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Content Warnings: Primal, Rough, Wax Play, Teasing, Gags, Blindfolds

One Week Ago:

“One. Two. Three. Four. Aaaaaand twirl!”

Harry focused his attention on Hermione’s counting, deciding it was a much safer thing to focus on than the adorable blonde in his arms. Looking at Gabrielle was akin to playing with fire. Her pink cheeks, half-lidded eyes, and the flawless movement of her body caused a strange feeling in his chest… and in his pants.

They’d been practicing for a week now and his resolve was being chipped away every single time they danced together. The twirl at the end was what he had struggled with the most. Not because it was technically difficult, but because it ended with her slamming into his chest, her plump pink lips inches from his as her hands roamed his firm chest.

He steeled his nerves and twirled her, a shiver running down his spine as they perfectly executed the maneuver and ended their dance together with her pressing into his chest, looking up at him through half-lidded eyes.

She tilted her head and he leaned closer, unable to help himself. The classroom, Hermione, and Susan all disappeared. The only thing that mattered was the innocent blonde pressed into his arms and her luscious lips that were begging to be kissed and worshiped.

He was mere millimeters away from her when Hermione spoke, breaking the spell. “That was… amazing,” Hermione said with a knowing smile on her face.

“I couldn’t agree more. Nobody will know that Gabrielle hates dancing or that my boyfriend didn’t know how to dance a week ago. The chemistry is… I doubt even I could do any better,” Susan said, her warm brown eyes twinkling.

“We’re just practicing a lot. That’s all. Can we take a break before we go again?” Harry asked, passing off his panting as exhaustion. He swiped the water bottle from Hermione’s hands and retreated to the further corner away from Gabrielle, who had hopped up on the desk next to Susan.

“You can’t create chemistry with practice, Harry.”

“Exactly, Hermione,” Susan murmured, her lips twitching. “It’s simply… there.”

“You think we have this… chemistry? That we are good together?”

“Oh I think the two of you are EXCELLENT together,” Susan answered, giving Harry a look. Harry chose to ignore it.

“Wasn’t Daphne saying the same thing? She told me she was glad Harry picked the right partner for his debut.”

“Yup. She sat in for yesterday’s practice. She was impressed and there are very few things that actually impress her.”

“Miss Greengrass terrifies me,” Gabrielle muttered, sighing with contentment after gulping half the water in the bottle that Susan had offered her. She ran a hand over her forehead, wiping off the sweat.

“Don’t worry Gabrielle, ‘Miss Greengrass’ terrifies the crap out of every sane person in this castle. Even Harry,” Susan teased.

“She does not. She’s my sweet princess.”

Susan gave Harry a look that said, ‘You may be her Daddy but you and I both know who gets their way outside the bedroom.’

“So, Gabrielle, tell me a little about yourself. You and Harry mesh together like childhood friends but I barely know anything about you.”

“Well, I am in the fourth year in Beauxbatons-”

“Oh, the same age as us. Interesting, right, Harry?” Susan asked with a grin.

“Age is just a number.” Harry shrugged, focusing on the bottle in his hands. He wasn’t the suavest of operators when it came to women, but even he could sense what was going on.

“Oui. Besides, Veela age slowly. My maman is fifty-five and people still think she’s in her thirties,” Gabrielle said with a hint of pride.

“How did you get permission to come to Hogwarts? You can’t participate in the tournament,” Hermione asked, more out of genuine curiosity than anything else.

Gabrielle nodded. “My Papa is the Head of the Department of International Affairs for the French Ministry. I want to follow in his footsteps but I had never set foot outside the country! So when my sister announced she would be coming here for the Tournament, I asked Papa to get me a waiver.”

“Intelligent. Ambitious. Gorgeous. You really are the perfect woman.”

Harry rolled his eyes. “Laying it on a bit too thick there, my love,” he mumbled under his breath.

“Did you say something, dearest?”

Harry shook his head.

