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Content Warnings: Spanking, Cum Play, Deflowering, Teasing, Toys, Aftercare.

Harry’s First Date With Susan:

“You’re going to be there the whole time, right?” Harry asked, tugging nervously on his shirt. They were standing on the pavement outside Fortescue's, waiting for Susan to show up. It was his first official date with the girl, and he realized he was nervous. Very, very nervous. “Can you just kick me under the table if I say something wrong?”

Tonks chuckled. “Relax. From the stories Sirius has told me, you’ve faced creatures like Basilisks and Acromantulas. Why are you so worried about a simple date?”

“It’s my first date,” Harry mumbled, picking a piece of lint from his shirt and nervously rolling it between his fingers.

“First date?” Tonks laughed incredulously, immediately sobering up when she saw the hurt expression on his face. “Not… not that there’s anything wrong with that. But I thought you were dating those two cute Gryffindors you keep talking about. Tulip and Prabhavati?”

“Lavender and Parvati,” Harry corrected. “We didn’t date. They’re just friends I fooled around with. I didn’t have to be romantic when I was around them, I don’t know what to do!” Harry exclaimed, panicking. “Can we cancel the date? Say I have a cold or something. I’ll write to Parvati and ask her for tips.”

“Harry, you have seven days before you have to make a decision. Every day is going to count,” Tonks reminded him calmly. She placed a hand on his shoulder and squeezed it reassuringly. “Listen, take it from me. I've dated smooth, romantic assholes who charmed me off my feet during the first date. I inevitably ended up dumping them within a week. I mean, it was only later that I realized that I had severe mommy issues and a highly inappropriate crush on my boss… you get it.”

“You and I have very different tastes in women, Tonks.”

“You should be thankful about that because there’s no way in hell you’re getting lucky if you were competing with me, Potter,” Tonks teased, her eyes twinkling.

Harry laughed, his worry forgotten. “Thanks,” he murmured.

“Don’t thank me. You’re like the little brother I never had,” Tonks said, patting his shoulder. “Listen, most girls love… okay, we live for cheesy bullshit. But that’s not what we want. All we want at the end of the day is a partner who respects us and our needs. Someone kind and charming, who cares about us. You have all of that, so just be yourself.”


“Of course, it helps that you’re very rideable. I mean, that face, one could sit on it-”


“What! It’s true,” Tonks teased. “Anyways, game face, because your date is here.”

Time seemed to stop as he turned and looked at the redhead walking down the street. He had rarely interacted with Susan outside of classes and had never seen her in anything but her Hogwarts uniform.

She had traded the heavy cloak and woolen sweater for a floaty yellow sundress that gave her the perfect girl-next-door look. Her customary braid was gone, her fiery red curls streaming down her back in waves. A small purse was slung on her shoulder and she wore practical black ballet shoes. Susan had completed her look with minimal makeup. Not that she needed it, her freckles framed her face perfectly.

“She’s beautiful…” Harry smiled dreamily, his nervousness forgotten.

“Harry,” Susan whispered shyly, pausing in front of him.

“Susan,” Harry murmured. Her soft, pink lips were inches from his, and he had to resist the urge to lean in and capture them.

It was, as Tonks would later tell Amelia, love at first sight.


Present Day:

He found her in Sirius’ room, talking a mile a minute while she cut his hair. He leaned against the doorway for a moment, taking the time to admire his wife while she worked on restoring Sirius’ hair to its former glory.

“Hey, Sirius. Tonks is here and we have to go. Do you mind if I borrow Susan for a minute?”

Sirius nodded, his worried gray eyes studying Harry’s face. “It’ll be alright,” he murmured, trying to sound braver than he felt. “Worst case, you come live with me and we spend our lives as two renegade outlaws. The ladies love a smooth criminal.” Sirius winked at Susan, who giggled and playfully swatted his shoulder.

“I’ll be back in a minute. Don’t move,” she said, following Harry out of the room.

“It’s nice of you to do this for him,” Harry murmured, smiling fondly at his wife.

“He opened his home to me and treats me like his own daughter. Helping out in whatever way I can is the least I can do,” Susan murmured, chewing her lower lip nervously. “Plus, it’s a good distraction.”

“Everything will be alright,” Harry reassured her. “If I’m acquitted-”

“When,” Susan growled with a glare, daring him to contradict her.

“When I’m acquitted,” Harry corrected himself. “We can move ahead with our lives. There’s so much I want to do with you.”

“Me too,” Susan whispered shyly. “I just wish I could come with you.”

“Your aunt requested that you stay home. I don’t know why but she must have a reason…”

Susan nodded. “She always does. I don’t like it, but I’d rather spend a few hours worrying than be the reason you are convicted,” she murmured, leaning up to kiss his cheek.

