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Content Warnings: Semi-Public, Body Worship, Teasing.

Rose Weasley was, to put it mildly, not having a very good time.

It wasn’t the ambience (which was good), or the food (which was decent, if far too sweet for her taste). It wasn’t even the fact that it was Halloween and the party she had picked was quite possibly the lamest in existence.

When her parents had told her it’d be good to get to know her cousins, she jumped on the opportunity. Except for Dominique, she didn’t really know any of them. Her course to be a Healer was hard enough without taking into account the fact that she was the only one in her class not to have attended Hogwarts.

She would always be an outsider. A Weasley, a child of two of the saviors of Magical Britain, yes, but still an outsider.

Sometimes she envied her siblings. They were the perfect age to easily integrate with the younger members of the Weasley clan.

“More wine?”

A tap on her shoulder broke her free from her thoughts. She looked up at the mildly amused face of Dominique Weasley and nodded gratefully.

“Although I feel like I should stop.” Everyone was sneaking glances at her. At least, everyone that was not named Roxanne Weasley.

“Relax. You’re on your second glass. When my sister’s on a roll I have to finish three before Merlin gives me the strength to bear her.” Dominique smirked and topped off Rose’s glass. “Unless you’re as lightweight as Roxanne-” she pointed to the girl who had her head in an empty popcorn bowl and was snoring quietly “-you should be fine.”

“You know, the invitation said this was a costumed Halloween party. I had something very different in mind.” Rose scooted over and made space for Dominique on the couch.

“Sometimes I forget you’re new.”

“Don’t remind me.” Rose scowled into her glass.

“Hey, I’m pretty sure you’re the lucky one here. I had to live with that woman for twenty-one years.”

“Has she always been like this?” Rose asked, turning her attention from the couple on the couch by the fireplace to the far more interesting girl seated next to her.

“Oh, she was worse,” Dominique replied with a chuckle.

“Worse?” Rose shivered. She couldn’t… didn’t want to imagine how Victorie Weasley could be any worse.

“Believe it or not, Teddy’s actually been a good influence on her. Now she only spends half a party talking about herself. She’ll stop when she notices all of us are bored out of our minds. This is just, what, the thirtieth time she’s told us the story of how they met?” Dominique snorted. “When you’re a Veela with Fleur Delacour’s looks and Bill Weasley’s charm you tend to think the world revolves around you. And to an extent, she isn’t wrong.”

“What about you?”

“What about me?”

“You’re shockingly normal.”

“That’s because I got my father’s dry wit and red hair, and my mother’s curves. I’m hot enough to know my worth but not hot enough to be a dick about it,” Dominique said as she sipped her wine.

“And you know, I was apprehensive about saying yes at first-”

“And now she’s going to spend the next fifteen minutes telling us all how amazing it is to date an older man who ‘knows things’.” Dominique rolled her eyes. When Rose raised her eyebrows, she continued. “I told you, this isn’t the first time I’ve heard this story. It’s her way of establishing superiority over us poor mortals with inexperienced partners. Hers can make her cum, big whoop.”

Rose choked, coughing quietly as Dominique massaged her back. Victorie shot them an annoyed look before continuing.

“I mean, that’s a definite plus in a partner,” Rose rasped.

“Oh, I won’t dispute that. Poor Roxanne had to fake an orgasm for six months before her boyfriend realized blowing raspberries on a girl’s clit doesn’t get her off.”

“Wow. Kinda makes me glad I don’t really date.” Rose blushed and shrugged when Dominique quirked an eyebrow. “I mean, dad’s anal about us seeing people, and mom grills every friend I brought home like they’ve committed a crime. Not exactly conducive to a flourishing love life. I’ve gone out with a few people, held hands, kissed, but I’ve never-”

“Pretended to enjoy a raspberry being blown on your coochie?”

“Uh-huh.” Rose giggled. “What about you?”

“Let’s just say my sister isn’t the only Weasley who can bag an older person who ‘knows things’,” Dominique smirked and traced the rim of her goblet with a finger.

“There’s no one older than us here except Teddy and… oh my god are you…“ Rose’s eyes widened and she lowered her voice to a conspiratorial whisper. “You know, with him?”

“Gods no. One, I’m not that big a bitch no matter how annoying Victorie can be. Two, he’s cute but he’s not my type.” Dominique shrugged. “Also, they’re stupidly in love and he only has eyes for her. Which I think is sweet in a disgustingly sappy way. They’re not here. This party isn’t exactly their scene.”