“Anyways,” Susan continued. “As I was saying, it must be difficult. Being away from your friends… your boyfriend for an entire year to come live in a foreign place with strange weather and as your sister so kindly puts it, ‘’oribble food!’”

“My sister can be unkind at times. She does not think before she speaks,” Gabrielle mumbled, blushing. She grunted as Susan wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her into a hug.

“Don’t apologize for her. Siblings can be… yeah.” Susan chuckled. “I mean, Daphne’s sister has a thing for Malfoy so that apple fell far, faaaaar away from the tree.”

“It is difficult. I do not have a lot of friends. She is perhaps my closest friend,” Gabrielle murmured, sinking into the hug. “I do not have a boyfriend either. I want people to treat me as Gabrielle, not a Veela. But when most men look at me, they see a sexual creature straight from their books and stories. So it is hard to date.”

“Well,” Susan said kindly, rubbing her back. “We’re your friends now. As for a boyfriend, I’m sure you’ll find the right man very soon.” With one last pat on her back, Susan hopped off the desk and grabbed her bag.

“I think the two of you should continue practicing. Hermione, come on, we have Ancient Runes.”

“Not for another fifteen minutes.”

“Well, I am a slow walker. We don’t want to be late for today’s test, do we?” Susan muttered, giving Hermione a pointed look.

“Right. Getting to the classroom is such a pain,” Hermione mumbled, grabbing her bag and slowly getting to her feet.

“The classroom is right down the hallway,” Harry said, his exasperated eyes flicking between his soulmate and his best friend. Could they make their intentions any more obvious?

“What if we run into Malfoy and have to go the long way around? You know that hex Daphne put on his clothes to make them smell like farts still hasn’t worn off.” Susan asked, walking up to Harry and pecking his lips. Harry grabbed her hips and pulled her closer, a soft moan escaping her lips as he deepened the kiss.

“You’re not being a very good wife, Miss Bones,” Harry growled against her lips.

“I think I’m being an excellent wife, Mister Potter,” Susan whispered, resisting the urge to skip class and spend the afternoon dancing with Harry. She pulled away from Harry’s efforts to kiss her again with a disappointed groan, gesturing to Hermione to follow her before her self-resolve broke.

“Behave,” Hermione whispered with a smirk as she passed Harry. “Girls like a gentleman.”

Harry rolled his eyes, not that Hermione would have noticed unless she had eyes in the back of her head.

“So,” Gabrielle said, clearing her throat after a few minutes of awkward silence. Her cheeks were a faint pink and Harry was pretty sure he wasn’t the only one who had picked up on Hermione and Susan’s ham-fisted attempt. “I have an hour until classes.” She walked to the cleared-out center of the classroom. “Shall we dance, Monsieur Potter?”

Harry walked over to her with a nervous smile and wrapped his arm around her slender waist. He pulled her into his chest, his heart skipping a beat as she moaned quietly at him taking charge. He took her hand with his free one, intertwining their fingers together.

“M-music,” Gabrielle commanded the gramophone in the corner, her throat dry.

Harry started to lead her around the dance floor once she had rested her head on his shoulder and pressed her slender body against his. He tried his best to ignore his ever-growing feelings for the girl, but he knew it was futile. Sooner or later Gabrielle Delacour would break him, and the thing that worried him the most was Daphne’s reaction.


“So, Miss… Daphne was the one who dared you to come here and kiss me?” Gabrielle asked, turning to her side and propping her head up on her hand. She eyed Harry hungrily as he undressed, her electric blue eyes roving over his lean body. “I thought she was very possessive.”

“She did. And she is. She’s… Daphne Greengrass is a force of nature, Gabby. Trying to predict her actions is futile. I’m just glad she gave her blessing, because I could neither live in denial about my feelings for you nor did I want to upset the woman I love,” Harry murmured, carefully draping his jeans and shirt over the chair of her desk. “But make no mistake, she isn’t afraid to mark her claim.”

“I do not want to steal you from her, Harry Potter. She can…” Gabrielle trailed off, trying to think of the right word. “Supervise! Supervise us.”