“Speaking of things we need to explore together, how are the plugs?” Harry asked in an attempt to distract her. In a surprising turn of events, he had held out on her. She had agreed to follow all his rules and start their new lifestyle, and even helped him choose a new collar for herself. But he refused to sleep with her. That, he had told him, she’d get when he cleared his name. It didn’t mean they did nothing at all, however.

One of the things they had explored was his rather limited collection of toys, and Susan had been fascinated by the two buttplugs he owned. One of which he had since repurposed for her pussy, charming it so that only he could remove it. A crude form of chastity, something to tide them over till they could expand their collection of toys and equipment.

“Good,” Susan replied, her cheeks turning pink. “I feel so full.”

“Do you want me to remove them before I go?”

Susan shook her head.

“Susan, I-” Harry leaned forward, only for Tonks’ shout to interrupt him.

“Oi, Potter! We need to go,” Tonks yelled from the ground floor, waking up Walburga, who immediately started shouting profanities and slurs. “You don’t want to be late for your own trial.”


“Go,” Susan whispered, leaning up to press her lips against his for a hurried kiss. “I’ll be right here, waiting for you to come home.”


The Ministry:

“Madame Bones. I wish I could say this was a pleasant surprise.” Cyrus looked up from the file on his desk, giving the woman standing in his doorway a polite smile. “Please. Come in.” He waved at the chairs in front of his massive oak desk.

“You were expecting me?” Amelia asked, pulling a chair and sitting down on it with a sigh. It had been a tiring week, but everything she needed was in place.

Nearly everything, she reminded herself, looking at the tall aristocratic man in front of her.

“I expected you to request a meeting the day you announced that you were going to represent Harry Potter, actually,” Cyrus admitted, pulling his reading glasses off his nose. He slowly polished them with a cloth he picked up from his desk, gazing at Amelia with an inscrutable expression. “What does surprise me is the fact that you waited until the morning of the trial.”

“I had to ensure everything else was in place. That took longer than expected,” Amelia admitted. “You know why I’m here.”

“To ask for my vote,” Cyrus answered in a moment of rare honesty. He respected Amelia Bones enough to be frank with her, something he couldn’t say for most of his colleagues in Wizengamot.

“It’s not just about your vote. Your bloc will look to you for guidance and will follow your lead when it comes to the final vote.” Amelia took a deep breath, wondering if the man would give her an honest answer to her next question. “Have you decided how you plan to vote?”

“I planned to abstain.”

Amelia’s breath hitched. “Harry is innocent, Lord Greengrass-”

“Please, call me Cyrus.”

“Well, Cyrus, Harry is innocent. If you and your bloc abstain, it all but guarantees his conviction.”

“Lucius Malfoy was in my office an hour ago, Madame Bones-”

“Amelia, please.”

“Malfoy offered a betrothal between his son and my daughter and said he’d waive the entire dowry. A good proposal, and yet, I told him I’d think about it. One does not pick a side in a war lightly, you see.”

Amelia nodded. She wasn’t surprised the man knew about Voldemort’s return. She was well aware of Greengrass Potions’ less-than-legal dealings. Cyrus Greengrass’ network of informants and spies in the criminal world was unparalleled.

“You’ve heard something?”

“Whispers and rumors. Enough to have me concerned for my family’s safety. I have no desire to take Malfoy’s offer… accepting it publicly announces I’m choosing a side and it’s not a faction I necessarily want to be in. But turning it down…”

“What if I offered an alternative?”

Cyrus laughed. “Dumbledore? Please. That man is losing his grip and you know it. Do you remember the last war? We begged… all of us Amelia, we begged him to take charge and save us. He refused and holed up in his precious school while our families dropped like flies,” Cyrus hissed, his eyes blazing with anger. “It wasn’t him that ended our nightmare. Why should I throw my lot in with him now?”

“I’m aware, Cyrus,” Amelia replied. “My niece is an orphan because her parents believed Dumbledore would save us all.”

“Why then, would you ask me to pick him?”

“I’m not. I’m asking you to join me in making a third path. One we forge for ourselves.”

Cyrus leaned back in his chair, an inscrutable expression on his face. “And my daughters? I doubt Malfoy would be pleased with my refusal, not to mention my alliance with you. His brat reigns supreme in Slytherin and neither Snape nor Dumbledore have shown an interest in reining him in.”

“I’ll guarantee their safety.”

“How?” Cyrus raised an eyebrow.

“The same way I guaranteed my niece’s. Perhaps it’s time for your daughters to make some new friends.”

Cyrus studied Amelia for a second before he chuckled. “Say I’m willing to be a piece on this chessboard you’re creating, you still don’t have the votes. Or have you finally decided to fight dirty?”

