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Content Warnings: Threesome, Breast Play, Cum Play, Teasing, BJs, Cum Swapping.

“Hey,” Harry whispered, slipping into the classroom and shutting the door behind him.

Padma was perched on the large teacher’s desk at the very top of the dark, empty classroom. Her quiet sobs echoed in the silence surrounding them.

“H-hi,” Padma whispered, hiccupping quietly. She pushed her palms against her cheeks, angrily wiping the tears staining them. “What’re you doing here?”

Harry shrugged. “Got too loud downstairs. Thought I’d sit with you for some peace and quiet.”

“Y-yeah. Got too loud for me too,” Padma lied, thankful that her flawless brown skin hid the heat rising in her cheeks. Harry had hopped up onto the desk, sitting close enough for their knees to bump. Her crush on him was getting harder and hard to hide with each passing day. It was partly why she’d agreed to her sister’s request and went with Ron to the Ball. Her hope that her affections would be transferred from one man to the other had utterly been dashed by the redhead’s boorish behavior. If anything, it had shown her just how wonderful Harry was, completely wrecking the small progress she’d made in convincing herself that Harry Potter wasn’t, in fact, perfect boyfriend material.

The other reason she’d said yes was that Parvati had laughed in her face at the idea of Harry dating her. Her sister had helpfully reminded her that Harry dated women like Daphne and Gabrielle. There was, Parvati reminded her with a condescending shake of her head, no way he’d ever fall for a girl like Padma Patil.

But here he was. Not with Daphne or Gabrielle. Sitting with her in a dark classroom, their knees gently bumping together.

“So… Ron’s a bit… a massive tool.” Harry tried to keep his tone neutral. There was no reason to upset Padma anymore, and he planned to reserve his ire solely for his idiot friend.

“Really?” Padma’s tone was droll, the girl falling back on what she had always used as a defense in awkward situations. Humor. “I didn’t notice.”

“Can I hug you?”

The request was quiet, with no added implications. Even so, Padma couldn’t help but shiver as his arms wrapped around her curvy figure after her barely perceptible nod. He pulled her closer and she rested her head on his chest, certain that the sound of the heartbeat filling her ears was her own.

“Do you want to talk about what happened?”

Padma sniffled.

“It was getting cramped in the Hall and Ron said he didn’t want to dance so we walked out for some fresh air. Krum and H-Hermione were already out. Krum said something that made Hermione laugh and Ron completely lost it…” Padma paused to wipe her nose with the edge of her sari. “He ran up to them and started yelling at her. Hermione told Krum to go back in and that she’d join him in a second… it just made Ron angrier.”

Harry grunted. Everything had to be a bloody competition with the idiot. He wondered if Ron had ever stopped to consider whether he actually deserved the fame, admiration, and apparently, love, he thought he did.

“H-he called Hermione a traitor and a scarlet woman for sleeping with you and with Krum.”

Harry’s face darkened.

I’m going to take the stick Sirius suggested and shove it right up his ass.

“Oh, so his close friend of four years is a whore now, is she? Why? Because she’s making male friends who aren’t him?” Harry scowled. “What did Hermione do?”

“S-she slapped him.”


“He started yelling louder. Said… said it was her fault that he had to take me to the Ball,” Padma whispered, the shame of being humiliated in front of students from three different schools causing another bout of tears to stream down her cheeks.

It was lucky Padma couldn’t see the truly murderous look on Harry’s face.

HAD?! Does the incompetent ass have any idea how lucky he is?

In a just universe, Ronald Weasley would have been lucky to get a date with Bulstrode.

In this universe, he’d scored a date with one of the most beautiful women in the castle and was, for reasons completely incomprehensible to Harry, bitter about it.

In the end, Harry settled for the simplest explanation he could think of.

He’s an idiot who is going to die alone.

Padma mistook his silence, tilting her head up to look at him with big brown eyes. “I-I’m sorry. I know how hard you’ve been trying to be friends with him… I won’t hang out with the group anymore… I don’t think he’d want me there…” she whispered.

Harry frowned. Did she really think he’d pick Ron over her? In his mind, he’d already answered that question downstairs.

He picked her. He would always pick her.

