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Content Warnings: Collars, Rituals, Creampie, Teasing, Cum Play, Deflowering.

Harry hastily unwrapped the paper around Sirius’ gift. He had promised himself he’d never use it, never put Sirius in danger. But nothing that had happened over the past month could be called ‘normal’ and he needed advice from the only man he could fully trust.

He knew what he wanted to do but a part of him was afraid of letting Padma and Daphne down. Daphne was convinced they were safer with him but could he really take care of them the way they deserved, especially after the binding ritual?

He pushed the book out of his mind and glanced at the bathroom door to make sure it was shut and locked before turning his attention to the heavy package in his hands. He pulled away the crinkled brown paper, balled it up, and tossed it into the waste bin in the corner. His brow furrowed in confusion as he stared at the small mirror in his hands till the note loosely taped to its back fluttered onto the floor.

‘I never want you to feel alone. Call my name whenever you want to talk and I’ll appear in this mirror.’

A small smile broke out on Harry’s face. Sirius had found a way to be in touch with him without risking discovery. After all, something like a letter sent through an owl could be intercepted but who would question a mirror on his nightstand?

“Sirius,” Harry said softly. “Please, if you’re around I need to talk to you.”

The mirror’s surface rippled and a black inky darkness spread through it, hiding his reflection. He waited for a few minutes until his godfather’s familiar face slid into view. He appeared exactly as he had during the summer, with long black hair, dark circles under his eyes, and an evening stubble gracing his cheeks. Despite his tired appearance he broke out into a huge grin.

“Finally remembered that I exist?” Sirius teased. The mirror rippled slightly as he leaned against the headboard of his bed and balanced his mirror on his legs.

“Sorry. I’ve been busy with… stuff,” Harry mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck.

“Does that ‘stuff’ include starting an illegal self-defense club?” Sirius’ gray eyes twinkled with excitement. “You should have chosen a scarier name but it’s a good idea.”

“How do you… who else knows?!”

“Me and a few other members of the Order. We have friends who frequent Hog’s Head. A pub is the last place to have a conversation if you truly want it to stay a secret.”

“I’ll file that with the other gems of wisdom that you’ve shared with me.”

Sirius rolled his eyes at the snarkiness. “I presume you’ve called me about it? Do you need help deciding what to teach your friends?”

“Actually… no.” Harry filed the question away for a later date. Asking Sirius for tips wasn’t a bad idea, it just wasn’t what he was looking for right now. “I uhm… something happened last month and I need your help trying to decide what to do,” Harry mumbled, his cheeks turning pink. He coughed and cleared his throat, summoning the courage to tell his godfather.

Why was it so hard for him to do it when Daphne shamelessly made sure everyone in the castle knew she was his? He couldn’t remember a single meal in the Great Hall when she wasn’t on his lap or cuddling him.

And here he couldn’t even tell his godfather.

“Who is she?” Sirius asked with a shrewd smile.

Harry considered denying Sirius’ guess for a second before his shoulders slumped in defeat. “Uh… Padma… Padma Patil.” He paused and took a deep breath, then continued. “And Daphne Greengrass.”

Harry shifted uncomfortably during the silence that followed, finally breathing a sigh of relief when Sirius started laughing.

His godfather slumped over, tears of mirth streaming down his cheeks as his laughter echoed around the bathroom.

“What… what’s so funny?”

“Priscilla Carrow was the only woman to ever reject your father,” Sirius got out in between chuckles. “Even your mother came around. To be honest I’m pretty sure your mother always loved him, just as Priscilla always loved Cyrus. I need to clear my name because I need to be there when she learns her daughter is shacking up with James’ son,” Sirius cackled. He wiped his cheeks with the back of his hand and straightened. “Do they know about each other? Don’t toy with a girl’s heart, Harry.”

“They do!” Harry said hotly. “They’re uh… they said they were a package deal,” he added with a sheepish smile. “I know it’s only been a month but I can’t imagine life without either of them. We spend so much time together. Daphne convinced me to go jogging with her every morning and Padma spends her evenings tutoring me in Potions and Charms,” Harry rambled with a dreamy smile.

“Merlin, you’re just as bad as your father. Probably worse.”

Sirius’ amused tone broke him free from his daydream.

“It’s… do you know that feeling Sirius? When you’re soaring and free; when nothing in the world can bring you down? When I’m with them I don’t worry about Voldemort and the war. I’m not concerned with anything except how to make them happy.”

Sirius smiled and nodded. “I do, actually. Your father asked me a very similar question before he proposed to your mother.”

“Were they happy?”


“Can I make Padma and Daphne happy? I… I’m going to do something today that I can’t take back-”

“Please don’t tell me you plan to elope.”