“I don’t wrestle with pigs, Cyrus. I’ll never lower myself to Malfoy’s level. I have no intention to bribe, extort, or blackmail anyone.”

“But you have found a way to get the votes?” Cyrus questioned.

“I wouldn’t be sitting here otherwise. Remember what I said? A third path. One we forge for ourselves.”

“I’ll vote to acquit… but our future cooperation hinges on your ability to get your client off.” Cyrus paused. “And what you can offer me.”

“I just guaranteed the safety of your daughters.”

“Not enough.”

“You and I both know I happily turn a blind eye to Greengrass Potions’... less than legal activities. I’d be happy to continue that arrangement for as long as I am Head of the DMLE.”

“We both know you do that because you’ll never find any evidence that me, my employees, or my company has broken the law. A little birdie also told me that anonymous tips about very dangerous criminals often end up in your office. A real mystery, wouldn’t you say? I wonder who sends them?” Cyrus asked rhetorically, tilting his head. “I respected you enough to be frank and honest with you, Amelia. If you want us to be partners, you need to recognize that respect is a two-way street. I admire the negotiating tactic, I do. But why don’t you drop the subterfuge and tell me what you’re really offering?”

“Well, Cyrus, how would you like to be the next Minister of Magic?”

Amelia slipped out of Cyrus Greengrass’ office an hour later, feeling rather pleased with herself. Her good humor did not last long, however.

“What’s going on?” Amelia asked, frowning at the sight of Tonks and Hermione standing outside the shut door that led to the chamber where Wizengamot sat while in session.

“The toad lady-” Tonks started, only for Amelia to cut her off.


“Sorry, sorry. The esteemed Senior Undersecretary to the Minister dragged Harry into the chamber and informed us that we are not allowed to attend the trial,” Tonks grumbled, resisting the urge to poke her head into the chamber and flip off the vile woman.

“I should have been here sooner,” Amelia muttered, massaging her forehead. “Alright, Tonks, take Hermione with you to your cubicle. We should be done soon.”

“No files?” Hermione asked, looking at Amelia’s empty hands nervously.

“I have some on the defense counsel’s desk in the chamber but they’re mostly for show. This is a show trial, the votes are already locked in. The actual trial is just a formality.”

“Harry will be acquitted, right?”

“If everything goes according to plan,” Amelia muttered and slipped into the room. The chamber was already half-full, with members milling around, chatting up friends, and sizing up the defendant seated in the well of the chamber. Umbridge had made Harry sit on a chair in the center of the space and had prominently shackled his wrists to the arms of the chair.

Amelia scowled. She had never expected fairness from that woman, but her treatment of Harry was downright disgusting.

“How’re you feeling, Harry?” Amelia whispered, walking over to him.

“Mostly alright.” Harry cast a nervous look at Umbridge. She was dressed in her customary pink sweater and was seated at the prosecutor’s table, steadfastly ignoring them. “Why is she acting like I’m already guilty?” Harry asked, shaking his shackled wrists.

Amelia pulled out her wand and undid the bonds with a quick spell. “Because she’s convinced that’s what the verdict will be,” she said, glaring at Umbridge, daring her to object to Harry being unshackled. The woman glanced over at them for a quick second before continuing to ignore them.

“But it won’t, right? You’ll make sure I’m acquitted?”

“Yes. I’m ready for whatever she throws at me.”

One thing she hadn’t prepared for was how big a farce the entire trial was. The entire thing was over within three hours. Umbridge called no witnesses, gave no testimony except for her own, and the only thing she’d say when questioned by Amelia is that she had conducted an investigation on the direction of the Minister and no dementor had left their post the night of the ‘supposed attack’, so obviously Harry was making everything up. An open and shut case, she declared, ignoring the fact that the only evidence she had to back up her claims was her own testimony.

Amelia tried to treat it like a serious case, only to have her arguments cut short and her requests for relevant documents summarily rejected by Fudge, who for some reason was presiding over the trial.

Dumbledore, in his role as Supreme Mugwump, stayed infuriatingly silent, simply stroking his beard while he watched the trial play out.

In the end, things got so bad Amelia decided against calling the only witness they had, Arabella Figg to testify. There was no point in subjecting the poor woman to this, not when so many amongst them were completely ready to ignore real evidence for personal benefit. Malfoy must have paid good money for his jurors.

“Nothing more from the defense,” Amelia said with a sigh, barely three hours into the trial.

“Members are requested to vote,” Fudge said, unable to contain his glee. He had been afraid of Amelia doing something unexpected but it seemed his fears were unfounded.

“Please raise your wand and light it red if you wish to convict. Green if you wish to acquit,” Fudge sneered. “And gray if you wish to abstain.”

