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Content Warnings: Facefucking, Makeup Ruining, Teasing.

“Too much?” Enid asked, holding up a violently pink sweater.

Wednesday bit back her real opinion in favor of a noncommittal shrug. “I’m told people like it when their dates dress in cute clothes. And for reasons unknown, pink is considered cute.”

A safe answer. An answer she wouldn’t even have dreamed of giving a few years ago. But after everything they’d gone through, Wednesday had grown fond of her annoyingly cheerful and colorful best friend.

“I hope she likes it,” Enid muttered, pulling the sweater over her head. “Should I wear the snood?” she asked, her voice muffled.

Wednesday casually stabbed a fly that landed on her desk, her curved, venom-imbibed knife sinking into the soft wood of the desk. “No, I think snoods are best reserved for third dates, Enid.”

“Did you wear yours on your third date with our handsome Head Boy?” Enid giggled, spraying herself with perfume. She twirled for Wednesday, who offered her a polite smile in response, the loudest approval the werewolf would get from her best friend.

“I am not dating Harry Potter.” Wednesday pulled out her knife and cleaned it with a rag, before carefully sheathing it into the scabbard that hung from her waist.

“Well,” Enid started, bending over and resting her chin on Wednesday’s shoulder. She studied her best friend’s reflection in the polished silver mirror, a small smile on her face. Winged eyeliner, dark black lipstick, and a special foundation that turned her cheeks deathly white completed Wednesday’s look. Her hair was secured in open pigtails instead of braids, something she had noticed her best friend do more and more often over the past month. “Rumors on the grapevine say he has turned down several proposals. I overheard Hermione tell Patil that he was in a serious relationship and that she had no chance in hell at getting him to agree to go out with her.”

Wednesday smiled, unable to help the flutter of satisfaction in her chest despite her violent disagreement with everything her best friend had just said.

“Was this before or after you asked the Head Girl if you could suck her face, Enid?”

Enid scowled and slapped the raven-haired girl’s shoulder. “I do not suck face, thank you very much. I kiss. Passionately. Anyways, half the castle thinks you’re dating the most famous wizard in Britain. The other half wants to kill you because they’d rather date the most famous wizard in Britain.”

“I am not in a relationship with Harry Potter,” Wednesday muttered obstinately as she put on the silver owl earrings he’d gotten her as a gift. “I am not his girlfriend. I am his submissive. We have a deliciously sadomasochistic… arrangement where he regularly flogs my ass, something I derive immense pleasure from. That is all there is to it. Although I suppose I do derive some happiness from the risk of death attached to our… arrangement.”

“Arrangement’s just another word for a relationship if you ask me.”

“Are we ready to go?” Wednesday asked, not dignifying her friend’s statement with a response.

“I am, not sure about you.”

“I’m ready.” Wednesday got to her feet, her hands gently smoothing out the wrinkles in her dress.

Enid eyed her dubiously. “Please don’t tell me you’ve taken after our new friend when it comes to dressing sense?” she asked, glancing over at Luna’s empty bed.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

“You’re wearing a dress.”


“You’re wearing a black, silk, short-sleeved dress in the middle of winter in the Scottish Highlands.”

“I will enjoy the biting chill of the October wind against my skin.”

“Or maybe you just want Harry to give you his cloak,” Enid teased. She giggled and retreated out of the dormitory before Wednesday could respond.

Wednesday settled for glaring at the closed door. She glanced at the table, suddenly wishing she had had the foresight to bring Thing along with her. He’d have known exactly what to make of her messy entanglement with Harry Potter.

She considered grabbing a cloak on her way out of the now-empty dormitory but ultimately decided against it. At least the chilly air would provide a welcome distraction if her dominant insisted on dragging her to Hogsmeade like every other romantic fool in the castle. She climbed down the stairs and strode through the lively Ravenclaw Common Room, attracting a fair bit of attention and more than one appreciative glance on her way.

