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Content Warnings: Spanking, Foursome, Breast Play, Teasing, Cum Play, Bondage.

“A day in bed?”


“I’m supposed to be resting,” Harry teased, wrapping his arms around Wednesday’s slender waist and burying his face in the crook of her neck. “If we’re locked in a room all day I can promise you I will be doing a lot of things but ‘resting’ won’t be one of them.”

“Fine.” Wednesday huffed, ignoring the neediness flaring up in her chest. It had been a week since he came home from Mungo’s. It was the longest they had gone without… doing anything. Sometimes a girl just needed a bruised ass and aching nipples to help drown out the growing feelings for her boyfriend, she decided.

“We can spend the day with Hermione and Enid in the Common Room.” Wednesday sighed. “We haven’t spent an evening together since the day you came back.”

“That’s a good idea. Are we… are you sure we shouldn’t tell them about the dream?”

It had troubled him since the day Wednesday had shown him their future. He would have a family he had always dreamed of, even if it wasn’t the most conventional one. It seemed wrong to keep two members of that family in the dark about their future.

“I don’t know, Harry. I don’t know how my visions work. Is what I see destined to happen? That woman certainly didn’t seem to think so.” Wednesday shrugged, glaring at herself in the mirror. Their unknown adversary’s taunts still stung. “Maybe the future isn’t set in stone. Maybe what we saw is just one of many possibilities. Maybe… maybe if we tell them it won’t come to pass.”

Harry sighed. “It’s not like we can go to Trelawney for advice. All she cares about are gruesome deaths. Maybe Firenze can help but getting a straight answer out of a centaur is like getting your teeth pulled out by rusty pliers.” Harry pulled away from Wednesday and flopped on the edge of the bed.

“I’ve never seen this far into the future before. This is completely uncharted territory for me.”

“What if the only reason that future happens is because we tell Enid and Hermione about it?”

Wednesday turned to look back at Harry with raised eyebrows. “A self-fulfilling vision?”

“Something like that, yeah. You’ve seen how distant they’ve been this past week? What if we never tell them and they break up? Maybe we’re meant to meddle in their relationship and save it, and that’s what leads to the future we saw.”

Wednesday sighed. Her boyfriend was kind, generous, and far too concerned about others. He was turning her into a bloody sap.

At least he still likes whips, she thought to console herself.

That’s the bare minimum. Like we’d ever let the father of our children be someone who doesn’t like whips, the grumpy voice in her head reminded her.

You have a point. But it’s Enid.

Wednesday nearly stomped her foot in frustration before she managed to compose herself. All she wanted was an uncomplicated day of masochistic delights that left her bruised, sore, and aching. Instead, it appeared she’d be doing the one thing she truly detested.

Getting involved in a romance.

“I suppose I owe Enid for saving me from my murderous ex-boyfriend,” Wednesday said with a sigh, a small smile playing on her lips at the sight of the grin on Harry’s face.

“She also set us up,” Harry reminded her as he stood.

“Oh, I’d have broken you down eventually. You’d have snapped one day and bent me over that table,” Wednesday teased, her dark eyes full of playful desire.

“Keep dreaming, my little hellcat.”

“If you say so.” Wednesday bit her lip and slowly bent to pick up a hairbrush from the floor. She arched her back, pushing her firm bum out for Harry’s viewing pleasure. Her short black skirt rode up her thighs, revealing the curve of her pale cheeks. She gently smacked her ass with the brush, causing the cheeks to jiggle.

Wednesday placed the brush on their vanity and straightened as slowly as she could, letting Harry stare to his heart’s content. “Come on. Let’s see what Hermione and Enid are up to,” she murmured. She marched out of the room before he could react, her hips swaying to draw all his attention to her butt.

“Minx,” Harry growled. He glanced at the rapidly growing tent in his trousers and ignored the impulse to grab his bratty kitten, throw her over his shoulder, and carry her back to their bedroom for a well-deserved punishment.

