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Content Warnings: BJs, Cum Play, Roleplay, Teasing, Cum Facial, Body Worship.

“What’s this?” Harry asked, picking up the card lying on his nightstand. “Bones’ Masquerade Adventure.”

“Hmm?” Daphne looked over from their dressing table. She paused in her quest to touch up her makeup, turning to look at the card in Harry’s hand. “Oh, that’s an invitation from Susan. She thought it’d be fun to combine a masquerade ball and a couple’s costume party into one fun night. She really does need to work on better names though,” Daphne explained, smacking her lips. She set the blood-red lipstick down on the dressing table before getting to her feet.

“You didn’t go?” Harry asked, studying the RSVP strip still attached to the invitation.

“Spending a party as one half of a couple’s costume isn’t exactly my idea of fun, sir,” Daphne murmured. She wrapped her arms around his waist, hugging him from behind.

“If you’d told me about the party in your last letter I’d have come home early.”

“Mhm. You’re not allowed to leave a conference you’re hosting a week before it’s due to conclude, Harry. It’s rude,” Daphne chided gently, burying her face in his back. She inhaled his scent, a characteristic blend of chocolate, freshly cut grass, and broomstick polish. She’d smelled it for the first time years ago when Slughorn had made them all brew Amortentia, but that paled in comparison to the real thing. And now that she had the real deal…

Never letting it go, she thought, tightening her hold around his waist.

“Would have made for a fun evening.” Harry paused, a wicked grin on his face. “And an even better night.”

“We don’t need the party for that. Why don’t we just skip the fun evening and go straight to the ‘even better night’ part?” Daphne whispered, gently pushing her slender hand into his pants and under the waistband of his boxers. Her finger stroked along the length of his rapidly hardening cock, coaxing it to life.

“Dunno where we’ll find a costume shop that’s open at this hour, princess,” Harry whispered, breathing heavily. “Recycle one of our old ones?” he asked. Costumes were nothing new to either of them, after all. Harry glanced over at the open door of their walk-in closet, his cock twitching at the sight of the silver bikini hanging prominently from a hanger.

Merlin bless television and Muggle movies, Harry thought, groaning quietly.

“We could. Or we could try something new,” Daphne whispered. “You liked what I’m wearing, didn't you?” She giggled when Harry’s cock suddenly twitched in her hand once more. “I’ll take that as a yes. So, how about I roleplay as the terrified Magizoologist who wants to thank the spy who saved her? We don’t even have to change our clothes. I’m wearing what I would have worn a year ago if I wasn’t trying to seduce my oblivious crush, and you’re wearing that tux I told you never to wear.”

“What’s wrong with it?”

“It’s perfectly tailored and has women salivating over you,” Daphne groused playfully. “So, what’d you say? Want to get in character and tell the poor Magizoologist that the bad men have gone but the hotel only has one room and there’s only one bed in it?” Daphne asked, shivering with excitement.

Harry sank deeper into Daphne’s hold, groaning quietly. “Yes,” he mumbled, his cock throbbing uncomfortably in his pants. “But I haven’t… for three weeks, you know? I was waiting to get back to you. So I might-”

Daphne giggled. “Cum for your princess quickly and without warning? Even if we didn’t get two more free tries after the first one, I wouldn’t have minded,” she whispered, leaning up on her tiptoes to kiss the back of his neck.

With great reluctance, he extricated himself from Daphne’s arms and walked out of the room. He closed the door behind him and paced the hallway, getting into character and letting Daphne do the same.


Daphne was sitting on the edge of the bed when he walked in, her arms wrapped around herself. She looked up, giving him a nervous smile.

“We’re safe now, Miss Greengrass,” Harry said, shutting the door behind him. “For the night at least.”

Daphne got to her feet with the grace of a swan, her lower lip trembling slightly. “A-are you sure, sir? They won’t be back?”

“Scared them off. I’ll talk to the local authorities tomorrow. For now, I think a celebration is in order.” Harry held up the bucket of ice in his hands, an uncorked bottle of champagne resting against its rim.

Daphne closed the distance between them and wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. “Oh, sir,” she breathed, her voice dripping with arousal. “I don’t know how I can ever thank you for keeping me and my dragon eggs safe.” She shifted slightly, letting the massive tent in his pants sink into her soft belly.

“You can start by having a drink with me, Miss Greengrass,” Harry groaned, forcing himself to stay in character instead of simply bending her over and sheathing himself in the welcoming warmth of her pussy. Three weeks was entirely too much to stay away from her, he decided. Never again.