“You want to know who it is.”

“I guess I’m a little curious.” She didn’t even know why she wanted to know. Perhaps it was just her compulsive habit to collect all available information, no matter how trivial it seemed. Maybe it was just her desire to be closer to her cousin. Dominique knew a fair bit about her and they were roommates, wasn’t it fair she knew things about Dominique as well?

“Promise not to tell anyone?”

“I promise.” Rose held out her pinky, a habit from her childhood she hadn’t managed to give up.

Dominique laughed and locked her pinky with Rose’s.

“Our relationship isn’t a secret or problematic or anything, just so you know. She’s a private person and I’m waiting for the right time to introduce her to everyone.”


“I have a feeling many people in the family won’t take the news well. I’ll be an even bigger disappointment in the eyes of our extremely traditional grandmother, your father will probably blow a gasket, and Uncle Percy might actually start paying attention to me.”

“That last one doesn’t-”

“Trust me,” Dominique said, cutting her off. “Unless you enjoy hour-long lectures on cauldron thickness, it’s best if Uncle Percy ignores you.”

“Is it because it’s a she?”

“It’s because she’s Daphne Greengrass.”

Rose choked on her wine again, drawing a disgusted look from Victorie.

“Sorry! I think she has something stuck in her throat.” Dominique grabbed Rose’s arm and pulled her to her feet. She dragged the redhead to the kitchen, shooting her sister an apologetic smile as they passed her.

“The Head Healer’s your girlfriend?!” Rose hissed once they were alone.


“What? How? Why?”

“I was doing a report on Improper Use of Magic and was in Mungo’s to interview people and did you know she’s really really hot?”

Rose nodded even though the explanation didn’t really answer her questions. “I have her class every week. Magical Mishaps 101. Or as she calls it, the class where you learn everyone is a moron.”

Dominique sighed dreamily. “She’s perfect.”

“How long?”

“Six months, now.”

“And no one knows?”

“My friends do. Now you do too.”

“Wow. Wow.”

“Like I said, Victorie isn’t the only one who can get with an older person who knows things. Speaking of, I’m going to bounce.” Dominique drained the last of her wine. “You can stick around and listen to my sister talk about the stars she saw when Teddy kissed her for the first time or you can come with me.”

“Where are you going?”

“To another party. A better one, with fewer annoying sisters and more hot blondes who make you weak in the knees with a single look.”

“Uh.” Rose hesitated.

“Seriously? You’re trying to pick between my sister talking about shagging her boyfriend using weird euphemisms and an actual party?”

“I’m something of a homebody? I don’t really do parties. Never been to a proper one. This was actually supposed to be my first,” Rose explained.

Dominique considered her words for a moment, then shook her head with a sly smile.

“This is not a real party. Come on.” Dominique grabbed her hand. “You’re a big girl, you’ll be fine.”


They walked out of the kitchen and crossed the living room, only pausing to grab their coats from the rack by the door.

“What do we tell Victorie?”

“She won’t even notice we weren’t here. If she does, you remind her that you’re going to be a Healer and I will soon be a lawyer. We had to study.”

“I don’t like lying,” Rose said nervously as they climbed down the stairs of the building and walked out into the cold street.

“It’s not lying. You will be learning something.”

“I will?”

“Yep. A lot of things, as a matter of fact. The first lesson,” Dominique said as she hailed a taxi. “Never apparate while it’s snowing. Your nips will be unreasonably cold for days.”

They piled into the taxi and Dominique gave the driver an address Rose did not recognise.

“Where are we going?”

“A club. She’s going to meet us there.”

“Wait! I’m tagging along on a date?! I don’t want to be a third wheel. What should I do?”

“It’s a party. Meet new people.” Dominique winked. “You wanted to make friends, right?”

Rose couldn’t fault that logic. Her plan to get closer to her cousins had been a bust but she could still make sure the night wasn’t a total waste.

The address Dominique had given the driver was halfway across town but the streets were empty and they reached the run-down industrial neighborhood within ten uneventful minutes.

“Are you sure you have the right place, miss?” the driver asked, looking around at the dilapidated buildings and boarded-up shops.

“Yep.” Dominique handed the man a ten-pound note. “Keep the change.”

Rose drew her coat tighter around her body as they climbed out of the cab. It had started to snow and Dominique seemed determined to wait in the cold, deserted street until the taxi was out of view.