Harry blushed. “No. It’s too soon for that. But I plan to bind Padma to me tonight. Breaking that bond won’t be easy.”

“Does she want it?”

“Very much so. She gets so excited every time we talk about it… it’s adorable.”

“Do you want it?”

“Only if I can take care of her.” Harry paused and corrected himself. “If I can take care of both of them. You said my father only had to worry about my mother. I… I’ll have two-”

“Let me stop you right there kiddo. Your father only had your mother because of the war. If they didn’t have to worry about keeping you safe I’m certain they’d have moved into Potter Manor and turned it into a love shack.”

“You’re kidding.” Harry stared at Sirius in disbelief.

“They were kinky bastards who believed in free love. Your mother hated that the Potter clan had been decimated by Dragon Pox and wanted to help James rebuild it. The fun way.” Sirius rolled his eyes fondly. “They once had a bet on who could get more girls to kiss them in one night. My memory of that party is hazy but I’m pretty sure James lost.”

“I… I didn’t need that information about them, Sirius!” Harry groaned.

“I’m just saying. They were strong because they worked together as a team. Don’t look at this as you taking care of Padma and Daphne. It’s a two-way street. You look after them and they give you strength.”

“And Voldemort?”

“If you put your life on hold because of him he’s already won, Harry. You can’t let fear dictate how you act.”

Harry nodded, raising an eyebrow when Sirius’ lips curled into a playful smile.

“Besides, I’ve met Miss Greengrass’ mother. If that girl is even half as scary as Priscilla… Voldemort is going to shit his pants if he ever comes across her.”

“Daphne can be terrifying when she wants to be,” Harry admitted with a grin. “She threatened to chop off Draco’s dick and feed it to the kobolds in the pen behind Hagrid’s hut yesterday.”

“I have a feeling me and her are going to get along very well.” Sirius smiled. “Best of luck for tonight, Harry.”

“I thought you’d tell me I’m making a mistake. Ron certainly seems to think so.”


“Because he thinks a Slytherin can’t be trusted. I spend nearly every night with her… I tell her everything. He thinks I’m an idiot.”

“My cousin was a Slytherin. Tonks’ mother. She married a Muggleborn named Ted. When my father threatened to have him killed she told him she’d burn the Grimmauld Place down if someone from the family so much as looked at Ted. Not every Slytherin is evil, Harry. If Ron thinks that the case it’s an incredibly childish way to look at the world. Do you trust Daphne?”

Harry nodded silently.

“Good. If you like them and they like you… nothing else matters. Nobody else matters. Not even I get a say in who you love, okay?”

“Thanks, Sirius,” Harry said softly.

“Anytime, kiddo. Have a good night.” Sirius winked.

“Goodnight,” Harry whispered as Sirius faded out of view and the mirror returned to normal.

Harry walked out into the thankfully empty dormitory and set the mirror down on his nightstand. He knew Neville was in the Common Room playing Exploding Snap with Ginny and Luna, Dean was on a date with Parvati, and Seamus was off with Fred and George. He didn’t know where Ron was, which was just as well.

He didn’t need another lecture from the redhead.

He and Daphne belonged together, he knew that in his gut, even if he couldn’t explain why. As for Padma, Harry couldn’t believe his best friend was still upset about what had happened during the Yule Ball.

Especially since he was the one who was in the wrong!

Harry walked back into the bathroom and shaved before taking a quick shower. He changed into a black shirt and jeans that Daphne had bought for him during their last Hogsmeade date. Once he was ready he grabbed his bag from the bed and climbed down the stairs to the crowded and noisy Common Room. He slipped out into the seventh-floor hallway before anyone could notice him and made his way to the Room of Requirement.

Binding, then dinner, he reminded himself.

He had read Padma’s book from cover to cover over the past month. It had awakened something dormant in him, something he didn’t even know existed until he delved head-first into the world of submission and magic.

A shiver ran down his spine as the memory of the first time he had spanked Padma sprang up in his mind. Daphne had recorded the experience and they had saved the pictures in an album hidden in the bottom of his trunk.

He was already rock-hard by the time he reached the door opposite the tapestry of Barnaby and the trolls. He pushed it open and walked inside, adjusting his jeans to hide the rapidly growing tent in his crotch. The Room of Requirement had been completely transformed. Instead of a classroom it now looked like a very large bedroom.

It was shrouded in darkness, with the only source of light being a small fire flickering in the fireplace set into a wall. A large bed with white sheets occupied most of the room. The rest of the space was filled with a vanity, two nightstands on either side of the bed, and a large couch placed in front of the fireplace.