“Later,” he murmured to himself and followed Wednesday down the stairs to the Common Room. It was quiet and the door leading to Hermione’s room was shut.

“Are they still in bed?” Harry asked. He added fresh logs to the dying embers in the fireplace and lit them with a quick spell. A fire roared to life, dispelling the chill of the cold December morning.

“Seems that way.”

“Come on, let’s wake them up.” Harry reached out and gently grabbed Wednesday’s hand, threading their fingers together. Her thumb traced the small scar on his wrist again and again, a habit she had picked up to calm herself. “It’ll be alright, Wednesday.”

“I know. Worst case, they break up. It’s not like you need Hermione to… you know.”

“You do know how babies are made, right?”

“Yes. A stork delivers them to your doorstep,” Wednesday deadpanned.

“I thought you didn’t share, Wednesday Addams,” Harry teased. He was much less bothered by the idea now that he’d had a few days to digest it. His girlfriend was a scary murderous hellcat who loved chains, manacles, and collecting skulls and blood. Sleeping with her best friend to help her have children was probably not the kinkiest thing they’d ever do.

“I told you, Enid doesn’t count.” Wednesday’s cheeks turned pink. “Besides, I want you to be happy. I know how much a family means to you.”

“I have you. I’m happy,” Harry murmured, gently squeezing her hand.

Wednesday shot him a small, genuine smile. “Enid has always been there for me. Even when I pushed her away. She is the only person allowed to have everything I have, even you.”

Harry nodded in understanding. It was exactly how he felt when it came to Hermione. “Come on,” he whispered, pulling Wednesday up the stairs.

They paused in front of the shut door. Harry gently grasped the doorknob and pushed the heavy oak door. The hinges creaked as it swung open, revealing a truly bizarre sight.

Enid was standing in the center of the room, trying not to fidget. Hermione was attempting to wrap a rope around her while simultaneously reading from a book floating in the air.

“Wednesday!” Enid squeaked, her bright blue eyes widening at the sight of her best friend standing by the doorway. “Harry!”

“Enid.” Wednesday rolled her eyes. Her best friend was drowning in rope and could still somehow move every limb of her body. “What’re you doing?”

Hermione was too frazzled to be embarrassed at being caught a second time. “I give up,” she huffed, dropping the rope in her hand. She plucked the book from the air and tossed it onto their bed.

“We were just trying a little bondage. Mione was trying to secure my arms behind my back and tie my legs together,” Enid mumbled, her cheeks a dark red. At least she wasn’t naked this time. The ropes Hermione had managed to conjure were made of coarse hemp, which meant she had kept her shirt and blouse on to avoid friction burns.

Harry chuckled and walked over to Enid, using his wand to slice through the ropes looped around her body.

“Shibari,” Wednesday said, picking up the book from the bed and reading the title.

“Merlin, even I haven’t figured out those patterns. They’re gorgeous but insanely difficult.” He extended his hand, letting Enid grab it and step out of the ropes pooled around her ankles.

Wednesday walked over to Hermione’s chest, opened it, and dropped the book inside.

“Hey!” Hermione protested, finally recovering enough to protest.

“You can retrieve it when you’re ready for something as advanced as that. You can’t disembowel someone before you learn the best way to stab them, Granger.”

“I think a simpler way to put it would be that she can’t play Quidditch if she doesn’t know how to fly?”

“I don’t see the problem with my analogy, Harry.”

Harry chuckled and shook his head. He knelt and picked up a long piece of rope from the floor. “Come on, Mione. Come downstairs, Wednesday and I will teach you how to do a basic knot.”

“Give us a minute, please?” Hermione asked.


Wednesday followed Harry down the stairs to the Common Room, raising her eyebrows at the sound of a heated argument breaking out between their best friends.

“What do you think the problem is?”

