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Content Warnings: Deflowering, Praise, Semi-Public, Teasing, Breast Play, Rough.

“When did the lake get so bloody big?” Daphne stood at the very edge of the cliff, scowling at the shimmering blue expanse below. They were in a clearing in the Forbidden Forest that she had discovered by accident while pursuing a unicorn foal. Accessible only through a thicket of bushes and hidden from view from the rest of the school, it was the perfect spot for them whenever they wanted a picnic or a bit of sun.

“It was always that big, Fi,” Susan said lazily. She shifted, sinking into the pillow propped up against a tree. She was sprawled out on a blanket, a large wicker basket of food next to her that the two girls had pretty much neglected. “You just don’t like going near it.”

Daphne scowled again. Her heart had nearly stopped once they realized that Harry would have to spend an hour in the lake after deciphering the clue. The whole business of him losing something dear to him didn’t exactly fill her with confidence either. “You know how I feel about water,” Daphne murmured, running a nervous hand through her open hair. “Even if drowning wasn’t an entirely real possibility… the more I read about merpeople, the more worried I am, munchkin. They’re not exactly… pleasant.”

“One problem at a time. First, we need to figure out how Harry’s going to spend an entire hour underwater safely.”

Hermione tried to pull away from Susan’s large breasts, only for the redhead to thread her fingers through her bushy hair, pushing her back down on her chest. While Susan’s blouse hung off her shoulders, Hermione was completely naked, her tiny body sprawled on top of Susan’s as she served her mistress.

“Hush, sweetie,” Susan whispered, her index finger slowly trailing down Hermione’s spine.

The petite brunette shivered, her mind turning blank as it so often did whenever she was serving one of her many partners. While her week of service was coming to an end… a part of her didn’t want it to. She had loved it far more than she had thought she would when she had stubbornly asked them all to treat her the same as Padma.

She didn’t want to give up that special feeling. The feeling of being taken care of, of being casually used all while being treated like a princess. She wanted her mornings to start with being spit roasted between Susie and Mistress (Daphne), to stumble out of closets in between classes with Harry’s cum running down her thighs, to finish the day by kneeling next to Harry at the private dinner table they had recreated in the Room of Requirement, being caressed and loved.

For the first time in her life, she was more than useful. She was loved.

“We’ll take care of this, okay?” Susan murmured, guiding Hermione’s lips back to a stiff pink nub.

Daphne glanced back and smiled at the sight of Hermione trying her best to take as much of Susan’s breast into her mouth as she could. “You’ve done so much to keep daddy safe these past three years. It’s high time the rest of us picked up the slack, kitten.”

“Exactly,” Susan moaned as Hermione started sucking, massaging her heavy breast with her tongue. “You just worry about being a good girl for us. We’ll take care of the rest,” Susan murmured, burying her face in Hermione’s thick hair, and pressing a loving kiss to her head.

“Mhmm!” Hermione responded to the request with a renewed attack on her mistress’s breasts, eagerly lapping up every drop of milk that leaked out and dribbled onto her tongue.

The bushes rustled. Susan and Daphne tensed, only to relax as Gabrielle pushed through into the clearing, dusting her baby blue Beauxbatons uniform. Hermione continued to suckle, so deep in Subspace that she was entirely oblivious to the new arrival.

“Where were you?”

“Nice to see you too, Greengrass.” Gabrielle flopped on the blanket next to Susan and began rooting through her bag. “I was with my sister.”

“She figure something out?”

“A Bubble charm,” Gabrielle replied. “She offered to teach it to Harry, but it won’t work. A Veela’s lungs are more efficient than human ones. She can survive an entire hour on just the air inside the bubble. Harry won’t be able to.”

Daphne sighed and petulantly kicked a rock over the cliff. It arced in the air, finally hitting the water with a loud SPLASH.

“Where is she now?” Susan asked, wondering if there was a way to temporarily transfer Veela traits to a human. Polyjuice, perhaps?

“By the lake. Alicia is teaching her how to swim.”

“She doesn’t know how to swim?”

“You don’t know how to swim, darling,” Susan pointed out.

“I do not,” Daphne accepted the fact, but quickly countered, “but I’m also terrified of water.”

“So is she.” Gabrielle shrugged. “So am I for that matter. Veela are creatures of fire and air. We do not mix well with water.”


Hermione moaned against Susan’s skin, Gabrielle’s spank having landed straight on her dripping pussy.