“I think that’s something that Susan would be more into,” Harry replied with a smirk. He fidgeted with the waistband of his boxers before deciding against removing them right away. He turned to face Gabrielle, a wry smile on his face. “But if I know them, Daphne and Susan are currently in a dark corner of an empty classroom and Susan is being a very good girl for her mistress.”

“They’re together?” Gabrielle asked, her eyes wide. The shock of the information was such that she completely missed the large tent in Harry’s boxers and only scooted over to make room for him on the bed after a gentle pat on her bare shoulder. “You do not mind?”

“I doubt there’s a single man in the castle who will have a problem with watching Daphne and Susan kiss, my innocent flower,” Harry chuckled, gently pushing her down on the bed, his finger tracing the curve of her firm breast.

“W-would I have to be with them too?” Gabrielle asked nervously, even as her body reacted to his touch and arched her back, pushing her breasts up into his hands.

“Not if you don’t want to be. Whatever we do will be things that you’re comfortable with, Gabby.”

“I… I am not into women that way, Harry,” Gabrielle admitted. “My sister is and she says it is amazing, but it is not something I like.”

“Then you don’t have to do it, my sweet angel. As I said, we only do the things you like,” Harry murmured, gently climbing on top of her and straddling her waist. His fingers traced her large pink areolas, causing a desperate whine to escape her parted lips. “What do you like, Gabby?”

It took a second for his question to register. Gabrielle had never felt such intense pleasure or fear before, and she was rapidly losing control over her Allure.

‘Fear is primal. Fear is an aphrodisiac.’

One of the many pieces of sexual advice imparted by her sister over the years. As she looked up at her much taller lover and the ease with which he was toying with her tiny body, she realized Fleur had been right. She was scared of what Harry Potter could do to her, and the thought of that turned her on very, very much. She pressed her thighs together as a trickle of her sweet-smelling arousal leaked out of her already wet slit. Her nipples pebbled into stiff rosy peaks and she turned her head to avert her eyes from his heated gaze, trying to regain control of herself.

“There’s nothing to be ashamed about, Gabrielle,” Harry whispered, gently grasping her chin and turning her head to make her look at him. “If you do not tell me what you like, how can I please you?”

“I… I do not know,” Gabrielle admitted, her cheeks pink. “I’ve never been with a man. I’m terrified of what will happen if I lose control of my Allure.”

“What do you think will happen?”

“I’ve heard… stories. Bad stories. It’s why Fleur only sleeps with strong-willed men and women. It’s why Maman held out for Papa. I like you… but what if my Allure ruins things?” Gabrielle asked softly.

“Well, there’s an easy way to test it.” Harry rolled off her and padded over to her desk to retrieve his wand from the pocket of his jeans. He transfigured her scrunchie into a piece of rope before waving his wand again and securing his other wrist to the sturdy leg of the desk with the rope. He tossed his wand onto the bed, before looking at her with a reassuring smile. “I’m tied up. Let go, Gabby. Let us see what will happen.”

Gabrielle stared at him with wide eyes.

“I would never hurt you, Gabby. I promise you that. I’ve seen what the Allure can do to people… I’ve seen how it affects Ron. It affected me once during the World Cup but once I broke free of it, it never affected me the same way again. Be a brave girl for me and take a leap of faith?”

Gabrielle gulped and nodded. She closed her eyes, concentrating on the roiling force of magic inside her, yearning to be free. And for the first time in her life, she gave it what it wanted.

“I… oh!” Gabrielle sobbed, feeling a sense of freedom that left her breathless. She nervously opened her eyes, leaning closer to Harry to gauge his reaction.

“How do you feel?” Harry asked calmly after a minute of silence. His breathing was heavy, his lips slightly parted and his eyes dark with lust, but he was still very much in control of his own actions.

“Free,” Gabrielle replied with an angelic smile. “Free to be my own self. How do you feel?” she asked, a tinge of nervousness in her voice.