The sounds of shuffling filled the chamber as everyone pulled out their wands, lighting them a particular color and raising them up in the air.

Amelia’s eyes were fixed on Cyrus Greengrass, and she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw his wand lit green, his bloc following suit after they saw how their leader had voted.

There was a small sea of green, much more than anyone had expected.

“Have all the votes been tallied?” Fudge asked irritably, turning to the clerk seated one level below him.

The woman in the horn-rimmed spectacles nodded and passed him a small piece of parchment.

Fudge studied the paper, his expression changing from that of annoyance to unbridled glee. “A hundred and twenty-one Wizengamot members are present and voting today. By a vote of sixty-one to sixty, the Wizengamot finds the defendant, Harry James Potter, guilty of-”

Amelia cleared her throat loudly, cutting Fudge off mid-sentence. She rested a hand on Harry’s shoulder and squeezed it reassuringly, fortifying his flagging courage.

“I’m sorry to interrupt you, Minister, but there has been a mistake. Not all members of the Wizengamot have voted.”

“Who’s left?! Everyone raised their wands and their votes were duly noted!” Fudge barked, glaring at Amelia.

“The Lords Potter and Black haven’t recorded their votes. For a verdict to be valid, all votes of members present in the chamber must be recorded, even if it’s an abstention,” Amelia pointed out, dropping the pretense and deciding to go in for the kill. She had played with her food for long enough, it was time to put Fudge out of his misery and embarrass the vile woman he was dumb enough to make his Undersecretary.

“The seats are empty.” Fudge jerked his thumb at the empty rows of chairs in the very back of the chamber. “Seats don’t vote Madame Bones, the people in them do,” he reminded Amelia smugly.

“The Lords Potter and Black are present in this chamber.”

The chamber erupted into a flurry of whispers. Dumbledore stared into the well placidly, an inscrutable expression on his face. Umbridge had abandoned all pretense and was glaring at Harry and Amelia, her eyes bulging and face red.

“Silence!” Fudge barked, his nerves fraying as he began to lose control of the trial. “There is no Lord Potter,” he hissed, leaning forward in his seat. “And Lord Black is a convicted mass murderer. I’d like to see him try to enter this chamber!”

“Lord Black has been missing for more than a year. By law, he is to be presumed dead unless someone can prove otherwise. His titles and material possessions are to be distributed in accordance with his will. I checked in with Gringotts, and Griphook informed me the will was executed three days ago. He is happy to testify for the record if needed,” Amelia pointed out calmly, shoving the proverbial knife in Fudge’s back. “The sole heir to the Black title and fortune is also the heir to the Potter name. Harry. James. Potter,” she paused after each word, slowly twisting the knife.

The chamber was stunned into silence. Only Cyrus looked down into the well with grim satisfaction, realizing that he had a partner he could actually work with.

“Hem. Hem,” Umbridge coughed, breaking the tense silence. “Madame Bones is much more knowledgeable about the law than I am, but a person can only take their seat and join this august body when they turn twenty-one. Since Mister Potter is not twenty-one, he cannot be a member of Wizengamot, and thus, he cannot vote!”

“Aha!” Fudge exclaimed, unable to help himself.

“You’re right, Dolores,” Amelia said cheerfully. She deliberately omitted the title. Dolores Umbridge was not a member of the Wizengamot and Amelia had no intention to give her any more respect than she was required to. “I am indeed more knowledgeable in the law than you are. Which is why I know that to take their seat in Wizengamot one must either be twenty-one or-” She paused for dramatic effect, wondering which of them would be the first to figure it out. Her grin grew when she saw Cyrus Greengrass staring at her with wide eyes.

I knew I backed the right horse. There’s a smart man, Amelia thought before switching her focus back to Fudge.

“Or… They are named the official heir to an empty seat and are ready to take up the mantle of family responsibility by virtue of marriage.” She paused again, letting the words sink in. “Our predecessors, in their infinite wisdom, decided that if a person was mature enough to handle the rigors of marriage and a family, they were more than mature enough to serve in this chamber,” Amelia said, her voice amused as she revealed the ace up her sleeve.

She turned to Harry before anyone could react. “Lord Potter, tell me, are you a married man?”

Harry stared at her in shock, unable to believe what was going on.

“Lord Potter?” Amelia prodded gently.

“I-I… yes. Yes, I am,” Harry replied.

“Who are you married to?”

“Susie… Susan Bones,” Harry answered, clearing his throat.

“Was this marriage legally executed in the presence of witnesses?”

“It was.”

“This is preposterous! That girl is your niece!” Fudge yelled, finally finding his voice.

“Lord Potter could have married a troll and his position would remain unchanged in the eyes of the law, Minister,” Amelia pointed out calmly. “All that is needed for emancipation before the age of twenty-one is a legal marriage. The person Lord Potter married does not matter. He is legally entitled to the Potter and Black seats and since he is in the chamber, the trial cannot conclude until he votes.”