Padma and Daphne were standing next to the bed, whispering furiously. Daphne was wearing black robes while Padma was still in her Hogwarts uniform. Harry frowned.

“Hey,” he said, his frown turning into a smile as Padma squeaked in surprise before running to him and jumping into his arms. “I was worried I’d be late,” he murmured, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her into his chest for a hug.

“We got here just five minutes ago. Daph and I got the room ready while we waited for you,” Padma whispered. She buried her face in the crook of his neck and slowly peppered his tanned skin with kisses. “Missed you.”

“I missed you too, pumpkin. Are we still having the ritual?”

“Mhm. Unless you changed your mind?” Padma asked, chewing her lower lip nervously.

“No… no! I just asked because you said you had to wear something special for it but you’re still in your Hogwarts uniform.”

“That’s because I’m not binding myself to you today. Daphne is,” Padma explained as she pulled away. “She has spent the entire month making sure you focus on me and my needs. She has sacrificed her time with you to ensure we grow closer. She’s taken care of me and now I want to do the same for her.”

“She doesn’t look like she wants it, sweet flower,” Harry murmured, glancing at Daphne. “She doesn’t have to be bound to me or be a part of my coven for all three of us to be together, you know?”

“I want it. Merlin, I want it,” Daphne spoke up before Padma could say anything. She fidgeted nervously for a few seconds before taking a deep breath and continuing. “I didn’t say anything because you’re not supposed to want it. Well, I’m not. It’s considered presumptuous and arrogant for a woman to demand her husband bind her to him.”

Harry exchanged a glance with Padma who giggled and pulled away from him. Everyone thought she was the shy one and while that was absolutely true in public, she found that she didn’t have a problem voicing her desires when they were alone with Harry.

Daphne on the other hand…

Even Padma didn’t know what her best friend wanted. Daphne had taken part in everything they had done without truly participating and hadn’t slept with Harry yet.

“Not your husband, remember?” Harry whispered as he walked over to stand in front of Daphne.

“You will be, one day,” Daphne murmured. She gulped and timidly looked up at Harry through her thick lashes. “I don’t want to make a mistake right at the beginning of our courtship. You’ve said you want to bind Padma to you several times now. You never said anything about me,” Daphne said, playing with her hands nervously.

“I didn’t know you wanted to bond with me.”

“I do. I do!” Daphne took another deep breath. “I’m just worried. For a successful bond, we have to share a bed. Which is a euphemism for-”


Daphne nodded.

“We can wait if you’re not ready, Daphne.”

“It’s not that!” Daphne protested. “What if I’m shit at it?! Padma has all these amazing fantasies and all I’ve been taught is to lie on my back. I was drunk and even then I could barely give you a proper blowjob and I have to be sober for this and-”

Harry gently cupped Daphne’s pink cheeks and pulled her in for a kiss, cutting her off mid-sentence.

“You are amazing. You are never this scared when you’re with me and Padma,” Harry whispered against her lips.

“It’s different with Padma. I know what she wants. I… I don’t know what I want. And I’m worried you’ll hate spending time with me… like that,” Daphne admitted shyly.

Harry sighed and pulled her head into his chest, letting her melt in his arms.

“Daphne?” Harry whispered, kissing her head.

“Yes, darling?” The whispered endearment slipped out without much conscious thought. She felt safe with him. She didn’t have to worry about being perfect. She didn’t have to analyze everything she said and did. She could be herself and that was enough for him. When she was with him it felt like a weight was lifted from her shoulders.

“I want to bind you to me. I want you to be a part of my coven.”

Daphne bit her lip hard enough to draw blood to stop herself from giggling. “I would be honored, Lord Potter,” she replied formally, trying her best to maintain her composure.

“You’ll need to change. The book says you need to wear white.”

“No need. She’s ready,” Padma said cheerfully. She had retrieved the book from Harry’s bag but stayed silent, giving Daphne the space she needed to bare her heart to Harry. “Just take off her cloak.”

Padma moved to stand next to the couple and opened the book, flipping through the pages until she reached the section with the incantations for the binding ritual. “I’m ready,” she said, shivering with excitement.

Daphne pulled her arms behind her back and locked them in place by grabbing her right wrist with her left hand. She tilted her head to lock her eyes with Harry, giving him easy access to undo the clasp holding her cloak together.

“Are you sure?”

“Do you know what I was thinking about when I finally cast my first Patronus yesterday, Harry?” Daphne asked, not answering his question directly. “The memory I used was of our first morning together. The day I stole your jersey and spent the entire morning walking around the castle with ‘Potter’ emblazoned on my back. I finally felt like I had found my place in the world.”