“Fate, you have the worst fucking sense of humor,” Harry muttered, bending to capture her blood-red lips in a gentle kiss. Padma froze in shock for a second, before timidly responding as best she could.

She stared at Harry with wide eyes when he pulled away, a thin trickle of drool still connecting their lips.

“Um…” she mumbled, her brain short-circuiting.

“That bad of a kisser, huh?”

“What?!” Her expression changed to one of horror. “No! I mean, I’d have no way of knowing, that was my first kiss…” She blushed as she realized she was just making matters worse. “But it felt really really really good. Really really. Very much so,” she rambled cutely, only to be interrupted by Harry pressing his lips against hers once more.

Heaven, Padma decided, was real.

This time when he pulled away, she had a huge, goofy smile on her face. “Why’d you do that?” she asked quietly, shivering as a finger ran down her shoulder, slowly ghosting over her ample curves.

Unlike her sister (who bent uniform rules as far as she could), Padma had always bought her blouses and cloaks a size bigger, preferring to keep her curvy figure hidden under as many layers of clothing as possible. She wasn’t a prude per se. She’d just decided male attention wasn’t for her. As she shivered under Harry’s hungry gaze, she came to the conclusion that perhaps not all male attention was bad.

“Decided to trust a wise man’s advice and let fate guide me,” Harry whispered, his fingers flicking the puffy nipples poking through her blouse. He frowned when she shuddered. “I won’t hurt you,” he promised, knowing the poor girl had gotten an eyeful of his relationship with Daphne. Which, while fulfilling, wasn’t for everyone. “What I did… Daphne and I… our relationship is different. I do those things to her because she likes them.”

“Do you like them too?”

“Yes,” Harry admitted truthfully. If there was one thing he’d learned from his relationship with Daphne, it was that lying and hiding did no one any favors. All it did was fester frustration that weakened his bonds with those he cared for. “With Daphne. Sex for me isn’t a universal thing, sweetling. Just because I do something with her doesn’t mean I have to do it with you,” he whispered, gently pinching her stiff nipple.

“I- Oh god!” Padma moaned. “I’m not scared. Well… I dunno. I’m scared but not… Harry!” Padma breathed, feeling a strange sensation build up in her belly. It was unlike anything she had ever felt before. A warm tension, equal parts pleasurable and demanding was building up in the pit of her stomach. “I’ve never… I just had my first kiss… with you,” Padma admitted, keeping her eyes shut tight, embarrassed by her declaration. Her sister and Lavender had tales of sexual conquests from the Greenhouses to the Astronomy Tower. Both Susan and Hannah had steady boyfriends.

Meanwhile, she’d just worked her way up to a pity kiss from a man way out of her league.

“That’s okay. We’ll go as slow as you like,” Harry murmured, releasing his hold on her nipple and pulling his hand away. “You tell me what you’re comfortable with, okay?”

“You… you want to do more? With me?” Padma croaked, unsure if she’d heard him right.

Harry chuckled. “Eventually, yes. I think you’re quite beautiful, Padma Patil.” Harry brushed his lips against her forehead, causing her to shiver again.

Nobody had ever called her beautiful before. His words. His hands. Everything was doing things to her, and suddenly she was curious how far he’d take things if she let him.

“W-were you going to have sex with me?” she stammered, her throat suddenly dry. Her mind pulled her back to what she had witnessed in that dark room. “T-tie me up?”

“Only if you want me to. For both questions.” Harry’s lips twitched. “If you’re asking whether I want to sleep with you and if I want to tie you up… yes. Yes, I do. I think you’d look very pretty trussed up in my bed while I worshiped every inch of your body with my lips,” Harry whispered, caressing her brown skin with the back of his hand. “When.” He emphasized the word as much as he could. “When you’re comfortable. We could end the night with just a kiss and I’d be a happy man.”

“You really don’t mind waiting?” She needed to grab as many books and absorb as much knowledge from her sister as she could before they slept together. A small part of her that was a diehard romantic also wanted their first time to be in a bed covered with rose petals, but she told it to shut up. Rose petals were the least of her worries.

Harry kissed her cheek. She sighed, a dreamy smile on her face.

“Nope. How about we go dance once you’ve cleaned your face? I’ve heard the Weird Sisters are going to perform tonight,” Harry suggested gently.