“If I know Mione as well as I think I do, she thinks everything has to be absolutely perfect,” Harry murmured with a sigh. He collapsed into his armchair by the fireplace with a tired grunt.

Wednesday perched herself on the arm of the chair and leaned into his side. She rested a hand on his chest. Her fingers slipped into the space between the buttons of his shirt, a jolt hitting her through his presence in her mind the minute she made contact with his warm, bare skin. The current shot down her spine and set her core on fire, causing a needy whimper to escape her lips.


“Hmm?” Wednesday bummed distractedly.

“Did you hear what I said?” Harry asked, playing with the rope in his hand.

“Something about perfection?”

It was a good thing their connection wasn’t a two-way street and Harry couldn’t sense her annoyance. They needed to solve Enid and Hermione’s problems as fast as possible so Harry could carry her to their room and pound her into the bed.

A week without his cock inside her and without his hand around her throat was no way to live.

“Yep. Hermione also thinks everything can be learned from a book. And that everything has to be exactly the way it’s mentioned in a book.”

“That’s extremely dumb, dangerous, and a recipe for disaster when it comes to experimenting in bed,” Wednesday said bluntly.

“Maybe don’t tell them that.” Harry leaned back in his armchair and watched Hermione and Enid climb down the stairs.

They both had pink cheeks and determined expressions, but Hermione appeared far more hesitant than Enid.


Enid nodded. “Teach us, please? Stumbling around in the dark is-”

“Frustrating. And affecting our relationship.” Hermione finished for her girlfriend. “We’ve done nothing but argue all week.”

Harry smiled sympathetically and stood. “It’s alright. Wednesday and I are here to help.” He glanced at Wednesday who shook her head silently.

She wanted to see if they could solve their problem without potentially tainting the future.

Two birds, one stone, Wednesday thought suddenly, coming up with a brilliant plan.

“Wednesday can you-”

“Do it on Enid,” Wednesday said, cutting Harry off.


“Demonstrate it on Enid. That is, if Enid and Hermione don’t mind.” Wednesday smiled sweetly. The look of innocence on her face fooled absolutely nobody, but none of them could figure out what her angle was.

“Uh, sure,” Hermione murmured. Enid simply gulped and nodded.

“Wednesday, are you sure?”

“Consider it payback… consider it me paying Enid back for showing you my drawings,” Wednesday replied, her voice sugary sweet.

Her tone sent alarm bells ringing in Harry’s head but since he couldn’t figure out what the trap was (or if there even was a trap) he simply nodded and walked over to stand behind Enid while Hermione took his place on the armchair.

Wednesday wrapped an arm around Hermione’s waist and pulled her closer, trapping her on the chair. “What’re you two having problems with?” she asked curiously. Their issues seemed to be much deeper than a simple inability to properly use ropes.

“Everything,” Hermione murmured with a sigh. “I’m trying to learn to be the alpha Enid needs me to be before her first heat but nothing is… I dunno, everything I do is wrong.” She shrugged helplessly.

“How many books did you get, Mione?” Harry asked.

“Nine. Not a single one of them has been helpful.”

“That’s because you can’t learn how to be a good alpha through a book. It’s not about spanking or fancy rope art. At its core it’s a state of mind,” Wednesday whispered, feeling the familiar tug of Subspace. A trickle of arousal leaked out of her as she gazed at Harry with a mixture of devotion and playful defiance. “Just as I belong to Harry, Enid needs to know in her heart and in her mind that she belongs to you. That you’ll keep her safe and happy, and that you won’t hesitate to punish her cute ass if she ever steps out of line.”

“I’m doing that.”

“No, you’re not. Harry just needs to give me a single look and I’ll sink to my knees right in the Great Hall. I belong to him,” Wednesday breathed. “You need to make sure that Enid knows that nothing in the world matters except for you.”

“You’re trying to learn from books. You need to learn from Enid. Learn her body and her mind, devote yourself to your submissive, not to what a book tells you to do. And in return she will submit to you and make you happier than you’ve ever been,” Harry murmured.

