harry murmured.

“Yeah, you’re too sappy to be a Black. I’m not letting you back in the family again, you’re not kinky enough,” Sirius teased, shattering the tension in the air.

“Fuck off,” Tonks growled. She grabbed a throw pillow and tossed it in Sirius’ direction.

“Annnd that’s my cue to leave. Remember to lock the door this time kids.” Sirius stood and was halfway across the room before he paused and turned to face the couple on the couch.

“What’s the good news?”

“Oh, Madame Bones has found an Unspeakable to testify on our behalf. An expert on dementors. She says the Unspeakable’s testimony will wreck Fudge’s case.”

“An Unspeakable?”

“Yeah, why?”

But Sirius did not answer. He slipped out of the room, muttering ‘interesting’ under his breath.


“Do you, Daphne Greengrass, agree to take this man as your lawfully wedded husband?”

“I do.”

She wanted to vibrate with excitement. She wanted to burst out into song and bounce off the walls of the chapel. She wanted… she wanted the stupid officiant to finish the ceremony quickly so she could have a few hours alone with her husband before the reception!

She wanted a lot of things but she stayed stock still, determined not to embarrass her family or her new husband. Her behavior was a reflection of his power and for a man as important as him, that meant she couldn’t be anything less than perfect.

The perfect woman. The perfect wife. And in time, the perfect mother.

She planned to be all that, and so much more. He deserved it.

“Do you promise to love and cherish him, to stick with him in sickness and in health, in good times and bad?”

“I swear to give him my heart from this day until my last. He has my love and affection. He has my support and devotion. I submit to his authority and willingly take him as my partner,” Daphne breathed. The thin lace veil covering her face fluttered as she spoke.

“Then by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you as husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

Harry’s strong hands reached up and flipped the veil with impossible gentleness. He cupped her cheeks and gently tilted her face up, leaning down to press his lips against hers for a gentle kiss.

The attendees erupted in cheers and even Daphne couldn’t maintain her composure when Harry pulled up. She looked up at him with a giddy smile, unable to believe that she was truly, officially, FINALLY his wife.

He locked his arm with hers and helped her down the steps. They walked down the central aisle of the chapel as slowly as they could, giving ample time to their friends and family to toss rice at them.

A car was waiting for them when they exited the chapel and Harry helped her inside the limousine before sprinting to the other side and climbing in himself. They spent the ride to the hotel in silence. Harry seemed content to trace random patterns on the back of her hand with his thumb and for the first time in her life, Daphne felt too shy to say or do anything except watch the hypnotic movements of her husband’s thumb.

The small hotel itself was bustling with activity. Harry and her father had booked the entire building for their wedding and reception, giving her the fairytale wedding of her dreams.

They climbed out of the car and walked into the hotel’s lobby, pausing every so often to accept congratulations and well wishes from friends and the Muggle workers of the hotel. Harry retrieved the key to their suite from the front desk, but Daphne had no intention of waiting until they reached their room.

She made sure no one was watching and pulled him into the first supply closet she saw.

“Daph, what’re you doing?” Harry asked in an amused tone as he watched her press her palms against his broad chest in an attempt to push him.

“In my head, I pinned you against the door,” Daphne muttered, growling in frustration when she realized she had completely failed to budge him from his place.

“Okay,” Harry smirked and leaned against the shut door of the closet. “I’m pinned.”

“Very funny.” Daphne pouted. “In my head, I also reached around you once you were pinned and locked the door in a show of dominance.”

“Oh, we’re being dominant, are we?”

“Just a tiny bit. Stop making fun of me!” Daphne said at the sight of his smirk. Her pout grew and she stomped her heeled foot against the ground. “This isn’t how my plan to seduce played out in my head.”

“Why do you want to seduce me, my little brat?” Harry asked. He wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her flush against his chest, trapping her in place.

“To show you that I can take care of you too,” Daphne mumbled.

“And you’re in charge?”

“I am!”

Daphne froze as Harry traced her curves over her dress with the back of his free hand. He slowly moved up her body to her face and began to caress her cheek.

“Who’s in charge, Daphne?”

The low growl caused another gush of arousal to seep out of her and stain her panties. She had been wet the entire ceremony and she could have sworn Harry could smell the arousal clinging to her thighs and underwear.

His smile grew wider and his gorgeous emerald eyes darkened with lust. His voice was an animalistic growl, like he was barely holding his base desires in check. Like he could break at any moment, give into temptation, and fuck her senseless.

Daphne moaned at the sudden and unexpected pinch to her nipple. She glanced down to see his hand had shifted to her chest. Her stiff nub was trapped between his fingers and her eyes widened as he slowly began to twist it.

“I’ll ask again, Daph. Who’s in charge?”