“This is highly improper,” Fudge whined desperately. “He’s the one who is on trial.”

“The Senior Undersecretary being the investigator on a case that she is prosecuting is also highly improper, Minister.” Amelia smiled at Umbridge. The woman did not bother to return the gesture. “Since we are breaking so many norms today, what’s one more?”

“He… he cannot-” Fudge spluttered, turning purple. The room had erupted into whispers once more. Everyone could see he had been outmaneuvered and humiliated.

“Let’s be clear, Minister. There is no law in the books that says a member cannot vote on any particular case, even if it personally involves him. So.” Amelia turned to Harry once more. “Lord Potter, how do you vote?”

“Uh…” Harry stared at her for a second before clearing his throat. “Not guilty?”

“And in your capacity as Lord Black, how do you vote?”

“Not guilty.”

“Then I believe, by a vote of sixty-two to sixty-one, the Wizengamot finds the defendant, Harry James Potter, not guilty of all charges levied on him,” Amelia said, watching the clerk furiously scribble the judgment on a fresh piece of parchment.

The room erupted into a cacophony of voices.

Amelia calmly gathered her papers, tapped Harry’s shoulder and led him out of the chaotic chamber. They walked down the heavily carpeted hallway in silence until they reached the lifts.

Harry tried to speak, only to shut up the minute Amelia placed a warning hand on his shoulder. The lift shot up, carrying them to the floor that housed the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. They drew curious looks as they walked across the floor, but one look from Amelia and everyone wordlessly scurried away.

Tonks was leaning against the door to Amelia’s office, carelessly chewing gum. She blew a bubble until it popped, completely unbothered by the reproachful look her boss gave her. “It go well?”

It-” Amelia couldn’t help the satisfied smile on her face. “Went flawlessly.”

“That’s why you’re the boss, boss.”

“Thank you for that vote of confidence, Tonks,” Amelia said, sounding mildly amused. “Can you make sure we’re not disturbed for the next hour?”

Tonks shot her a mock salute before stepping aside to let them enter the office.

Harry silently occupied one of the chairs in front of the impeccably organized desk and watched as Amelia sank into her chair with a sigh. She steepled her fingers under her chin and studied Harry, clearly pleased with how he had acquitted himself in the courtroom.

“You played them,” Harry said, going over everything that had happened in the chamber in his mind. “And me.”

“I didn’t play you, Harry,” Amelia said softly.

“This is why the marriage had to take place before the trial.”

“Well, yes,” Amelia conceded.

“Wanting protection for Susan was just an excuse.”

Amelia shook her head. “Did you see the faces in that chamber? I made many, many people very angry today, including the man who is technically my boss. I declared war on the powers that be, Harry, and I wanted to make sure Susan’s future was secure before I fired the first shot.”

“Why not tell me?”

“If you decided to marry Susan, I wanted it to be because you cared for her and could imagine spending the rest of your life with her. Not because you thought it was the easiest way to win your trial,” Madame Bones answered simply. “Marriages might not be made in heaven, but I wanted you and Susan to decide without any outside pressures or influences.”

“What if I or Susie had said no?”

“I’d have thought of some other way. I was already preparing contingencies but then I saw the way you two looked at each other at the end of your first date and I knew I wouldn’t have to,” Amelia replied with a smile.

Harry nodded. For the first time, he didn’t mind that someone had kept information for him. Madame Bones had kept things secret for all the right reasons, allowing him to fall for Susan instead of making him feel like he had to marry her.

“You also told me you hated politics,” Harry said, his lips curling into a grin. A weight had been lifted from his chest, and for the first time in nearly a month, he felt like he could breathe properly.

“Just because I hate it doesn’t mean I’m not good at it, Harry,” Amelia replied. “I’m just glad I don’t have to be the face of it for much longer. I like my job and have no desire to trade it for another one. However, Cyrus will be a valuable-”

Amelia looked up at the door at the sound of knocking. Tonks poked her head inside, an apologetic smile on her face.

“I know you said you didn’t anyone to disturb you but Lord Greengrass is here and-”

“Send him in, Tonks.” Amelia nodded and turned to Harry. “Tonks will take you home, Harry. Take the week. Celebrate with your wife and your friends. Enjoy a proper honeymoon.” She chuckled when Harry’s blush deepened. “I’ll talk to you and Susan soon, okay?”

Harry nodded and pushed his chair away from the table, slowly getting to his feet. “Thank you, Madame Bones. For… everything.”

“It was my pleasure, Harry. But don’t thank me yet. This is just the beginning of our fight.”