“Come on,” she said once the car had rounded the corner and was no longer visible. She led Rose to a nondescript steel door set into the brick wall of a building at the very end of the alleyway.

“Where are we?”

“Club Black. It’s invitation only, which is why you might not have heard about it before.” Dominique raised her fist and banged it against the door. “Dominique and Rose Weasley. We’re here by invitation of Daphne Greengrass.”

The door silently swung open and Rose walked inside the building, grateful for the opportunity to escape the cold. She had to blink to adjust to the dim red light that illuminated the entire club.

“Fuck. I forgot it was a masquerade,” Dominique muttered. She stepped aside to let a couple exit before leading Rose to the concierge.

“Hi, Tammy. Good night?”

Rose copied Dominique’s actions and took off her coat, handing it to the brunette woman behind the counter.

“It’s decent.” Tammy placed their coats in a cubicle and handed Dominique a blue chip that had the number fifteen imprinted on it in gold. “She’s by the bar with him,” she added in a conspiratorial whisper. “Can you believe he’s been without a play partner for months? I’m going to introduce myself after my shift. Who knows, maybe I’m just what he needs.”

“Doesn’t hurt to shoot your shot!”

“Not that it’s going to lead to anything,” Dominique whispered as she led Rose deeper into the club. They walked past the mostly empty dance floor and made their way to the bar.


“Because he’s become a good friend and I know his taste,” Dominique murmured, her bright blue eyes twinkling with barely suppressed mischief. “He likes sweet, innocent things, not an overeager fangirl dressed like the world’s worst French Maid.”

“Darling. You’re late.”

A polished and extremely familiar voice immediately caught their attention.

“Had to rescue this poor fawn from my sister.” Dominique grinned and leaned in, accepting a quick kiss from the woman perched on the bar stool.

“Uh… hi ma’am,” Rose squeaked.

Daphne Greengrass was somehow even more intimidating outside a classroom than she was in one. The tall, leggy blonde was wearing a sheer black blouse with a black bra and a shimmering black skirt that ended just above her knees. A golden belt was cinched around her waist and eight charmed ‘legs’ came out from her back. Each of them seemed to have a mind of its own and Rose watched as one reached out to grab the woman’s drink and hand it to her. Her face was partially covered by a forest-green mask.

“I think you already know my friend. She’s going to be gunning for your job one day.”

“I look forward to the challenge.” Daphne raised her glass in salute, her blood-red lips curved into an amused smile. “But unless we’re in the classroom or you’re Dominique you don’t have to call me ma’am. Just Daphne is fine.”


Rose watched as Dominique shamelessly flopped into Daphne’s lap and purred happily when a slender finger slowly ran down her spine. She blushed when they caught her staring, coughed awkwardly, and moved to sit, choosing a seat a couple of stools away to give them their privacy.

“That was quick.”

Rose concentrated on rubbing her hands to warm them up and didn’t bother to turn around and see who Daphne was talking to.

Harry simply shrugged and flopped onto the stool next to Rose’s with a sigh. “That’s the last time I’m letting Hannah set me up on a blind date with someone she met in her pub.”

“That bad, huh?” Daphne asked with a wince.

Harry shrugged again.

“You’ll find someone.”

“Enough about my abysmal dating record,” Harry deflected, trying to change the topic. “Dom. When’d you get here?”

“Just a few minutes ago. And what are you supposed to be? You know, just slapping on a fancier suit than what you normally wear doesn’t make it a costume.”

“Blame your girlfriend. She thought it was funny.”

“The brief was to wear something sexy but spooky. Making you dress the way you would for your new job was the perfect idea,” Daphne said with a smirk. “I’ve never seen anyone as terrified of a promotion as you are and I think everyone with eyes agrees that you look fantastic.”

Rose had to agree. The man leaning over the counter next to her was tall and muscular, the sort of body that made smart women act very stupid. He must have worn a blazer but it was nowhere in sight. The tight white shirt hugged the firm muscles of his chest and abdomen and the casual way its sleeves were rolled up meant she was free to shamelessly stare at his strong arms. The top two buttons of his shirt were undone to protect from the warmth of the club and Rose could spy tanned skin crisscrossed with faint white scars. He wore a maroon mask that was bordered with gold filigree.

“And what are you? A kitten?” Harry asked, leaning closer to kiss Dominique’s cheek.

“A sexy black sheep. Seemed fitting.”

Harry laughed.

“A black widow and her black sheep. The perfect combination.” Harry raised the half-empty glass of whiskey on the counter in a salute.