“I feel like I’m the King of the World. That I can do anything. I feel… powerful,” Harry whispered. “I want to claim you, Gabby. But not because of the Allure. All your aura does is give me courage. Nothing more,” Harry murmured.

“Wow. That’s…”

“Normal? That’s what you said the first time we talked about the aura that’s always around you and Fleur. What I feel now is the same thing I felt then, just multiplied by a thousand.”

“I lied, Harry. That’s not normal. The Allure is supposed to reduce a man to his base desires.”

“Maybe my base desire is to finally have the courage and confidence to go after the woman I want and that’s what the Allure is giving me,” Harry countered with a chuckle.

“What about Susan and Daphne?”

“Susan asked me out and Daphne kinda extorted a date out of me. I love them both but you’re the first girl I’ve actively pursued… ever.”

“With a little help from them,” Gabrielle giggled, reaching out to grab his wand and toss it back to him.

“It doesn’t count. I did all the heavy lifting,” Harry responded teasingly. He freed his hand from the rope before slowly getting to his feet. “Honestly, I didn’t even know how I was going to ask you for a kiss until your Allure enveloped me and gave me the confidence to just go for it. So my advice to you, little one, would be to stop being afraid of something that is a part of you and just enjoy it.”

“What if I like being afraid?” Gabrielle asked hoarsely, licking her dry lips. Her eyes were fixed on the enormous tent in his boxers. Her unicorn-patterned pajamas were stained with her arousal, the sweet and tangy aroma filling the room. “You asked me what I like, Harry. I liked it when you were on top of me and I felt helpless,” Gabrielle admitted, her cheeks pink.

“Oh, so I’m the big bad wolf of this story, am I?” Harry chuckled, walking over to her closet. “Do you mind if I grab some things?”

“Go ahead,” Gabrielle murmured, her cheeks flushed at Harry’s teasing.

Harry quickly collected and transfigured everything he needed, dropping his wand on the desk before walking over to the bed, his arms full.

“What-” Before Gabrielle could finish the sentence Harry had dumped the things in his hands on the bed and grabbed her legs, roughly flipping her onto her belly.

“Harry-” Gabrielle tried again, only for Harry to grab her long, platinum-blonde hair and roughly pull her up against his chest. He took advantage of her open mouth and pushed a pair of her own panties inside, the white fabric making it impossible for her to speak normally.

“If you need me to stop, you hold up one finger on your right hand. If you’re fine, hold up two. Nod if you understand, Gabrielle,” Harry whispered.

Gabrielle nodded fervently, her eyes wide at the sudden switch in her lover’s demeanor. Harry had always been gentle and kind to her. And as much as she loved that side of him, it didn’t hold a candle to this, his primal side. She knew she was about to be ravished and ravaged by a powerful wizard and the Veela heritage she had tried to reject her entire life came back in force.

‘One day you’ll find your mate and you’ll see that being a Veela isn’t such a bad thing after all.’

You were right, Maman, Gabrielle thought giddily. She began to hum a tune, a haunting melody of love and lust.

“Are you alright? Shall I continue?” Harry whispered, running his thumb over the black blindfold in his hand.

Gabrielle held up two fingers without hesitation, her eyes fluttering shut when he wrapped the blindfold over them.

“I can smell your arousal, Miss Delacour,” Harry whispered, making a show of taking a deep breath. His voice was a low growl, the Allure stripping away their inhibitions to leave them at their most primal selves.

Gabrielle’s lips curled into a smile but she kept humming. Humming about love and sorrow, lust and pleasure, about a lonely Veela and the brave knight that rescues her.

Harry picked up the candle he had charmed to stay at a constant temperature, a handy trick he had learned after Susan had expressed her interest in sensation play. He leaned towards the nightstand, lighting the candle with the one on it before leaning back.

Gabrielle bent and twisted with him, letting him handle her tiny body in whichever way he chose.

“Who is my brave little Veela?” Harry cooed, wrapping his free arm around her waist to keep her pinned against his body, his large erection pressing into her firm ass. “Is it you, Gabby?”