“Y-you are, sir,” Daphne moaned. She pressed her thighs together and began to rub them desperately.

Harry reached behind him with his free hand and engaged the lock. The quiet ‘click’ sent a shiver down her spine.

“Are you scared?” Harry asked as he placed his hand on her shoulder. He gently applied pressure, forcing her down on her knees. It was difficult to manage with her long, flowy white dress but after a few tries she was kneeling in front of him, looking up at him with big gray eyes.

“Not with you,” Daphne breathed. She reached out with shaky fingers and began to unbutton his trousers, knowing exactly what he had in mind. “Never with you.”

She slowly pulled his pants down his legs, letting them pool around his ankles. His boxers were next and she sucked in a sharp breath when his magnificent cock sprang free and smacked her rosy cheek, smearing precum onto her soft skin. Her eyes tracked the veins crisscrossing the thick girth of his shaft and she leaned in, suddenly overcome with the desire to trace them with her lips.

“Look up at me, Daph.”

Daphne pouted at the quiet order but obeyed reluctantly. Her eyes pulled away from his throbbing manhood and she gazed up at him, shivering with suppressed nervousness and excitement. She wrapped a hand around the base of his shaft and guided his tip to her red lips. Keeping her eyes locked on his face she leaned in and wrapped her plump lips around his sensitive tip, sucking slowly and sensually for a few seconds before pulling away.

“Daphne,” Harry breathed. His hands grabbed her wedding veil and tugged on it to pull her closer. His shaft brushed against her other cheek, smearing it with his precum as well.

“Mine,” Daphne growled as she kissed down his shaft. Every kiss caused her lipstick to rub off and she covered his skin with maroon imprints as she slowly made her way down to his base. Instead of pulling away when she reached it she bent and wrapped her lips around one ball and then the other, gently worshiping and sucking on each cum-engorged orb in turn.


Harry’s cock twitched, leaving a long trail of precum across her face from forehead to jaw. Daphne pulled back and gave her husband a bashful grin. His hold on her veil tightened and he pulled her close again.

This time she happily parted her lips and wrapped them around his throbbing shaft, slowly swallowing inch after inch of his length while she stared up at him with barely disguised need.

“Oh, Merlin! Daphne!”

His yell spurred her on and she hollowed her cheeks, sucking on his cock even as she felt his tip hit the back of her throat and push deeper. Her throat’s walls clamped around his girth and she was struggling to breathe but she kept going. Heaven was real…


The violent shaking finally roused her from her slumber and she pushed herself away from the desk, startled by the sudden coldness of her surroundings. The warm supply closet had vanished, as had her wedding dress and the perfect, magnificent cock in her mouth.

“Nho cumh?” she mumbled dazedly as she wiped the drool from her chin.


Daphne’s eyes widened and she slowly turned to look at her sister. “Uh… nothing. Why are you spying on me?” she asked brusquely as she rubbed the sleep from her eyes.

“I’m not. I just got here. I have no interest in reading the sap you’re writing for your boyfriend,” Astoria teased with a fond roll of her eyes. “Especially when it’s a letter that long,” she added, glancing at the piece of parchment Daphne had fallen asleep on.

“Not my boyfriend. He’s just a friend. Last I checked we were allowed to write letters to them,” Daphne said coldly. She gathered up her messy hair in a ponytail and secured it with the hair tie around her wrist. “What do you want?” she asked, wiping her chin with the sleeve of her sweater again.

“Mother’s home and she wants to talk to you.

“Tell her I’m busy. I need to finish this letter and take a shower.” A very cold shower. “I’ll talk to her tomorrow.”

“Okay.” Astoria locked her arms behind her back and began to back out of the room. “I’ll tell her that the news she has about your boyfriend’s trial can wait.”

“Wait! What? She knows something about Harry’s trial?!”

“Aha! So you accept that he’s your boyfriend. I need to tell mama and papa,” Astoria teased with a smirk. She walked out of the room, whistling happily.

“What?! No!” Daphne swore under her breath and ran after her sister, her dream forgotten.


Nobody gets a prize for guessing who the Unspeakable is. Just thought I'd put my own fun spin on the trial and also use it as a way to make sure Tonks and Harry are not separated when Hogwarts starts! But if you read the drabble I posted a few days ago, you already had an idea, lol. Umbridge is not ready for Tonks' chaotic energy. Hell, how many times have we wished for Tonks to pair up with the Twins for an epic prank? All I'm going to say is that they will have access to the Slytherin Common Room and Dormitories because of Daphne. 



I'm just imagining the Unspeakable being The Doctor for some reason. But now that I've seen Daphne's interest in Harry, I want to see how she'll handle Tonks in the equation


I love it! Stoked to see the next chapter.


Tanks and the twins. I'm both excited and scared with what they come up with. Wish there was another chapter