“Show her, Harry.”


“Show Hermione how to be dominant with Enid,” Wednesday said.

Harry blinked. You’re planning something, he mouthed from behind Enid.

Wednesday simply smiled innocently and grabbed Hermione’s chin, turning her head to make sure she faced Harry and Enid.

“Do I have your consent, Enid?” Harry asked softly.

“Yes.” Enid shivered. Whether it was from fear or anticipation, she did not know. A healthy mixture of both, if she had to guess.

“What’s your safeword?”

“Truffles,” Enid mumbled, biting her lip.

“Relax,” Harry whispered. He wrapped an arm around her slender waist and pulled her closer, chuckling at her needy whine. “The full moon’s getting closer, isn’t it?”

“Mhm.” Enid bit her lip to suppress a moan as Harry’s hands ghosted over her curves. Harry lazily popped open the buttons of her shirt, letting it hang limply off her shoulders.

Hermione watched Enid lean into Harry with wide eyes. She was completely relaxed, her lips curved into a small smile even as Harry pulled the shirt down her arms.

Harry tossed the shirt to the floor before turning her attention to Enid’s now bare chest. Her breasts were bigger than Wednesday’s but just as firm, each creamy mound topped with cute, small pink areolas and crowned by rosy nipples that were rapidly stiffening in the cold winter air.

Harry looked at Wednesday for permission. She merely held up three fingers, her dark eyes sparkling with amusement and desire.

“Have you been with a man before today?” Harry asked, pulling Enid’s arms behind her back. His voice was soft and calm, yet held an air of authority that reflexively triggered Enid’s instinct to submit.

“Once. Wasn’t a very good experience,” Enid murmured. She strained her hands against the rope to test its strength after Harry had secured it around her wrists.

“I’ll go slow.”

“Thank you.” This time Enid couldn’t help her moan as Harry’s fingers roughly dug into the waistband of her skirt and pulled it down her slender legs. She tried to clamp her thighs together, only for Harry to push a hand between them and gently but firmly push her legs apart.

“Forget the books,” Wednesday whispered, her lips nearly brushing against Hermione’s ear. Hermione shivered as Wednesday’s hot breath tickled her skin. “Five minutes in and Enid’s ready to be Harry’s good little werewolf,” Wednesday teased. “It’s not because he read nine books on kinks and werewolf habits.”

Harry’s fingers caressed the inside of Enid’s thigh, gently stroking her soft skin as it moved upward. Tiny trickles of arousal leaked out of her gleaming slit and streamed down her thighs, coating his digits.

“H-Harry!” Enid moaned as his hand reached her pink folds. His fingers lazily stroked her dripping slit, gently tracing the puffy lips guarding her core.

“Can I take you?” Harry whispered, burying his face in the crook of Enid’s neck. He slowly kissed down her creamy skin, effortlessly claiming her body. He paused when he reached her pulse point and clamped his lips around it, slowly sucking a hickey onto her pale skin.

“Please!” Enid moaned. Her knees buckled and she collapsed, supported only by Harry’s arm around her waist.

Harry slowly pulled away and glanced at Wednesday and Hermione, silently seeking their permission as well. He undid the rope around Enid’s wrists, wanting her hands to be free to explore.


“Yes,” Hermione croaked, her throat suddenly dry. She knew what was happening was wrong but she couldn’t pull her eyes away as Harry withdrew and began to unbutton his shirt. Even if she knew she’d never have romantic feelings for him, there was no denying the simple fact that her best friend was hot. Her eyes greedily drank in his broad, firm chest, her gaze roving over his tanned skin and the pale scars that dotted it. She slowly followed the path of his hands as they moved lower. A needy whine escaped her throat as she followed the trail of hair that disappeared into the waistband of his pants.