“Mhmmmmm!” Gabrielle’s affirmation turned into a strangled scream as the first dollop of wax dribbled down from the candle and splashed against the skin of her breast. The wax was just warm enough to sting, but not hot enough to burn.

Gabrielle shuddered and took a deep breath, before holding up two shaky fingers.

“What a good girl,” Harry praised her quietly. Gabrielle beamed when he kissed her cheek as a reward. “After this, I won’t stop unless you safeword. Do you understand? Can you be my brave princess?”

Gabrielle hummed and gently started to grind against the erection pressing against her.


“F-fuck! Now, who’s being a cheeky little minx?” Harry teased, slapping her breast. The firm mound jiggled with the force of the impact, his red handprint standing out against her pale, alabaster skin.

Her groan was muffled by the makeshift gag. Despite the smack she kept grinding against him, her eyes determined under her blindfold.

“One day we’ll make love in my secret spot by the lake. Under the stars, the little red riding hood and her big bad wolf,” Harry whispered, slowly dripping wax onto her reddening skin. Every new dollop splashing against her stinging skin elicited a groan from the hyper-aroused girl, her body trembling as her nerves were overloaded with sensations.

“PHLEASE,” Gabrielle begged. The trickle out of her pussy had turned into a flood, completely soaking her pajamas and filling their immediate surroundings with a heady scent of her arousal. She needed him. She needed him so badly. But much like a lion stalking its prey, Harry seemed content to play with his Veela mate before going in for the kill.

“Soon, darling,” Harry whispered, blowing out the candle and tossing it onto the floor. Her breasts and belly were covered with beads of wax of varying sizes, each of them transferring their heat to her red, stinging skin as they cooled and solidified.

“Phleashe phleashe phleashe,” Gabrielle begged, now completely lost to her own Allure. The more she lost control, the more Harry seemed to gain it, the perfect yin to her yang.

Harry pushed her down on the bed before slowly getting back to his feet. Harry admired her firm, round ass, his fingers itching with a sudden desire to spank her and send her to bed, denied the release she was desperate for.

There would be time enough for that, he decided, walking over to the desk to retrieve his wand. He shimmied out of his boxers and kicked them away, amazed that his mate had stayed completely still the entire time he had been away from her.

“You know,” Harry murmured, the bed creaking under his weight as he climbed back on it. “I was of half a mind to spank you and send you straight to bed.”

“Nho!” Gabrielle looked back at him with a pleading expression, her lower lip quivering as a lone tear leaked out from under her blindfold.

“I won't do it tonight. Don’t worry,” Harry murmured, playfully spanking her ass. He grabbed the damp fabric of her pajamas, using his wand to cut a slit in the cloth right over her slick pussy.

Harry wound her hair around his wrist before tugging on it roughly and pulling her up against his chest. “I want you to wear these pajamas every night,” he ordered, using his knee to push her legs apart.

“I whill!” Gabrielle nodded, ready to agree to anything that would get her what she needed.

Harry smirked and grabbed his shaft, slowly pushing his tip inside her wet slit. Her puffy lips split around his girth, the walls of her virgin pussy burning as they stretched to accommodate his impressive size.

Harry paused as his cock pushed up against her hymen, kissing her cheek when she held up two quivering fingers once more. “Such a brave girl. My perfect Veela. My gorgeous Gabby,” Harry cooed, knowing by now that the girl thrived on praise. He held her tight in his arms as he took her virginity, tearing into her curtain with one firm thrust.

He kept going, slowly and firmly impaling her on inch after inch of his cock. Her walls gripped and clamped down on his shaft, the weak resistance offered by her stretched-out womanhood doing nothing to stop his thrusts deep inside her.

He paused once he was fully sheathed in her, both of them panting heavily as they fought to catch their breath.

“Give me your hands,” Harry whispered. He gently grabbed the offered wrists, guiding her hand to her slightly distended belly. “That’s my cock.”

Gabrielle’s eyes flew open under the blindfold.

Shit, I’m sleeping with a giant!