Harry smiled and reached out to undo the clasp of her cloak. The dark fabric slid down her body and pooled around her ankles. He could have sworn his heart stopped when he stepped away and took in the vision that was his girlfriend. She wore a transparent white shift that extended from her shoulders to her ankles but covered absolutely nothing. The sheer fabric clung to her curves, highlighting her perfect hourglass figure. Her heavy breasts strained against the nightgown and rosy nipples poked out through the thin cloth. As usual, her makeup was perfect but understated. Mascara to highlight her smoky gray eyes and ruby red lipstick to make her plump lips pop and make sure people didn’t forget about their connection. Her golden hair was arranged in an elaborate but messy bun, with stray curls perfectly framing her face.

“Take a step back, Harry,” Padma ordered, her voice quivering with suppressed anticipation. “You need to stand in your rune circle.”

Harry nodded and moved to stand in the middle of the runes drawn on the stone floor with black paint. Daphne looked down to make sure she was standing in her own circle before returning her attention to Harry.

“Who comes here to be bound?”

“I, Daphne Greengrass. I willingly submit myself, accepting the power and responsibility that comes with binding my core to another.”

“Who wishes to bind you?”

“I do,” Harry answered. “I vow to take Daphne with an open heart, to accept her in my coven and give her all the powers and responsibilities that come with it.”

“Kneel, Daphne Greengrass.”

Daphne gracefully sank to her knees and lowered her gaze, submitting herself to Harry’s authority in thought and action.

“Raise your left hand and place it on Harry's right.”

Both of them silently obeyed the instruction and watched as Padma tied a black ribbon around their wrists, binding them together.

“Do you surrender your core to this man, Daphne?”

Harry gently squeezed Daphne’s hand, giving her the courage to speak.

“I do,” Daphne answered, her voice barely a whisper.

“Do you accept?”

“I do,” Harry murmured.

Padma took a deep breath and began the incantation. The ribbon binding their wrists together glowed before it shifted and snaked around Harry’s right wrist, expanding into a bracelet. Seven golden rings appeared around it, standing in stark contrast to the pitch-black bracelet. A red leash made entirely from shimmering light shot out from the first ring and flowed towards Daphne until it reached her neck.

Daphne sighed. A warm feeling enveloped her and she had to struggle to keep her eyes open as the magic created a maroon collar around her neck. She froze in shock as a rush of power the likes of which she had never felt before enveloped her, tapping into her core and forming a connection between herself and Harry. The presence retreated after a few seconds, leaving only a pleasant buzzing in the back of her head.

They were both breathless by the time Padma finished the incantation and shut the book.

“How do you feel?” she asked, carefully returning the book to Harry’s bag.

“Lighter,” Harry murmured with a frown. The prickly feeling in his scar that had been his constant companion since his return from the graveyard had vanished during the ceremony and even after it had returned it didn’t feel as bad as it had previously. The change was tiny but noticeable. “Like something is gone.”

“Is that bad?” Daphne asked nervously. She suddenly wished she had read the entire book before lending it to Harry. She trusted Padma enough to know that the Ravenclaw hadn’t made a mistake but maybe she and Harry just weren’t meant to be? “Are we incompatible?”

“If you were, the ritual wouldn’t have been successful. That bond is remarkably strong. The book says that the connection is barely visible in most cases.” Padma nodded at the leash connecting Daphne to Harry’s wrist. “What Harry is feeling is not necessarily bad. This was a merger of souls in some ways. Maybe the connection removed something undesirable in Harry.”

Harry nodded. “Just like my nightmares. I don’t have them whenever I spend the night with you or Daph.”

“What’s interesting is the seven rings. Seven is a very powerful number. For that to be the optimal amount of people in your coven is… interesting,” Padma whispered. The look on her face was eerily similar to the one Hermione had when she was thinking furiously.

“I have to bond with six other people?!”

Padma giggled. “You don’t have to do anything. So many people go through life without binding with anyone. Seven partners is what is perfect for you. Any less and you’re not as powerful as you can be. More, and you’re straining your core and soul,” Padma explained with a teasing smile. “I thought you read the entire book!”

“I might have skipped certain portions.”

“You mean you read the kinky bits and skipped the parts with the boring rituals.” Padma leaned up and kissed Harry’s cheek. “Luckily for you, I read the entire thing.”

“The color of the connection signifies something, right?” Daphne finally found her voice. She had been transported to her happy place as the strength of the connection grew, her mind floating away in Subspace.