Padma wiped the stray tears from her cheeks and mulled on his suggestion. As valuable as the books and advice from her sister would be, there was something else she could do to learn everything she needed to know to please Harry. “Can we do something else?”

“What do you want to do?”

“Can-” She took a deep breath, steeling her nerves. “Can I watch?”


“Watch you. With someone else?” Padma asked shyly.

Harry raised an eyebrow.

“You were gonna… you know… with them tonight? I could… if they’re comfortable…” Padma mumbled, far too shy to directly ask him for what she wanted.

“Yes.” Harry chuckled. “I was gonna… with them. After the party. Gabrielle likes us to be alone but I know Susan and Daphne won’t mind.” He ran his fingers through her sleek black hair, resisting the urge to tug on it. “But right now, I’m pretty sure all of them want to dance.”

“That’s alright. I don’t mind waiting.” Padma giggled as she echoed what he’d said to her earlier. “We should join them. I don’t want you to miss out on the fun.”

“Are you sure?”

“I’m sure. I want to go too. Letting Ron ruin my night is giving him too much power over me,” Padma asserted, fixing her sari.

“Alright then.” Harry hopped off the desk, offering his arm to Padma. She looped hers through his, allowing him to lead her out of the empty classroom.

They didn’t have to go far to find at least one person they’d been searching for.

They spotted Daphne leaning against the wall next to the shut door of a classroom as they walked down the first-floor corridor, fiddling with her wand. Her scowl softened when she spotted them, the anger replaced by a teasing expression.

“Maybe I should be doubly insulted. First your reaction to Gabrielle and now this? You never finish this quick with me,” Daphne teased, kissing Harry’s cheek.

Harry flushed. Out of all his girlfriends, he had honestly expected Daphne to be the most possessive. But she seemed to relish leading him down paths of new delights, of making new connections and finding love that would otherwise have remained hidden all his life. “We… we didn’t. It was… a spur-of-the-moment thing,” Harry murmured.

Padma watched their interaction in quiet wonderment, taking in how Daphne effortlessly teased her boyfriend while still remaining respectful. She knew the Slytherin considered herself Harry’s submissive, but they were also true partners, something that was evident from their interactions.

“How’d you know?”

“I didn’t. I mean, I had a pretty good idea what would happen… put you in a room alone with a pretty, distressed girl and there’s really only one outcome there.” Daphne grinned. She turned to Padma, chuckling at the way she tried to hide her face with her hair. “Do you like girls?”

Padma stared at her blankly.

Did she… like girls?

“Um… some of them?”

Daphne rolled his eyes fondly. “Remind me to correct Tracey, darling. You have a kink for innocent damsels in distress. Who you then corrupt with your wicked ways,” Daphne teased. She slowly walked towards the shy Indian girl, gently brushing the hair away from her cheeks and cupping them. “I meant, if I were to kiss you right now, sweetie, would you like it?”

“I-I don’t… I mean… I’ve never…” She hadn’t even particularly thought about kissing men until that fateful meeting with Harry in Hogsmeade!

“Let’s find out.” Daphne winked and leaned down to press her lips against Padma’s, kissing her gently. She kept things simple, keeping her lips closed for a chaste kiss as her hands ran over the gorgeous patterns on her sari, tracing curves she had no idea existed.

“Well?” she asked, pulling away after a minute.

Padma stared at her with wide eyes, opening and closing her mouth wordlessly.

“I think she does,” Harry grinned, gently grabbing Padma’s chin and turning her towards him for a kiss of his own.

Two of the most gorgeous people in the castle tag-teaming to seduce her was too much for the girl to bear and her brain shut down completely. She whined and buried her face in Harry’s shoulder, desperately rubbing her slick thighs together for a release she didn’t even know she needed.

“Mhm. I think I can almost forgive Gabrielle for being that adorable while being as straight as the stick up Ron’s ass. You’re going to be so much fun to tease, sweetie.”

Padma whined loudly, pressing herself deeper into Harry’s side.

“Speaking of Ron,” Harry lowered his voice, not that it mattered. The redhead was the furthest thing on Padma’s mind, her thoughts occupied with fantasies of being sandwiched between Harry Potter and Daphne Greengrass. Not even her sister could claim such a feat. “He in there?” Harry jerked his head in the direction of the shut door.