He walked to their nightstand once Daphne loosened her hold around him, setting the bucket down on the polished wood of the cabinet.

“No glasses, sir,” Daphne pointed out shyly.

“Unfortunately this hotel is just as limited in its collection of drinkware as it is in its availability of rooms and beds. There were no glasses, and this is the only room that’s available,” Harry said, holding out the bottle for her.

Daphne swiped it from his hands and chugged down a decent amount, acting like a girl who needed the courage only alcohol could provide. “But it’s secluded, discreet, and private. Safe,” she murmured, the bottle against her lips.

Harry smiled. “Now you’re learning, Miss Greengrass. I’m sure we can… make do. It’s only a matter of one night.”

“I can assure you, sir, I’ll sleep much better if you’re in bed with me. I’ll know my savior is right next to me, ready to protect me from any and all threats,” she said, a faint blush coating her cheeks. She handed the bottle back to him, watching with a raised eyebrow as he carefully placed it back in the bucket of ice.

“When someone says they want to have a drink with me… that typically means they… have a drink with me,” Daphne murmured, taking a step closer to him.

“I don’t drink on the job, Miss Greengrass.”

“Not even a little?”

“Never even allow the bottle to touch my lips.”

“Oh, it’s the bottle you have a problem with?” Daphne eliminated the distance between them, leaning up to brush her champagne-stained lips against his. “If you won’t drink with me, we’ll have to figure out a different way to thank you for saving me, Mister Potter,” she whispered, wrapping her arms around his neck. The baggy sweater did a splendid job of hiding her figure, and Harry groaned quietly as her large breasts pressed into his firm chest.

“I can think of a few ways, Miss Greengrass,” Harry growled. He grabbed her hips, his fingers sinking into her soft skin, leaving angry red marks in their wake.

Daphne giggled, a heavy blush coating her cheeks. “Is this what you do, Mister Potter?” she teased playfully. “Run around the world saving and seducing pretty girls?”

“Saving? Yes.” Harry dug around in the bucket, fishing out an ice chip from it. “I only seduce the really special ones,” he whispered. Daphne moaned quietly at the sudden cold sting against her thigh. Harry slowly pushed the ice chip up her leg, his hand disappearing under her skirt.

“I’m special, am I?” Daphne asked in a whisper, breathing heavily. Harry’s other hand had made its way between her thighs, gently pushing her legs apart.

“Utterly special,” Harry whispered, his large frame dwarfing her much more petite one. “Unique. One of a kind. There’s no one like you in the whole wide world, Miss Greengrass.” Daphne cried out in frustration as the ice chip melted away to nothing well before reaching the rapidly growing damp spot in her panties.

Harry’s hand shifted to the back of her head, guiding her lips to his. They met for a bruising kiss. Daphne moaned against his lips, melting in his arms as he claimed his prize. He swiped his tongue against her soft lips. Daphne immediately complied, parting them and allowing him to plunder her mouth. She meekly surrendered, desperate to welcome the man she was now certain she loved back to their home with a proper act of submission.

Harry moaned quietly as he explored the warmth of her mouth. “Miss Greengrass, you naughty little girl,” he gasped, swallowing the champagne she slipped into his mouth just as he was pulling away for air.

“You said you wouldn’t drink from the bottle, sir,” Daphne panted, her normally stormy gray eyes sparkling happily. She stayed close to him, not wishing to sever the thin trickle of drool that connected her swollen, bruised lips to his.

“I can’t. I won’t.”

“Then we’ll just have to come up with other ways to reward you.” Daphne slowly sank to her knees, her fingers toying with the button of his pants. “Is that a wand in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me, sir?” she teased, biting her lower lip. The massive tent in his trousers was right in front of her eyes. Even after a year together, it took her a second to come to terms with her boyfriend’s size. She undid the button, gently pulling his pants and boxers down his legs, letting them pool around his ankles. She gasped as the massive erection sprang free, slapping her cheek and nearly knocking the glasses off her face.

“My…” she teased, staring at his throbbing manhood with a mixture of worship and reverence. “That’s a big wand, sir.” She turned to one side, slowly kissing down his length, imprinting his skin with her lipstick. Harry groaned quietly and buried his hands in her hair but didn’t do anything else, content to play her game for the time being.