There was, after all, something quite exciting about a gorgeous woman who looked like she’d smother you without hesitation after giving you the best orgasm of your life.

She hadn’t yet smothered Harry. She didn’t understand why. Her urge to stab him also seemed to lessen with every passing day, and the only conclusion she could come to was that she enjoyed his company. A truly horrifying thought, if there ever was one.

She walked through the mostly empty hallways of the castle, letting her feet guide her to his office. Her new wand was in her hand, the girl absentmindedly twirling the unfamiliar piece of wood between her fingers. She wasn’t much for flashier pieces of magic. Potions and Visions, that was where she excelled.

She paused in front of his shut door, her brain taking a minute to realize she had arrived outside his office. She raised a fist, knocking smartly on his door once, then a second time.

“In a minute!”

She could hear the rustling of papers and then the scraping of a chair before the door opened and she came face to face with the messy hair and gorgeous green eyes of her… something.

“Miss Addams.” Her heart skipped a beat at the crooked smile on his face. Or perhaps it was a deadly cardiac disease she’d developed after her ill-advised attempt to fix and then taste Longbottom’s potion. She fervently hoped it was the latter.

“Sir,” she said formally, her hands clasped behind her and back as straight as a rod.

“Come in. I was just working out the detention schedule for next week. Imagine my surprise when I realize you’re not on it.” Harry stepped aside, allowing her to slip into the room before shutting the door behind her.

“I’ve been behaving. Just like you demanded.”

“Is that why every dish of meat around Malfoy was infested with maggots last night?” Harry raised an eyebrow, his smile growing.

“Perhaps in your capacity as Head Boy, you should keep a closer eye on the house elves and who they’re making friends with. Just a suggestion, of course,” Wednesday responded, her own lips curving into a small smile.

Harry pushed her against the shut door, trapping her petite body between the rough oak of the door and his large frame. His hands grabbed her slender waist, fingers sinking into her skin with bruising force as he effortlessly lifted her to meet his lips.

“I missed you,” he growled against her lips as he set her down on his feet, bending slightly so they could continue kissing. His hands moved to grab her wrists, pinning her hands to the door on either side of her head. A quiet hiss of approval escaped her lips and Harry took advantage of it, his tongue slipping in between her parted lips to plunder her mouth and effortlessly claim it as his.

“Perhaps a visit to the hospital wing is necessary, sir. Repeated knocks from bludgers seem to have affected your memory. We saw each other just this morning,” Wednesday groaned quietly, pushing her thighs together and rubbing them to generate some much-needed friction for her neglected pussy.

Gods, I missed you too.

“Keep talking and you’ll end up over my knee before we even leave this room,” Harry growled, burying his face in the crook of her neck. He peppered her alabaster skin with kisses, his lips slowly making their way to her pulse point. Wednesday bit her lower lip hard enough to draw blood, stubbornly refusing to give him the satisfaction of hearing her moan.

“You know how to show a girl a good time,” Wednesday teased breathily, her eyes fluttering shut. She groaned quietly as his lips closed around her pulse point, his teeth sinking into her soft skin. She let his hands roam over her tiny body, all her attention concentrated on the large hickey he was sucking on her neck.

A trophy, she thought blissfully, floating in the sea of Subspace in her mind that the man seemed able to activate with a simple look or touch. Fuck. I quite like the idea of flaunting his claim on me in front of people.

Wednesday Addams decided she was well and truly fucked, and not in the good way that involved lots of chains, whips, and gags.

“We are not spending the entire day locked up in my office, Wednesday,” Harry muttered, rolling his eyes as he pulled away. His eyes were clouded with lust and he was breathing heavily, and Wednesday knew he was barely restraining himself from flipping her around and fucking her silly.

She also knew exactly how to push him over the edge, but against her better judgment, she held back. Enid had told them both to meet each other halfway, and she supposed it was her turn. Even though the time she’d spent curled up on his lap while he worked after each and every one of her detentions the previous week was certainly enough affection to last any sane individual a lifetime.