Daphne scowled and turned away to look at the lake once more. “Guess we’re back to square one.”

“Not exactly. Hannah told me Neville has a way. He’s working on it in the greenhouse with someone called… Luna? They should have it ready by tonight,” Gabrielle said, leaning back against the pillow and resting her head on Susan’s shoulder.

“Good. We have just five days left.” Daphne sighed, staring out at the still water below her. Something about the task left a bad taste in her mouth.


Padma tried (and failed) to suppress her smile as Harry tightened his hold on her hand as they walked into Hogsmeade. Their interlaced fingers felt like a lifeline, giving her the courage to bear the stares they attracted. Dating Harry (especially after the fiasco at the Yule Ball) was always going to ensure that she was at the center of attention, but then Skeeter had made her the subject of her latest vile article and rumors had begun to fly the minute the first copy flew off the press.

“You’re thinking again, my love,” Harry whispered, chuckling at the intense look on his girlfriend’s face. She had worn herself out by trying to figure out how to help him safely navigate the Second Task, and he had brought her to Hogsmeade for the express purpose of helping her relax. “Today’s your day off. No more trying to solve the puzzle, okay? We’ll think of a solution.”

Padma blushed and buried her face in Harry’s shoulder. “I swear you’re a Legilimens. I’m like an open book. You don’t even have to try,” she mumbled, pouting.

Harry chuckled. “Fi’s the Legilimens, love. I just know you. Now, relax,” he commanded, squeezing her hand.

“Can’t. If I don’t think about this, I’ll start thinking about all the people staring at us and what they’re saying and all the rumors and…”

“Alright,” Harry cut her off before she started hyperventilating. “Tell me what you’re thinking about.”

“I wasn’t thinking about the task,” Padma admitted shyly. “I was thinking about the conversation your friend, Katie overheard.”

“Between Karkaroff and Snape?” Harry felt the bile rising in his throat. If there ever were two truly loathsome people…


Harry ran a hand through his messy black hair. “I’ve given it some thought. They’re just confirming what we knew. That he’s coming back. I’ve been dreaming about him all year…” Harry paused as they passed a couple of Ravenclaws who were staring unabashedly at them. “Except Padfoot reckons they’re not dreams. They’re visions. I get glimpses of him because of our connection.”

“Did he have any idea how exactly the connection works?” Padma asked, reaching out to adjust Harry’s scarf to protect him from the biting cold. “I’ve been scouring every book in the library for clues but…”

“Nothing? Yeah, Sirius didn’t have an idea either. He thinks it’s something completely unique.” Harry paused in front of Honeydukes, deciding she deserved a bag of her favorite chocolates not only for making it through her week of service, but also for being the best girlfriend and submissive he could ask for. They tried to get in but the store was too crowded. In the end, Harry gave up, resolving to buy it for her on their way back to the castle after their date.

“Are we going to the motel?” Padma asked shyly as they resumed walking.

Harry shook his head. He’d thought about it, but after a week of submission, he’d decided a more traditional date was in order. He led her to Madam Puddifoot's, smiling at the quiet squeal of excitement.

“How’d you know?” Padma asked, grinning from ear to ear as he led her into the gaudy tea shop. Everything inside was violently pink and frilly, every table covered with a deep purple tablecloth and decorated with a vase of roses.

“That you always dreamed of your first real date being here? Maybe I am a mind reader,” Harry teased, pulling a chair for her. He pushed it toward the table after she had sat down on it, before walking around the table to take his seat.

“Thank you,” Padma said, ducking her head. She blushed harder when she realized she had secured her long hair in its usual plait and couldn’t use it to hide her face.

Harry gently grasped her hand, bringing it up to his lips. “I don’t know how you’ve gotten it in your silly little head that you’re less than the others, sweetling. I love you just as much as the others,” Harry murmured, kissing her hand. “Daphne’s special place is the motel. If this is yours, I’m more than happy to be here with you.”

Padma was saved from spontaneously combusting with a mixture of arousal and happiness by the arrival of Madam Puddifoot.

“A tea and a sconce for me, thanks.”

“Just the tea for me,” Padma mumbled.

“You’ve had a hard week.” Harry squeezed her hand. It wasn’t a question. Between the article and the gossip mill, Padma had been the center of attention everywhere she went. And Harry knew that if there was something the shy girl hated more than anything else, it was the spotlight. “It’ll blow over. She’ll find someone new to fixate on by next week.”