Daphne wedged herself between his parted legs, kissing and caressing his thighs before turning her attention to her main objective. Her lips curled into a grin at the sound of Harry’s surprise cry as she drew one of his cum-engorged and highly sensitive balls between her lips, her teeth gently grazing against his skin as she sucked on the orb. She massaged his balls with her tongue, alternating between them both as she worked her boyfriend up into a frenzy.

By the time she pulled away, Harry was swaying slightly on his feet, breathing heavily. His balls and thighs were covered with bright red imprints of her lips, physical proof of his submissive’s devotion. Daphne stayed in place, simply taking a minute to admire her handiwork. Harry shivered as she blew on his sensitive tip, caressing it with warm air.

She slowly wrapped her lips around his throbbing cock, peering at him from the top of her glasses as she took more and more of his length into the warm embrace of her mouth. Her tongue swirled around his girth, tracing the veins crisscrossing his shaft.

Harry clenched his jaw, his chest heaving as he breathed heavily. He was already on edge, an uncomfortable knot in the pit of his stomach tightening more and more with every passing second. His knuckles whitened as he secured his hold on her hair, his nails scraping against her scalp in stinging trails.

Daphne forced her throat to relax, drawing him in as she moaned. She grabbed his thighs for support, offering no resistance when Harry decided to take over and push her down on his length.

“Daphne I’m-” Harry groaned, blacking out for a second. The girl was pressed into his crotch, gagging and drooling around his girth. A continuous stream of saliva leaked out of the corners of her parted lips, staining her cheeks and chin before dripping down to a small puddle on the floor.

“Ish okay,” Daphne mumbled, humming around his cock. Her tongue continued to massage his length, overloading Harry with sensations. Daphne moaned, the walls of her throat fluttering around the cock sheathed in its warm embrace, massaging it and milking it for his seed.

It was finally too much for the deprived man and he exploded in her with a loud groan, holding her in place against his crotch as he tumbled over the edge.

Daphne moaned loudly, trying to swallow the ropes of thick, salty cum filling her mouth and throat. The trickle of arousal leaking out of her pussy turned into a flood. Her panties were stained, thick rivulets of tangy liquid running down her creamy thighs. Oh, how she had missed this. She had missed his seed on her, filling her belly, leaking out of her well-fucked, sore pussy…

Harry pulled her away at the sound of choking. Daphne let him guide her head. Her lips were parted, leaving her mouth full of his cum on full display. She swallowed thickly before sticking her tongue out, ready to receive another load. Before Harry could act she wrapped a hand around his base, guiding his tip to where it needed to be.

Harry watched with wide eyes as his cum coated her tongue and filled her mouth once more. This time the girl didn’t bother swallowing. Instead, she tilted her head back, letting his seed splatter against her glasses, painting her face white from forehead to chin. Dollops of cum ended up everywhere, from her hair to her hands, with a few drops even dribbling down to her skirt.

They were both breathing heavily by the time she pulled away. She looked up, peering at her panting boyfriend through cum-stained glasses with a massive grin on her face.

“You need to wear glasses more often,” Harry groaned, massaging his cock. It twitched in his grasp, causing Daphne to giggle.

“You like them?” Daphne asked after swallowing the cum in her mouth.

“I love them.” Harry watched enraptured as Daphne raised her hand in front of her face, licking the cum from it like a cat lapping up milk. She rolled it around in her mouth, savoring the salty taste before swallowing it and sticking her tongue out playfully.

“I missed you,” Harry whispered, gently tucking a stray strand of her hair behind her ear.

“I missed you too,” Daphne mumbled, blushing wildly. Before him, she had been a wallflower, content to spend her life with only animals and Tracey as her friends. The past three weeks had demonstrated to her just how much he had changed her life, and how much they needed each other. “This is how our first time would have been if you hadn’t been such an obstinate fool, sir,” Daphne teased, aching for a spanking. Nothing quite made her feel as close to him as being put over his knee and having her bare bottom spanked with a hairbrush.

It seemed, however, that fate had other plans. The romantic mood was shattered by the loud ringing of the doorbell.

“Maybe if we stay really quiet whoever it is will leave,” Harry whispered, acting as if the person outside their apartment could hear them. He glared at the shut door of their bedroom, willing whoever it was to leave them alone. He had wrapped up the conference early to spend quality time with his girlfriend, not to entertain guests.

The bell rang once more.

Daphne gracefully climbed to her feet and padded over to their dressing table. She removed her glasses and set them down before grabbing a napkin from the top drawer to clean her face.