“Mhm.” Padma nodded. “Red is the color of power. You will be a true partner to Harry, his rock and the hidden source of his strength in the fights to come. The leash, the collar, and the bracelet will disappear until Harry calls for them. While it’s active you will both be more powerful than you normally are since your cores will be connected. Daphne will feel everything you are feeling, Harry. The bond cannot be severed by normal magic but while it’s active Daphne cannot be too far from you.”

Harry and Daphne nodded in understanding.

“What now?” Harry asked, resisting the urge to adjust his jeans. His cock was throbbing in his pants, straining painfully against the denim trying to keep it contained.

“Only members of your coven are allowed to be here while you complete the bond. Since I am not one yet, I will go grab us some food from the kitchens.”

Padma walked over to Daphne and bent to kiss her cheek. She kissed Harry softly and whispered the last instruction to him before she left, humming happily as she shut the door behind her.

Daphne kept staring at Harry with a mixture of lust and affection until his soft voice broke her free of her reverie.

“Padma told me that my seed has to mix with your blood in your rune circle to seal the bond. Otherwise, it’ll wither away in a few hours.”

“Oh.” Daphne’s blush deepened.

Harry nodded. “I’ll prick your finger with my wand. Then we can move to the fun part of the ritual.” Harry grinned and gestured at the massive bulge in his pants, enjoying the pretty blush coating Daphne’s alabaster cheeks as she stared at his erection.

“Or…” Daphne trailed off, trying to gather her courage. She took a deep breath and continued in a voice that was barely audible. “You can take my flower right here.”

“Daph are you-”

Daphne nodded. “I don’t have any firewhiskey so I’ll probably be awkward and boring. My tutor taught me how to dethrone a Minister but not how to seduce the man I like. At least, not while I’m sober.” Daphne bit her lip in a way that caused Harry’s cock to twitch in his pants. He groaned softly. The connection glowed and Daphne gasped as a jolt of pleasure shot down her spine.

Harry grinned. “Then I’ll just have to seduce the girl I like instead. Tell me if it’s working,” he said with a playful wink.

Daphne watched with wide eyes as he slowly started to unbutton his shirt, her eyes feasting on his firm chest. The pale scars littering his tanned skin only added to his aura as a warrior and Daphne felt a sliver of wetness snake down her thigh as she watched him take off his shirt.

She knew her shameless staring was not proper but she couldn’t tear her gaze away from him as he peeled his pants off his legs and kicked them away, leaving him wearing only gray boxers. She licked her dry lips, her eyes lowering to the massive bulge in his underpants. It suddenly felt much different and far more real now that she knew it was for her and not Padma.

The leash glowed and pulsed as Harry stepped closer, a constant reminder of their bond and what it signified. She never wanted the collar’s reassuring pressure on her neck to disappear.

“What are you thinking, my little viper?” Harry asked, kneeling in front of her.

The nickname caused a needy whine to escape her lips. Her arousal acted just like the alcohol had, lowering her inhibitions and giving her the courage to be truthful.

“I was wondering if you’d buy me a collar,” she said shyly, the pretty blush coating her cheeks returning. “Unless you plan to keep the connection active at all times.”

“That’d be somewhat impractical.”

“It would.” Even as she agreed a small, irrational part of her mind demanded that was exactly what they do. His warm presence in her mind was intoxicating. She could feel his excitement and his burning desire to claim her. She shivered, her nipples hardening and poking through the thin fabric of her gown, begging for attention.

“Daddy!” Daphne gasped loudly as Harry scooted inside the circle and pulled her into his lap.

“What did you call me?”

Daphne groaned and hid her face in the crook of his neck, expecting his desire to be replaced by disgust any second. She was certain the term had slipped out a few times during their month-long courtship but it had always been whispered in passing and Harry had either been too distracted to notice or she had been able to pass it off as something else. Not something she could do when they were alone and his attention was focused on her.

“I’m sorry! I know I’m weird and I usually keep it in check but you called me your little viper and-” Daphne stopped mid-ramble as she felt Harry’s chest rumble. “Why are you laughing?!”

“We’re all a little weird, Daphne. I mean, Padma wants me to fuck her every time we’re in the library. We did it in the Forbidden Section two days ago. Is that what you want to call me?”

“I feel safe with you,” Daphne explained, locking her legs around his waist and settling in his lap. His cock brushed against her thigh. “Protected. When I’m with you I don’t have to worry about others. I can be myself. I just… yes. I would like to call you that,” Daphne whispered. She bit her lip to stifle her moan. Harry had pulled her gown under her large bust, her heavy breasts bouncing as they were freed.

“I want to hear it again.” Harry’s hand shifted to her hair, freeing it from the bun. Her blonde curls cascaded over her shoulders and down her back and she moaned quietly as Harry ran a hand through her hair, tugging on it playfully. She was forced to arch her back and look up at the ceiling, exposing her neck and chest to Harry.