“He is. With Susan and Gabrielle. I stepped out… well, honestly, I stepped out because I didn’t think you or my parents would appreciate having to defend me from a murder charge.” Daphne placed a hand on Harry’s chest. “Susie and Gabrielle have this. Now, I’m sure there’s a reason you came out here with Padma, so I’m going to ask you the same question I asked downstairs. Who’s more important? Ron or Padma?”

Harry unclenched his fist, sighing softly. “Padma.”

Padma, zonked out as she was, still had enough presence of mind to understand what he’d said and she responded to his declaration with a dreamy sigh.

“Good. Now, why are both of you out here instead of bumping parts in a tiny broom closet?”

“Padma wants to take things slow.”

Daphne grinned. “Making him work for it, eh?” she asked, looping her hand through Padma’s other arm. “Good. Someone here needs to. Merlin knows his ego is getting unmanageable what with all three of us dropping our panties at the first heated gaze.” Daphne winked.

Harry rolled his eyes in response, all three of them resuming their journey down the hallway.

“Are we going to dance? I heard the Weird Sisters are finally on.”

“Padma had a different request.”

Padma squeaked, the prospect of her idea suddenly feeling all too real. “I… I mean… we don’t have to… we can dance,” she mumbled, hiding her face in his shoulder once more.

“Cocoa in the kitchen? Cuddles on a couch? A sporting game of gobstones?” Daphne suggested. They’d all been things she had done with Harry on dates. In their case, however, the activities usually ended with her getting railed. The delightful game of gobstones had in fact, been a delightful game of strip gobstones. She had lost spectacularly, but then, she hadn’t tried very hard to begin with in the first place.

“She wants to watch me ravish you or Susan,” Harry responded with a chuckle.

Daphne snorted. “What, you, Susie, and Abbot become friends over your shared love of watching your boyfriend with other women?” she teased, grabbing Padma’s long black hair and gently tugging it. When Padma turned to her to relieve the pressure, Daphne continued, “you want to watch Daddy bend me over a flat surface and rail me till I can’t speak?”

Padma could only stare at the gorgeous blonde with big brown eyes. Her lips parted but she remained silent, her brain still struggling to process her frank question.

“You’re going to break her, pumpkin,” Harry warned with a quiet chuckle.

“I think she’ll enjoy it.”

Their course of action decided, Daphne pulled the couple into the first broom closet she could find, the three of them crowding into the cramped space.

“Wait, I thought-”

“I practically poured myself into this dress, daddy. I still want to dance with you after this, and it takes me half an hour just to dress up,” Daphne explained. “And we all know what happens to the clothes I wear if I don’t take them off before you take me. This cost me two months of allowance, I’m not about to risk it.”

There was just enough room for Daphne to kneel, which she promptly did, gently pushing her boyfriend against the opposite wall of the closet. She made Padma sit on one of the overturned boxes before making quick work of Harry’s belt, pulling his boxers and trousers down his legs.

“Someone is excited,” Daphne teased, wrapping her slender fingers around Harry’s semi-erect cock. “After just a kiss? I bet it’s the boobs.” Daphne giggled at the pink rising in Harry’s cheeks. All three of his girlfriends knew very well that Harry Potter was a boob man through and through. “Give us a look, Patil.”

Harry shot Daphne a look that promised she would pay for her cheekiness during their weekly session.

Daphne responded by sticking her tongue out at her Daddy. Their weekly sessions at the discreet motel secreted away in Hogsmeade were as much a release valve for her as it was for him. And the harder he was, the better she felt. Which had caused her to be as bratty as she possibly could throughout the week, working him up until he was ready to explode. She winked at Harry, then turned to look at Padma.

Padma gulped as two sets of expectant eyes settled on her.

“Only if you want to, Padma. If you want to watch completely clothed, that is fine too. You only do what you’re comfortable with tonight,” Harry said gently.

That gentle tone and thoughtful consideration for her comfort was enough for her. Padma nodded with a smile, slowly getting to her feet to undrape the gorgeous garment around her body.