“I suppose we could go meet Professor Trelawney? I’ve been meaning to compare our increasingly gruesome visions of your death,” Wednesday suggested hopefully.

Harry rolled his eyes. “I’m not going to die by choking on an apple while you ride me, Wednesday.” He walked over to his table to grab his purse, slipping it into his pocket before turning to her. “I had something different in mind.”

He grabbed his cloak from the stand and wrapped it around her shoulders before she could react, overcoming her resistance and squirming with a glare and a warning squeeze to her modest chest.

“Are we going to Hogsmeade like every other person in this castle?” Wednesday scowled, trying not to enjoy the softness, the warmth, and the unmistakable and absolutely heavenly scent that radiated from his cloak.

“Not quite.” Harry grinned, extending his hand.

Wednesday reluctantly placed hers in his, letting him thread their fingers together before pulling her out of the office. They descended down to the Atrium, walking into the crowd of students milling about, waiting for their friends or dates.

Except when they emerged out into the courtyard, Harry did not follow the long line of students making their way down to the path that led to Hogsmeade. He instead tugged on their enjoined hands and pulled her out into the castle grounds.

Wednesday blinked in displeasure as they climbed up a grassy hill. The sun, while weak and barely pushing through the gray clouds hanging in the blue sky was an unwelcome addition to their… not date. Rendezvous, Wednesday decided, settling on a term palatable to her. Harry led her up the hill and down the other side, forcing her to continue their pointless exploration of the great outdoors.

“Where are we going?” Wednesday asked, trying her best not to sound too surly. She could stomach a few minutes of sun for him, she decided.

Harry grinned and pointed to the Whomping Willow. Its branches gently quivered in the wind, dropping leaves onto the brown soil around it. No grass grew close to the tree and Wednesday could sense an aura of malevolence surrounding it, something which pleased her greatly.

“You want our first time together with me pressed against the rough bark of that tree? You are full of surprises, Harry Potter.” While she had truly enjoyed the spankings he had administered every detention the past week, it had left her with a strange desire to reciprocate and pleasure him in return. Or, as she reminded herself every time she got a bit too sentimental, perhaps she was simply bored of the monotony of existence and wanted the excitement that only choking on a particularly large cock could bring.

Maybe it was a little of both, although she’d never admit it to him.

“I’m not fucking you against the Whomping Willow, Wednesday.”

“Then what are we doing here in this infernal sun, sir?” Wednesday asked, failing her in her attempt to stop the pout on her face. What did a girl have to do to get ravished against a tree in full view of anyone who might pass them by?

“The sun isn’t even-” Harry shook his head. He bent and picked up a rock with his free hand and tossed it in the tree’s direction. The rock hit it right in the middle of the trunk and Wednesday watched enraptured as the branches came to life, whirling madly in the air and beating the ground around the tree, tossing up clumps of dirt and fallen leaves. “Since Quidditch and Bludgers were too tame for you, I thought I’d invent a sport more to your liking. There’s a hidden entrance at the base of the tree which leads us to where we need to be. To get to it, we have to get past the-”

“Whomping Willow,” Wednesday interrupted, recalling the name he had used. “And it doesn’t hold back?”

“Nope. I was nearly killed by it a few years ago.”

“You are indeed full of surprises, Harry Potter.” Wednesday turned and leaned up on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek, blushing lightly. Her eyes gleamed with excitement as she studied the tree and its quivering, spiky branches.

He understood her in a way no man ever had before. They’d all tried to change her once the excitement of being with her inevitably faded, trying to get her to conform to their ideals. Harry’s willingness to accept her for who she was, in word and in deed, filled her chest with a warm, fuzzy, entirely unfamiliar feeling.

“And you want to do this with me?” Wednesday asked softly, uncharacteristically shy for once.

Harry turned to her and winked, a playful smile on his face that caused her bloody cardiac condition to return. “Of course. I’m not going to let you have all the fun alone.”