“Maybe they’ll go away if we don’t answer,” Harry mumbled again, looking like a kicked puppy. He reached out to grab her wrist, only for her to nimbly jump out of the way as the bell rang for a third time. Harry groaned and flopped on the bed, giving up all hope of an uninterrupted night with his girlfriend. “Next time I’m taking you with me on these long trips. Three weeks away and people won’t even let us have one uninterrupted night together,” Harry mumbled, burying his face in a pillow.

Daphne leaned over and kissed his messy black curls before she retreated and walked out of the room, wiping her face clean as she made her way to the front door of their apartment. She checked her reflection in the tiny mirror above the key bowl to ensure her face was mostly cum-free before pulling open the door.

Tonks took one look at Daphne’s sex-mussed hair, smudged lipstick, and the tiny dollops of white stickiness still clinging to her face and hair and grinned. “I’m interrupting.”

“Kinda,” Daphne replied with a smile, stepping aside to let the pink-haired Auror into their apartment. “He got home an hour ago.”

“I see he didn’t waste any time.”

“I’ve trained him well.” Daphne winked and grabbed a blue scrunchie from their key bowl, quickly tying up her long blonde hair into a messy ponytail.

“Who is it?” Harry called out from the bedroom, his voice muffled.

“Your work wife!” Daphne shouted back with a smirk.

Both women smiled at the sound of a loud groan and the approaching sound of footsteps. Harry walked into the living room having changed out of the tuxedo he had been wearing. He was dressed in shorts, his face obscured by the t-shirt he was pulling over his bare torso. While Daphne had convinced him to hold off on a proper antidote, George had cooked him up a temporary suppressant which meant he could avoid embarrassing boners whenever they were interrupted. Which, given the fact that he was Head Auror, was far more often than he liked.

“I’m on vacation. For the next three days, I’m still on vacation,” he muttered, slumping into the armchair by the fire and glaring at Tonk with faux outrage. “The only person I plan to help in those three days is Daphne.”

“We’re roleplaying,” Daphne explained, biting her lower lip at the sight of Tonks raising her eyebrows. While they had jointly decided to be private and circumspect in public when it came to their personal lives, Tonks was the one person to whom the rule did not apply. Daphne was pretty sure there was little her boyfriend’s partner did not know, especially since she was a member of the same bloody kink club they belonged to. No point hiding it from her, she thought with a mental shrug. “I’m the cute dragon handler he saves from smugglers and other unsavory types,” Daphne elaborated, her cheeks warm.

She cleared her throat, leaning down to kiss Harry’s cheek. “Why don’t the two of you talk while I get you both something to drink?”

“No. No.” Harry shook his head vigorously. “No drinks. Because Tonks is leaving.”

Tonks tilted her head silently, her eyebrows quirked.

“Fine,” Harry sighed, leaning back in his chair. “You win. What’s so urgent that you had to crash-”

“Spanky spanky bang bang time?” Tonks cut Harry off, winking at a red-faced Daphne.

“I’m… I’m going to get you that beer,” Daphne mumbled, shuffling out of the room and into their kitchen to avoid any more of Nymphadora Tonks’ ‘tasteful’ jokes.

“Spanky spanky bang bang time?” Harry hissed. Despite the tone of his voice, there was an amused smile on his face.

“I mean, come on, we both know that’s what you were about to do. You’re going to break that poor girl’s magnificent ass one day.”


“Yes, bossman?”

“I’m going to say this only once. Do not hit on my girlfriend.”

Tonks pretended to think. “What if I hit on both of you?” she asked, tapping her chin.

“No! That’s wildly inappropriate. You cannot flirt with your boss, and you definitely should not flirt with your boss’ girlfriend. She already calls you my work wife.”

“See? The job’s half done!” Tonks pointed out, her eyes sparkling mischievously. “Now I just have to work on your better half,” she murmured, leaning over to catch a glimpse of Daphne’s bare, perfect legs. “Goddamn, she’s hot.”

“Yes, thank you, Tonks, I’m quite aware of the fact that my girlfriend is a stunner. Now, did you just drop by to brighten up our evening with your trademark brand of humor and inappropriate flirting?” Harry asked with a fond roll of his eyes. “Because if you did, drink your beer and go home to your son.”