“Daddy,” Daphne whispered.

Harry’s hands shifted to her hips, pulling her dress up her legs and bunching it around her waist. He didn’t seem to have the patience to undress her fully and Daphne wasn’t going to stop him, not when she could feel his discomfort throbbing in the back of her mind.

Her trembling fingers dug into the waistband of his boxers. Harry lifted himself with her still in his lap with ease, allowing her to pull the boxers down his legs.

“Fuck,” he hissed, groaning softly as his cock sprang free. The relief she felt through their connection caused another gush of wetness to leak out of her slick slit. Harry’s cock twitched as a drop of arousal splattered onto his sensitive tip. The sweet-smelling liquid turned into a trickle as it ran down the length of his shaft.

Harry’s fingers sank into the soft skin of her hips with enough force to bruise, keeping her pinned in place.

“Louder, love.”

“D-daddy!” Daphne moaned, her eyes fixed on the glowing leash connecting the collar around her neck to Harry’s wrist. The trickle from her pink folds turned into a flood and drops of her arousal slammed onto Harry’s throbbing manhood, the loud PLOPS echoing around the room. Her cheeks burned with embarrassment as she watched her wetness coat Harry’s cock but she had never been as aroused as she was at that moment.

“Good girl,” Harry hissed, gently lowering her and aligning her wet slit with his cock.

Daphne whined, his quiet praise pushing her deep into Subspace. She timidly grasped his shoulders for support. Her breathing grew heavy as Harry lowered her onto his slick shaft, his tip splitting the plump lips that guarded the entrance to her pink folds. He slowly pushed inside her, stretching the walls of her virgin pussy to their limits.

“Do you remember your safeword?” Harry asked. He slowly lowered her on his shaft, giving her the time she needed to adjust to the massive girth pushing inside her tight pussy. Her walls fluttered and massaged his cock as he slid deeper into her belly. He paused the second he encountered resistance. His tip pushed against her intact curtain and Daphne could feel his burning desire to claim her through their bond.

Daphne bit her lip and moaned as the pressure growing in her breasts finally released and trickles of milky wetness leaked out of her stiff rosy peaks and streamed down her flat stomach. A gentle tug on her leash made her look at Harry.

“What do you want me to do, my perfect viper?”

“I want you to claim me,” Daphne whispered. She buried her face in the crook of his neck, pressing worshiping kisses to the tanned skin of his shoulder and neck.

“HARRY!” She couldn’t help the scream that escaped her lips when Harry pushed her down on his cock without warning. Her vision darkened as a sharp stinging pain shot up her spine, her ears filled with the echoes of her shriek bouncing off the walls of the room.

Harry kept pushing deeper and before long the burning of her stretched walls turned into an extremely pleasant ache. His quiet grunts spurred her to bear down on his length and she pressed her thighs together, increasing the pressure of her walls on his shaft.

“Daphne…” Harry breathed, struggling to stay in control.

“I can feel you,” Daphne whispered in wonderment, gazing at her lover through half-lidded eyes. His shaft brushed against her G-spot and she moaned loudly. “You feel so good!”

She could feel a small stream of blood snake down her leg and drip onto the runes below. The carefully drawn symbols glowed and the connection between them pulsed as it grew more powerful.

Harry gripped her hips harder, drawing out a needy groan from her lips. Daphne started to grind against his crotch, allowing him to bounce her up and down on his throbbing manhood.

She gripped his shoulders tightly as he pulled her up until only his tip was inside her before pushing her down on his shaft, her lips curving into a perfect ‘O’ as he impaled her.

“Oh, Morgana!” Daphne was delirious with pleasure. She squealed when Harry bent and captured her nipple between his teeth, tugging on it gently. He started to suck lazily even as he bounced her on his cock and Daphne saw stars.

She was being utterly ruined by Harry Potter and was loving every second of it.

Harry had soon established a steady rhythm and was breathing heavily within minutes, his entire attention focused on keeping control. His lips and teeth attacked Daphne’s aching nipples with a fervor, nipping, tugging, and sucking until the girl was overwhelmed with pleasure.

The room was filled with echoes of her needy moans and his quiet grunts; and with the sounds of her firm bum slapping against his thighs with every bounce.

“H-harry!” Daphne could feel the coil in the pit of her belly tighten. “Please,” she begged.

Harry kept sucking on her rosy peak, greedily lapping up the sweet nectar leaking out of it.


She didn’t know if it was the bond or her innate desire to be his perfect princess but she knew she couldn’t, wouldn’t cum without his permission.