She traced the gentle curve of her belly, knowing that it was only her unique physiology and extreme arousal that had enabled her to take him easily, especially given their size differences. She held up two fingers again once the stinging in her core had subsided to a pleasant ache.

“Don’t move your hands. I want you to feel every thrust,” Harry ordered. One of his arms stayed wrapped around her waist, but his free hand pushed between her legs, locating her clit and gently massaging it with his thumb.

“Hhhharrrrrry!” Gabrielle squealed, a trickle of drool leaking out of her parted lips, making its way down to her chin before finally splashing down to her wax-covered breasts.

“I like it when you say my name. No one else does it. Say my name, baby,” Harry whispered, slowly pulling out of her before pushing back in, her extreme tightness making anything but a slow and steady pace an impossibility.

He lazily rocked in and out of her weeping pussy, his breathing growing ragged with the continuous effort required to push past the resistance offered by her walls. They clamped down on his shaft in a vice-like grip, feeling like velvet-covered iron. It was only the Allure aiding his self-control that enabled Harry to keep going, stretching out her virgin pussy with slow, deliberate thrusts.

“Hharrhy Hharrhy Hharrhy,” Gabrielle intoned, her attention fixed on her hands. They shook with every thrust, her belly bulging as Harry plunged deep into her aching core.

“Do you want to cum, my gorgeous angel?” Harry asked, burying his face in the crook of her neck. He clamped his lips around her pulse point and sank his teeth into her alabaster skin without warning, sucking a large hickey that would be impossible to hide.

“PHLEASHE!” Gabrielle screamed, her body limp, supported only by his arm. His thumb feverishly rubbed her clit, the coil in the pit of her stomach tightening as the minutes passed. Throughout it all Harry kept pumping in and out of her, peppering her face and neck with kisses and whispering sweet nothings in her ear.

“Cum for your mate, Gabby. Cum for me,” Harry cooed, burying himself deep inside her pussy and pausing, both to catch his breath and to ensure he didn’t finish before her. He kept rubbing her clit, her own hands staying dutifully on her belly.

“Ghonna… phleashe Hharrhy!” Gabrielle had no idea what she was begging for. The tightening coil exploded, her pussy flooding with her cum. It coated his cock before squirting out and staining her pajamas and the sheets. Her pussy walls clamped down on his shaft with a grip so tight it almost made movement impossible. Gabrielle collapsed back into his chest, seeing stars underneath the blindfold.

“Can I… cum… you?” Harry asked through gritted teeth, holding on through sheer willpower alone.

“YHESH! PHLEASHE!” Gabrielle screamed. His seed. Her body was begging for his seed.

Harry pushed her down into the bed, his hand on her shoulder keeping her pinned in place. He pounded in and out of her in a frenzy, his mind blank with the exception of his desire for release and his need to fill Gabrielle Delacour with his seed.

Gabrielle buried her face in a pillow, moaning wantonly as she was ravished. Her knickers had fallen out of her mouth and the sounds of her desperate moans and shrieks and that of skin slapping against skin filled the air. Her tiny body was pushed forward with the force of every thrust, only to be pulled back towards him by the hand on her shoulder.

“GABBY!” He ravaged her tight little pussy for what seemed like an eternity until he exploded inside her with a roar. He collapsed on top of her, his throbbing cock dumping load after load of his cum inside her sore pussy.

“Wow,” Gabrielle breathed after he had pulled out of her and rolled away to avoid crushing her with his weight. Gabrielle turned to lie on her side, making no effort to take off her blindfold. She simply closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation of her mate’s seed leaking out of her gaping pussy and trickling down her thigh, staining her now-ruined pajamas.

“Wow,” Harry echoed, gasping for breath. He pulled Gabrielle into his side, the perfect little spoon to his big one. He pushed the drool-soaked knickers off the bed before pulling up the blanket to cover them, resting his chin on her head. “Still think hitting me with the full force of Allure is a bad thing, sweetling?”

“You’ll be lucky if I don’t do it three times a day,” Gabrielle teased, yawning cutely.