“Speaking of perfect combinations, have you met my friend? She’s new to town,” Dominique asked with barely concealed glee. She did love it when a plan (especially a hastily thrown-together one) came together.

Rose hastily averted her gaze to make sure she wasn’t caught staring at his biceps when the man finally turned to face her.

If his side profile and body had set her heart racing, looking at him, actually looking at him was enough to stop her heart.

He had a chiseled jawline and messy black hair that was just begging to be fussed with. The hint of gray in his temples gave him a distinguished appearance and the bright green eyes hidden behind the mask were so captivating that Rose was certain she could spend eternity losing herself in their emerald depths.

He looked familiar, like she had seen him a thousand times before. But she couldn’t figure out where she knew him from.

“A friend?” Harry asked, taking in Rose’s fiery red hair and warm brown eyes.

“What, my cousins can’t be my friends? Be nice, my sister has already traumatized her enough for one night.”

Wasn’t trauma, Rose thought with a sigh. If she was forced to pick an emotion, she would have gone with jealousy.


His voice was soft and deep. Everything about him had an aura of comfort. It filled Rose with an irrational desire to copy Dominique, climb into his lap, and allow him to run his fingers through her fiery curls.

He’s a ten and you’re a six on your best day. Down girl, she reminded herself. She already had a hundred problems and she wasn’t about to let falling for an unattainable man become one of them.

Rose was a smart girl. It was a natural consequence of a slightly neurotic father and an overachieving mother. She was certainly intelligent enough to piece together Dominique’s smirk and the man’s presence to know her cousin had set her up.

“Uh, kinda. Dominique dragged me halfway across town because she was bored,” Rose answered, nervously tucking a stray strand of hair behind her ear.

“Sounds like her. Give me a second, I’ll get you something that’ll warm you up.”

Rose glared at Dominique when the man leaned over the bar to order something for her.

‘I’m going to kill you,’ she mouthed.

‘You’re welcome.’ Came the reply.

“Here you go.”

“Hmm?” Rose blushed heavily when she realized the man was leaning against the counter and looking at her with an amused expression on his face.

“That’ll warm you up.”

Rose glanced at the glass he pointed to and frowned. “Is that… hot chocolate?”

“It was either this or firewhiskey and between you and me, firewhiskey doesn’t do nearly as good a job warming you up.”

“I’m not a kid!” Rose huffed. Being offered hot chocolate somehow felt worse than being rejected for not being hot enough.

“Never said you were.” He reached out and took a sip, giving him a ridiculous chocolate mustache that somehow made him both hotter and more approachable. “There. I drank some. Does that make me a kid?” he asked with an easy smile.

“No,” Rose conceded shyly. She wrapped her hands around the glass, letting the hot tumbler work its magic on her stiff fingers. She lifted it and took a sip, sighing as warmth spread through her chest and belly.


“You were right.”

Time seemed to stop when he leaned in close. His unbuttoned shirt sagged a bit and Rose knew she would be fantasizing about his pecs for a month at the very least.

“I usually am when it comes to food,” he whispered before pulling away.

“Are you a chef?”

“I wish. No, food is just a hobby. I’ve been cooking since I was ten.” A flicker of sadness crossed his eyes but it was gone as soon as it had appeared. “They say a man’s heart is through his stomach.”

Rose nodded. That was certainly the case for her father.

“I think they left out the other half of the saying. Because when I find the perfect girl I feel the thing that makes her fall for me is a perfect breakfast in bed.”

It was a joke. It had to be a joke. Dominique had hired a hot actor and made him memorize every single thing she wanted in a man. It was all one big Halloween trick.

She tried to hop off the stool only to trip and crash into the man in front of her.

A lesser man would have stumbled, taking her to the floor with him. Instead, the one in front of her didn’t so much as budge and with lightning-fast reflexes, he wrapped his arms around her to make sure she didn’t hurt herself.

“Sorry. I need to speak to Dominique,” Rose rasped. Her cheeks were warm and she kept her eyes shut, knowing that if she opened them she would lose the will to act.

Unattainable. Man. Possibly an actor, she reminded herself.

“She’s on the dance floor with Daph.”

Rose turned to look at the couple. They were in the very center of the slowly filling dance floor, their lips locked as they swayed to the slow romantic song.


Time for direct action.

“Are you an actor?” she asked. Her words might have carried more force behind them had she pulled away from him, but his arms felt bloody good around her.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuckity fuck.

