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Hi! Firstly, I know I’m a little late but I think I forgot, so, Happy New Year!

Thanks to your incredible support, I have been able to increase the time I devote to writing.

As such, instead of the occasional Smutty Short Story, I can now publish a regular 2-3 Sizzling Hot Smutty Short Stories every month.

Unlike my longer stories, these will be 3500-7000 words long, single-chapter stories with heaps of smut and just a hint of plot to tie things together.

These will be uploaded on the 2nd and 3rd Tuesday of every month.

NOTES: There will be NO Change to the Upload Schedule of my Currently Ongoing Stories. These stories are not replacing anything, they’re just additional stuff I’m now able to write!

Generally, the New Upload Schedule will be:

Sunday: 1 Story Update.

Tuesday: 2 Story Updates (One of which will be an aforementioned extra smutty story).

Thursday: 2 Story Updates.

The Short Story Ships that are decided so far: (With a very short plot summary.)

Harry/Romilda: Harry punishes Romilda for trying to use a love potion on him.

Harry/Hermione: Hermione comes up with innovative ways to reward Harry for keeping his temper around Umbridge. (Since the Polls were essentially a tie, I’m following my practice of writing both ships that were close.)

Weekly Polls:

I’ve also increased the number of polls I hold to account for the increased number of stories I am writing. The polls will now be held every Monday.


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