Harry nodded, unable to articulate in words how great it felt to be included in things after being kept in the dark all summer. He turned, giving the tall, aristocratic man who had walked into the office a respectful smile before leaving the room.

“You’re playing a dangerous game, Amelia. Fudge is enraged and I just saw Lucius storming into his office on my way here,” Cyrus murmured, his eyes fixed on Harry’s retreating figure.

We, Cyrus. We’re playing a dangerous game,” Amelia pointed out, leaning back in her chair.

“But of course,” Cyrus murmured, shutting the door once Harry was out of sight. “I suppose my vote was nothing short of a declaration that I have picked a side.”

“Having second thoughts?”

“Not if you keep your end of the bargain. We can work to achieve our goals in the Ministry and Wizengamot together, but you have to guarantee the safety of my daughters. They are all that remains of the Greengrass lineage.”

“Daphne and Astoria, right? I met them at the Ministry’s Christmas Ball a couple of years ago.”

Cyrus bowed his head and sat in the chair Harry had vacated. “Potter should know Daphne. They’re in the same year and Daphne tells me he’s almost tolerable at times,” Cyrus said, sounding faintly amused.

“I’ll talk to my niece and Harry. They’ll be waiting on the platform for Daphne and Astoria.”

“Very well. Shall we get down to business then?”

“Would you like something to drink? We are in for a long night.”


Number 12, Grimmauld Place:

He let Hermione give him one last hug before he slipped out of the raucous party in the kitchen. It was fun, especially with the Twins having spun up some of their new tricks to entertain the Order members, but there was one person missing.

Someone he wanted to see more than anyone else.

He climbed up the stairs to his bedroom, taking a deep breath before opening the door and slipping inside. It was dark. The curtains were drawn, and the only light illuminating the room came from the dying embers in the fireplace.

He shut the door and locked it, having no desire to be disturbed for the rest of the night.

Susan was kneeling in the middle of their room, not a stitch of clothing covering her body. His cock stirred to life at the sight of her flawless body and perfect submissive posture. Her back was straight, her waist-length red hair secured in two cute buns on the top of her head, with the rest of it falling down her bare back in waves. Her hands rested on her thighs, palms facing upwards. Her head was lowered, the collar they had chosen together secured around her neck with the leash attached to it. The other end of the soft leather strip was in her mouth, clamped between her teeth.

She perked up at the sound of Harry entering the room but did not change her position, determined to take the new lifestyle they had decided to lead together seriously.

It wasn’t an experiment or something fun they did in bed, not for her. It was her life, exactly how she wanted to lead it. Her love language wasn’t food, although food was certainly part of how she showed her affection. Her love language was submission and it had taken her living with Harry to realize that.

Harry silently kneeled in front of her, a small smile on his face.

She finally couldn’t help herself, she looked up at him, beaming at the sight of his relaxed posture and happy expression. “You’re late,” she murmured, unable to stop herself from pouting. The leash slipped out of her mouth and fluttered to the floor.

Her eyes widened when she realized what she had done. “I’m sorry!” she squeaked, looking up at him with big pale green eyes that begged for forgiveness. “I’ve been trying to remember and follow all the rules… I spoke before you did and I was going to offer you the leash and I-” she rambled, chewing her lip worriedly.

Harry gently freed her lip from her teeth before leaning in for a gentle kiss. “Susie,” he whispered against her lips, groaning quietly at the rapidly increasing pressure in his pants. “It’s okay,” he murmured.

“I just wanted everything to be perfect when you came back,” Susan admitted. Her lips curled into a shy smile when he cupped her cheeks and tilted her face to make her look up at him.

“Are you here, waiting for me?” Harry asked, caressing her pink cheek with his thumb.

“Y-yes,” Susan mumbled, confused by the question.

“Then everything is perfect,” Harry whispered, leaning in for another kiss.

“Why are you late? They announced the verdict on the radio a couple of hours ago. Along with news of our marriage,” Susan murmured shyly.

Harry gently grabbed her wrists and pulled her arms away from her chest, stopping her from covering up her body. She shivered as his heated gaze settled on her creamy breasts, the massive, tear-drop-shaped mounds quivering with every breath. “Your aunt wanted to talk to me,” Harry explained. “And then Tonks and Hermione insisted we stop for a drink at the Leaky Cauldron to celebrate.” A harmless white lie, to ensure his surprise for her wasn’t spoiled. He had been with Tonks and Hermione, but they had been exploring and shopping, not having a drink.

“O-oh,” Susan whispered.

“Why are you naked, love? It’s a cold night.” The fire in the fireplace was nearly dead, which meant she had to have been kneeling for a while now. He appreciated the sexy surprise, but not if it came at the cost of her health.