Harry laughed and playfully smacked her breast. “Go to sleep, you insatiable monster.”

“Goodnight to you too, Monsieur Potter.”


“Earth to Hannah!” Susan waved her hand in front of her daydreaming friend’s face after pulling her out of the way of a suit of armor. “Do you plan to collide into anything and everything until we reach our dorms?”

“Susie, you have to understand. It was so good,” Hannah whispered, her eyes glazing over.

“I get it. You snogged Longbottom. It only took four years and us literally shoving you into a dark corner together,” Susan chuckled, rolling her eyes fondly.

The two were so engrossed in their conversation that they didn’t notice the menacing figure standing right in the middle of the basement hallway, blocking their path to the Hufflepuff Common Room.

“Miss Bones. Miss Abbott. Out after curfew,” Snape sneered. “Fifty points from Hufflepuff and a month’s-”

“We went to the kitchens,” Susan lied smoothly. Given the amount of time she had spent with Daphne, it was inevitable that she would pick up a skill or two. “All Hufflepuffs have express permission from Professor Sprout to go to the kitchen at any time of the day or night. She hates us being hungry. If you have a problem with that, you might want to take it up with her.”

Snape glowered. “I will,” he snarled, his eyes filled with anger and malice.

Susan started to move around him, only to be stopped in her tracks by his voice.

“Oh, and Miss Bones?”

Susan turned to look at Snape.

“You would be wise to remind your… friend of where her true loyalties lie. Potter will lead that silly girl to ruin. I hear she has an offer from Mister Malfoy as well. She might be wise to stop her silly games against the boy and think about her future.”

Susan’s eyes glinted dangerously. “The only problem with that professor,” she said sweetly. “Is that Mister Malfoy has neither the balls nor the gumption to handle Daphne Greengrass. Now, would you like me to give you some advice, professor?”

“What?!” Snape snapped, unable to believe he was failing to bully a Hufflepuff into doing his bidding.

“Stop slandering my girlfriend and stop bullying our boyfriends or I’ll write a very long and very detailed letter to Augusta Longbottom. As harsh as she can be, I hear she’s very protective of her grandson. It’ll be a shame if you were to be dragged in front of Wizengamot for your… silly games against a student,” Susan said politely, before grabbing Hannah’s hand and sauntering down to her Common Room.


A honey badger is all nice and cuddly... until you get up in her business. I feel like Hufflepuffs are incredibly brave when it comes to protecting their friends. Sorry for the later than usual update today, but this was a big chapter. But I feel like all parts were important to establish backgrounds and character motivations and more importantly, lay the groundwork for the next chapter, which will be Part One of the Yule Ball! Karkaroff will also make a return, and our gang will get a hint of the ominous rumblings on the horizon.



Is Snape's arc different here from the canon? Canonical Snape is an abusive dickwad, but after Voldemort he wasn't into blood mania was he? Would he really care about whether Daphne should get with Malfoy or not? Though I legitimately despise how Rowling "rescued" the man's character given that he's literally borderline child abuser and bully. So if he's just a straight asshole in the story I've got no issues. Also Susan's aunt is literally the chief law officer in the country. I feel like she should be threatening more people with that lol. Or atleast reminding some of the really violent ones what an auror investigation can do.


It's less about him being into blood mania and more about him wanting to screw Harry over in any way possible. I feel like there is also an element of him that feels like James 'stole' Lily from him, so he wants to make it as difficult for Harry to have a normal love life as possible. The fact that it's a student from 'his' house that is so visibly in love with Harry has to be doubly enraging.


Damn you knocked it out of the park on this one. Absolutely sexy, phenomenal job with the mood setting, and all capped off by an excellent salvo from Susan.

I am lord dems

Kinda hoping that the third part of James and Lily was naricissa and she still holds that flame and disliked Lucius. Cause I want to see her bang Harry in front of Draco

Brian Jordan

A tempting thought though Narcissa disliking Lucius doesn't mean harming Draco would be high on her list of interests.