He freed his hand from hers and took a cautious step toward the tree. Wednesday followed suit, both of them slowly approaching the tree, keeping an eye out for the branches. They stayed unmoving, their leaves gently rustling in the wind.

Harry could see the excitement light up Wednesday’s normally deadpan eyes. The nervous quiver in her steps, as she approached the tree, gave away just how much she had been craving an adventure like this.

The tree jerked to life when they were a few feet away from it, uncurling and ominously stomping its branches on the ground in a warning. Harry turned to Wednesday with a questioning glance, only to receive a smirk and a determined step forward in response.

Harry watched as Wednesday ducked with the grace of a swan to avoid the branch hurtling in her direction. The branch swept empty air inches from her face, the girl rolling in between two boughs in an attempt to get closer to the tree.

He was so engrossed in watching her that he missed the branch of the Whomping Willow speeding into his side. It collided with him with the force of a bludger, knocking him into the air and towards her.

“Hi,” he panted, the air knocked out of his lungs. His fall had been broken when he landed on top of her, her tiny body covered with his much larger frame. “Enjoying yourself?”

“The risk of a painful death does make for a somewhat bearable date,” Wednesday replied carelessly, the happy grin on her face in complete contrast with her words.

“We’re dating, are we?” Harry asked, rolling away from her to avoid getting impaled. Both of them scrambled onto their hands and knees, ducking and weaving through the sweeping branches as they tried to get closer to the enraged tree and the entrance hidden in its roots.

“I think the repeated bludger knocks have affected your hearing too, sir,” Wednesday groaned, a branch throwing her onto the ground next to him. She shook her head to shake out clumps of dirt from her pigtails, glaring half-heartedly at him. “We decided we wouldn’t date, didn’t we? This is a rendezvous,” Wednesday muttered, sprinting the last few feet to the tree trunk with him.

An exciting, romantic, perfect… rendezvous.

“A… rendezvous. Is that what the call dates across the pond?” Harry teased, watching Wednesday collapse on his chest. He poked the knot that sent the tree back to sleep, resting his back against the scarred trunk as they both tried to catch their breath.

Wednesday refused to answer, simply glaring at him and wondering why she couldn’t muster the will to stab his annoying, gorgeous face.

“And how did you like this particular experience?”

“Everything hurts and I’m bruised all over. So it was absolutely perfect. Although I must admit, it’s not as fun as when you punish me,” Wednesday answered, placing her dainty hand through his. The makeup did an exemplary job of covering the faint blush on her cheeks as he threaded their fingers together and used their intertwined hands to pull her into the dark and damp secret passageway under the tree.

Harry raised his wand high in the air, lighting it with a quiet ‘Lumos’.

“I think I’m beginning to see the charm of Hogwarts,” Wednesday murmured, her dark eyes studying the rough-hewn walls around them with interest. “Does the castle have more secret passageways?”

“Yep. Although not all of them are as dangerous to use as this one. Remind me to show you the one that leads to the Chamber of Secrets. Something tells me you’ll get a kick out of seeing a basilisk skeleton.”

Wednesday’s eyes grew wide. “A real basilisk?” she asked, her voice trembling with excitement. “Do you think it still has its venom?”

“Yep. Killed it in my second year here. And I don’t know, but even if it does, there’s no way I’m letting you walk around with a vial of basilisk venom on you, princess. The temptation to use it on people who annoy you would be irresistible.”


Harry turned to look at her with a raised eyebrow.

“Fine,” Wednesday huffed. “Do I get to keep the skin?”

“You can keep as much of the skin as you want,” Harry conceded, climbing up the steps that led to the Shrieking Shack. He opened the trapdoor, pulling himself into the dilapidated living room before helping her up.

“Did you really kill a basilisk?”

“Yeah,” Harry groaned, stretching his sore muscles. “There was this… version of the Dark Lord I was telling you about. He wanted to use it to lure and consume Ginny so he could come back to life.”