The coil kept tightening and soon the pressure was so bad she was convinced she’d explode.

“Please, daddy!” Daphne screamed hoarsely, desperately humping against him. “Let me cum, please! I’ll be good!”

“Will you ever think that you’re not good enough for me again?” Harry growled. He was breathing heavily and struggling to stop himself from going over the edge. His balls tightened and his cock twitched inside her tight pussy, his body begging him to let go and fill her with his cum.


“Good girl. Cum for me,” Harry murmured, pushing her down on his shaft one last time.

The sound of her asscheeks slapping against his thighs was drowned out by Daphne’s shriek as she came. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she slumped against Harry, exhausted and spent. Her walls clamped down on Harry’s shaft, preventing him from pulling out of her.

Harry captured her lips in a passionate kiss as he exploded in her. He coaxed her tongue into a playful duel and his hands massaged her sore breasts, all while filling her aching pussy with his cum. They were locked in a perfect embrace and neither wanted to pull away until the need for air finally won out.

Harry slowly withdrew, chuckling breathlessly at Daphne’s needy whine. He gently pulled her free off his cock, holding her in place as his seed leaked out of her gaping pussy and streamed down the creamy skin of her thighs before finally splattering on the runes below him. His cum intermingled with her blood and the runes glowed for a brief second as the ritual was completed.

The magic had sealed their bond and they were one.

Daphne snuggled into Harry’s chest, consumed with pleasure and utterly spent. They stayed like that for a few minutes, both of them silently enjoying the other’s presence.

“What’re you thinking?” Daphne whispered, finally breaking the silence.

“Can’t you tell?”

“I can’t read your thoughts.” Daphne yawned and kissed Harry’s chest, right over his heart. “Just what you’re feeling right now.”

“And what am I feeling?”

Daphne concentrated on their connection. “Happy. Very happy. Also-” She paused and giggled before playfully slapping his chest. “I can’t feel my legs, Harry. You’d better wait for Padma to come back if you want to go for round two.”


Sirius knew he was taking a big risk but he was tired of being cooped up in the musty house with only his mother’s delightful company. Besides, what fun was life without a little adventure?

He had carefully altered his appearance and chosen the seediest part of Knockturn, an area populated by thieves, smugglers, and other lowlifes. They were not the kind of people who would go running to the Ministry even if they suspected something was off about him.

“Glenn’s Firewhiskey.” Sirius leaned on the grimy countertop of the bar and glanced at the single bottle on the top shelf behind the disinterested bartender.

“That’s a bold choice.”

Sirius didn’t bother turning around. He supposed buying the most expensive alcohol in the house was definitely something that would draw someone’s attention but it was too late to change his order now.

“I’m celebrating. My-” He paused. “My son did something unexpected. I’m very proud of him.”

Not exactly a lie. He thought of Harry as his son and Harry had indeed done something truly inspiring. In the perfect world, he’d be in Hogsmeade, having a drink with his godson and meeting his girlfriends.

The hooded stranger walked up to the counter and leaned on it next to him. She (for he realized it was a woman once she was next to him) pushed the bottle of firewhiskey back towards the bartender.

Why was her voice so familiar?

“Get us some scotch. Your finest.” The hooded figure pushed herself onto the stool next to him with a quiet grunt. “After all, a friend once told me firewhiskey is for novices and James, because that man has many skills but handling alcohol, isn’t one of them.”

Sirius froze as Amelia slowly pushed the hood down from her head. Unlike him, she hadn’t bothered to change her appearance and more than one person in the pub recognized who she was and made a hasty exit out of the bar.

“I don’t drink scotch anymore,” Sirius said, his voice barely a whisper.

“I suppose with age and children comes moderation. Which unfortunate lass did you knock up?” Amelia asked, pouring herself a drink. “Didn’t even think it was possible after such a long stint in Azkaban.”

“I was talking about my godson,” Sirius admitted. “He’s my heir, you know. As good as my son.”

“Ah. Yes, he is a truly remarkable man, is he not?” Amelia poured another glass. “Perhaps you can drink scotch just this once so we can toast to his health and safety.”

Sirius picked up the glass and clinked it with hers before taking a small sip.

“How’d you find me?”

“I thought your first question would be about Azkaban.”

“You’re either here to drag me back to that place or you’re not.” Sirius shrugged. He was tired of living like a rat. It felt good to have everything out in the open. “Either way there’s no point in me worrying about it. So, how’d you find me?”

“I’m not here to arrest you. Wouldn’t have come alone if I was and I definitely wouldn’t be having a drink with you.”

“Good to know. My mother will be disappointed.” Sirius laughed dryly. “I thought nobody would recognize me after the Polyjuice. I’m a Muggle banker apparently.”