“Uhm…” Susan blushed, then giggled nervously. “You said I could only wear what you picked out for me when we were alone in our bedroom,” she said, reciting one of the rules he had set for her. “You were so busy this morning that you forgot and I didn’t want to be a bother-”

“You’re never a bother,” Harry interjected.

Susan smiled shyly. “Well, uhm, since you didn’t pick anything…”

Harry’s lips dragged across her cheek as he moved to her ear. “Susie?” Harry whispered, his hot breath tickling her skin. “Good girl.”

“Thank you, sir,” Susan mumbled, feeling heat pool in her core.


“Yes, sir?”

“I told you I wanted to wait until I won my trial and was acquitted of all charges before we properly committed to this marriage. I’ve done that,” Harry murmured, trapping her earlobe between his teeth and giving it a gentle tug. He had wanted to give her an easy way to annul the marriage if Fudge had found a way to toss him in Azkaban or strip him of his magic, but they had won, and he didn’t need to be afraid of that anymore.

“Yes, you have,” Susan whispered, her heart jumping in her throat as she realized what was to come.

“I’m going to fuck you now,” Harry growled. “And I’ve waited far too long for it to be slow and gentle…”

“My body is yours to do with as you please, husband,” Susan said, shivering with a mixture of anticipation and fear.

She watched with wide eyes as he wound the leash around his wrist and used it to pull her up to her feet, before leading her to the bed. He pushed her down on it, the mattress creaking under his weight as he climbed onto the bed, towering over her.

His hands grabbed her waist, fingers digging into her soft skin and leaving angry red marks in their wake. He wordlessly pulled her up to her hands and knees.

“I thought it was fitting for our first time to be in your favorite position.” Harry grabbed her thighs and roughly pulled her legs apart, studying the plugs stuffing her ass and virgin pussy with approval.

“I-how?!” Susan’s eyes widened. How did he know that? It was her dirty little secret, and she had lost count of the number of times she had read a scene in one of her books and then dreamt of Harry taking her in the same position.

Harry chuckled. “You talk in your sleep and I’m a light sleeper, princess. You’ve been having quite a few wet dreams these past few nights.” He grabbed her neck and gently pushed her face down into the bed, muffling her embarrassed whine. The position caused her to arch her back and push her ass and pussy up in the air, making them even more accessible to him.

Susan was suddenly glad he had pushed her face into the pillows, hiding her flaming cheeks from view. Her dreams lately had been hot, steamy, and oh-so filthy. And if he knew about them because of her loose tongue…

“Do you know about the uh-”

“Yes,” Harry said, sounding amused. He slowly unbuttoned his shirt, tossing it to the floor.

“And the uh-”

“Yes.” The bed creaked as he shifted, pulling his pants and boxers free from his legs and throwing them to the floor next to his shirt. He chuckled, his grin growing at her embarrassed moan as he began to massage her ass. “I know it all. Or well, most of it.”

His fingers closed around the base of the plug in her pussy, sighing happily as the charm recognized him and shrunk the plug slightly to allow him to pull it out.

Susan whined into the pillows. After an entire day wearing the plug, her core ached. And yet… she hated the empty feeling and bucked her hips, demanding he fill her up with something once more.


The slap landed directly on her dripping slit, sending a jolt of pain racing up her spine.

“HARRY!” Susan squealed, squirming helplessly. His free hand grabbed her waist, pinning her body in place. Her fingers dug into the soft white sheets covering their bed, trying to find something to hold onto.

Harry grabbed the base of his rock-hard cock, guiding its tip to her gleaming slit. He slowly pushed inside her, his thick girth splitting the petals that guarded her wet core.

Susan was breathing breathlessly, squirming and whining as she subconsciously bucked her hips, trying to draw him in deeper.

He slowly pushed inside her tight, virgin pussy, her stretched walls fluttering and clamping down around his throbbing shaft helplessly. He was giving her just enough time to adjust, to let the burning and stinging subside into a pleasant ache before he thrust deeper, repeating the cycle every few seconds.

He paused when his tip hit resistance and he reached out to bury his hand in her hair, tugging on it to pull her up against his chest.

“Who do you belong to, princess?”

“You, master,” Susan replied breathlessly.

Harry took a deep breath, regaining control over his body. Once he was sure he wasn’t in any danger of finishing prematurely, he asked again. “Who do you belong to?” he whispered in her ear, tearing her hymen with one firm thrust, finally claiming his bride.

“YOU, SIR,” Susan screamed, going limp against the arm supporting her as searing hot pain consumed her. It disappeared as soon as it had appeared but before the girl could recover or catch her breath, an unexpected wave of pleasure crashed into her. She writhed in his arms, moaning wantonly as the powerful orgasm wiped her mind blank. The trickle of blood running down her thigh was washed away as she squirted for the first time in her life, drenching his cock, her own thighs, and the sheets below them with her cum.