Harry unbuttoned his trousers and let them pool around his ankles, sighing in relief as his throbbing manhood sprang free. His shaft gently smacked Enid’s left asscheek, the precum leaking out of his tip staining her pale skin.

“Oh!” Enid squealed and giggled nervously. Her eyes were clamped shut, the girl too nervous to do anything but stand in place and wait for Harry to claim her.

“Come on.” Wednesday hopped to her feet and grabbed Hermione’s wrist, pulling her off the couch. The scene in front of her was far too hot for her to just sit back and watch.

“What’re we doing?!”

“Harry can fuck her all he wants but at the end of the day, she’s going to come to your bed because she’s yours. Make sure she remembers that. Claim her.”

With that Wednesday sauntered over to where Enid stood and sank to her knees in front of her, her dark eyes taking a second to study her gorgeous best friend.

Hermione, coaxed both by Wednesday’s words and Harry’s reassuring smile hesitantly walked over to stand behind Wednesday, trapping the girl between Enid and herself.

“What do I do?” Hermione asked, looking to her best friend for guidance.

“Whatever feels right,” Harry murmured. He groaned as Wednesday’s hand wrapped around the base of his shaft and she began to stroke his length slowly. Her nails scraped across his sensitive skin with every pump, sending tingles shooting up his spine. Precum leaked out of his tip and ran down his shaft, coating both his cock and Wednesday’s fingers.

Hermione stared at Harry’s hypnotically swaying manhood, unable to pull her eyes away. She watched as Wednesday carefully guided his tip toward Enid’s dripping pussy. A quiet moan escaped Enid’s lips as his shaft slowly sank into her pink folds.

“I-AH!” Enid’s lips parted in a strangled shriek as Harry thrust into her, his massive girth pushing into her tight pussy inch by inch. Her walls stretched and fluttered around his cock, burning with the most pleasurable ache. Driven by a newly awakened primal urge she grabbed Hermione’s shoulders and pulled closer, needing to be closer to her mate as she was bred.

Hermione snapped out of her shock and smashed her lips against Enid’s, drowning out her increasingly wanton moans. Their tongues dueled playfully as Harry sheathed himself inside her.

“So… tight,” Harry grunted, breathing heavily. He gritted his teeth, holding on through sheer determination.

“She wants your seed,” Wednesday teased. “It’ll be even worse when she’s in heat.” She wrapped her hand around the base of his shaft once more, her free hand moving to fondle his balls. She rolled the cum engorged orbs between her fingers, gently squeezing them every few seconds.

“Don’t move,” Wednesday whispered as she began to pump Harry’s cock. “Let me take care of you and her.” She tilted her head up, placing a gentle kiss on Enid’s bare mound before shifting her attention and her lips to her clit. She kept pumping Harry’s cock even as she wrapped her lips around the sensitive nub and began to suck. Her tongue darted out, roughly massaging the bundle of nerves.

Enid was in heaven. Her feet were dangling in the air, lifted off the ground by Harry’s hands on her hips and impaled on his cock. Wednesday’s teeth grazed against her delicate nub every few seconds, drawing out a shriek from her as a jolt of pain shot up her spine. Hermione had shifted her attention and buried her face in her chest. Her lips wrapped around a stiff nipple and she began to suck, interrupting the jolts of pain with pure pleasure.

Her three lovers were driving Enid out of her mind, claiming and ruining her forever.

“We need to make this a weekly thing. All four of us,” Harry whispered. He buried a hand in Hermione’s curly hair, using his grip to make her swallow more of Enid’s breast. Hermione groaned and allowed instinct to take over. Her teeth sank into the soft flesh and she sucked harder, teasing Enid’s flushed nipple with her tongue.

“YES!” Enid screamed, waves of pleasure crashing into her. The coil of tension in the pit of her belly tightened more and more with every passing second and she knew it was only a matter of seconds before she exploded.