“It’s not just that…” Padma sighed. “I thought no matter our issues, I could always count on my sister…” Padma bit her lip. She had a new family in school now, but her sister’s words still stung. “I love her, but there are times she… I don’t think she realizes how much she hurts me, even if it’s unintentional.”

“What’d she say?” Harry asked sharply. He knew Parvati could be shallow and vapid at times, but surely she hadn’t… “Please tell me she doesn’t believe the shit Rita is printing?”

Padma shook her head. “Doesn’t matter,” she mumbled.

“It matters to me.”

“She told me I’d be terrible… when I went to ask her for tips about…” Padma blushed. “You know…”

“Darling, look at me,” Harry said sternly.

Padma exhaled and slowly looked up. She pressed her legs together, a damp spot forming on her panties at the authoritative tone.

“You don’t have to worry about our first time being perfect. It could be the worst sex in the world and I’ll love you just the same,” Harry whispered, pulling her hand up once more and kissing her fingers one by one. “I promise. I don’t mind waiting till you’re comfortable, but I don’t want you to think I’d ever be disappointed in you, flower.

Padma nodded, trying her best not to moan in a very public setting. Her thoughtful boyfriend had seemingly gone to the trouble of finding out the meaning of her name.

“What else did she say?”



“She uhm… she told me I took her chance from her. That she’d have made you happy in ways I never could.”

Harry laughed. “Wow. That’s… wow. I think we should set her up with Ron. Both of them seem to think they can just choose the partner they want without the other person having any say.” His tone softened. “I don’t like your sister, Padma. I like you.”

Padma nodded even though she didn’t truly believe him. She wasn’t sure why a man would prefer her over her sister, but she didn’t question him, choosing instead to change the topic. “I’ve also been giving some thought to what Karkaroff said about Malfoy,” Padma said, clearing her throat.

She waited until the server had set down their teacups and the sconce, before continuing, “Malfoy must have lost something pretty significant for him to be so worried even before You-Know-Who has fully returned. But it’s not something irreplaceable.”

“Why?” Harry asked, already hooked.

“Well, the Dark Lord probably isn’t big on mistakes, right?”

“I think we can make that assumption, yes.” Harry chuckled grimly. “In my last dream, he was torturing Pettigrew for messing up his pet snake’s dinner.”

“Right. So if Malfoy had lost something invaluable, there is zero chance his master would let him live. He’d be packing to leave the country at this very moment.”

“But it’s something important, or he wouldn’t be so worried. His greed and lust for power are making him stay, but he’s smart enough to understand the danger he’s in.”

Padma grinned. “Exactly!”

“What do you think it is?”

“Some sort of magical artifact? Something powerful, if I had to guess,” Padma answered with a shrug. “Powerful. Portable. Can be easily lost or stolen.”

Harry pondered on the reply for a minute, before a look of realization dawned on his face. “The diary… Riddle’s diary. Malfoy gave it to Ginny. I destroyed it with the basilisk fang. It had some connection to Voldemort-” Harry ignored Padma’s shudder. “Or it was a part of him, I don’t exactly know.”

“A part of him?”

“I mean, that’s what he said. The Riddle that came out of the diary. He said, ‘I am he, and he is me.’,” Harry thought back to his encounter with his arch-nemesis in the Chamber of Secrets.

“Interesting…” Padma murmured. Harry’s revelations raised more questions than they answered, but she was stopped from pondering over the matter any further by the quiet jingle that followed someone pushing open the door of the teashop.

She turned, her smile disappearing at the sight of Parvati and Lavender walking into the cafe. “C-can we leave?” Padma croaked, her throat suddenly dry. The smug expression on her twin’s face was enough to cause all her insecurities to bubble to the surface once more.

“I have a better idea.” Harry tossed more than enough sickles on the table to cover their bill before taking her hand and pulling her to her feet.

He quietly led Padma to the back of the cafe, towards the bathroom, making sure both Parvati and Lavender could see where they were going. He wasn’t well acquainted with Madam Puddifoot’s, but from what he’d heard from Hannah, the owner and her staff were incredibly lenient about PDA, often turning a blind eye to what was going on in their washroom and storeroom even when it was blatantly obvious. And Harry made it blatantly obvious. He was, after all, playing for an audience.

Harry pulled Padma into the small washroom, shutting the door and locking it before wordlessly turning her around and pinning her against the shut door with a hand on her back.