“He’s an utter moron. If I had the tools he had at his disposal, I’d have accomplished everything he failed to do in a single year.”

“Well, it’s a good thing you aren’t evil, Wednesday,” Harry whispered, pressing his lips against hers for a quick kiss. “Just adorably homicidal,” he teased, winking as he stood.

“Do you date every girl you save? Weasley. Greengrass. Luna? A smart person would tell you that you have a savior complex,” Wednesday shot back. She stood, brushing the dust from his annoyingly warm and comfy cloak.

“Didn’t save you.”

“We’re not dating.” Wednesday looked around at the room they were in. Furniture was broken and upturned, the walls bore deep gashes, and the atmosphere was perfectly eerie. “Although if this were a date, I’d say you picked the perfect spot and that you aren’t completely without romantic potential, sir.”

“This is the Shrieking Shack. My godfather bought it after he graduated from Hogwarts.”

“Is it haunted?” Wednesday’s fingers ran over the keys of the grand piano she was standing next to. A dirgeful melody filled the room, the perfect fit for their surroundings. “I didn’t know ghosts cleaned,” Wednesday muttered, looking around the room. Despite its dilapidated state, the room was devoid of dust, cobwebs, and everything else that might point to it being an abandoned, haunted house.

“The people living in Hogsmeade think so.” Harry wrapped his arms around her slender waist and pulled her closer. Wednesday sighed when her back hit his firm chest, gently shifting to trap the rapidly growing tent in his pants between her asscheeks. “It was made for one of my father’s friends. He was a werewolf, and he attended school before Wolfsbane was invented. So the Headmaster created this house as a place for him to transform safely,” Harry explained, the back of his hand slowly moving down her body, tracing her slender curves. “The villagers heard the howls, shrieks, and racket and thought the place was haunted. The teachers, my father, and my godfather all encouraged the rumor to keep Remus’ secret safe.”

“Did you clean it up when your godfather gifted it to you? Want to make it into a proper little house with a lawn and a white fence?” Wednesday teased, arching her back to push her modest chest into his waiting hands.

“My godfather’s been dead for three years now.”

“I’m… sorry,” Wednesday whispered, confused by the genuine sorrow she felt at the sadness in his voice.

“It’s alright.” Harry cleared his throat. “Neither Remus nor I have used it since then. No, it’s clean because I’ve been helping Hermione spruce it up in case Enid wants to use it.”

Wednesday tilted her head up to look at him, her eyes full of questions.

“I thought Enid would prefer to spend her full moons in the house and its grounds instead of a small classroom listening to murder podcasts on the radio with you. We can join her on the nights she wants company. On the nights she doesn’t… well, you always have me,” Harry whispered, pushing his knee between her thighs. He slowly raised the knee, his actions causing her short dress to ride up to the curve of her ass.

“Why?” Wednesday breathed, the annoying flutter in her heart returning. Harry Potter was making her feel things and as much as she hated it, she had no desire for it to stop.

“She’s important to you. Hermione seems to like her. You and Hermione are important to me. Seemed like a no-brainer to lend her the house,” Harry murmured, a grin breaking out on his face when his knee came to rest against her damp slit. “No panties, Miss Addams? My, aren’t you a naughty girl.”

“Maybe you should punish me, sir,” Wednesday whispered, shivering in his arms. His knee gently scraped against her dripping slit, the rough wool of his pants providing much-needed friction to her neglected pussy. He had pointedly refused to touch her there throughout their dalliance and the girl had stubbornly refused to do it herself either, holding out for when he broke down and claimed her womanhood for himself. “By bending me over the piano and claiming me?” she suggested, her lips parted and tongue lolling out as she panted.

“You want me to fuck you, Miss Addams?”

“Please,” Wednesday begged in a quiet hiss. Her body was limp, putty in his hands as his fingers sank into her soft breasts. He increased the pace of his knee and Wednesday bit her lip, wanton moans threatening to spill out of her mouth.