Wednesday sensed it as well, and felt Harry’s balls tighten under her fingers and his cock twitch in her grip. They were both close and it was up to her to get them across the finish line. She sped up, pumping Harry’s cock hard and fast. Enid’s walls clamped down on his shaft and began to milk it at the same time. Harry’s vision darkened, his mind overloaded with pleasure.

Wednesday and Hermione worked in tandem, assaulting Enid’s clit and nipples with their mouths and tongue until her loud, needy moans filled the room. Her thighs were trembling, her skin gleaming with the arousal leaking out of her stretched pussy and streaming down her legs.

Harry wasn’t any better. Between the sheer hotness of Enid’s tiny body pressed against him and the vision of Wednesday kneeling in front of them, taking care of them in an act that fused love and submission, he knew he wouldn’t last long. Still, he held on through sheer willpower, prompting Wednesday to speed up her pumping. She gently squeezed his balls, drawing a loud groan from his lips. His grip on Hermione’s hair tightened and he pulled her free before guiding her to Enid’s neglected breast.

Enid moaned as Hermione attacked her nipple with renewed energy, clamping her teeth down on the rosy peak and tugging it.

Together, Wednesday thought, instinctively infusing some of her power into the two people she loved most.

“I’M-” Enid screamed.

“-CUMMING!” Harry roared, erupting inside her at the exact same moment she came. Enid convulsed in his arms as her orgasm slammed into her, her werewolf physiology heightening her pleasure to unimaginable levels as her body sensed the warm seed filling her belly.

The wave of pleasure was so intense that Wednesday felt it through her connection with Harry. She froze, her eyes wide and pupils dilated. A gush of arousal leaked out of her pussy, coating her trembling thighs as it streamed down her legs.

All four of them stayed like that for what felt like an eternity. Wednesday was the first to recover and she pulled Harry’s cock out of Enid’s gaping pussy, replacing it with her own lips. She greedily lapped up the cum leaking out of her best friend, however, most of it ended up smeared on her cheeks and face. Her hands wrapped around Harry’s softening cock, continuing to pump it even as it shot the last few ropes of cum on her, the white seed staining her purple blouse.

Hermione slowly withdrew and pulled Enid into her arms, letting the exhausted werewolf bury her face in the crook of her mistress’ neck.

“Much better than following a book, yes?” Harry asked with a grin. He was breathing heavily and Wednesday scooting closer and continuing to fondle his cock wasn’t helping matters.

Hermione nodded shyly. Enid for her part was too exhausted to speak and simply moaned and kissed Hermione’s jaw. She wrapped her arms and legs around Hermione and clung to her like a koala. “What now?” Hermione asked.

“Now,” Wednesday murmured, gazing up at Harry. Her dark eyes silently begged for her turn, for that day alone that she wanted. “You take Enid to your room and take care of her.”

“While I take care of my little hellcat,” Harry murmured, reaching out to caress Wednesday’s cheek with the back of his hand.

She had finally found the piece of her life that had been missing all this time, Wednesday realized as she crawled closer. She lazily ran her tongue down Harry’s shaft, licking it clean of both his cum and Enid’s arousal, enjoying the strange mixture of salty and tangy.

As Harry picked her up bridal style and carried her to their bedroom, she decided she wasn’t going to let anyone take it away from her.

It was time for another dream confrontation.


I know a lot of you were excited about this. It was technically challenging to write, I hope I did it justice! To clarify, this is and will remain a Harry/Wednesday story with Hermione/Enid as the main side ship. Wednesday is fine with sharing occasionally with Enid and only Enid, but both Harry and her are too devoted to each other to even think about other romantic partners. The same will be true for Enid and Hermione eventually, they're just settling in first. I am excited to have Wednesday explore her powers more in the next chapter!


red demon

I liked this chapter. I liked Harry and Wednesday stepping in and helping Enid and Hermione. I do think though that Harry should of kept Enid's hands tied as they had sex I think it would of seemed more dominate to the watching Hermione.