“My my my,” Harry whispered.

Susan focused on his voice. It was the only thing that existed in the world, that and the massive cock splitting her in two. His tone was amused, the gentle teasing driving the embarrassed girl wild.

“Such a messy little kitten,” Harry murmured, starting to push deeper into her, his task made easier by the copious amounts of her cum coating his cock and acting as natural lube. “Tell me, Susie, does the thought of being mine turn you on?”

“Yes,” Susan whispered, her cheeks turning dark red.

“I want to hear you say it. Or that’ll be the last time you cum till we get to Hogwarts,” Harry growled, pushing into her. He thrust past her weakly fluttering walls, overcoming the futile resistance offered by them with ease.

Susan moaned, the burning of her stretched walls soon replaced by a very pleasant ache. He was deep inside her, she was certain she could feel him right in her belly. At this rate, he wouldn’t need a year to knock her up.

Another wave of arousal gushed out of her at the thought of her belly swelling with their child.

“Darling, I told you to do something. Or do you want to be edged all summer?” Harry hissed, wrapping his hand around her collared neck possessively.

“I-I belong to you, Harry,” Susan groaned as he slowly pulled out of her. Her walls quivered, trying to clamp down on his manhood to prevent it from pulling out.

“Louder,” Harry ordered, pausing for a second once only his tip remained in her. He brought his breathing under control before impaling her with one hard thrust.

“THE THOUGHT OF BEING YOURS TURNS ME ON SO MUCH,” Susan screamed, praying that the privacy wards they had set up actually worked. If they didn’t… well, if anyone downstairs had any doubts about their marriage, they certainly wouldn’t anymore.

After nearly a week of dreaming about claiming his wife, Harry didn’t have it in him to be patient. He furiously pistoned in and out of her tight pussy, the force of his cock pushing deep inside her every few seconds causing her heavy breasts to bounce.

His hand moved between her spread legs and to her impaled pussy, locating her clit. Susan shrieked as his thumb began to massage the sensitive nub.

“Harry, I-” Susan groaned, feeling a familiar pressure build up in her belly.

“Susie, are you a good girl?”

“I am!”

“What do good girls do?” Harry asked, breathing heavily. He could feel his balls tighten and knew holding on for much longer would be impossible. She was just too tight, the gentle massage of his cock by her fluttering walls too heavenly.

“A-ask for permission,” Susan mumbled in between moans. “Can I cum?”

Harry silently kept thrusting in and out of her, his breathing growing erratic as his own orgasm approached.

“Can I cum?!” Susan begged, before realizing what she had been doing wrong. “Please! Please, let me cum?”

“Cum for me, princess,” Harry groaned, erupting in her with a loud groan.

The combination of his permission and the feeling of his warm, sticky seed filling her up and painting her walls pushed Susan over the edge once more.

“Thank you, sir!” Susan cried out, her eyes rolling into the back of her head as another orgasm rocked through her body. Her walls clamped down on his cock, making sure he couldn’t pull out and that the only place he could deposit his seed was inside her.

Harry collapsed on top of her, both of them breathing heavily as they rode out their orgasms. He didn’t pull out of her, simply cuddling his wife as they enjoyed their post-orgasmic bliss together.

“Harry!” Susan whined sleepily when he did pull his softening cock out of her after several minutes.

Harry chuckled and playfully smacked her ass, causing her to yelp in surprise. “Time for bed, love,” Harry murmured, bending to fish his wand out of his pants. He cleaned the sheets below them before tossing his wand onto the nightstand and collapsing onto the bed next to her, utterly exhausted.

Susan pressed her legs together, trying to make sure not a single drop of his precious cum leaked out of her.


“Hmm?” Harry asked, unfolding the blanket and pulling it up to cover their bodies.

“I don’t think I can bring you breakfast in bed tomorrow.”

“Oh, I was that bad, huh?” Harry teased, gently pulling her onto his chest. She wrapped her arms around him and buried her face in the crook of his neck, yawning cutely. “No more breakfast in bed for me?”

“No!” Susan blushed. “I didn’t mean… it’s just that I can’t feel my legs and I don’t think I’ll be able to walk tomorrow.”

Harry simply laughed and pulled her closer, sleep claiming them both within seconds.


I do think Susan is both the perfect Hufflepuff and an amazing partner for Harry. He needs someone to both take care of him and show him how great he is and I think Susan does both. Of course, with the combination of Hermione keeping him motivated and Daphne awakening his inner Slytherin he will be practically unstoppable in due course. Chapters 5, 6, and 7 are already out. I have also organized all my stories into 'Collections' so you can access all chapters together through the Collections Tab on the website and the app!


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