“Teddy’s with my mother for the weekend,” Tonk said, gratefully accepting the beer from Daphne. Daphne walked over to the armchair and handed Harry a glass of firewhiskey with a kiss on his cheek. She perched herself on the arm of his chair, leaning into his side. “And as much as I wish I was here for fun, games, and the chance to ogle Miss Greengrass’ impeccable figure, I’m here on official business.” Tonk raised her bottle in the air. “A toast to Aurors, and their long-suffering partners.”

“Salud,” Harry murmured, raising his glass in the air before taking a sip. “You know the rule, Tonks.”

“I do.” Tonks nodded. “If you’re on vacation we’re only supposed to bug you if the world is ending. Trust me, Harry, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t think you’d want to know what I have to tell you as soon as possible,” she said before lapsing into silence.

Harry nodded and sipped on his firewhiskey, trying to rack his brains on the active cases his department was handling when he’d left for the conference. All of it had been pretty low-threat stuff, and he could think of no case or possible complication urgent enough to be worth disturbing his night.

Daphne looked between the two Aurors, suddenly realizing why they were silent. “Right. Classified,” Daphne said, getting to her feet after brushing her lips against Harry’s forehead. “I will be in the bedroom, working on my book. Don’t be too long, because I’ll also be working on a surprise for you,” Daphne whispered, bending to kiss him softly.

Harry moaned and leaned into her, slowly deepening the kiss. His tongue swiped her lips, begging for entry just as Tonks cleared her throat loudly. Daphne withdrew, blushing wildly. She scampered into the kitchen to grab everything she needed to work on her book before stuffing it into her writing bag.

Harry waited for her to retreat to their bedroom, turning to Tonks once he heard the door slam shut. “What?” he asked, blushing at the sight of the indulgent smile on her face.

“It’s adorable, how in love the two of you are,” Tonks replied with a chuckle. “Which is why I thought you’d want to hear about this from me before seeing it in the Daily Prophet tomorrow. We got them to keep a lid on it for a day, but you and I both know they’re not going to sit on this kind of story for too long.” Tonks reached into her cloak and pulled out a stack of photographs. She placed them on the coffee table, gently sliding them toward Harry.

Harry picked up the stack and slowly rifled through the moving pictures. “Krondstat?” Harry asked, studying the pictures of the German prison and the big gaping hole in one of the walls of its main building with a small frown on his face.

“There was a… massive jailbreak early this morning. The prisoners had outside help. The German authorities tracked them to our shores before the trail goes cold, Harry,” Tonks said softly, casting a worried glance in the direction of the hallway that led to the bedroom.

Harry’s frown grew deeper as he studied the images of the carnage wrought on the prison. There was only one reason why Tonks had brought the images over to him instead of setting up a committee with her German counterparts directly. It wasn’t like she needed his permission to do so.

“How many?” Harry asked, his eyes flickering over to the quiet hallway and the bedroom containing his happily oblivious girlfriend.

“All,” Tonks replied grimly. “Every single bastard you caught while protecting Daphne is out. Someone helped them escape, and that someone brought them to our shores.”

“The Germans will want to be involved on this one. Goes without saying that they’re welcome to send a team over,” Harry murmured, his blood running cold at the very last image. He held the picture up for Tonks. “Please tell me this isn’t real.”

“Enjoy this night with your girlfriend bossman, because tomorrow’s about to be a very bad day,” Tonks said with a sigh.


Since I'm converting this into a proper story given it's popularity and a Patron's supervote, I decided to sprinkle in a plot to keep things interesting. It'll be a steamy adventure mystery and continue the plot of Harry needing to keep his cute, genius girlfriend safe while they solve the case together and make kinky love everywhere. This story will only be Harry/Daphne, but it's fun to have characters like Tonks in the picture as their friends and to tease them. I have a Discord Server, and you can join through the link in my pinned post if you want to talk to me or see cool art!



I've been waiting for you to write Tonks. This was brilliant!


I love that you've woven in a plot. I bet Harry and Daphne didn't expect that their role play would turn into reality! 😂


Ouch. Tonks here with the steel wall cockblock. Great fun and great chapter, love how you handled the friendship between Tonks and Harry. It just felt extremely real for two people who've been through a lot together. Can't wait to see more of this one!


Loved the Tonks interaction with Harry but am really glad you’re keeping it a solo ship in this specific story. It just feels right. Am interested to see how this story develops now. Cheers!


Yep! That's what I thought too. While it's fun to have them interact with others sometimes it doesn't need to become a ship, right? I am glad you enjoyed it!