“You seriously don’t recognize me?” Harry grabbed the mask and pulled it over his head, dropping it onto the bar’s counter.

Rose frowned. He was familiar. Everything about him felt too perfect for it to be real.

“Wow. I don’t know whether to be hurt or impressed. I guess I know what I’ll be talking about when I finally meet Ron and Mione,” Harry said with a chuckle.

“You know my parents?”

“We were best friends once upon a time.”

It took Rose a few moments to process the statement. When she did, her eyes widened and she gasped as all the pieces finally fell into place. She had never laid eyes upon him, but she knew all about the mythical Harry Potter, the perfect man and friend.

How exactly is one supposed to act when the impossibly hot, soon-to-be Minister of Magic is reaching out to tuck your hair behind your ear?

In the end, her body decided to freeze, staring at Harry with big brown eyes as her breath hitched.

“You’re Harry Potter. Uhm, sorry. The Daily Prophet really should have included a photo with that article. Dad did have a photo on his desk but you’ve gotten-”

“Older?” Harry asked with a crooked smile.

“Hotter,” Rose said before she could stop herself. He had the same messy black hair and beautiful green eyes. But everything else was different. He had gone from a lanky teenager to a Greek god, not that she was complaining.

“Thank you for being charitable, Miss Weasley.”

“I’m not!” Rose protested. She grabbed his hand and placed it on his chest, right over her racing heart. “Only two things make me this nervous. Waiting for a test grade and perfect, gorgeous men.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. Although I must confess, I usually wait until the third date to try to get under my date’s blouse,” Harry teased, his eyes twinkling mischievously.

Rose’s brain stopped working when she looked down and realized she had made him grab her boob.

“Oh my god. I’m so sorry!” she said, watching him pull his hand away. “I didn’t mean to rush you. Not that we’re going to have a third date. I mean, I’m not saying this is a first date or any date. What I mean…”

Rose trailed off when Harry placed a finger on her plump lips to shush her.

“Relax. Breathe, Miss Weasley. In. Out. In. Out.”

Rose obediently followed his instructions and by the final exhale she didn’t feel like she was going to explode of embarrassment anymore.

“Do you want to dance?”

“I’d love that.”

“Just a minute.” He grabbed her arm and stopped her from pulling away. “Your heel isn’t fully secure. Don’t want you to hurt your foot or ankle on the dance floor.”

He pushed his hands under her arm and effortlessly lifted the curvy girl, setting her down on the bar’s counter.

All Rose could do was watch his muscles tense with wide eyes and she let out a very undignified and needy whine when he set her down. She kept staring at him as he bent and tied the loose strings of her heel, securing it in place.

I wonder what he looks like without a shirt.

Shut up, Rose hissed to the voice in her head. For the love of Merlin, go away.

But the horny side of her brain neither shut up nor went away.

Spread your legs, show him you’re ready to submit to him.

I’m not… we’re in a bar!

“Now, let’s dance,” Harry said as he straightened.

“Can you help me off the counter?” Rose asked shyly. “I can hop off, but I might snap my heels.”

Her heels were magically reinforced and would only break in the most stressful of conditions, but she wasn’t about to give up an opportunity to be carried by him.

Harry nodded and picked her up with just as much ease as the first time. He gently set her down on her feet and stepped away, extending his hand towards her.

She grasped it lightly, a shiver running down her spine when his fingers closed around her hand. He gently pulled her to the dance floor and she climbed onto the raised dais. The slow song was still playing and her cheeks were warm as he wrapped an arm around her slender waist and pulled her closer.

“So, what brings you to Club Black?”

“Dominique decided I needed a social life. I’ve spent three months here and she’s the only friend I have.” Her flustered gaze didn’t stray from his face for even a second as he led her around the dance floor.

What was he doing with her? Out of all the people in the Club, why was he dancing with her?

“Strange place to make new friends,” Harry murmured.

“I’m beginning to think Dominique had an ulterior motive,” Rose muttered, glaring at her friend.

Dominique simply smirked and waved as Daphne pulled her off the dance floor.

“She always does.” Harry rolled his eyes fondly. “I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been the subject of one of her ‘plans’ this past year.”

“Why is she so focused on you?”

“I helped her get together with Daph. She thinks she needs to return the favor.”

Her throat was suddenly bone dry. She coughed and cleared it, her heart pounding in her chest. “She wants to introduce you to someone?”