“If you need me to stop, use your nonverbal safeword. Otherwise, I won’t stop. Do you understand?”

Padma nodded, her heart hammering in her chest.

Harry flipped her skirt and tucked it in its own waistband, revealing her firm ass and the frilly purple panties she wore. His cock twitched at the sight of her stockinged feet and short heels, the man grinning as the heady scent of her arousal spread into the air around them and hit his nose. He pulled her panties down her legs and made her climb out of them, wadding them up.

“Open,” he whispered, pushing the damp fabric against her lips.

Padma flushed but wordlessly obeyed his order, not that she ever disobeyed or talked back. She was the good girl of the group, and it was a reputation she was proud of.

Harry pushed the panties in her mouth, effectively gagging her. Padma moaned as her tongue inadvertently lapped up her own tangy pussy juices. He then undid his belt, pushing his pants and boxers down his legs and letting them pool around his ankles.

“I’m going to fuck you now, my pretty little flower,” Harry growled, his breath hot on her skin as he leaned in to whisper in her ear. He kicked her legs apart, his hands on her waist ensuring she didn’t lose her balance. “I’m going to take your virginity in this bathroom. It’s going to be rough, cramped, and messy.”

Padma shivered. A trickle of arousal hung from her labia, glistening in the dim candlelight that illuminated the room.

“You might assume this is not perfect or romantic. You’d be wrong.” Harry pressed his rock-hard cock against her bum. “I want you, Padma. I want you so badly. I don’t need to wait for a bed with rose petals or a perfect night. I just want you,” he whispered.

“Thake mhe.” There was a conviction in her voice that he’d never heard before.

Harry smiled. His hand wrapped around his thick shaft, slowly guiding its tip to her wet slit. “You’re so beautiful. I could spend days just kissing your flawless body,” Harry whispered.

Padma moaned loudly around her panties as he pushed inside her tight, virgin pussy, uncaring if anyone could hear her. Her walls burned and fluttered around his length as they stretched to accommodate his girth.

Harry’s arms wrapped around her protectively like she was fragile and needed to be kept safe. His precious little flower. His hands grabbed her generous bust for leverage as he pushed inside her slowly, pushing past the resistance offered by her walls without hesitation. “Slow and sensual or hard and fast?” he asked, pushing her flush against his chest.

Padma hesitated. She still hadn’t given up her dream of a bed covered with rose petals, but they had their entire life for that. For now, she wanted to see just how badly he wanted her. “Fhast,” she mumbled, whining softly as he massaged her breasts.

Harry’s hand moved over her parted lips to muffle her groan as he thrust into her, tearing through her curtain and burying his cock deep inside her aching womanhood.

“SIR!” Padma screamed, slumping back against his chest. Harry hadn’t stopped, grunting quietly as he pushed deeper inside her even as her walls clamped down around his cock in a vice-like grip.

“Who’s my pretty little flower?” Harry whispered, his hand tilting her face in his direction so he could kiss away the tears streaming down her cheeks. He bottomed out inside her, pausing to take a minute to catch his breath and let her adjust to the feeling of him sheathed inside her.

Padma giggled. His pretty flower didn’t have her flower anymore. Still, she answered, “I ahm.”

The stinging was quickly giving way to a dull ache that was strangely pleasant. “Yhours,” Padma moaned as Harry slowly pistoned in and out of her quivering pussy, teasing her.

“I want you,” Harry hissed, grinning as her knees gave way when his fingers found her clit. The girl was only kept upright by her dominant’s arm wrapped around her body. His thumb began to trace circles around the sensitive nub. Harry increased the pressure and speed of his massage in time with his thrusts, the girl soon reduced to a moaning and whining mess as he pumped in and out of her tight pussy.

He pounded in and out of her, thrusting past the weak resistance offered by her stretched walls with all the fury of the desire he had been repressing for months now. “You’re mine. I want you…” Harry hissed, his vision going dark as he was overcome with primal desire. He needed her to see… to understand how much he wanted her.

“Hharrhy!” Padma moaned, her head slumping back against his shoulder. Every thrust pushed his thick cock deep into her belly, his tip brushing against her G-Spot and sending currents coursing up her spine.

He was rough. He was merciless. He was exactly what she needed at that moment.


His free hand playfully spanked her firm breasts while his fingers pinched and twisted her clit. Padma had no idea where pleasure began and pain ended. It was all the same to her, the overwhelming sensations flooding her body short-circuiting her brain.