As Daphne watched her graceful movements, she made a mental note to herself to ask Padma if the girl could get a sari for her as well.

Padma sat down once she was undressed, reaching back with shaky hands to unzip her blouse, slowly pulling it away from her body. She ducked her head, letting her hair hide her face once more, blushing harder at Daphne’s playful whistle.

Padma resisted the urge to cover up her chest with her arms, simply holding them close to her body. Her action backfired, however, as it pushed her chest out further and made her large breasts even more prominent.

“Damn Patil.” Daphne grinned. “You give Susie a run for her money and we had no idea until now?” Her eyes flickered over to Harry. “Annnnnd I think you broke daddy.”

Harry was staring at Padma’s chest, his pupils blown and lips parted. His eyes followed the gentle sway of the curved mounds as she breathed, taking in the large brown areolas that were capped with stiff brown nubs.

“I am somehow the least hot girl in the group. Well, gotta do something to earn my keep.” Daphne wrapped her hand around the base of Harry’s shaft and teasingly squeezed, breaking him free of his reverie and drawing his attention back to her. She clasped both hands around his massive length, gently pumping his cock and coaxing it to its full size.

“Love… you…” Harry groaned, his eyes closed. The combination of his long-simmering desire for Padma combined with the ever-present teasing of Daphne was too much to bear, even for him.

He gave in, slumping against the wall and deciding to simply enjoy what Daphne had in mind.

Daphne turned to Padma. Her eyes were fixed on Harry’s throbbing manhood, all thoughts of covering up her chest forgotten.

“Why did you want to watch me with Harry, Padma?”

Padma sighed. “Uh… I thought… could learn,” she mumbled, barely audible. “Then you kissed and I liked it… and now I dunno…”

Daphne smiled and beckoned the shy girl toward her with a finger. Padma hesitated, but ultimately complied, slowly sinking to her knees and making her way to the couple. Harry kept a watchful eye on the duo but didn’t intervene, trusting Daphne’s judgment to handle things delicately.

Daphne scooched over to the very end of the closet, her bare shoulder rubbing against the rough wood of the door. She let Padma take her place in front of Harry, trying to hide her smile at the gobsmacked look on the curvy girl’s face as she took in the length and girth of her lover’s cock.

“You know, my first time with Daddy… I accidentally tried to hump his thigh. I knew… I knew what I liked, but I had zero idea what I was doing. It’s natural to learn as you go,” Daphne said, gently running her fingers through Padma’s sleek black hair.

“S-Susan wasn’t around?”

“Daddy and I were shy about our desires around her. So she basically locked us in a room until we gave in. Isn’t that right?”

Harry grinned and nodded.

“Now, come on, be a good girl and open your mouth,” Daphne cooed. She wrapped a hand around Padma’s neck, her grip gentle but iron-clad. She loved being a soft Domme with the women in her life just as much as she loved being Harry’s princess, she just hadn’t realized it yet.

Padma shivered and nodded, parting her lips obediently. She let Daphne guide her up to Harry’s sensitive tip, her eyes growing wide in alarm when the man hissed quietly.

“It’s just sensitive.” Daphne made her swallow inch after inch of Harry’s thick, veiny cock, her free hand moving to the back of Padma’s head to apply a steady pressure.

She removed her hand from her chin, pulled it back, and-


Padma squealed as the palm made contact with her heavy breasts, the mounds jiggling with the force of the impact.

“Look up at Harry, darling. Look up at him as you service his cock,” Daphne ordered, pulling away her hand once more.


The slap was harder, Padma groaning around the shaft she was drooling on as a dull ache began to radiate through her chest. Harry’s eyes had rolled into the back of his head. The groan had caused her throat to vibrate, the quivering walls clamping down around his cock. That, combined with her miraculous lack of a gag reflex made him feel like he was fucking a pussy instead of a simple blowjob.

“A-again,” Harry rasped, licking his dry lips.

Daphne grinned and happily complied with his order.


“H-HHARRHY,” Padma moaned, the vibrations in her throat dragging Harry right to the very edge of orgasm. He gritted his teeth and pushed his fingers through her luscious hair. His nails scraped her scalp, overloading the poor, inexperienced girl with sensations from head to toe.