“If you want me to fuck you, Miss Addams, you’ll have to earn it,” Harry growled, abruptly pulling his knee away. Wednesday growled with frustration, a single tear leaking out of the corner of her eye.

So close. So so close.

She could smell her arousal clinging to his pants.

“But… you’re aroused too. Let me take care of you…” Wednesday mumbled, deciding to change tactics. “You’ve been aroused all week, sir,” she reasoned. “Teaching me to behave shouldn’t be a punishment for you.”

“That I have been. Punishing your disobedient ass has been…” Harry paused. He had no words to express how it had felt. How it… she… how he had had to plunge himself in a cold shower every night after she’d left, desperately rubbing one out with images of her gorgeous dark eyes and pretty lips floating in his mind. He placed a hand on her shoulder, firmly forcing her down to her knees. “But if you want to serve me-”

Wednesday’s amused eyes flickered up to him, a pleased smile on her face. “You’re finally going to uphold your end of the bargain we made our very first time together? You know, I’ve neglected to mention this in our negotiations, sir, but it’s generally the submissive who demands aftercare,” Wednesday teased, shuffling on her knees to turn and face him.

Her nimble fingers flew to his pants, making quick work of the button and pulling them and his boxers down his legs, letting them pool around his ankles. She bit back a gasp as his throbbing manhood sprung free, eyeing the massive length with unconcealed desire.

Luna hadn’t been exaggerating one bit when it came to his size.

“Nor does the submissive beg to serve her dominant,” she whispered. Her fingers wrapped around the base of his girth, struggling to fit completely around his shaft. She started at the very top of his sensitive tip, covering it in a ring of gentle kisses all while keeping her eyes trained on her lover.

“W-when… oh, Merlin,” Harry groaned, his fingers sinking into her sleek black hair. “Fuck. When your submissive is a masochistic brat, you need to get creative,” Harry mumbled, shuddering as Wednesday blew air on his tip before she swirled her tongue around it, lapping up the precum.

Choke. Gag. Drool, Wednesday reminded herself, her lips curling into a grin as they wrapped around his cock. She swallowed inch after inch of his length, never once taking her eyes off him.

Harry regained his senses before she’d managed to take even half of him in her mouth. He tightened his hold on her hair, his nails scraping against her scalp as he moved to grab her pigtails for leverage. He tugged on them, pushing her down on his length until his tip hit the back of her throat. Wednesday took a second to adjust before nodding almost imperceptibly.

“God, you’re perfect,” Harry groaned as she buried her nose in his crotch, his cock sheathed in her throat. Wednesday moaned, the sound causing her walls to flutter around his girth, stimulating the feel of a pussy.

Harry swayed, breathing heavily. Wednesday was enthusiastically swirling her tongue around his shaft, massaging it and tracing the veins crisscrossing it even as she choked on his cock. She held herself in place as the air in her lungs slowly ran out, letting him watch her growing struggle to breathe until she finally broke free, her chest heaving. A thin trickle of drool connected her swollen lips to his tip and Wednesday subconsciously stayed close to him, not wishing to sever that connection between them.

Harry let her take a second to compose herself before guiding her lips back to his tip, repeating the process all over again.

“Breathe through your nose, princess. Don’t panic,” Harry advised, gently running his fingers through her hair. Whatever she lacked in experience, she more than made up for in enthusiasm.

Harry let her reach halfway before he pulled her away, her confusion only lasting for as long as it took for him to push her back down on his length. Wednesday allowed him to set the pace, her hands grasping his thighs for support as she was made to swallow more and more of his cock with every thrust.

Her lips stretched around his thick length, the drool leaking out of the corners of her mouth flying around and coating her cheeks, chin, and neck as he fucked her face. Throughout it all she refused to look away or close her eyes, looking up at him with eyes filled with devotion and submission. She wanted to serve him, and there was nothing, not even the lack of air and her burning lungs that would deter her from her mission.