“Half the people in my life do. As you just saw, none of them ever work out. Dominique is ironically the only one who hasn't tried to set me up with someone before tonight.”

“I didn’t know… I didn’t come here with the intention of… I’m not…”

“I know.” Harry winked. “I’m used to Dominique’s antics by now.”

“So, why didn’t you ever come to visit?”

As soon as she said the words, she regretted them. It sounded way more accusatory than she had intended. As the incoming Minister of Magic, she was sure he had a million things to do, and it wasn’t like they had visited him either.

“I was out of the country for three months. I just got back two days ago.”

“Oh. Life’s been crazy for us too.”

“How are your grandparents?”

“Good. Struggling to adjust to life in Britain but they’re coping well.”

They danced in silence for a couple of songs, both of them unsure what to talk about next.

“Why are you here, Rose?” Harry asked softly, finally breaking the silence.

“I told you, I was at Victorie’s party and Dominique dragged me-”

“Not in the club,” Harry murmured, cutting her off. “Why are you here, dancing with me?”

Why was she dancing with him?

Because he’s hot and we want him to do unspeakable things to us.

Rose ignored the voice in her head.

“Because I’m lonely. I have no friends here, no life, no one except Dominique,” she whispered, deciding to be truthful, even with herself. “Because it’s been hard trying to adjust to an entirely new life. You were nice and kind, and you took care of me. I guess I wanted things to be different for one night.” Rose rested her head on his chest and looked up at him. “Why are you here, dancing with me?”

“I’m lonely too. I spent my entire life trying to fix everything and I did, I fixed a lot. Never quite figured out what to do with my life though,” Harry murmured. “Plus, you were the first one who accepted my offer of hot chocolate.”

“I knew that was a test!”

“No, you didn’t,” Harry said with a laugh.

“No, I didn’t,” Rose admitted with a giggle.

“All my dates want to sip champagne and go to Ministry events and spend our nights in the dungeon. Never met anyone before tonight who’d be happy to cuddle by the fireplace after a long day and sip hot chocolate while I read to her.” Harry shrugged. “Daph thinks I have unrealistic expectations.”

Dominique you sneaky shit, you knew exactly what you were doing.

It was hard to stay mad at her, however, especially when the Slytherin’s intention was to get her and Harry together.

“I think that sounds perfect, actually,” Rose whispered.

“What are your thoughts on Quidditch?”

“I’m a Chaser,” Rose admitted proudly. “I bet you can’t keep up with me in a one-on-one match.”

“What if I beat you? Do I get a date?”



Rose scowled at the interruption and turned her attention to the concierge who had taken their coats. The woman was standing next to them beaming at Harry, pretending like she didn’t exist.

“Hello, Tammy.”

“Bad date?” The woman nodded to the blonde glaring at them from the bar.

“Something like that.”

“Well, I’m off my shift now. If you want company I’m available for the rest of the night. Playroom three is empty.”

“Sorry, he’s dancing with me,” Rose said sweetly, glaring daggers at the woman.

“Dance floor rules don’t apply to the playrooms, sweetie,” Tammy said, her voice dripping with condescension. “He didn’t tag you. He’s free for the night.”

“I forgot my tag at the bar,” Rose lied, although she had no idea what a tag was. “He’s not free for the night. He’s spending it with me. Thank you for setting a playroom aside for us.”

“He’s going to spend the night with… you?” Tammy asked, raising her eyebrows in disbelief.

“I am?” Harry said, finally finding his voice.

Rose knew she was probably imagining the admiration laced in his voice.

“You are.” Rose smiled sweetly at the woman again. “It was nice to meet you Tammy but Harry won’t be needing your company.”

She looked around until she spotted the sign that said ‘Playrooms’ and made her way towards it, determined to get away from Tammy as fast as possible.

Harry let Rose pull her off the dance floor and across the bar, towards the dimly lit corridor that led to the private rooms.

“Rose, do you know what the playrooms are?” Harry asked in an amused tone.


“But you’re going to spend the entire night with me in one of them.”



It's such a shame that Harry/Rose is a ship that has so few quality standalone fics. Because while I love quite a few of the Harry/Multi fics that feature Rose, sometimes I'm in the mood to read and write something that is completely focused on just Harry and Rose. It was quite difficult limiting this story to two parts, let me tell you. Part Two is out now too, and there will be more Harry/Rose in the future as I've found writing this ship is a lot of fun. If I do do a long story with them, it will be a story that contains a time-traveling Rose going back for some reason!


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