Her arm came up in an instinctive effort to protect her breasts, only to be pulled away by Daphne who now had free use of both her hands. “No hands. Good girls make do without them,” Daphne whispered, her hot breath tickling Padma’s skin as she leaned closer.

“You’re so perfect,” Daphne cooed. “Don’t you just want to take her to bed and fuck her silly?” Daphne asked, gathering up the drops of drool that had splattered over her chest, and spreading it around the rim of her areolas with a finger.

Harry grunted in response. He tightened his hold in Padma’s hair, drawing another moan out of her. By now he was half-crazed with lust, using his hold in her hair to fuck her face, desperate for release.

Padma was delirious, moaning wantonly and drooling around Harry’s thick shaft as he face-fucked her. Daphne had squeezed in between the couple, a hand gently massaging and squeezing Harry’s balls, applying exactly the right amount of pressure he needed to get off.

By now, she knew exactly what worked with her boyfriend, and what didn’t.

She turned her attention (and her lips) to the highlight of the evening. Padma’s hitherto undiscovered cleavage.

“Fuck!” Harry swore, the tension building in his belly ready to explode. Daphne grinned and rolled his balls between her fingers, looking up to the relentless fucking their poor girlfriend was receiving.

She turned her attention to Padma’s breast, her teeth sinking into the soft skin as she took as much of the teat as she could into her mouth, tracing the rim of her brown areola with her tongue.

Gluck. Gluck. Gluck.

Padma could do nothing. She wanted to do nothing. She simply looked up at her crush, her doe-shaped eyes silently begging him to fill her mouth with his seed. Despite the warning, her hand moved to Daphne’s hair, running through the soft blonde tresses and subconsciously encouraging Daphne to mark her.

“OH! I’m gonna…”

Daphne’s ears perked. Harry sounded desperate, needy even. More aroused than he had ever seemed before.

They needed to do this more often. Two was, after all, better than one.

She grinned as she watched Harry push his entire length down Padma’s throat through the corner of her eye, even as she kept sucking on her breast, lavishing attention on her throbbing nipple with her tongue.

Harry exploded with a loud groan minutes after Padma’s face was buried in his crotch, shooting ropes of thick, warm cum down her throat. He pulled away slightly when she began to choke, letting it fill her mouth and leak out of the corners of her lips, running down to her chin in thick trails.

“Fuck, that was intense,” he breathed, gently extricating his cock free of Padma’s warm and inviting lips after he had emptied his entire load inside her eager mouth. He slumped down to the floor with a happy sigh, studying both girls with half-lidded eyes. “As far as Balls go, this was pretty fucking weird,” he murmured with a tired chuckle.

“Trust me, it’s not a proper Ball without someone fucking,” Daphne teased, grabbing Padma’s chin. “We aren’t greedy in this house. We share.”

“Hmm?” Padma couldn’t understand what she was trying to imply. In all fairness, she would later argue, Harry had just railed her brains out. She was in a blissful floaty state, her usually over-anxious and overwhelmed brain quiet for the first time in her life.

She understood the meaning within seconds. All it took was Daphne pressing her lips against hers, her tongue swiping over Padma’s lips to gather up the cum coating them.

Harry watched the show in front of him, his cock twitching at the sight of the two gorgeous girls swapping his cum as they snogged.

“Shit. I was wrong,” he mumbled, very nearly ready to go again. Fate had the best fucking sense of humor.

Thank you for being such a massive arse, Ron.


Out on the grounds, Katie Bell was recovering from a horrible date (and night), when she overheard the most alarming conversation...

I have to find Harry. 


Ron, you could have had a girlfriend with no gag reflex if you were just less concerned and bitter about what Harry and Hermione had. Oh, well. Fate works in mysterious ways.  Speaking of fate, I'm convinced you lot love to challenge me to be a better writer. The poll for the last main ship was a tie between Katie and Hermione.  They'll both be ships! But, instead of including them both as simple soulmates, I'm planning something interesting. After all, unlike any of his other soulmates, there's a reason why both of them are from the same House...


Rann Organa

Damm, this is epic work.


I want to see how Parvati will react to all of this. Flabbergasted that Harry chose Padma over her? Protective for her little sister? Gossipy and wanting to tell the entire castle and then some?