Harry pushed her nose into his crotch, his cock sheathed inside her throat. Wednesday moaned quietly, her fluttering throat walls gently massaging his length. Harry gasped, an involuntary groan escaping his lips. Watching the effect it had on him, Wednesday moaned again.

“F-fuck. You cheeky little minx,” Harry growled, breathing heavily. He tightened his hold on her pigtails, roughly pulling her free of his cock. Wednesday gasped, breathing in gulps of air to soothe her burning lungs.

She got only a moment of reprieve before she was pushed back down on his cock, Harry picking up a much more ruthless pace than he had before. He rocked his hips in time with his tugs on her pigtails, pistoning in and out of the warm embrace of her mouth and helpless throat. Tears leaked out of her eyes and ran down her cheeks, washing away her mascara with them. Thick black trails ran down her cheeks, the perfect contrast to her deathly pale skin.

A week of cold showers and masturbating his desires away had left him on a hair-trigger and it wasn’t long before Harry erupted with a loud groan. He buried himself in her throat as he came, holding her against him as he shot ropes of thick, warm cum down her throat.

Wednesday swallowed valiantly but was soon choking on the amount of seed trickling down her throat and filling her mouth, trickles of the white liquid leaking out from her parted lips and running down to her chin.

Harry pulled out of her, her eyes finally fluttering shut as he dumped the last few loads on her face. The first rope of cum slammed onto her skin, covering her face diagonally from forehead to cheek. Within minutes her skin was soaked, with a few dollops of cum even ending up in her hair.

“What now?” Harry whispered, his slowly softening cock twitching at the sight of the cum-covered girl kneeling before him.

Wednesday gracefully got to her feet, her actions a complete contrast to the utter mess that was her face. She slowly swallowed the seed in her mouth, savoring the salty taste. “The full moon isn’t till Tuesday, yes?”

Harry nodded, watching with wide eyes as Wednesday unclasped the cloak around her shoulders, letting it fall to the ground. She kept her dark eyes locked with his as she unzipped her dress, the silky fabric loosely hanging off her shoulders.

“And you have no pressing duties, nor do we have any classes over the weekend.”

Harry nodded again, his throat suddenly dry. She had shimmied out of the dress, letting it pool around her ankles. She stepped out of it, taking a step closer to him. “Wednesday, what’re you doing?” Harry asked hoarsely.

“Too hot in here,” Wednesday murmured, toying with the strap of her bra and with him.

Harry’s eyes roved her figure, the man trying his best to control his heavy breathing. She was dressed in nothing but a black and silver lacy bra, black satin stockings, and short silver heels. Her luscious black hair, secured in two open pigtails tumbled over her shoulders and down to her lower back, begging to be grabbed and pulled. Her face was a mess, a patchwork of thick trails of black eyeliner running down her cheeks and his own cum covering her skin from forehead to chin.

Wednesday ran a finger over her cheek, gathering up a dollop of his cum before popping it in her mouth. “If you want to be a good host, you should… test the comforts of this house before giving it to my friend,” she whispered, cleaning another dollop of cum off her fingers. Harry, however, wasn’t watching, his eyes fixed on her small breasts straining against the sheer bra that contained them with every breath. “Perhaps by bending me over every flat surface you can find and having your way with me?”

Harry moved to grab her wrist, only for her to nimbly jump out of the way. “I wouldn’t really be a masochistic brat if I made it too easy for you, would I sir?” she teased, her eyes sparkling mischievously. “I’m yours…” she said, slowly moving away from him and towards the door behind her. “If you can catch me.”

And with that, she ran.


Old Chapter, now unlocked for all Patrons. Chapter 5 will be posted tomorrow and Chapters 3 and 4 are already published! Use the tags to access them more easily! I had also run a Poll which I am closing now. The main Villain of this story (and the option that won the poll) is going to be someone/something with connections to both Harry and Wednesday's pasts, so that should be fun to write!


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