“You want to cum?”

“Mhm!” Padma nodded hopefully, unable to think of anything except the massive shaft plunging deep inside her with every thrust.

“Are you a good girl, Padma? Only good girls get to cum.”

“Imh the bhest ghirl!” Padma declared, and for once in her life, she believed it. She was worthy. She deserved him. She deserved to cum!

“Yes you are,” Harry murmured, burying his face in her shoulder to muffle his own groans as he used the last of his energy reserves to increase his pace.

Padma was a drooling mess, thick trails of her saliva leaking from the corners of her parted lips as she moaned louder with every passing second. Thankfully the café was loud and the washroom secluded, leaving them in relative privacy.

Padma came undone with a shrill cry, the tension building up in her belly exploding in one glorious moment as she came. She saw stars, her body limp against her lover’s even as he continued to pump in and out of her.

Harry didn’t last long. Her walls clamped around his length like a glove, milking him with every thrust. He finally gave up his futile resistance, pushing deep into her as he came, his teeth sinking into her shoulder to muffle his roar.

It took a minute for both of them to remember where they were, and several more to have the strength to pull away from each other.

Harry pulled out the soaked panties from her mouth and carefully tucked them into his pocket. “A keepsake,” he whispered, kissing her cheek. “So I never forget our first time.”

Padma giggled. Her eyes were glazed over, the girl deep in Subspace, and her mind blank and devoid of thoughts. After a week full of anxiety, overthinking, and research, it was exactly what she needed. She leaned into Harry’s side as he started to clean her up, letting him take care of his princess.

“Harry?” she called out softly as he was cleaning her clothes with a simple scourgify.


“I love you,” Padma whispered, blushing furiously.

“I love you too, my sweet flower.” Harry kissed her forehead, glad that she finally seemed to understand which Patil sister he favored.

“What now?”

“Now,” Harry murmured, pulling his pants back up and securing them with his belt. “We’re going to join your sister and Lavender. You’re going to sit there with my cum running down your legs and patch things up with her, but you're also going to remind her that I’m yours and I’ll always be yours. She doesn’t have a chance. She never did.”

Padma glanced at her legs. A thick trickle of his warm white seed was making its way down her brown skin. The contrast was lovely, and she had been enchanted by it before he’d pulled her skirt down to cover it up.

She wondered how she would look with her entire body splattered with his cum. She’d read of a potion… a fertility aid that helped the drinker produce ten times his normal amount in a single orgasm…

Padma giggled as Harry pushed her out of the washroom with a playful smack to her ass. “Stop! Someone will see!”

“Well, you wouldn’t move,” Harry teased, wrapping an arm around her waist and guiding her to the table occupied by Parvati and Lavender.

“I was thinking!”

“Again?” Harry teased. “What about?”

Padma shot him a playful smile. Her first, but it certainly wouldn’t be her last. “You’ll see…”


A pair of sea-green eyes watched a young couple laugh as they walked up Main Street to Honeydukes from the relative safety of a clump of trees on the hill behind Hogsmeade.

“They’re happy. He’s happy. You should see him with Daphne Greengrass. They remind me so much of a young couple I used to know,” a voice behind her murmured.

The woman whipped around, lowering her wand at the sight of a familiar face. She walked towards him with a small smile on her face, wrapped her arms around him, and hugged an old friend.


Thinking about Hermione still having some residual effects from the Polyjuice mishap. Not physical, but more in mannerisms. As for Padma, she seems to have unlocked a hidden cum play kink lol. Katie also joins the fun properly from the Next Chapter. The next chapter is the Second Task, who do you think is the hostage? Chapters 1-14 are now available to download as PDFs and EPUBs through the link in my pinned post. Oh, and join my Discord for behind the scene stuff, story discussions and to talk to me, that link's there too.



Extremely sexy and tons of fun as always. I absolutely adore the loving pet Hermione when she needs to turn her brain off. Probably would have done the canon character a lot of good around exam time... Padmas first time was dirty, sexy, and perfect for her. Can't wait to see that kink of hers get explored. 🙂


Hi! I'm glad you liked it. Missed your comments lol, and I agree, I too feel like Hermione having an outlet for release would do her a lot of good mentally.


Unforunately Harry will have to remain Parvati's white whale. Setting her up with Ron might be fun to see. Especially since she'd clearly devour the man.