“Didn’t have to recognize you. When my Aurors sneak around and poke their noses in things that they shouldn’t it behooves me to have them followed to see what they’re up to. Imagine my surprise when Rollins tells me where they’ve been frequently visiting a random building in London. He didn’t know it hosts the city residence of the Black family but I still remember it. After all, my time there was so horrible it left a lasting impression on me. I asked myself, why are Tonks and Kingsley making frequent visits to Grimmauld Place?”

“They’re not helping me.” Sirius felt he had to make clear that neither of them was an accomplice.

“Oh, I know. They’re running around taking orders from Dumbledore. I don’t like it when my Aurors take orders from someone else.”

“You’ll have to fire half the department then, Amy,” Sirius said with a quiet chuckle. “At least these two are doing it because they believe in something, not for money or access to Malfoy’s whorehouse.”

Amelia nodded tightly. She knew the Auror department was also tainted with the web of corruption at the center of which was Lucius Malfoy.

“So, you had people keep a watch on the house. The moment they told you someone unknown had left it you knew it was me and after that, well, it was a simple matter of following me.”

“Nope.” Amelia drained her glass in a single gulp and coughed as the pleasant burn made its way down her throat. “I bribed Mundungus to inform me the moment you left the house and to tell me where you’d be going a few days ago. I’ve been waiting for this opportunity ever since.”

Sirius snorted. “That little shit. I had to bribe him to keep his mouth shut about this little excursion of mine.”

“It pays to have friends in the right places. Something else an old friend of mine taught me.”

“Was this old friend dashingly handsome and amazing in bed?”

Amelia’s lips quirked. “He had his charms but I’m sorry to say he was a terrible disappointment in bed.” Amelia chuckled when Sirius pouted and poured herself another glass. “I need your help.”

“How do you know I’m innocent?”

“I don’t.” Amelia shrugged. “Not for sure. But I figure thirty-six highly intelligent witches and wizards must have some reason to trust you. Plus, Harry keeps saying Pettigrew is alive. I refuse to believe that’s a coincidence. And from what I saw during his trial, that boy is many things but he’s not a liar and he’s definitely not off his rocker like the Minister claims. I can’t open an official investigation while I’m trapped between Fudge and Dumbledore so for now I’m choosing to believe the man I shared a bed with for over a year… that he isn’t capable of the things he’s accused of.”

“Why approach me now? I’ve been out of Azkaban for over a year. I was behind bars for seventeen.”

“I’ve always believed that the way they treated you was wrong. Packing you off to Azkaban without a trial was insane, even for Crouch. I have tried to help as much as I could given my situation. I’ve spent years rising through the Ministry and am finally secure enough to challenge Malfoy and Fudge openly but I can’t do it alone.” Amelia sighed. She was playing a dangerous game. She was powerful now, yes, but people often overestimated the extent of that power. She was a big fish but there were many, many sharks circling above her, waiting for her to make a mistake. “Do you really think I’m stupid enough to believe you’re in Nepal? I still keep feeding those reports to Fudge and send my most corrupt Aurors to have their asses frozen in the Himalayas.”

“Why not join the Order?”

“I don’t take orders from a man I don’t trust.”

“He wasn’t responsible for Charles and Trudy’s deaths,” Sirius said softly.

“Maybe not. But my brother died and a poor girl grew up without her parents because they trusted him. Forgive me for not making the same mistake, especially when Susie doesn’t have anyone else left in this world. She’s a sweet, gentle soul and she needs someone to protect her.”

Sirius sighed and nodded. He understood where she was coming from because he knew he would also have made the same decision.

If it ever came down to choosing between Dumbledore’s plans and Harry, he knew exactly what he’d choose.

“What do you need from me, Amy?”

“As I said, old friend, Susie needs someone to protect her.”


Sorry for the odd time of this upload, the post was supposed to be published last night but my Drive died and I had to figure spend quite a bit of time figuring out what was wrong. I hope you enjoyed my different take on Harry/Multi, bonds, and covens! One problem I have with some Harry/Multi stories is the hand-waving done to get all characters together and the lack of importance of individual partners for Harry. So I plan to have an entire backstory and lore to explain everything! Are you excited for Susan's entry in the story? 



IT will be interesting to wtach Pdma and Susan join the covern. I have to wonder who the other witches are, particularly who the repreentative from Gryffinodr is. I wouldn't mind seeing some underused characters join, too.

Kevin Thunder

Luna! Please be Luna. What's life without Luna? She will be good for Harry. Plus, if I know Luna, she'll be kinky as hell haha. The other girls will enjoy her, too.